桜湯(桜茶) Cherry blossom tea
Cherry blossom tea.
塩をふるい落としてから 熱湯あるいはお茶を注ぎます。
桜の香りが うれしい。
Shaking off the salt and put it into a tea cup and pour hot water.
Wait till the pink petals are unfurl and float.
Enjoy the refreshing aroma.
高菜と豚肉と厚揚の豆板醤炒め Stir-fried leaf mustard, pork and thick deep-fried tofu with chili bean sauce
Stir-fried leaf mustard, pork and thick deep-fried tofu with chili bean sauce
**2種の大根の甘酢和え Two kinds of daikon with sweetened vinegar
**カブの葉の炒め物 Stir-fried leaves of turnip
**菊芋の唐揚げ Fried Jerusalem artichoke
**色々野菜のサラダ A salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.