菜の花のペペロンチーノ Spaghetti aglio e olio with canola flower
**菜の花のペペロンチーノ Spaghetti aglio e olio with canola flower
**小松菜と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and Satsuma-age
**カブの甘酢和え Turnip dressed with sweetened vinegar
**セリのお浸し Boiled dropwort in broth
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables with chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ひな祭り Hinamatsuri
3日 は 小学校区の 爽快ウォークで 長居のヤンマースタジアムをウォーキングするはずでした。
昨年 歩き方とか 靴の履きかたとか 教えてもらえて 楽しかったので
参加したいと思っていましたが 昨日の疲れが取れず
自宅で のんびりしています。
Today we were planning to join the walking at Yanmar stadium Nagai.
We learned how to walk, wear shoes and so on last year and we enjoyed very much.
But I have not recovered from my fatigue yet.
I just want to take it easy and relax.
超略式 雛飾り an informal way of dolls
ひな祭りらしく ちらし寿司を と思っていたようですが、
握りが好きなので にぎり寿司に♪ 良い、良い♪
My husband was making Chirashi-sushi for the doll's day. but I(we) like Nigiri-sushi
So he made it. Good Choice♪♪
**にぎり寿司 Nigirizushi
**レンコンとごぼうの唐揚げ Fried lotus roots and burdocks
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
**大根の葉と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled daikon leaves and Satsuma-age
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**赤だし Dark-brown miso soup
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
昨年 歩き方とか 靴の履きかたとか 教えてもらえて 楽しかったので
参加したいと思っていましたが 昨日の疲れが取れず
自宅で のんびりしています。
Today we were planning to join the walking at Yanmar stadium Nagai.
We learned how to walk, wear shoes and so on last year and we enjoyed very much.
But I have not recovered from my fatigue yet.
I just want to take it easy and relax.
超略式 雛飾り an informal way of dolls
ひな祭りらしく ちらし寿司を と思っていたようですが、
握りが好きなので にぎり寿司に♪ 良い、良い♪
My husband was making Chirashi-sushi for the doll's day. but I(we) like Nigiri-sushi
So he made it. Good Choice♪♪
**にぎり寿司 Nigirizushi
**レンコンとごぼうの唐揚げ Fried lotus roots and burdocks
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
**大根の葉と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled daikon leaves and Satsuma-age
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**赤だし Dark-brown miso soup
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
マカロニグラタン Macaroni au gratin
土曜日は 区のリサイクルフェスタのお手伝いをしてきました。
他の地区の役員の方と知り合え 楽しかったですが、すごく疲れました。
I helped reuse festival of our ward.
I was very tired but it was fun.
**マカロニグラタン Macaroni au gratin
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Grated daikon, white radish sprout and tube-shaped fish paste cake with ponzu
Swiss chard dressed with olive oil
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
他の地区の役員の方と知り合え 楽しかったですが、すごく疲れました。
I helped reuse festival of our ward.
I was very tired but it was fun.
**マカロニグラタン Macaroni au gratin
Cucumber, wakame and imitation crab meat with sweetened vinegar
Grated daikon, white radish sprout and tube-shaped fish paste cake with ponzu
Swiss chard dressed with olive oil
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
お酒のお友達 Bar snacks
のブログで知り 作って見ました。
スキレットの後片付けが面倒だったので フライパンにごま油を入れ キムチを炒め、
絹豆腐とスープを入れて煮たら 器に入れ 卵を割り落とし レンチンで半熟にしました。
Stir fry Kimchi with sesame oil and put some tofu and soup and then bring it to boil.
Put it into bowl(s). Put an egg in each bowl and microwave until the egg is cooked.
検査結果 Results from the hospital
夫の 検査結果のため 付き添いで病院に行ってきました。
結果 どこも問題無し でした♪
I went to the hospital with my husband this morning getting his results from the hospital
Nothing abnormal detected♪
I am sorry to have worried you.
We are so relieved.
**鯛のあら炊き Simmered sea bream head and skin-on meat
**大根の葉と竹輪の煮物 Boiled daikon leaves and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**菊芋の唐揚げ Fried Jerusalem artichoke
**子持ち高菜の酢味噌和え Tsubomina dressed with sweetened vinegar
**ブロッコリーのマヨ和え Broccoli dressed with mayonnaise
**赤だし Dark brown miso soup
**ごはん Rice
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
牛肉と根菜の煮物 Simmered beef and root vegetables
昨日(29日)朝、 遠くのお肉が売りのスーパー を 検索していたら、
いきなり 「トロイの木馬」が侵入。
画面一杯に 「あなたのコンピューターは〜〜」と広告と警告。
強制終了をして 知っている 動作をしましたが、出来なかったので
プロバイダーに電話して 操作してもらい 復旧しました。
最近 巧みになって、 このスーパーにも潜り込んでいるようだと、おっしゃってました。
検索するのが すこし怖いです。
It's a bit chilly today too.
Yesterday (29th), my computer was entered by virus while I was searching a flyer of
a certain supermarket.
I couldn't delete the virus by myself so I called web hosting provider,
It's been resolved.
He said that recently the virus enters these sites to cheat.
I'm a bit afraid of searching .
**牛肉と根菜の煮物 Simmered beef and root vegetables
**きゅうりとワカメの酢の物 Cucumber and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**菜の花の酢味噌和え Colza blossoms dressed with vinegar and miso
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
草木萠動 Soumoku-Mebae-Izuru
煮麺 Nyumen
2月は もう終りです。
休日が2日もあり 29日しかないけど、丁寧に過ごせたと思います
February has already passed.
There was 2 holidays and only 29days in Feb. It was a good month.
**煮麺 Nyumen
(soup of somen noodles and various ingredients in a soy sauce broth)
**こんにゃくの含め煮 Boiled konjak
**子持ち高菜の酢味噌和え Tsubomina dressed with sweetened vinegar
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
**チキン入り色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.