12日の夕方 また 雷が 遠くの方で ゴロゴロと 鳴っていた。
そして 突然 大雨が降り出しました。
天気の急変に注意! です。
I heard the thunder grumbling in the distance and then it suddenly started to
shower in the evening on 12th.
The weather changes suddenly.
**鶏の炒め煮 Stir-fried and boiled chicken
**ウリと竹輪の煮物 Boiled gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
Stir-fried Manganji-temple green peppers and wienerwurst
**三度豆のゴマ和え Common beans dressed with sesame paste
**トマトときゅうりのサラダ Tomato and cucumber salad
Homemade pickled cucumber and eggplant
**具だくさん味噌汁 Miso soup with lots of ingredients
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
鶺鴒鳴 Sekirei-Naku
かつおのたたき Bonito sashimi
**かつおのたたき Bonito sashimi
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem dressed with miso and vinegar
**納豆、オクラ、大根おろし Natto, okra and grated daikon salad
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**味噌汁 Miso soup
**サツマイモご飯 Japanese Style steamed rice with sweet potato
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
牛肉と茄子の煮物 Boiled beef and eggplants
10日 夕方 雷がごろごろと鳴っていました。パソコンの電源切りました。
The thunder last evening was really loud. I shut down the computer.
**牛肉と茄子の煮物 Boiled beef and eggplants
Boiled mother tuber of a taro, taro stems and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**ウリとカニかまの酢の物 Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**自家製水茄子の漬け物 Homemade pickled Mizunasu
**具だくさん味噌汁 Miso soup with lots of ingredients
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
The thunder last evening was really loud. I shut down the computer.
**牛肉と茄子の煮物 Boiled beef and eggplants
Boiled mother tuber of a taro, taro stems and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**ウリとカニかまの酢の物 Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**自家製水茄子の漬け物 Homemade pickled Mizunasu
**具だくさん味噌汁 Miso soup with lots of ingredients
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
カレイの唐揚げ Deep-fried righteye flounder
9日 朝から ずっと曇り空で 昼からやっと日が射してきました。
It was cloudy in the morning and in the afternoon it was fine on 9th.
**カレイの唐揚げ Deep-fried righteye flounder
**ウリと竹輪の煮物 Boiled gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem with miso and vinegar
Natto, Jew's mallow and grated daikon salad
Cucumber and tomato dressed with olive oil
Steamed sweet potatoes instead of rice
They were delicious. Thank you.
It was cloudy in the morning and in the afternoon it was fine on 9th.
**カレイの唐揚げ Deep-fried righteye flounder
**ウリと竹輪の煮物 Boiled gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem with miso and vinegar
Natto, Jew's mallow and grated daikon salad
Cucumber and tomato dressed with olive oil
Steamed sweet potatoes instead of rice
They were delicious. Thank you.
一杯の野菜をもらいました。 Received a lot of vegetables
日曜日、妹から たくさんの野菜をもらいました。
いつものように 大阪に来る途中の産直店で 買ってきてくれました。♪
We received a lot of vegetables from my sister on Sunday.
As usual she bought them at the farmer's market on the way to Osaka.
*鶏の黒酢甘酢あん和え Stir-fried chicken with sweet and sour sauce of black vinegar
**親芋と竹輪の煮物 Boiled mother tuber of a taro and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**冷や奴、ニラダレで Chilled tofu with Chinese chive sauce
Stir-fried Chinese water spinach and clam with garlic
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you
台湾カステラ Taiwanese Castella
It's been a while since I baked an Taiwanese Castella.
正しい分量で焼きました。 間違って卵4個しか使っていません。
Baked in the correct ingredients Baked with only 4 eggs by mistake
1.サラダオイル 80ccは600wで1分加熱しておきます。60℃〜70℃ぐらい。
それに ふるった薄力粉100gを加え 粉っぽさが消えるまで 混ぜます。
2.1.に 600wで30秒加熱して 40度に温めた牛乳100ccを加えて 混ぜます。
3.2.に卵黄6個を3回ぐらいに分けて加え ホイッパーで混ぜます。
4.卵白6個を 途中 砂糖120gを3回ぐらいに分けて加えながら ゆるめのメレンゲにします。
5.3.に4.を3回ぐらいづつ 分けながら 泡を消さないように 混ぜ合わせます。
5.を流しいれ トントンとして空気を抜いてから
(さらに 竹串で 真ん中あたりをくるくるとすると平らになります)
60℃のお湯を張った天板にのせ 150℃に温めたオーブンで60分ぐらい焼きます。
7.焼けたら 型から外し 冷まします。
Taiwanese Castella (18cm square tin)
1. Put 100g cake flour in 60℃~70℃ salad oil which is microwaved 600w for 1min, and
mix them together with a whisk
2. Add 100cc-40℃-milk which is microwaved 600w for 30secs, into 1. slowly
3. Add 6 egg yolks into 2. and mix them together until smooth.
4. Whip 6 egg whites adding 120g sugar in three batches until stiff peak form(whisk 90%).
5. Mix 4. with 3. in three batches without breaking the bubbles.
6. Line the mold with baking parchment.
Pour 5. into it and deflate the mixture by slapping it.
Pour 60℃ warm water in a baking tray and set the oven 150℃.
Bake at 150℃ for 60 mins.
7. Remove the baking parchment and let it cool.
It's been a while since I baked an Taiwanese Castella.
正しい分量で焼きました。 間違って卵4個しか使っていません。
Baked in the correct ingredients Baked with only 4 eggs by mistake
1.サラダオイル 80ccは600wで1分加熱しておきます。60℃〜70℃ぐらい。
それに ふるった薄力粉100gを加え 粉っぽさが消えるまで 混ぜます。
2.1.に 600wで30秒加熱して 40度に温めた牛乳100ccを加えて 混ぜます。
3.2.に卵黄6個を3回ぐらいに分けて加え ホイッパーで混ぜます。
4.卵白6個を 途中 砂糖120gを3回ぐらいに分けて加えながら ゆるめのメレンゲにします。
5.3.に4.を3回ぐらいづつ 分けながら 泡を消さないように 混ぜ合わせます。
5.を流しいれ トントンとして空気を抜いてから
(さらに 竹串で 真ん中あたりをくるくるとすると平らになります)
60℃のお湯を張った天板にのせ 150℃に温めたオーブンで60分ぐらい焼きます。
7.焼けたら 型から外し 冷まします。
Taiwanese Castella (18cm square tin)
1. Put 100g cake flour in 60℃~70℃ salad oil which is microwaved 600w for 1min, and
mix them together with a whisk
2. Add 100cc-40℃-milk which is microwaved 600w for 30secs, into 1. slowly
3. Add 6 egg yolks into 2. and mix them together until smooth.
4. Whip 6 egg whites adding 120g sugar in three batches until stiff peak form(whisk 90%).
5. Mix 4. with 3. in three batches without breaking the bubbles.
6. Line the mold with baking parchment.
Pour 5. into it and deflate the mixture by slapping it.
Pour 60℃ warm water in a baking tray and set the oven 150℃.
Bake at 150℃ for 60 mins.
7. Remove the baking parchment and let it cool.
ゴーヤの肉詰め Stuffed bitter melon
朝夕 秋の気配を感じるようになりましたね。
Autumn is in the air in the morning and in the evening.
**ゴーヤの肉詰め Stuffed bitter melon
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**ゴーヤと牛肉のしぐれ煮 Simmered bitter melon and beef with sweet and salty sauce
**納豆、オクラ、大根おろし Natto, okra and grated daikon salad
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
Autumn is in the air in the morning and in the evening.
**ゴーヤの肉詰め Stuffed bitter melon
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**ゴーヤと牛肉のしぐれ煮 Simmered bitter melon and beef with sweet and salty sauce
**納豆、オクラ、大根おろし Natto, okra and grated daikon salad
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**豚汁 Pork miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.