Today’s annual Earth Day Doodle addresses one of the most pressing topics of our time: climate change.
Using real @time-lapse imagery from Google Earth Timelapse and other sources, the Doodle shows the impact of climate change across four different locales around our planet. Stay tuned throughout the day to view these scenes, each remaining on the homepage for several hours at a time.
Boggisはアンティークのディーラー。自らを聖職者で、president of the Society for the Preservation of Rare Furnitureを名乗ることで格安で価値ある家具を手に入れて、売る商売をしている。 ある日、Claud, Bert, and Rumminsの3人がいる農家の家でチッペンデール様式の箪笥を見つける。 箪笥の脚だけが必要なんだと、3人を説得し売らせることに成功する。 だがClaudらは、Boggisの車には箪笥は入らないのではないかと考え・・・・。
After spending World War II in the Air Force, ex-Colonel Joe Barrett returns to Tokyo to see if there is anything left of his pre-war bar and gambling joint, Tokyo Joe's. Amazingly, it is more or less intact and being run by his old friend Ito. Joe is shocked to learn from Ito that his wife Trina, whom he thought had died in the war, is still alive. She has divorced Joe and is married to Mark Landis, a lawyer working in the American occupation of Japan. She has a seven-year-old child named Anya. To stay in Japan after his visitor's permit expires in 60 days, Joe wants to set up an airline freight franchise, but he needs financial backing. Through Ito, Joe meets Baron Kimura, former head of the Japanese secret police. Kimura offers to finance a small airline business that will carry frozen frogs for export to North and South America, even though Joe believes Kimura is going to use the airline as a front, carrying penicillin, saccharine, and pearls. ・・・・・
Humphrey Bogart as Joseph 'Joe' Barrett ハンフリー・ボガート Alexander Knox as Mark Landis レクサンダー・ノックス Florence Marly as Trina Pechinkov Landis フローレンス・マリー Sessue Hayakawa as Baron Kimura 早川雪洲 Jerome Courtland as Danny ジェローム・コートランド Gordon Jones as Idaho ゴードン・ジョーンズ Teru Shimada as Ito 島田テル Hideo Mori as Kanda Charles Meredith as General Ireton チャールズ・メレディス Rhys Williams as Colonel Dahlgren リース・ウィリアムズ Lora Lee Michel as Anya ローラ・リー・ミシェル