霜止出苗 Shimo-Yamite-Nae-Izuru
4月25日 から 4月29日 ごろ。
Around April 25 to April 29.
Late spring
Last frost, rice seedlings grow.
鶏のステーキ、甘辛だれで Chicken steak with sweet and salty sauce
鶏のステーキの皮は たれが付いていて一番美味しいのでしょうが、
皮は好きではない(カリカリだと食べれます)ので 夫のお皿に移動。
The skin of chicken steak must be the most delicious part with the sauce
I do not like skins and gave the skin to my husband.
**鶏のステーキ、甘辛だれで Chicken steak with sweet and salty sauce
**冷や奴と山の芋、ニラだれで Cold tofu and Chinese yam with Chinese chive sauce
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**大根と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled daikon and Satsuma-age
**色々野菜とカニかまのサラダ Salad with various vegetables and imitation crab meat
**自家製茄子の漬け物とたくわん Homemade pickled eggplant and yellow pickled radish
**具だくさんの味噌汁 Miso soup with loaded with ingredients
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
皮は好きではない(カリカリだと食べれます)ので 夫のお皿に移動。
The skin of chicken steak must be the most delicious part with the sauce
I do not like skins and gave the skin to my husband.
**鶏のステーキ、甘辛だれで Chicken steak with sweet and salty sauce
**冷や奴と山の芋、ニラだれで Cold tofu and Chinese yam with Chinese chive sauce
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**大根と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled daikon and Satsuma-age
**色々野菜とカニかまのサラダ Salad with various vegetables and imitation crab meat
**自家製茄子の漬け物とたくわん Homemade pickled eggplant and yellow pickled radish
**具だくさんの味噌汁 Miso soup with loaded with ingredients
**十六穀米入りご飯 Rice with 16 different kinds of cereals
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.