人のためになることをしよったら 自分にも福が いつか降ってくる 100
Fukushima folktale "The teachings of the hermit"
福島の民話「仙人の教え」 2024.11.24
久し振りに 今日は馴染みのファミレスで ワンコインの日替わりランチ 099
The two female staff members were new, but both were very friendly and helpful.
女性スタッフ二人は新顔だったが二人とも応対がとても感じが良かった。 2024.11.24
政治家の世襲を止めて 能力とやる気の人に 間口を広く 098
Although hereditary succession in politics does not violate the law, it clearly has drawbacks.
政治家の世襲は法律をおかしているのではないが明かに弊害がある。 2024.11.24
社会に出たら 嫌いな人とも 一緒に働かなくてはなりません 097
A nutrition school teacher advises a student who wants to change groups. (NHK drama)
栄養学校の先生が班替えを希望する生徒にそう諭す。(NHKドラマ) 2024.11.24
道端の のぼり旗がはためいて 初冬の昼に うどん屋に入る 096
I like to eat udon noodles even in the summer, but I like them even more when it gets cold.
わたしは夏でもうどんを好んで食うが、寒くなるとさらにうどんを好んで食う。 2024.11.24
卵の値段を上げる 鳥インフルエンザ 最悪のペースと聞いた 095
Even though we are currently in a time of rising prices, the price of eggs, which until now had "never increased in price," is now going up.
それでなくても物価上昇のときにあって、「物価の優等生」の卵の値段が上がっていく。 2024.11.23
資産運用立国 議連立ち上げ 岸田さん 未練が見え見え 094
This person is a real attention seeker.
この人は本当の「目立ちがり屋」。 2024.11.23
老いには勝てないから どうにか耐えると 藤本美貴 四十歳 093
I imagine this person is a wise person (a good wife and mother).
この人は賢い人なんだろうなあと想像する。 2024.11.23
香取慎吾が中森明菜とコラボした 何だか嬉しくなった 092
I've never liked SMAP, but I think I'll make an exception for this guy.
わたしはずっとSMAPが好きではなかったが、この人は例外にしようと思う。 2024.11.23
イーロン・マスクの正体は 言わずと知れた エコノミックモンスター 091
This monster will do anything for money.
このモンスターは金の為ならなんでもする。 2024.11.23
中国が 日本人向けの 短期ビザの免除を 再開する 090
If you go to China with a stupid look on your face, you will be in for a rude awakening.
中国にのこのこと出て行くと痛い目に遭う。 2024.11.23
テスラの先行きは思わしくなく 政権入りする 我田引水 089
While demand for EVs is sluggish, competition is intensifying.
In China, new players with cheap EVs as their strength are on the rise.
中国では安いEVを強みとする新興勢力が台頭している。 2024.11.23
さて 政府効率化省とは 第一原理思考とは 何たるや 088
Whether we like it or not, Elon Musk is becoming more relevant to us than ever before.
イーロン・マスクが嫌でも我々にもこれまでよりもっと関係してくるようだ。 2024.11.23
座ったままで 挨拶に笑って応じる田舎者 気が休まる 087
This blunder at his first diplomatic forum has been much talked about.
I may be defending Prime Minister Ishiba too much, but I don't see any cunning in this man.
石破首相を庇い過ぎかもしれないが、この人からは狡猾さが見えない。 2024.11.23
ツイッターを買収のあと トランプのアカウントを 回復させた 086
Joining the Trump administration is an extension of that.
その延長に今回のトランプ政権入りがある。 2024.11.22
世界中 自国ファースト広がって 他国の不都合 責め得ない 085
Philosophies such as doing things for the good of the world or for the welfare of humanity are on the verge of extinction.
世界の為であるとか、人類の福祉の為とか、そういう哲学が風前の灯。 2024.11.22
気違いに刃物 ロシアの核兵器は 切羽詰まれば使われる 084
I will deliberately use terms that are discouraged in Japanese society to describe the current situation in Russia.
敢えて使用自粛の用語を使用してロシアの現状を表現する。 2024.11.22
ロシアがICBMでウクライナを攻撃した と言う ニュース 083
The war would escalate in this way, but Russia has plenty of nuclear weapons. 2024.11.22
百三万円の饅頭を受け取った 自公連立政権 082
The 1.03 million yen bun that Tamaki's party forcibly offered was handed over to the LDP and Komeito, but what kind of bun will it end up becoming in their hands?
Tamaki's party's secretary-general said, "The buns must have bean paste inside. They need to have a branding iron."
玉木の党の幹事長は「饅頭は中にあんこがなければいけない。饅頭には焼き印が必要だ」と言った。 2024.11.22
ロシアとイスラエルの犯罪は 人類に永く記憶されていく 081
The people of both countries will regret it for a long time.
両国の国民はこの先ずっと後悔することになる。 2024.11.21
福島の原発事故の反省が 遠くに霞む 令和六年 080
Germany, which abolished nuclear power plants after learning from the Fukushima nuclear accident, is struggling with the energy issue.
In Japan too, the restart of old nuclear power plants is gradually being approved.
我が国においても次第に古い原子力発電所の再起動が容認されていく。 2024.11.21
雨の中をルンルンと歩いた あの日を あの時を 思い出す 079
Now that I'm over 70, I miss that feeling.
七十歳を超えてあの頃の感覚が懐かしい。 2024.11.21
昔から 神や仏にもの盛って 差し上げる器を盆と言う 078
"Obon" is actually a vessel.
「お盆」とはそもそも器である。 2024.11.21
北の富士よりも訃報の扱いの多い日野正平 是非もない 077
I wait for NHK to plan a special program on former Yokozuna Kitanohuji.
NHKが北の富士の特番を企画してくれるのを待つとしよう。 2024.11.21
晩年もプレイボーイで和服姿もかっこ好い 北の富士が逝った 076
I knew of this man when he was a sekiwake and fast on the road to success.
His achievements are enormous.
I pray for his soul to rest in peace.
心からご冥福をお祈りする。 2024.11.21
寒い朝が二日続いて 天気図を見れば縦縞模様 冬型 075
It's the season for winter weather charts with high pressure in the west and low pressure in the east.
西(に)高(気圧)東(に)低(気圧)の冬型の天気図の季節になった。 2024.11.21
おねだりをする知事の顔 ありありと 職員を叱る顔もまた 074
In March of this year, the Hyogo Prefectural Government's Director General of the Civil Affairs Bureau (60 years old) made an anonymous internal confession.
He listed "seven allegations" against the governor, including power harassment of prefectural employees and receiving goods from prefectural businesses, but the governor instructed the deputy governor and others to identify the accuser.
At a press conference held the same month, the governor called it "a complete lie" and criticized the accuser as "unfit to be a public servant."
The Whistleblower Protection Act prohibits "searching for whistleblowers" or "treating them detrimentally."
公益通報者保護法は「通報者探し」や「不利益な取り扱い」を禁じている。 2024.11.21
河豚などの食えない魚 顏馴染み 此処が私の安住の海 073
I feel bad for the puffer fish, but catching them is actually quite fun.
It's just a little disappointing that I can't eat them.
ただ食えないのが少し残念。 2024.11.20
明かに ユダヤ贔屓の トランプ氏 ガザの平和は 更に遠くに 072
This person probably wouldn't be bothered no matter how many people die in Gaza as a result of Israeli attacks.
It is self-evident that from next year, America's Middle East policy will be even more in line with Israeli (Jewish) interests.
来年からアメリカの中東政策はイスラエル(ユダヤ)の利益に繋がるものになることは自明。 2024.11.20
志那人の 民度最低 ふざけるな 国歌斉唱 静かに聞け 071
On November 19, 2024, the sixth round of the Asian final qualifying round for the 2026 World Cup was held in China.
The booing by Chinese supporters, which began when the Japanese team was introduced, continued even when the national anthem "Kimigayo" was sung.
As far as I know, the TV broadcasts in Japan reported the results of this match, but did not cover the "rudeness" of the Chinese people.
日本国内のテレビ放送は私の知る限り、この試合の結果は報道したが、中国人の「無礼」については取り扱ってはいなかった。 2024.11.20
人間は 単純なものと あの選挙 社会の評価は 信じるべきか 070
Looking at the fervent supporters of Hyogo Governor Saito, I realize how easily society's opinions can change.
I think this may lead me to wonder if my views on this series of events are wrong.
この一連の事件へのわたしの考えが間違っているのかと疑うことになるのかも知れないとも思う。 2024.11.20
空っぽと いう言葉の 響きが 鮮やかになる 老詩人の死 069
Tanikawa Shuntaro has passed away.
To me, he was the man who wrote the lyrics for the theme song to the Astro Boy TV series.
He was 92 years old.
92歳だった。 2024.11.20
熱海富士 相手も必死で 稽古する それより以上に やるしかないぞ 068
Atamifuji, who is blessed with great talent, is struggling this tournament.
I think Atamifuji is training seriously, but other wrestlers are training as well.
熱海富士は真剣に稽古に取り組んでいると思うが、同じように他の力士も稽古している。 2024.11.20
これを機に 県庁を去る 職員の 心に較べて なんとモンスター 067
I hear that a prefectural official is resigning following the governor's reelection.
If this official had been a central figure in the whirlpool of criticism about power harassment and begging, he would have resigned from his post as governor before things got so ugly.
この職員は、仮にあのようなパワハラ批判、おねだり批判の渦の中の主人公であったなら、このような醜悪な事態になる前に知事の職を辞めていただろう。 2024.11.20
独特の カッパドキアの サウンドは 未知なる世界の 興味を起こす 066
I learned this proper noun in world history class in junior high school.
There are many underground cities in Cappadocia that have been carved into the rock like caves.
Churches and school-like rooms have been found in these underground cities, and it is believed that people could live there on a daily basis.
It is thought that more than 100,000 people could live there.
この地下都市には教会や学校のような部屋も見つかっており、日常的に人々がこの地下都市で可能だったとされている。地下都市には10万人以上が生活できたと考えられている。 2024.11.20
西側の 脅威となった 志那の国 天安門の 後の祭りよ 065
After the Tiananmen Square incident, in which the People's Liberation Army was used to forcefully suppress the pro-democracy movement, Japanese diplomats, known as the "China School," made a major mistake.
民主化要求運動に対し、人民解放軍を投入した武力による流血の鎮圧が行われた天安門事件の後、「チャイナスクール」と呼ばれる日本の外交官たちは大きな失敗をした。 2024.11.19
生き方は ドラマなど観て 親などの 背中など見て 学ぶものらしい 064
I thought that people learned things from books, but it seems I am in the minority.
わたしは書物から学ぶものと思っていたのだが、どうやらそれは少数派のようだ。 2024.11.19
ひょっとして これは本当の モンスター 斎藤知事は 尋常ではない 063
Among the prefectural assembly members who voted in favor of the no-confidence motion, there was one who offered a "strange excuse for why he voted in favor."
People like this cannot be trusted as human beings.
Some prefectural assembly member have also said he plans to resign, citing the possibility that his families may be in danger.
Employees at the prefectural office seem to be forced to work in an oppressive atmosphere.
The losing candidate claims that her X account was frozen twice during the election and that it was "suggested to be the result of coordinated false reports."
Saito Motohiko's attitude even before the no-confidence motion was passed gave the impression that he was a man of some kind of strong will, but the re-election has made his spirit even stronger, to the point where it has reached monstrous level.
A certain member of the NHK Party ran for office not with the goal of winning for himself, but with the goal of helping Mr. Saito win.
This is a selfish abuse of the law that completely ignores the original purpose of the gubernatorial election.
Mr. Saito has not dealt with this certain member of the NHK Party with common sense either.
This is also a truly selfish act based on the idea that "as long as I win the election, it's fine."
Mr. Saito should have said, "I appreciate your feelings, but I wonder if it is inappropriate from a common sense perspective. It could potentially damage my dignity, so I would appreciate it if you would stop."
Many common-sense Japanese were surprised to hear that two of the 22 mayors who supported Saito's rival candidate visited his campaign office when it became clear that he had won.
A "monster" is a frightening imaginary creature that does not exist in nature.
It can also be a being that has a human appearance but whose behavior and personality are inhuman and frightening.
Following the election results, Osaka Governor Yoshimura reportedly said, "Hats off to you, congratulations."
Will the Japanese people be okay in the future?
日本人、この先、大丈夫だろうか。 2024.11.19
塩味を 感じる程に 白湯に入れ 毎朝飲んで 一日の始め 062
It seems that some people incorporate drinking clear broth into their daily lives.
I've also heard that adding salt to clear broth helps flush toxins from the body.
そして、白湯に塩を入れるとデトックスに効果があると聞いた。 2024.11.19
良い夢は 人に語らず 慎んで 黙っていれば 現になると 061
That's what it said in the book I read at the library yesterday.
If you keep your good dreams to yourself and don't tell anyone, good things will happen in reality.
良い夢を他人に話さないで黙っていると現実に良いことが起こる。 2024.11.18
悪名は無名に勝る 兵庫県の知事選挙は みんな仰天 060
I was surprised when I saw the breaking news just after 8pm last night.
This is a classic example of infamy being stronger than obscurity.
悪名は無名より強い典型である。 2024.11.18
お返しは 生きる事しか できません 今日の命に ただ感謝して 059
I'm still alive today.
Thanks to all of you, I am still alive today.
I can't thank you in any way, but I can only express my gratitude.
何のお礼もできませんが、ただ感謝をするのみです。 2024.11.18
ピューピューと 吹き抜ける風 窓の外 渋々冬の 覚悟を決める 058
The weather forecast says that starting tonight it will be as cold as the end of December.
今夜から12月末の寒さになるという天気予報。 2024.11.18
西米良に 一泊十一万の 御宿げな そんげな贅沢 村にあ似合わん 057
Is it the jealousy of the poor?
貧乏人の僻みかな? 2024.11.18
パワハラや おねだりなどは 全部嘘 兵庫の知事選 有権者が言う 056
Voters who declare that what the newspapers and television say is a "lie."
I see the same picture as in the US presidential election.
One person has died, and the former governor, who was voted no-confidence by all prefectural assembly members, has been elected.
人が死んでいるし、県議会議員全員が不信任した前知事が当選した。 2024.11.18
折れた竿 買い替えるには 金が要る 出来ることなら 直して使う 055
Just as there is happiness in spending money, there is also happiness in saving money.
金を使う幸せがあるなら金を節約する幸せもある。 2024.11.18
千回も 買って外れる 宝くじ たった一度で 射ち当てる人も 054
With that in mind, I sometimes think about buying a lottery ticket. 2024.11.17
田舎にて 暮して候 地上波は 三局で候 諦めて候 053
I used to think that way, but recently something convenient called a "smart TV" has become available.
そう思って暮らしていたが最近は「スマートテレビ」という便利なものができた。 2024.11.17
人様に 敬意を払えば 自らに 戻って来るよと 優しく諭す 052
I occasionally watch American action movies in which a large black woman plays the lead role.
The lead woman lives with her aunt and the lead's daughter, and there is a scene in which the aunt advises the lead's daughter, "If you show respect to others, it will come back to you."
主役の女性の叔母が自分の姪に「人に敬意を払えばそれは自分にも帰って来る」と諭す場面があった。 2024.11.17
穏やかに 訪れる朝 日曜日 君は今日も 介護の仕事 051
When the coronavirus was spreading, people in these professions were called essential workers, but we no longer hear that term.
コロナウィルスが蔓延していた頃に、このような職業に就いている人をエッセンシャルワーカーと言っていたが、今は喉元を過ぎたようだ。 2024.11.17
アメリカの 良識の声 搔き消した マイノリティー トランプの欺瞞 050
The number of immigrants, including illegal immigrants, entering the United States continues to grow.
The results of this presidential election show that the camp offering to provide the bread minorities need to eat today is stronger than the ideals of America.
今回の大統領選挙結果はアメリカの理想よりマイノリティーの今日のパンの方が強かったということを意味する。 2024.11.17
人相も 訝しく見える 訳アリの 人で固める トランプ人事 049
Pete Hegseth, a retired US military officer who was announced as Secretary of Defense in the next Trump administration, was under investigation for sexual assault in the past, local media reported.
Trump is a criminal defendant in the first place.
そもそもトランプ氏が刑事被告人である。 2024.11.17
吾は今 七十三歳 一日に 五千歩歩いて 図書館に通う 048
The library has a "large print" section.
Of course, it's made for the elderly, but I'm very grateful.
無論老人の為に作ってくれたものだがとても有難い。 2024.11.17
世の中の 地道を歩め 無理すれば 押し潰されて 元よりまだ下(げ) 047
This is a warning to those who apply for shady part-time jobs.
これは闇バイトに応募する人々に戒めとして。 2024.11.16
現在と 未来と過去を 行き来する 生きる時代を 思いのままに 046
Time machines are imagined today, but are thought to be difficult to realize.
But in this drama, several people travel between the future and the present to try to correct past mistakes.
NHK's evening drama.
NHKの夜のドラマ。 2024.11.16
山に降り 注いだ雨が こんこんと 湧き出る男池 心を洗う 045
One of the distinctive features of the Japanese archipelago is its mountains and rain.
Rain that falls on the mountains turns into spring water and emerges on the surface of the archipelago.
This water is so pure it cleanses the soul.
Otokoike Pond is at the eastern foot of the Kuju Mountains.
九重連山の東麓の男池。 2024.11.16
チャンカイ港 債務の罠に 落ちる時 志那の軍艦に 満たされる時 044
A huge port has opened in Peru, known as America's backyard, with Chinese investment.
アメリカの裏庭と言われるペルーに巨大な港が中国の投資で開港した。 2024.11.16
名門と 評判された ケネディの 品の無さそうな 男を注視 043
They say that "your face is your life's resume."
There is nothing "prestigious" about this person's "life resume."
That person will hold a key position in the next Trump administration.
その人は次期トランプ政権の要職に就く。 2024.11.16
平年の 四倍近くに 跳ね上がる キャベツは一個で 買えない値段 042
In the near future, the proportion of fish farmed will likely increase over that of fish caught.
The areas where rice and vegetables are grown will likely shift and change.
米も野菜も耕作の地域が移動、変化していくのだろう。 2024.11.16
信ずれば 鰯の頭も なんとやら 志那の人々 大海を知らず 041
For those who have faith in the sardine head, it has the same miraculous powers as gods and Buddhas.
The people of China are unaware of the vast ocean of information, so they gratefully worship the sardine head.
志那の人々は情報の大海を知らないのでイワシの頭を有難く信仰している。 2024.11.16
マツケンの 爺ちゃんに 泪する その通りたい あんたの言う通り 040
I don't like "Matsuken Samba" because it's too silly, and so I don't like the dancer himself, but "Matsuken" in the NHK morning drama gives a tasteful performance.
「マツケンサンバ」はおちゃらけているので私は好きでなく、だから踊りのご本人も好きではなかったが、NHK朝ドラの「マツケン」は味がある演技をしている。 2024.11.15
誰もまた 自ずと道が 見えたなら もっと実のある 人生になる 039
The protagonist cooks lunch for an athlete she likes every day in the hopes of improving his physical strength.
This passion inspires the protagonist to aspire to become a nutritionist.
それが高じて主人公は栄養士を志す。(NHK朝ドラ) 2024.11.15
風呂上り 半世紀経て 我が耳を つくづくと見る 一端(いっぱし)になった 038
When I was young, my ears were shabby, so I thought that I had neither virtue nor wealth, and that was my destiny for life.
Yesterday after getting out of the bath, I happened to look at my ears and realized that they now had a certain dignity.
Looking at my ears, I could tell that I have lived a life that has some meaning.
それなりの人生を生きて来たことが耳を見て判った。 2024.11.15
飛行機が 飛べない程の ポリューション この道意外に 道は無いのか 037
A while ago, there was a lot of talk about air pollution in China, but now I hear that air pollution in India is serious.
Apparently, the air pollution in India is so bad that planes can't fly.
In the past, Japan's air pollution was also bad, but planes were never unable to fly.
日本の大気汚染も酷いものだったが飛行機が飛ばないことはなかった。 2024.11.15
財政が 破綻すると 口々に 県知事が言う 壁の見直し 036
The governor of Tokyo probably won't say it, but over the past few days several governors have said that a review of the wall would lead to financial collapse.
According to a survey, 70% of companies say they are in favor of reviewing the wall.
I am in favor of a review of the wall, but I say "NO" to Tamaki's party.
わたしは壁の見直しについては賛成だが玉木の党に「NO」である。 2024.11.15
人生は 思い通りに 行かねえ 何遍でも やり直せばいい 035
An ace pitcher who had just had his dream of playing in the Koshien tournament dashed said this in an NHK morning drama.
NHKの朝ドラ。 2024.11.15
トクリュウの 首謀者らしき 人物が 逮捕された 頼むぞ警察 034
News that the leader of an "anonymous, member-fluctuating crime group" has been arrested.
「匿名・流動型犯罪グループ」のリーダーが逮捕されたというニュース。 2024.11.14
昼過ぎの 下っ端力士の 相撲観る 小技も無しの 真向勝負 033
In sumo wrestling, wrestlers of the rank of Juryo wrestlers and above are paid a salary.
There are few spectators during the times when sumo wrestlers, who do not receive a salary,.
金を稼げない力士の相撲には観客が少ない。 2024.11.14
ズルズルと 毎日円が 安くなる ウォール街の 読みの通りに 032
Trump wants a weaker dollar, but Wall Street believes that this will not happen.
The yen has been gradually weakening since Trump's election victory was confirmed.
トランプ氏の当選が確定した後ジリジリと円安が進行している。 2024.11.14
大谷は 大好きだけど 50号 本塁打ボールに そんなに騒ぐか 031
I don't intend to criticize because people's values vary widely.
人々の価値観は千差万別だから批判するつもりはない。 2024.11.14
相撲より 行司の動きが 気になって 案じた通り すってんころりん 030
The Sumo referee must read the flow of sumo, stay out of the way of the sumo wrestlers, and decide whether to win or lose.
However, there is a clumsy sumo referee, and I am always looking at him nervously.
しかし、ぶきっちょな行司がいて、わたしはいつもはらはらしながら(行司)を見ている。 2024.11.14
タレントの 二人の女性が 政務官 概ね疑問の 世間の評価 029
The duties of a Parliamentary Vice-Minister are to assist the Minister, participate in policy and planning and handle government affairs.
大臣政務官は大臣を助け、政策及び企画に参画し、政務を処理することを職務とする。 2024.11.14
発覚は 財務省の 陰謀と 巷の噂も まことしやかに 028
There are rumors that the discovery of Tamaki's affair was the result of a conspiracy by the Ministry of Finance, which is refusing to accept the ``raising of the 1.03 million yen barrier.''
玉木氏の不倫の発覚は103万円の壁に抵抗する財務省の陰謀という噂がある。 2024.11.14
綱領に 照らすことなく 続投は 民主的とは 些かも言えず 027
Today, the Secretary General of the Democratic Party for the People finally said that the party's ethics committee will "investigate" the matter.
This single incident shows that the party is not behaving as a public party.
このこと一つを以てしても公党の態を成していない。 2024.11.13
この世には どんな苦しみも 悲しみも 死に値する ものなどはない 026
That's what it said in "My Bible Story."
「私の聖書物語」にそう書いてあった。 2024.11.13
モディ首相 トランプ再選 歓迎する インドファースト 自分ファースト 025
I'm not saying this just because India's Modi welcomed Trump's election, but he is not trustworthy.
Still, Japan cannot ignore this man.
それでも日本はこの男を無視することはできない。 2024.11.13
作戦は 第二段階 イスラエル レバノン侵攻 殺戮は続く 024
I think there are many Jews who think that this war must be stopped, but no one can stop it.
I think this is a crisis for the Jews.
これはユダヤ人の危機だと思うが…。 2024.11.13
バイデンが 無能を晒した イスラエル 電光石火で 解決するか 023
Trump's eldest daughter's spouse is Jewish.
It was Trump who moved the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem in 2018.
2018年に在イスラエルアメリカ大使館をエルサレムに移したのはトランプだった。 2024.11.13
あと四年 日欧政府が 狼狽える 取りも直さず 軍事費アップ 022
I heard he said, "Shinzo is a good guy because he bought us a lot of fighter jets."
Trump has had success stories.
トランプにはそんな成功体験がある。 2024.11.13
高齢者も 応募している 闇バイト 貧乏すれば 分別も無い 021
People in financial difficulty apply, but it's masterminded by a group of people who don't treat people like human beings.
I hope the police solve this quickly.
警察には早く解決して欲しい。 2024.11.13
撮り鉄と 呼ばれる人の 悍ましき 列車も悲しむ 何ぞ写真ぞ 020
A shame for the Japanese.
日本人の恥。 2024.11.13
中国の ナイトサイクリング この国は いつまで経っても これが現実 019
First of all, the term "public morality" should be taught in elementary schools.
公徳心という言葉から小学校で教えるべきだ。 2024.11.13
我儘な 佐々木朗希は 通じない ロッテにいまだ 尽くしていない 018
This pitcher has been overprotected since his high school days, and that hasn't changed even after he became a professional.
This can only be seen as this pitcher's selfishness.
これはこの投手の我儘としか考えられない。 2024.11.12
今日も亦 百三万の 壁問題 良いことだけど 素直になれない 017
Tamaki's Party achieved great success in the election by appealing to "increase take-home pay" rather than addressing the issue of slush funds.
Tamaki's Party was the one that had the most exposure on YouTube during the election period.
Every day Tamaki's Party was featured on TV about this "1.3 million yen wall" issue.
The other parties, while secretly feeling bitter about this, try to get closer to Tamaki's party.
...Just as I was thinking that, yesterday morning, news broke that the leader of Tamaki's party had been having an affair.
…そう思って矢先、昨日の朝、玉木の党の党首の不倫の報道があった。 2024.11.12
どう見ても イーロン・マスクの 目的は 彼のマネーを 増やす為だけ 016
This person has no refinement in appearance or manner.
This man has vulgar looks and behavior.
この人は人相も立ち居振る舞いも品がない。 2024.11.12
父からは 素直な人にと 諭された 幸いもしたが 禍もした 015
My father should have added one more piece of advice.
父はさらにもう一つアドヴァイスを補足すべきだった。 2024.11.12
円安か 円高なのか 見通せず 日本の物価は トランプ任せ 014
There is some speculation that Trump wants a weaker dollar in order to boost the country's exports, which will lead to a stronger yen, but it appears that it is not that simple.
トランプは自国の輸出を後押ししたいのでドル安を望むから円高になって行くと言う観測があるが、どうもそのように単純ではないらしい。 2024.11.12
危機管理 お粗末すぎて 将来が あっという間に 露と消えゆく 013
This is a poor crisis management for someone who aspired to become prime minister.
Tamaki's political career has come to an end after his "affair" was reported on the day of the prime ministerial election.
There are probably a considerable number of people who are happy about this.
これを喜んでいる人が相当数いるだろう。 2024.11.12
トランプも カマラ・ハリスも どっちでも 関係ないが どっちもどっち 012
It doesn't directly affect me which candidate wins, but I emotionally dislike the idea of such a crazy person becoming the US president.
When a broadcasting station asked 10 Americans visiting Japan, 8 of them were anti-Trump.
Just like Tamaki's party, he seems to have appealed for policies that are relatively easy on low-income earners.
Of course, there are other issues, such as Biden's inability to stop Israel...
バイデンがイスラエルを止められないとか、その他の問題も勿論あるが…。 2024.11.11
AIは 電気の大食い EVは 電池も高く 日産はピンチ 011
This is because EVs are more expensive than internal combustion engine cars, and the price of lithium-ion batteries remains high.
There are more than 1.5 billion cars in the world, but if there is an energy shift from petroleum to electricity, the electricity supply and demand will collapse.
And even more importantly, AI consumes huge amounts of electricity, and AI has already taken control of power plants.
Nissan Motor Co. is expected to cut production around the world.
日産自動車は世界各国で減産するようだ。 2024.11.11
素晴らしい 若貴景の 力相撲 元大関を 投げ飛ばした 010
Wakatakakage, who had fallen to a lower ranking due to injury, has now come back close to his former ranking.
Today is the first day of the Kyushu tournament.
He threw the former ozeki.
元大関を投げ飛ばした。 2024.11.10
玉木の党 首班指名の 方針は 野田と書いても 石破になるから 009
Tamaki's party says we will not write "Noda" in the runoff election because it will not change its conclusion that "Ishiba" will be nominated.
This seems the same as not going to vote because I know the political system will not change even if I go to the election.
Tamaki, do you think your thinking represents the will of the people who voted for Tamaki's party?
玉木君、君のその方針は玉木の党に投票した国民の意思だろうか。 2024.11.10
本業は 勉学にある 学生の 手取りを増やして 学力を減らす 008
There are some big drawbacks to "removing the wall."
Do all parents prioritize their own finances over their children's studies?
親は自らの経済を子の勉学より優先する人ばかりだろうか。 2024.11.10
トランプが 世界経済 脅かす 関税アップに おっかなびっくり 007
Trump won.
Trump is tough on allies as well.
He always puts America first, himself first.
Tariffs will likely be increased on Chinese products as well, but I would welcome that if it deals a major blow to the Chinese economy.
関税は中国製品にもアップされるはずが、それによって中国の経済が大打撃を受けるならそれは歓迎する。 2024.11.10
偶然に 人生などは 仕組まれて 善き導きは 前世の功徳 006
Life, including being born into this world, is brought about by many coincidences.
However, if the outcome of a coincidence is a good one, then surely there is something like karma.
しかし、偶然が齎す結果が善い結果なら、それはそれできっと因果応報みたいなものがある。 2024.11.10
あららら~ 可愛い凛ちゃん かぐや姫 月に戻って 行ってもいいから 005
In the original story, Princess Kaguya ends up returning to the moon.
But just when I think this late-night NHK drama is just a love story, the protagonist's friends hypothesize that the strength of memory may be related to the "strength of memory" in order for the "space-time bubble" to work properly.
That's why they created "Twinkle Twinkle Memory," which reacts to strong memories.
だから強い記憶に反応する「きらきらメモリー」を作った。 2024.11.09
パウエルが 記者に問われて 毅然とNO 中銀の独立 人類の英知 004
Fed Chairman Powell's term runs until May 2026.
Following Trump's return to power, a reporter asked him what he would do if he was asked to resign by Trump.
トランプ氏の返り咲きを受けて記者が(トランプ氏から)辞任を要供されたらどうしますかと質問された。 2024.11.09
千葉百音 十九歳の スケーター 見終わった後に 思わず「凄い」 003
One after another, wonderful talents are emerging into the world.
I think Japan will be fine in the future, not just in sports.
スポーツに限らず、日本はこの先も大丈夫と思う。 2024.11.09
文春を 提訴取り下げ 事実上 行為認めた 松本某(なにがし) 002
If he gets too cocky, even a seemingly smooth sailing path in life can be blocked.
I have no sympathy for those who were waiting for this person to return.
この人の復帰を待っていた人には同情しない。 2024.11.09
世の中に 詐欺の被害に 遭う人は 周知も甲斐なく 次から次に 001
Even though there are so many scams reported on TV every day, people still fall victim to scams.
I hear that people who think they have nothing to do with it end up falling victim to them, but I think that's not quite right.
It is the "survival of the fittest" where the cunning strong attack the defenseless weak.
悪知恵のある強者が無防備な弱者を襲う、「弱肉強食」である。 2024.11.08
終活の短歌集 第四章 第四節