昨日、妹から 目の手術はうまくいき、病室でくつろいでいると ラインが来ました♪
I got a message from my sister yesterday that the operation went well.
I am relieved to hear that.
**鮭と大根の煮物 Simmered salmon and daikon
**小松菜と薩摩揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and Satsuma-age
**菊芋の甘酢和え Jerusalem artichoke with sweetened vineger
**茄子の味噌田楽 Grilled eggplant with sweet miso paste
**キャベツとハムのサラダ Cabbage and ham salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
晴天 A blue sky
旬の物 Seasonal ingredients
Firefly squid is a seasonal ingredient♪
**ホタルイカの酢味噌 Firefly squid with miso and vinegar
**ホタルイカの炊き込みご飯 Japanese mixed rice with firefly squid
**豚の生姜焼き grilled pork
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**春雨サラダ Glass noodle salad
**なめたけ入りの豚汁 Pork soup with nametake mushrooms
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
Firefly squid is a seasonal ingredient♪
**ホタルイカの酢味噌 Firefly squid with miso and vinegar
**ホタルイカの炊き込みご飯 Japanese mixed rice with firefly squid
**豚の生姜焼き grilled pork
**ホウレンソウのお浸し Boiled spinach in broth
**春雨サラダ Glass noodle salad
**なめたけ入りの豚汁 Pork soup with nametake mushrooms
**色々野菜のサラダ Salad with various vegetables
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
鴻雁北 Kougan-Kaeru
鮭のちゃんちゃん焼き Grilled salmon and vegetables with miso and butter
ここのところ 快晴が無く 曇り空が続いています。
Cloudy skies have continued of late.
I want to see a cloudless blue sky.
**鮭のちゃんちゃん焼き Grilled salmon and vegetables with miso and butter
**ネギとイカのぬた Welsh onion and squid dressed with vinegar and miso paste
**菊芋の甘酢和え Jerusalem artichoke with sweetened vinegar
**里芋の煮っ転がし Simmered taro with sweet soy sauce
**キャベツのサラダ Cabbage salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
Cloudy skies have continued of late.
I want to see a cloudless blue sky.
**鮭のちゃんちゃん焼き Grilled salmon and vegetables with miso and butter
**ネギとイカのぬた Welsh onion and squid dressed with vinegar and miso paste
**菊芋の甘酢和え Jerusalem artichoke with sweetened vinegar
**里芋の煮っ転がし Simmered taro with sweet soy sauce
**キャベツのサラダ Cabbage salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
ニラ餃子 Fried garlic chive dumplings
My friend, T-chan sent me some pictures of cherry blossoms.
They are beautiful.
An unusual combination, Chinese dishes or Japanese dishes (lol)
**ニラ餃子 Fried garlic chive dumplings
**海老チャーハン Fried rice with shrimp
**肉団子入り中華スープ Meat ball soup
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Bamboo sprouts dressed with a leaf bud of Japanese pepper and miso
Cucumber, imitation crab meat and wakame with sweetened vinegar
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
My friend, T-chan sent me some pictures of cherry blossoms.
They are beautiful.
An unusual combination, Chinese dishes or Japanese dishes (lol)
**ニラ餃子 Fried garlic chive dumplings
**海老チャーハン Fried rice with shrimp
**肉団子入り中華スープ Meat ball soup
**小松菜と薄揚げの煮物 Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and thin deep-fried tofu
Bamboo sprouts dressed with a leaf bud of Japanese pepper and miso
Cucumber, imitation crab meat and wakame with sweetened vinegar
Salad with various vegetables and chicken
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.
アイムドーナツ??? I'm donut???
最近話題になっている ドーナツ 「アイムドーナツ?」を食べてみたく
が、レシピを見つけたので 参考にして作ってみました。
→だんどり亭 さん
I want to eat the donut "I'm donut?"
I searched on the internet but there's not any store in Osaka.
But I found the recipe
1.カボチャ40gはレンチンして柔らかくし マッシュします。
3.粉を振った台に出し、空気抜きして 6等分に丸めて 40℃で 35分 発酵。
4.油で 2分ほど揚げ、
1. Microwave 40g pumpkin then mash.
2. Set 150g bread flour, pumpkin, 40cc milk, 2tsp mirin, 1 egg, 20g butter,
a pinch of salt and 1tsp dry yeast in a bread baking machine.
Start with "DOUGH"
3. Remove 2. on to the floured table and punch.
Divide it into 6 pieces and make 6 balls.
Let the dough rise in the oven 40℃ for 35 mins.
4. Deep fry for 2 mins.
5. Let them cool down and sprinkle powdered sugar.
肉じゃが Meat and potatoes stew
桜のういろう Steamed cake with cherry blossoms
ネットを参考にして 作ってみました。
1.桜の花の塩漬け16個 は 水に漬けて 塩抜きします。
2.その水50ccぐらいと 水を足して 200ccにし(味見すること)、
3.食紅少々、小麦粉100g、上白糖100gと よく混ぜ、
6.16等分して 桜の花を飾ります。
Steamed cake with cherry blossoms
(Japanese steamed cake = Uiro : Traditional Japanese steaed cake made from
rice flour(or flour) and sugar)
1. Soak 16 salted cherry blossoms in water to remove salt.
2. Make 200cc water with the salted water 50cc + water(taste it)
and add red food coloring to make it light pink.
3. Add 100g plain flour and 100g caster sugar. Mix them well.
4.Strain 3.
5. Pour 4. into a vessel wet with water.
6. Cut it into 16 pieces and decorate with cherry blossoms.
1.桜の花の塩漬け16個 は 水に漬けて 塩抜きします。
2.その水50ccぐらいと 水を足して 200ccにし(味見すること)、
3.食紅少々、小麦粉100g、上白糖100gと よく混ぜ、
6.16等分して 桜の花を飾ります。
Steamed cake with cherry blossoms
(Japanese steamed cake = Uiro : Traditional Japanese steaed cake made from
rice flour(or flour) and sugar)
1. Soak 16 salted cherry blossoms in water to remove salt.
2. Make 200cc water with the salted water 50cc + water(taste it)
and add red food coloring to make it light pink.
3. Add 100g plain flour and 100g caster sugar. Mix them well.
4.Strain 3.
5. Pour 4. into a vessel wet with water.
6. Cut it into 16 pieces and decorate with cherry blossoms.
ベーコンとアスパラガスのオイスターマヨ炒め Stir-fried bacon and asparagus with oyster sauce and mayonnaise
Stir-fried bacon and asparagus with oyster sauce and mayonnaise
Edible chrysanthemum and thin deep-fried tofu with olive oil
Boiled Japanese mustard spinach and tube-shaped fish paste cake
Cucumber, imitation crab meat and wakame with sweetened vinegar
**カボチャのサラダ Pumpkin salad
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.