処暑 Shosho
8月22日 ごろ。
『 』 「暦生活」より抜粋
Around August 22.
Manageable heat.
追いついた♪ I caught up♪
使い慣れたパソコンがあるのは 良いです。 しみじみ思っています♪
I missed two days. I caught up on usual things.
It is good to have a computer which is used to use♪♪
I feel keenly♪
**フライドチキン Fried chicken
**春雨の中華サラダ Chinese glass noodle salad
Natto, okra, Jew's mallow and grated daikon salad
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
使い慣れたパソコンがあるのは 良いです。 しみじみ思っています♪
I missed two days. I caught up on usual things.
It is good to have a computer which is used to use♪♪
I feel keenly♪
**フライドチキン Fried chicken
**春雨の中華サラダ Chinese glass noodle salad
Natto, okra, Jew's mallow and grated daikon salad
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
豆乳湯豆腐 Boiled tofu with soy milk
**豆乳湯豆腐 Boiled tofu with soy milk
Stir-fried asparagus and bacon
**ウリとちくわの煮物 Boiled gourd and tube-shaped fish paste cake
Boiled okra and Jew's mallow in broth
Cucumber and tomato salad
**コーンスープ Corn soup
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
昆布〆はまちのマリネ Marinated young yellowtail which was marinated between sheets of kelp
古いPC(ウインドウズ7)を起動したら ブログ書けました♪ が、画像が取り込めませんでした。
画像は 後ほど 貼り付けることにします。
I started my old laptop(windows 7) and I managed to send my daily blogs.
But I couldn't put the photos in.
I'll attach them after my pc came back.
Anyway, I am happy to send blogs.
My PC came home.♪ on 21st.
I was able to import photos from my smart phone♪
Marinated young yellowtail which was marinated between sheets of kelp
**昆布としいたけの煮物 Simmered kelp and shiitake mushrooms
Cucumber, imitation crab meat and Japanese ginger with sweetened vinegar
**納豆、オクラ、大根おろし Natto, okra and grated daikon salad
**アサリの炊き込みご飯 Clam rice
**味噌汁 Miso soup
**いろいろ野菜のサラダ Salad of various kinds of vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
画像は 後ほど 貼り付けることにします。
I started my old laptop(windows 7) and I managed to send my daily blogs.
But I couldn't put the photos in.
I'll attach them after my pc came back.
Anyway, I am happy to send blogs.
My PC came home.♪ on 21st.
I was able to import photos from my smart phone♪
Marinated young yellowtail which was marinated between sheets of kelp
**昆布としいたけの煮物 Simmered kelp and shiitake mushrooms
Cucumber, imitation crab meat and Japanese ginger with sweetened vinegar
**納豆、オクラ、大根おろし Natto, okra and grated daikon salad
**アサリの炊き込みご飯 Clam rice
**味噌汁 Miso soup
**いろいろ野菜のサラダ Salad of various kinds of vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
パソコン入院中 My pc is in the hospital
パソコン 数日 修理屋さんに入院です。
なおりしだい 投稿します。
My PC is in the hospital (repair shop)
It will take a few days.
I will post blogs as soon as possible.
なおりしだい 投稿します。
My PC is in the hospital (repair shop)
It will take a few days.
I will post blogs as soon as possible.
揚げ春巻きとカニかまアスパラ巻き Fried spring rolls and imitation crab meat and asparagus rolls
Fried spring rolls and imitation crab meat and asparagus rolls
**モロヘイヤのお浸し Boiled Jew's mallow in broth
Cucumber and Japanese ginger dressed with pickled plum paste
**大根と竹輪の煮物 Boiled daikon and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.