30日 大阪は 晴れています。
気圧のせい? なんだか体がだるい。。。
It's fine in Osaka on 30th.
I feel unwell. Is it due to the atmospheric pressure?
**ハマチのカマの塩焼き Salt-grilled yellowtail collar
**モロヘイヤのお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow in broth
**冬瓜の煮物 Boiled wax gourd
**ウリとカニかまの酢の物 Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**赤だし Dark brown miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ジュノベーゼ(バジルソース) Genovese sauce
をミキサーにかけ ペースト状にして 小分けにして 冷凍します。
(10等分ぐらい(各大1ぐらい)にして ラップにくるんで冷凍保存)
I made Genovese sauce using dried basil again
Genovese sauce
Puree 3 to 4 tbsp dried basil powder, 40g cashew nuts, 3tbsp Parmesan cheese,
2tbsp anchovy paste, 2 cloves of garlic and 120cc olive oil with a blender.
Make it small portions(about 10g each) and keep them in the freezer.
奈良に♪ Went to Nara.♪
妹が29日朝、迎えに来てくれて 私たち3人は まず 奈良の道の駅に行き 採れたて野菜を買ってから
叔母の家に行き 玄米をもらって 精米所に行き 精米し 車に積み、
そして奈良町に行き 近藤豆腐でランチし おきまりの中谷堂で草餅を買い、
浮見堂では 心地よい風が吹いて 1日中ここに座っていたいと思いました。
妹が来月 白内障の手術で 保証人のサインが要るので 食事が来る間に署名する予定でしたが
二人ともすっかり忘れていて 帰り道 お腹いっぱいなのに レストランに寄り 署名しました。
台風が近づいてきていますが、雨に遭わず 曇り空と心地よい空気で 良い一日でした。
帰りのレストランから駐車場までは雨に遭いました。大阪に入ったら 晴れていました。
My sister picked up my husband and I in the morning on 29th.
We went to the farmer's shop in Nara first and bought some fresh vegetables.
Then we went to our aunt house. We took the brown rice to a rice mill to polish rice.
Loading the rice into a car and went to Nara-machi to have lunch.
My sister needs my signature on the consent form for the operation which will be next month.
and I signed it.
We enjoyed ourselves to the full.♪
近藤豆腐 Kondo-Tofu restaurant
豆腐尽しのお料理 all kinds of tofu dishes
六角形の浮見堂 Ukimi-Dou (it is hexagon)
I walked 8,500 steps.
叔母の家に行き 玄米をもらって 精米所に行き 精米し 車に積み、
そして奈良町に行き 近藤豆腐でランチし おきまりの中谷堂で草餅を買い、
浮見堂では 心地よい風が吹いて 1日中ここに座っていたいと思いました。
妹が来月 白内障の手術で 保証人のサインが要るので 食事が来る間に署名する予定でしたが
二人ともすっかり忘れていて 帰り道 お腹いっぱいなのに レストランに寄り 署名しました。
台風が近づいてきていますが、雨に遭わず 曇り空と心地よい空気で 良い一日でした。
帰りのレストランから駐車場までは雨に遭いました。大阪に入ったら 晴れていました。
My sister picked up my husband and I in the morning on 29th.
We went to the farmer's shop in Nara first and bought some fresh vegetables.
Then we went to our aunt house. We took the brown rice to a rice mill to polish rice.
Loading the rice into a car and went to Nara-machi to have lunch.
My sister needs my signature on the consent form for the operation which will be next month.
and I signed it.
We enjoyed ourselves to the full.♪
近藤豆腐 Kondo-Tofu restaurant
豆腐尽しのお料理 all kinds of tofu dishes
六角形の浮見堂 Ukimi-Dou (it is hexagon)
I walked 8,500 steps.
おからパウダー入り肉団子の甘酢あんかけ Sweet and sour meat and okara (tofu lees) balls
月末に奈良の叔母のところに行ってお米をもらう予定にしてましたが 台風の影響で
動きが遅そうなので 急遽(29)日にしました。
We are planning to go to Nara to see our aunt and receive rice.
But date hasn't been decided yet due to the typhoon.
The typhoon is very slow and we decided to go on 29th.
Sweet and sour meat and okara (tofu lees) balls
**春雨サラダ Vermicelli salad
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem dressed with miso and vinegar
**ウリと竹輪の煮物 Boiled gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**キャベツとウインナーの炒め物 Stir-fried cabbages and wienerwurst
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
天地始粛 Tenchi-Hajimete-Samushi
ブリと大根の煮物 Simmered yellowtail and daikon
台風が近づいていますが 27日、ここ大阪市内は 晴天です。
A typhoon is approaching. But here in Osaka, it is fine on 27th.
The first Japanese rolled omelet my husband cooked. He burnt it but the taste was good♪
**ブリと大根の煮物 Simmered yellowtail and daikon
**納豆と小松菜の卵焼き Japanese rolled omelet with natto and Japanese mustard spinach
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**きゅうりとミョウガの酢の物 Cucumber and Japanese ginger with sweetened vinegar
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**具だくさんの味噌汁 Miso soup loaded with ingredients
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
A typhoon is approaching. But here in Osaka, it is fine on 27th.
The first Japanese rolled omelet my husband cooked. He burnt it but the taste was good♪
**ブリと大根の煮物 Simmered yellowtail and daikon
**納豆と小松菜の卵焼き Japanese rolled omelet with natto and Japanese mustard spinach
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**きゅうりとミョウガの酢の物 Cucumber and Japanese ginger with sweetened vinegar
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
**具だくさんの味噌汁 Miso soup loaded with ingredients
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
豚ヘレカツとポテトコロッケ Pork fillet cutlet and Japanese potato croquette
26日は 曇り空が 急に風を伴う大雨になり 直ぐ止み 今度は 青空ときらきら輝く太陽が出て。。。
It was cloudy but suddenly it started rain with wind violently and stopped. Then the sun was shining on 26th..
The typhoon effects....?!!
The weather was unstable.
**豚ヘレカツとポテトコロッケ Pork fillet cutlet and Japanese potato croquette
**モロヘイヤのお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow in broth
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem dressed with miso and vinegar
**ひじきの煮物 Simmered hijiki seaweed
**きゅうりとキクラゲの酢の物 Cucumber and Jew's ear with sweetened vinegar
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
It was cloudy but suddenly it started rain with wind violently and stopped. Then the sun was shining on 26th..
The typhoon effects....?!!
The weather was unstable.
**豚ヘレカツとポテトコロッケ Pork fillet cutlet and Japanese potato croquette
**モロヘイヤのお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow in broth
**ズイキの酢味噌和え Taro stem dressed with miso and vinegar
**ひじきの煮物 Simmered hijiki seaweed
**きゅうりとキクラゲの酢の物 Cucumber and Jew's ear with sweetened vinegar
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
エビチリ Shrimp with chili sauce
**エビチリ Shrimp with chili sauce
**切り干し大根の酢の物 Dried strips of daikon radish with sweetened vinegar
**竹輪とウリの煮物 Boiled tube-shaped fish paste cake and gourd
**モロヘイヤのお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow in broth
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with many kinds of vegetables
**具だくさんのお味噌汁 Miso soup brimming with ingredients
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
牛肉のエスニックサラダ Ethnic beef salad
**牛肉のエスニックサラダ Ethnic beef salad
**小松菜と竹輪の煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**ウリとカニかまの酢の物 Gourd and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
**納豆、オクラ、大根おろし Natto, okra and grated daikon salad
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.