ロシア国 発言はみな 嘘ばかり 決めつけて聞く NEWS情報
The Russian ambassador to Japan is a representative figure.(200)
東京で マラソン大会 賑やかに ウクライナでは この時も血が
Is this all right for Japanese people?(199)
侵略を 受けて苦しむ ウクライナ 世界中から 支援の絆
People all over the world are sending ale to Ukrainians.(198)
国連の 非難決議を 棄権する 中国印度は 別なる人類
I don't think they are human beings living in the same era.(197)
パラ五輪 侵略戦争 進行中 出場するのか それでいいのか
On the day of the Para Olympics, a Japanese female athlete smiles and answers the interview.
She is too selfish.
There are people in Ukraine whose lives are at stake at this very moment.
At the very least, you should ask what it means to participate.(196)
プーチンは 狂気の人と SNS ロシアの人も 伝え始める
Please stop this Putin war by the Russian people.(195)
プーチンを 天才と言う トランプを 大統領にした 狂ったアメリカ
It's better to say that Putin is ill.(194)
こんな時 パラリンピックは 止めるべき そう考える人 わたし一人か
The Paralympics should only be held during peaceful times.(193)
自らの 墓穴を掘った プーチン氏 ドイツまでもが 態度を変える
Until now, Germany has been a country where both the country and its citizens feel familiar with Russia.(192)
プーチンの 命運尽きる ウクライナ AAA戦犯 投獄が決まる
He is crazy.(191)
トランプが 天才と言う プーチンに ウクライナ人が 一歩も引かず
I support Ukraine.(190)
日没に あともう少し 山の中 お天道様に 鳥が囀ずる
It's like a child telling his mother what's happening today.(189)
難癖を つけて侵略 ロシア国 安倍晋三は 穴を探すか
If there is no hole, you can dig it.(188)
野蛮国 ロシアは今も 野蛮国 核武装する 野蛮大国
Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine does not seem to be sane.
There is no future for Russian President Vladimir Putin.(187)
プーチンと ヤバい関係 安倍晋三 盛り掛け桜に ダメの上塗り
Shinzo Abe proved himself to be an uncertain politician.(186)
国連は ずっと前から 形だけ ロシア中国 身中の虫
The United Nations is powerless to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.(185)
彼岸まで 25日の 昼下り 川の畔で 弁当を食う
I heard that the weather will be like spring this weekend.
I can't wait.(184)
あのくらい 憎まれないと 一国を 守れない程 世界は危うい
Russian President Vladimir Putin, the worst villain in the world after World War II.
What is happening now is not just about opposition to Ukraine's accession to NATO.(183)
嘆かわし 宮澤だとか 鈴木とか 世襲政治が 国を亡ぼす
Abe, Aso, and Koizumi are all hereditary congressman.
Such people monopolize national politics.
The country dies.(182)
温暖化? どこ吹く風の 低気温 今年の冬は 体に沁みる
(It's cold) ♬ On days when it's hard to live ~ ♬(181)
玉木さん 自民党に 摺り寄った 野党の矜持 捨てて賛成
The presence of Rengo(=Confederation) in support of this party jeopardizes this country.(180)
氷上に 見とれて座る 椅子の上 ティッシュペーパー 潰れる音が
Whose acting was it?
There was such a thing.(179)
女の子 大学入試 カンニング アナウンサーに なるためだとか
The cause is the motive of such vanity.(178)
娘から バレンタインデーの チョコレート 焼酎の肴に チビチビつまむ
I'm happy with the chocolate I got from my daughter.(177)
城山の 鐘聞こえ来る 愛宕山 歩み緩めて 一首詠わん
The bell of Shiroyama written by Bokusui Wakayama.
Since there are no obstacles between the mountains, the sound of the bell can be heard clearly.(176)
寒い日に 静電気ビリビリで スネゲ立つ 着替えの時に 思わず失笑
I say sorry for the leg hair.(175)
もう既に ロシアの侵攻 進んでいる 今も野蛮な 北の隣国
The Japanese must not forget that Russia made Japan at the end of World War II.
Shinzo Abe is an incredible politician who doesn't know it.(174)
上手いねー 流石にスイス カーリング 準決勝で ショットが冴える
However, the Japanese girls won the semi-finals.(173)
You Tube 音楽聴いて カーリング 準決勝は 勝ちが見えたぞ
Curling games have a long time.(172)
高木美帆 良かったよかった 金メダル 貴女のことは 神は見ていた
God often overlooks it ...(171)
ガルージン? いつまでロシアに 騙される 亡国放送? BSTBS
I can't trust the Russian ambassador to Japan who is fluent in Japanese.(170)
生きるのが 面倒くさく なっていく 年取ることは そう言うことか
The body is weakening.
That's why it's getting harder to live.
How can I enjoy it?(169)
男児とは 好悪のことは 言わぬもの 胸に収めて 黙って生きる
The man is silent and Sapporo beer!
There was such a TV commercial.(168)
懐かしい 五輪シーンの 数々を 見せられるほど 別の思いが
In other words, I lived too long.(167)
ベートーベン 交響曲 六番を 部屋の灯りを 暗くして聴く
Even Japanese people listen to Beethoven.(166)
真夜中に ペットボトルが 凹む音 半分入れた 空気が萎む
A plastic bottle with half the water makes a noise in the middle of the night.
The temperature in the room drops and the air in the plastic bottle shrinks.(165)
五輪視て 銭形平治に 切り替える 江戸の風情が 心安らか
Winter sports are set in snow and ice, so movement is radical.
To be honest, I don't get used to it.(164)
数々の ドラマの末の 最終編 強者共の 夢のまた夢
The players overcame many difficulties before reaching the stage of the Olympics.(163)
遠からず 安倍晋三が カムバック そんな悪夢を 見せられる日々
Japanese politics is still second-rate.
No, it may be third-rate.(162)
エンド数 進みましたる カーリング 健闘するも 強いデンマーク
The game is in progress, but the Japanese curling team against Denmark is struggling.(161)
出がらしの 茶を楽しんで カーリング 布団の中で デンマーク戦
Curling takes more time than a marathon.
Enjoy patiently.(160)
凍りつく 部屋を温め 灯油焚く 二つの容器 空っぽになる
It's not a matter of money.(159)
小さくて パワフルに滑る 日本女子 アイスホッケー これぞ撫子
They are smaller than the players of any foreign team in the competition.
It's small and cute, but it's strong.(158)
その時を 固唾を飲んで テレビ前 羽生結弦は 如何に滑るか
Beyond likes and dislikes, this person's existence is great.(157)
代々の 厚労大臣 無能なり 今も積み置く 課題山なり
A former minister named Murata is on TV.
He is completely unconvincing.
I change channels.(156)
IOCと バッハと中国 ノーグッド この催しは 別の何かに
IOC is no good.
Mankind should create another competition to replace the Olympics.(155)
長ければ 実があるとは 限らない マクロンさんの ポーズ外交
President Macron's visit to Russia is useless.
It doesn't mean anything.
Only pose.(154)
明日からの 天気予報に 安堵する 最高気温が 10℃を超える
The pain of others can be patient for 100 years.
The train is not moving in Hokkaido due to snow.
The garbage wagon doesn't move either.(153)
謝罪文 これぞ正しく 日本人 高梨沙羅は 愛すべき人
Takanashi was disqualified.
The Olympics became out of self-control, including the presence of Mr. Bach.(152)
北風が ガタゴト鳴らす 冬の夜は 首まで布団 たくしあげて寝る
♬ When you are sleeping alone, a flirtatious night wind hits the door and calls you.♬ (151)
出がらしの 茶を楽しんで 土曜日の 夜に五輪の 競技楽しむ
Have you ever enjoyed weak tea (made from used leaves)?(150)
一日に どれだけ引けば 英和辞書 国語辞書ほど 分かる迄には
I don't look up so many English-Japanese dictionaries, and even if I look up many, English is difficult.(149)
当面は 痘痕(中国)忘れて アスリート 渾身のプレー 楽しむとする
I hate both the IOC and China.
But I'm impressed by the athletes who work hard.
Mr. Bach is a cunning man.(148)
布団から 首だけ出して テレビ聴く 立春の日から 三日目の朝
It's cold this winter.
I know it's cold in winter, but it's cold.(147)
もしかして 三連覇など したならば 羽生結弦は 伝説になる
I personally don't like him very much.
But if he wins the Olympics three times in a row, it's a legend.(146)
さあ寝よう 明日は明日の 風が吹く 海路の日和は 天に任せて
If you are alive, your worries are endless.
A long time ago, the song "Que Sera Sera" became popular.
♬ I don't know what's going on, ♬
There was also such a song.
♬ Tomorrow's wind will blow tomorrow ♬
There is also a saying, "I will do my best to wait for my destiny."(145)
山肌に 雲のはしりの 水蒸気 宙に集めて また雨降らす
There are many rainy days in winter this year.
There is not much rainfall, but there are many rainy and cloudy days.
I can see water vapor rising on the mountain surface and rising to the sky.(144)
あちこちに 盛上りたる 土竜塚 固く締まった 道も構わず
I rarely see moles even though I live in the country.
I often see raccoon dogs, but I don't see moles.
At first glance, it is a hard soil road, but there are many small piles of soil pushed up by the mole.(143)
パンパンと テニスボールを 弾く音 中学生の クラブ活動
One of my several walking paths runs very close to junior high school.
I often take a walk after school.
The tennis court cannot be seen directly from the walking path, but I can hear a cute voice and the sound of hitting the ball.
At that time, I remember a long time ago.(142)
自らを 既に判らない 菅直人 老害政治家 此処に至れり
The Constitutional Democratic Party cannot replace the Liberal Democratic Party.(141)
唯一人 住む屋根の下 見るテレビ 木村好雄の ギターが沁みる
I visited Madrid, Spain when I was young.
At that time, I visited the flamenco performance venue.
I was surprised that flamenco songs resemble Japanese folk songs.
Dancers dance flamenco to the guitar and singing.
I think the flamenco was born out of the daily life of the gypsy.
Yoshio Kimura's guitar also has a melancholy that exudes from the Japanese DNA.(140)
そんなもの もう半世紀 食ってない 日本の海に アサリは見ない
I'm sorry, but most of the clams(asari) are from China.
I don't eat clams because I think so.(139)
熟と 歳をとったと 自覚する 次から次と 衰えていく
The function of the body declines one after another.
I am calmly watching the process.
Perhaps it is blissful.(138)
歩くにも 具合如何と 足腰に 聞かねばならぬ 時の覚悟を
Everyone knows that exercising is good for everyone.
Many people are physically handicapped and unable to exercise even if they want to exercise.
People who can exercise now do not know the future.(137)
雨宿り そんな言葉が あったこと 我がはらからは もう忘れたか
It seems that "amayadori(=taking shelter from rain)" has already become a dead word.
Today's Japanese do not take shelter from the rain even if it rains in the middle of their destination.
Even if your body gets wet without taking shelter from the rain, you will continue to aim for your destination.
Imagine it.
Raindrops fall from the eaves of a house that shelters from the rain.
Raindrops dig a hole in the soil.
I can no longer see such an atmosphere.
In the first place, the word "amadare(=raindrop)" became a dead word.(136)
年々と 冬の寒さが 辛くなる その内いつか 生きるの止める
In winter, the activity of life becomes weak.
Both bears and frogs hibernate during this season.
Both grass and trees die.
Winter is a difficult season for the debilitated old man.
I will surrender to winter someday.(135)
田村など しかしかむねが よく喋る You, get back! Incompetent!
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has made many mischiefs in the past.
It's so poor that I can't help but laugh at this corona disaster.
Mr. Tamura who was the minister there.
I can't hear this person.(134)
今朝も亦 北のミサイル 放たれた 潰すしかない 狂犬国家
The mismanagement of two US presidents, Obama and Trump, continued.
There is no choice but to crush it.
But now it's Biden.(133)
ご乱心 バッハ会長 銅像が 五輪北京に 建ったと聞いた
It seems that a statue of Mr. Bach, the president of the IOC, was built in Beijing.
Neither the Chinese government nor Mr. Bach is ashamed.(132)
口紅を 薄く差すとき 色香立つ ほんの僅かな 心遣いで
The Japanese express the act of applying lipstick to the lips as "sasu".
The fact that the sun shines is expressed as "sasu".
A slight crimson on the lips gives the woman a sensual appeal.(131)
バイデンが 無能なことは 分かっていた 日本に居てさえ こうなることを
At first glance, US President Joe Biden looks like a smart person.
But US President Joe Biden seems incompetent.
To me, the Secretary of State looks like the same type of man as the President.
The female vice president is also incompetent.
I'm worried about the world in the near future.(130)
病院の 新聞雑誌が 消え失せた これも一つの 感染対策
Foreigners may misunderstand that Japanese people are taking measures against corona infection with masks alone.
The Japanese are taking a wide variety of infection control measures.
But it's no use saying that.
They don't understand.(129)
あと十日 立春までは あと十日 辛抱して待つ 春早よう来い
This is the coldest time of the year.
I hate the cold.
It will gradually get warmer from "Lisyun(=the beginning of spring)" 10 days later.
♬ Come spring. ♬
♬ Come early. ♬ (128)
これまでは 炭や薪など 焚いてきた これから先は 日や風で焚く
We human beings warmed up by burning firewood and charcoal in the cold winter.
We human beings have burned charcoal and firewood to make daily meals.
We haven't questioned that since we started using fire.
However, now is the time to think about the origin of the energy for warming up, cooking, and traveling.
This is one of the biggest challenges since the birth of human beings.(127)
私はね お米がないと 不安でね あの日の母に 少し似てきた
That day my mother said she was worried that rice wasn't always in stock at home.
My mother grew up as a daughter of a wealthy rice shop from the Taisho era to the Showa era.
So my mother was relieved that rice was always in stock at home.
I'm approaching my mother's age at that time.
I understand the meaning of my mother's words at that time.(126)
貨物船 黄昏時に ゆったりと 西日を受けて 左舷鮮やか
Now in winter, the late afternoon sun shines parallel to the horizon.
The body of a ship at sea is exposed to the sun's rays almost vertically.
When the hull is white, it reflects vividly. (125)
岸壁に 立つ夫婦連れ 背中には 幼児背負い 釣に興じる
A couple is fishing in the evening.
There is a baby on the back of the woman.
“We still have a little time, so why don't we go fishing together?”
Is it a scene of fishing after such a couple's conversation?(124)
電線が 蹴られて空に 鴉二羽 ブラリブラリと 余韻愉しむ
Long electric wires are unreliable as a substance to be kicked by crows to fly.
But the crow needs to kick something to gain momentum in order to take off.
The electric wire kicked by the crow enjoyed the impact, and it shook for a while like a swing.
And two crows were flying in the sky.(123)
風もなく 波打つ音も 聞こえない 草踏む音が ただサクサクと
There is no wind today and I can't hear the swaying sounds of the leaves.
I usually hear a loud noise when the waves hit the beach and break, but today I don't have that either.
I can only hear my walking sound.(122)
安酒は ぬる燗熱燗 人肌燗 ひと手間かけて 旨さ引き出す
There are various types of warmed sake such as hinata-kan, hitohada-kan, nuru-kan, zyo-kan, atsu-kan, and tobikiri-kan.
Since each person has his or her own taste, it cannot be said which one is the most delicious.
By the way, heat has no substance, and the intensity of the movement of the molecules of an object is simply paraphrased into the word “heat”.
One of the measures to measure the magnitude of thermal motion is the scale of temperature.
The deliciousness of Kanzake(warmed sake) is due to the movement of molecules.
Cheap sake can be enjoyed by exercising a little molecule.(121)
浜川は 水は澄めども 魚影なし 今も汚染の 元がありしや
In the olden days, the Tama River, which runs along the border between Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, was also a polluted river.
Hamakawa, my hometown, used to be a polluted river.
I hear that the water quality of the current Tama River has improved and fish are returning.
The transparency of Hamakawa has improved considerably.
But I can't see gyoei (= fish swimming).
I take a walk along the Hama River almost every day.
I never see gyoei in Hamakawa.(120)
二時間も リュック担いで 歩く道 あの日の母の 思いを想う
At the age of 70, I walked with my backpack for two hours.
In the latter half, my legs became heavy and I dragged my legs and walked.
As I walked, I remembered my mother at that time.
I think my mother that day was walking with more painful feelings.(119)
会見の 御本人より 後方で 表情豊かに 手話で伝える
A little while ago.
The sign language interpreter behind the governor is more eye-catching than the governor in the news of the Okinawa governor's press conference.
The governor just says what he should say expressionlessly, but the sign language interpreter moves her mouth and tells the person watching TV with her expression.(118)
自らが 喰う分だけを 釣るがよい 流行りの釣は アンサステーナブル
There is a fishing program on TV.
The performers strive to catch a lot of fish to meet the expectations of the TV station.
You only have to fish as much as you and your family eat.
Fish are not the target of human play.(117)
なけなしの 老後の資金 詐欺にあう 小さな欲が 禍招く
People who have a little money want to make more money.
Imposter use that feeling to work.(116)
そもそもが 朽ち往く体 なるならば ポリフェノールは 何の意味ある
I hear that polyphenols have many other benefits besides restoring eyesight.
However, it is a natural providence that this body will decay in the future.
For nutrition, it is enough to eat as usual.
To extend life meaninglessly is against the providence of nature.(115)
今朝は雨 天気予報の 言う通り カーテンを開け 濡れた地面見る
I'm disappointed when I open the curtains on Sunday morning and find out that it's raining.
Nationwide resorts will not be crowded either.
This is also the will of the god of heaven.(115)
イギリスは マスク着用 求めない 如何なる場所でも 風邪と見做して
British Prime Minister Johnson said he would no longer ask the public to wear a mask.
In Japan, the Omicron mutant strain is in a phase of rapid expansion.
The difference between Mr. Omi and Governor Koike's recent remarks became a problem.
The people don't know what to trust.(114)
大寒に 菜の花を見て 散歩する 少し嬉しく 春の先駈け
Quick ”rape blossoms” are in bloom in the coldest season.
Wait a minute, why is it rape?
I change the expression to "field mustard" or "canola flower".
Like the "field mustard" or "canola flower" we see in spring, there is no momentum of life, but yellow flowers are in bloom.
I will have a cold day for another two months, but I am happy to see the forerunner of spring.(113)
今晩は ブラームスの バイオリン 協奏曲でも 聴きながら眠る
Turn off the lights in the room and sleep while listening to Brahms' violin concerto on the Internet.(112)
蒟蒻も きっと大事な 役割が あると信じて おでんに入れる
"Konjac cleans the intestines, so eat it."
When I was a kid, my mother told me that I ate it reluctantly.
Even so, konjac is a food that children don't like to eat.
Because the English name of konjac is "devil's tongue starch paste".
It's a very scary name.
But it must have a very good effect on the human body.(111)
丑一つ 震度五強で 飛び起きる 日向灘の 底が源
After 1 am, I woke up with a TV alarm.
Immediately after the alarm sounded, a violent shake occurred.
The area where I live is on the Philippine Plate.
I'm worried about the future.(110)
昔から 薪や炭など 焚いてきた 贅沢やめて 素朴に生きる
We have been burning firewood and charcoal for cooking our daily meals for a long time.
In the cold of winter, we burned firewood and charcoal to keep warm.
The energy to move the car was also an extension of that.
However, one day suddenly the source of energy became a problem.
Humans who have lived for a long time are confused by the great reversal of the value of each type of energy.
和芥子を 口に入れ過ぎ 噎せ返る これもおでんの 醍醐味のうち
Today I'm going to drink sake while eating kintyaku(=a pouch filled with rice cake) oden and burdock tempura oden.
Of course, the sake is hot because the room is very cold.
I'm going to warm my body with hot oden and hot sake.(108)
七拾歳 齲以外に 病なし 朝も早ようから ビートルズ聴く
When I was a kid, there was only radio in the homes of people in this country.
Now there is also YouTube.
It has a wide range of entertainment, from the ones that are trendy now to the ones when I was young.
This morning I listened to the songs from the Beatles' debut.
I listened to it instead of an alarm clock in bed.(107)
今も尚 貧弱なる まつりごと 志那の人々 先は見えぬか
Our country learned letters from neighboring country long ago.
We learned not only letters but also philosophy, literature and more.
But it was just that the people of the world hadn't awakened from sleep, and the neighboring country that happened to wake up early was running a little ahead.
The water of the big river in the neighboring country will not be clear even after 100 years.
Politics 100 years from now will remain muddy.(106)
産油国 引っ張り切った 欲の皮 醜悪なる 我田引水
The days when crude oil is high continue.
Still, I heard the news that oil-producing countries will not increase production.
I heard the news that Microsoft will buy a game company for about 8 trillion yen on the same day.
Microsoft still seems to be making money.
Both are greedy.
God will mourn.(105)
筒香が ポケットマネー 弐億円 故郷に贈る 心の球場
Major League Baseball player Tsutsugo has donated 200 million yen to build a baseball stadium in his hometown.
What a wonderful act.
I will support Tsutsugo from now on.(104)
海面を 滑っていくよな 遊漁船 冬の西日を 受けて鮮やか
A fishing boat that carries customers and returns to the harbor.
The ship slides through the calm bay.
The hull is shining brightly in the sunshine.(103)
ただ一人 砂丘に座り 海を見る まだ若き人 何をや胸に
I saw a big cargo ship between the pine forests.
I went out from the pine forest to the beach to see the ship.
A man younger than me was sitting in the dune and gazing at the sea.(102)
ゴリラとて 短歌詠んだり しないもの 人間などは 何故この様に
What are primates?
A group that combines proto-monkeys, monkeys, apes, and humans is called a primate.
A primate means the chief of all things.
Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable with human beings being a type of primate?
Isn't human being included in primates only by the material analysis of zoologists?
Is the primate with the next most developed brain after humans a gorilla?
Even if it is a gorilla, it does not write poetry, sing songs, and copulation is limited to species conservation.(101)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第二節
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