

終活の短歌集 第四章 第三節 001〜100

終活の短歌集 第四章 第三節 001〜100

自らの 心がアッと 揺れたなら 言の葉探して 三十一文字(みそひともじ)に 100
I will continue to use Misohitomoji(31文字) to compose poems (tanka) that express "the emotional turmoil" I feel in my daily life as I prepare for the end of my life.
終活の日々の暮らしの中の「心の揺れ」をミソヒトモジにしてこれからも詠んでいく。 2024.11.08

侵略を 終結させるか トランプ氏 ロシアを利するは 承服できない 099
Trump has boasted that he will end the war within 24 hours.
It is believed that he will try to end it in a way that is favorable for Putin.
プーチンに有利な形での終結を図るのではないかと見られている。 2024.11.08

戦線に キム朝鮮が 派兵して 見えて来るのか ロシアの劣勢 098
I heard that Russia pays 300,000 yen a month to Kim Jong Un soldiers.
I don't know if this is true, but I saw a video of a Kim Jong Un soldier saying, "Putin will lose this war."
真偽のほどは不明だがキム朝鮮兵が「プーチンはこの戦争に負けるだろう」と話す動画を見た。 2024.11.08

六日は 朝から晩まで テレビ見る スポンサー企業は 何匹捕った 097
They say that the most-watched television program in America is the presidential election coverage.
Yesterday, the US presidential election was covered all day in Japan.
I wonder how many raccoons the sponsoring companies got.
スポンサー企業は何匹の狸を得たのだろう。 2024.11.07

この次が どっちに振れるか 玉木党 固執極めて 自民を強請る 096
I am not siding with the LDP, but it does seem like Tamaki's party is blackmailing the LDP.
Sensible LDP lawmakers are confused.
So, what will happen in the House of Councillors election next summer?
さて、来年夏の参議院の選挙はどうなるか。 2024.11.07

良民を 暴力団が 蹂躙する 規範以前の 人としてクズ 095
A Kumamoto gangster who was the leader of an illegal part-time job has been arrested.
We need a new term that is more scathing than "gangster".
Something like "ninpidan" (A group of inhumans) or "zokumindan" (A group of villains).
「人非団」とか「賊民団」。 2024.11.07

黒人の 男性が拒む 黒人の 女性大統領 チンプンカンプン 094
I heard the opinion that Trump successfully tapped into this mentality and turned it into votes.
そういう意識をトランプが上手く取り込んで票にしたという意見を聞いた。 2024.11.07

トランプで イーロン・マスクが 要職に 悪魔のタッグ 世は悪くなる 093
As of 3:25 p.m. on November 6, 2024, Japan time, Trump is in the lead.
日本時間2024年11月06日15時25分現在、トランプが優勢。 2024.11.06

トランプと 見越して動く 株相場 投資をする人 落ち着かぬ日々 092
Trump has declared that he will raise tariffs if he is returned to the presidency.
The Nikkei average soared after the vote count showed that Trump was in the lead.
Trump wants a weaker dollar, but Wall Street predicts that the dollar will rise if he wins.
If tariffs rise, Japan's export industry will be damaged, but if the dollar weakens, Japanese stock prices will rise.
関税が上がれば日本の輸出産業はダメージを受けるが、ドル安になれば日本の株価は上昇する。 2024.11.06

稀に見る 接戦と言う 放送局 当てにならない アメリカ事情 091
The source of these reports is information provided by several American research companies.
If the information provided by these research companies is significantly incorrect, it could damage their business in the future, so they seem to take out the insurance of a "close race."
It is still fresh in our memory that research companies failed in the election between Hillary Clinton and Trump, and lost credibility.
We are waiting for the votes to be counted, while also finding out whether it is a close race or not.
接戦かどうかも確かめながら開票を待っている。 2024.11.06

駄々を言う 子供のような キム朝鮮 投票当日 ミサイルを撃つ 090
From today onwards, I will refer to it as "Kim Joseon" instead of North Korea.
本日より北朝鮮と言わず「キム朝鮮」と言う事にする。 2024.11.06

ジョージアが 爆破の予告 ピリピリと 発信元は ロシアだと言う 089
Interference by Russian authorities in US presidential elections is nothing new, but such reports have emerged now that the vote counting has begun.
US authorities are likely remaining calm, as the US is likely doing similar things to Russia and other countries.
The whole world is watching the results of this election.
この選挙の結果を世界中が見守っている。 2024.11.06

アメリカで 開票作業が 始まった 集会場で All You Need is Love 088
This song was released by The Beatles in 1967.
Perhaps what we need is love for people, not discrimination and division.
差別や分断ではなく、必要なものは人々への愛なのかも知れない。 2024.11.06

首謀者に 辿り着けない 警視庁 犯るなら今だ やけのやんぱち 087
Some people are somewhat aware that illegal part-time work is "dangerous," but are still tempted by the money.
A producer with an illegal part-time job knows he can't keep up this line of work for much longer, so he blindly commits more and more robberies.
闇バイトのプロデューサーはこの稼業はもう長くは続けることはできないと知って闇雲に強盗を重ねる。 2024.11.06

You Tube 参考にして 自作する 早速試して ボウズで帰る 086
YouTube これはいいぞと 真似をする 確信は直ぐ 失望に変わる 085
When you watch YouTube videos, you get the illusion that anyone can do fishing easily.
You Tubeの動画を見ると誰でも簡単に釣りができるように錯覚する。 2024.11.06

神仏を いつも拝んで いる人は 困ったときに 祈っていい人  084
We do not worship gods and Buddhas for such occasions, but compared to people who have no connection to gods and Buddhas on a normal basis, it may be okay to ask them for help, even if it is just a little, when we are in trouble.
そのようなときの為に神仏を祭祀しているのではないが、普段何も神仏に関りを持っていない人に比べたら、ほんの少しばかりなら困ったときにはお願いをしても良いのかも知れない。 2024.11.05

霜月に 二十二番の 台風が 激った海で また起き上がる 083
The winter solstice is about six weeks away, but the Pacific Ocean waters still appear to be warm enough to generate typhoons.
あと6週間ほどで冬至となるが、太平洋の海水はまだ台風を発生させるに十分な高い水温を維持しているようだ。 2024.11.05

ある人は 彼女の声が 嫌いだと 確かめたくて 注意して聴く 082
Kamala Harris was known to be a very unpopular vice president.
She became the next presidential candidate by chance, but then I heard woman in the electorate say I don't like her voice.
I've been listening carefully to her voice ever since.
それからずっと耳を澄まして彼女の声を聴いている。 2024.11.05

弱み持つ 金融村の アナリスト 「恐慌の兆し」は 禁句の禁句 081
In its latest World Economic Outlook, released in April 2024, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the purchasing power parity to be 91 yen to the dollar.
If the IMF's forecast is correct, the yen will appreciate sharply in the future.
Import prices will fall, but stock prices will fall to an unimaginable frightening extent.
If that happens, people who have invested large amounts of money in New NISA will be in trouble.
Marx pointed out that "capitalism is bound to collapse."
マルクスは「資本主義は必ず破綻する」と指摘した。 2024.11.04

パンドラの 箱全開の 玉木党 ゼウスの神の 裁きは如何に 080 
Pandora was the first woman sent to Earth by Zeus.
Out of curiosity, Pandora opened the box given to her by Zeus.
When she opened the box, many evil things came out, but hope remained at the bottom of the box.
箱を開けた時にたくさんの邪悪なものが飛び出してくるのだが、箱の底に希望が残される。 2024.11.04

獄中で 仲間集めて 強盗団 実行役は 八十八歳 079
The code name for the elderly thieves is "G3C - the Grandpas."
A group of elderly robbers in Japan has been caught.
Now we can't laugh at the group of corn thieves in China.
Perhaps this goes to show that "the spirit of a villain never changes until death."
「悪党の魂は死ぬまで変わらい」という意味だろうか。 2024.11.04

玉木など もてはやされる 意味も無し そう断じるは 自分一人か 078
It is significant that the policies he proposes are generating national debate.
But his party is a complementary force to the LDP.
しかし、彼の党は自民党の補完勢力である。 2024.110.04

飼い主の 帰りを待って 渋谷駅 新聞記者が 「公(おおやけ)」を附す 077
Hachi the loyal dog is and always will be the most famous dog in Japan.
When a newspaper reporter wrote an article about Hachi, he was such an amazingly loyal dog that he couldn't just call him Hachi.
So he added the honorific "Ko" after his name, just like Tokugawa Ieyasu and other nobles.
彼は徳川家康などの貴人の名前の後に敬意を表す為に附す「公」を「ハチ」にも用いたのだ。 2024.11.04

大挙して トウモロコシを 盗りにくる 魂ビンボー 中国の人 076
On October 23, 2024, news broke of a large group of people entering a corn field in China and stealing unharvested corn, with the farm owner firing rocket fireworks from his car to scare them away.
中国のトウモロコシ畑に大勢の人が入って収穫前のトウモロコシを窃盗しているところに、農場のオーナーがロケット花火を車から発射して駆逐しているところのニュースが流れた。 2024.11.03

百均で あれやこれやと 買ってきて いつの間にか 俄か工房 075
I aspires to be an old man's fisherman.
Saying "aspire" sounds a little cool, but I am an old man after all, so I aspire to be an old man's fisherman.
「志す」と言えば少しクールでがあるが、つまり老人なので老人に似合いの釣りをするということだ。 2024.11.03

規格外 胡瓜十本 百円也 特売を見て 心が動く 074
There is an old Japanese proverb that says, "Buying cheap makes you lose money."
日本には昔から「安物買いは銭失い」という諺がある。 2024.11.02

教養は とても大事な ことだった 立ち居振る舞い 言葉遣いも 073
What are the most important eruditions to live in modern Japanese society?
By the way, "eruditions" seems to mean "culture and skills acquired through everyday self-cultivation."
因に、「素養」とは、「平素の修養によって身につけた教養や技術」ということらしい。 2024.11.02

風景は より美しく 切り取られ 政治家の言は 不徳に聞こえ 072
I use my computer to cut out paintings and photographs of landscapes and people to suit my tastes and enjoy them.
わたしはパソコンを使って風景や人物の絵や写真を自分の好みに切り取って鑑賞する。 2024.11.02

桃色の 和服鮮やか 愛子様 明るい笑顔が とても麗し 071
Princess Aiko appeared in a traditional Japanese kimono at the autumn garden party.
She has become a very likeable person.
この人はとても好感のもてる人になられた。 2024.11.01

筋書きの 描けないドラマ 第五戦 テレビの放送 気になる午前 070
In the first half, it seemed like a one-sided game for the Yankees, but in the fifth inning, the Dodgers caught up.
And so the Dodgers became World Series champions.
そしてドジャースはワールドシリーズの覇者となった。 2024.11.01

明日の雨 警報級と 天気屋さん ついこの前も あったばかりで 069
I know very well that it's wrong, but I still feel like complaining to the weather forecaster.
Just the other day, there was heavy rain and disaster, yet the weather forecaster is predicting warning-level rain for tomorrow.
ついこの間も大雨で災害があったばっかりなのに明日も警報級の雨の予報をする気象予報士。 2024.11.01

婦人科で 腫瘍があると 言われたと 三女の報せ 心して聞く 068
We will do our best and pray for the protection of the gods and Buddha.
人事を尽くして、神仏の御加護を賜ることを祈念する。 2024.11.01

魚影ない 川を覗いて 歩く日々 他から見たら 身を投げる人 067
The fish traps that were under construction were washed away in the recent typhoon, so it looks like they will have to give up on building any more this year.
There are reports of sweetfish being caught upstream of the Gokase River, but there are few fish in the Ose River and no anglers to be seen.
I always look down at the river from the bridge in search of sweetfish.
わたしはいつも橋の上から川面を見下ろして鮎を探している。 2024.10.31

ふと思い トムジョーンズの ディライラを 歌詞のなかみに 初めて気付く 066
♫ MY, my, my Delilah. ♬
♫ Why, why, why Delilah. ♬ 2024.10.31

麦藁に 長袖シャツに 長ズボン 厳重警戒 夏のいお釣り 065
I especially felt this summer that the summer sun can be harsh as we get older.
Old people should not go out during the summer if possible.
できるなら老人は外出をすべきではない。 2024.10.30

三回に グランドスラムが 飛び出した ニューヨーカーに 元気が戻る 064
So, how will the game unfold from here on out?
さてこの先の試合の展開はどうなるか。 2024.10.30

それはダメ ベッツが掴んだ ファールボール ニューヨーカーが 強奪する 063
When Betts jumped to grab the ball, a fan in the stands snatched it from his glove.
People like this exist, which is why people like Trump exist, and why incidents like a group attacking the Capitol happen.
One commentator said, "I understand how he feels," but we should not show understanding for this kind of behavior.
The spectator was forced to leave.
I was relieved to see that stadium staff behaved appropriately.
球場職員の適切な態度に安心した。 2024.10.30

先々は 別れることが 知らされて そんなはずはない 可愛い凛ちゃん 062
This is an interesting drama with a protagonist who is a graduate of a robotics competition at a technical college.
They discovers some kind of substance that affects memory, which they uses to develop a time machine.
Main character uses the time machine to appear 30 years later and convinces past my self not to have any regrets in the future.
I wonder what kind of life I would live if my future self appeared in a time machine and gave me advice.
わたしにも、将来の自分がタイムマシンで表れて、アドヴァイスしていたならどういう人生を歩いていただろう。 2024.10.30

政(まつりごと) 初めに理念 国民(民主党)は 働く世代の 手取り云々 061
Wasn't the opposition parties' main goal in this House of Representatives election to topple the LDP-Komeito government?
The Democratic Party for the People, like the Japan Restoration Party and the Communist Party, is simply focused on expanding their own influence.
The issue of slush funds is very important, but leaving that aside, simply insisting on increasing the take-home pay of the younger generation and increasing the number of elected representatives for one's own party is not a just cause.
It's pure populism.
The cast members of "Hiruobi" praised the election tactics used to win.
「ひるおび」の出演者はこの党首の勝つためだけの選挙手法を褒めそやしていた。 2024.10.29

大勢が 肝を冷やした 滑り込み これで済んだは 神の御加護 060
In Game 2 of the World Series, Ohtani was injured while sliding while attempting to steal a base.
Team officials, and many Japanese people, probably thought he might not play in Game 3 or beyond.
チームの関係者は固より、多くの日本人が第三戦以降の出場がないかも知れないと考えただろう。 2024.10.29

ヤンキース ここで負けたら 後がない 先発投手の 緊張が見える 059
If the New York Yankees lose today's game, it will be their third straight loss, so their starting pitchers are feeling very nervous.
ニューヨーク・ヤンキースは今日の試合に負けたら三連敗となるので先発投手がかなり緊張している。 2024.10.29

この人は 五人衆だと 思っていた 下村博文 落ちて良かった 058
This person also seemed to be a typical member of the Abe faction.
I thought he was one of the five, but that wasn't the case.
In any case, he was a typical Abe faction member.
It was no surprise that he lost the election.
落選は当然だ。 2024.10.29

落選の 宮沢さんが 大盛りの カツカレーを食う こいつはタフだ 057
I want this person to expose the true nature of the Abe faction's secret funds.
It's a shame about his issues with woman.
This person who lost the election may not be classy, but he is tough.
落選したこの人は品が無いが図太い。 2024.10.29

総選挙 アベノシューズで 勝ち抜ける 世耕弘成 政治ゴロツキ 056
This man, who claims that Shinzo Abe is his political mentor, had the support of Akie Abe.
He apparently campaigned wearing shoes that Shinzo Abe had worn when he was alive.
The electorate sent this man to the National Diet.
He is just a politician with the goal of getting ahead in life.
立身出世が目的で政治屋をやっているだけの人。 2024.10.29

西村に ぶら提げられた 鯛一尾 迷惑千万 真っ赤に怒る 055
It seemed that way, but that wasn't the truth.
そう見えたがそんな訳がない。 2024.10.29

世の中は キレイゴトでは 変えられない そんなことはない 青臭くあるべし 054
There is an image that candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party would say such ridiculous things, and this is true.
こんなバカげたことを言う候補者は自民党というイメージがあるがその通り。  2024.10.28

二千万 裏公認料 弁明は 詭弁に過ぎて あきれるばかり 053
Ishihara's explanation for paying the same 20 million yen to a candidate who was not officially endorsed due to a secret funds issue as the officially endorsed candidate is a fallacy.
裏金問題で非公認となった候補者に公認候補と同じ2000万円を支給していたことに関する石破さんの弁明は詭弁。 2024.10.28

萩生田と 西村、世耕が 当選する 裏金問題 まるで他人事 052
Many LDP politicians lost their elections because of these people.
After their election, they made statements that showed no awareness that they were the cause of the slush fund problem.
How can I describe these people?
They are truly abhorrent.
この人種、なんと表現すべきなのか、実に悍ましい人種。 2024.10.28

西側に 疎外されても ブリックス ロシアを支え 侵略が続く 051
I am aware of the American double standards, but the existence and expansion of BRICS shows that the future of humanity is not rosy.
As a result, BRICS member countries are seen as supporting Russia's war of aggression, but given the reality of America's double standards, this argument is extremely weak.
ブリックスの加盟国はロシアの侵略戦争を支持していることを意味するのだが、他方でアメリカのダブルスタンダードがその説得力を弱くする。 2024.10.28

この顔を 覚えておけよ 娘たち 人は斯様に 老いていくもの 050
In general, wild animals do not age.
野生動物には基本的に老いは無いと言う。 2024.10.28

ダークホース 江戸の男が 本塁打 大盛り上がりの ロス・エンジェルス 049
Edman(edo-no-otoko) hit a home run.
エドマン=Edman(江戸男)が本塁打を打った。 2024.10.27

その一球 超一流との 微妙な差 山本由伸 乗り越えて行け 048
Game 2 of the World Series.
Pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto holds the Yankees to zero in the first innings.
山本由伸投手はヤンキースの初回の攻撃を零に抑えた。 2024.10.27

案の定 迷惑ダンス ブレイキン オリンピックも ガキを後押し 047
They cause trouble on trains, on crosswalks, and in tourist spots.
I don't say much about it because I might be accused of prejudice, but just as I feared, it's the idiots who are acting stupid.
偏見だと言われかねないので余り言わないが、案じていた通り馬鹿者たちが悪乗りしている。 2024.10.27

ドレスコード 五十嵐さんが 解説で N・ヤンキースの チームを語る 046
"Dress code" refers to a standard of clothing appropriate to a place, time, or occasion, and while it may not be familiar to Japanese people, he casually used "doresukodo" in his smooth commentary.
It makes sense, as he played baseball for the proud Yankees.
「dress cord」とは場所や時間、シーンに応じた服装の基準を言うが、少し日本人には馴染みがないが、流れるような解説の中でさらりと「ドレスコード」と言う言葉を使った。
なるほど彼はあの誇り高いヤンキースで野球をした人だ。 2024.10.26

リハビリを 一年続ける シーズンで 投球術を 極め続けて 045
Although Ohtani not played a pitcher in 2024, knowing him, he will surely have continued to study how to improve his pitching skills.
Now, the first game of the World Series begins.
さあ、ワールドシリーズの第一戦が始まる。 2024.10.26

あの時は 何を観ていた 中学生 六十年後の ゴールドフィンガー 044
I didn't remember much of the plot, but the Aston Martin and other cars that appeared in the film were very fascinating.
筋書きを殆ど覚えていなかったが、映画に登場するアストンマーチンその他の車がとても魅力的だった。 2024.10.26

人生を 幸せにする ありがとう 今もう一度 基本に還る 043
"Thank you" is a magic word that brings happiness.
「ありがとう」は魔法の言葉。 2024.10.25

ハギャレンの 女の子達 可愛くて あれなら俺も 入ってんよか 042
They are very pretty even without heavy makeup.
"Hagyaren" is a group of gals that appears in NHK's morning drama.
ハギャレンはNHKの朝ドラに出て来るギャルのグループ。 2024.10.25

英独が 兵器開発 共にする NATO揺るがす トランプ再選 041
Germany has strong economic ties with Russia and China, but recently signed an agreement with the UK to jointly develop weapons in preparation for a "what if Trump comes back?"
So how should Japan prepare for the hypothetical scenario of "what if Trump is re-elected?"
ドイツはロシアや中国との経済関係が深いが,この度、「もしトラ=if Trump come back?」に備えてイギリスと兵器の共同開発をする協定を結んだ。
さて我が国は「もしトランプが再選されたら」の仮定にどう備えるのか。 2024.10.25

中国で 金儲けして 生きるより ひもじいほうが まだずっと増し 040
I can never criticize others, but China is no good.
決して他人の事を批判できないが、中国はいけない。 2024.10.24

世間とは 低俗なもの 昔から 高尚などは 人知れず在る 039
This is just my opinion, but I don't like the reality that TV is dominated by comedians.
I don't like the way they act, not minding doing embarrassing things as long as it makes them money.
That's not what I(we) call "geinin."
それは「芸」とは言わない。 2024.10.24

何とまあ 六億六千 笑っちゃう フィフティフィフティ 記念ボール 038
This year, Ohtani's performance has captivated the whole of Japan.
The baseballs used in the games in which he hit his 50th home run and 50th stolen base was put up for auction.
I laughed when I heard that it was sold for 660 million yen.
This is called the bias of the poor.
これを貧乏人の僻みという。 2024.10.24

男児とは 好悪のことは 言わぬもの 少し遅いが 竜馬に学ぼう 037
This is what was written in Ryotaro Shiba's novel "Ryoma ga Yuku."
司馬遼太郎の「竜馬がゆく」の中にそんなことが書いてあった。 2024.10.24

一日に 百万ドルで 票を買う イーロン・マスクは 悪魔の化身 036
Shameless Elon Musk says he'll give away a million dollars every day until Election Day.
His goal is to support candidate Trump, whom he supports.
自身が支持するトランプ候補の支援が狙い。 2024.10.23

今新た 竹内マリアの 艶やかな 歌声を聴く 令和六年 035
Was it "Lovely Peach Pie"?
I think I heard at the time that she was a returnee.
I listened to her songs when I was young and found them to be very fresh.
とても新鮮な感覚の彼女の歌を若い時に聴いた。 2024.10.23

一千万(円) 超える野球の 観戦は 神をも恐れぬ 愚行蛮行 034
I love Ohtani, but the idea that there are seats to watch a baseball game that cost over 10 million yen is the height of stupidity.
大谷選手は大好きだけど多寡が野球の観戦の対価が1000円を超えるシートがあるという話は馬鹿の極みだ。 2024.10.23

日独伊 三国同盟 想起する 北朝鮮が ウクライナ派兵 033
I was not born in 1940, but the Tripartite Pact between Japan, Germany, and Italy must have been seen by the United States and Britain in the same way as North Korea's recent dispatch of troops to Ukraine.
This is a very dangerous incident for humanity.
人類にとって大変危険な事件である。 2024.10.23

歯車の 一つとなって 生きること それはそれでも 意味のあること 032
When I was a teenager, there was a lot of criticism about being made to work as a cog in a company (a cog that can be easily replaced).
Now I think it's more important to be needed by society, even if I am just a cog.
いまのわたしは例え歯車であろうとも社会に必要とされることの方が大切と考えるようになった。 2024.10.22

あんたもかい 何か懐かし ピーコさん 次の報せも きっと直ぐある 031
Just the other day, I heard that actor Nishida Toshiyuki passed away, and today we hear that Pico has also passed away.
One after another, people of the same generation pass on to the afterlife.
In this way, generations are replaced by others.
このようにして世代が代わって行く。 2024.10.22

公序とは 子々孫々に 繋ぎゆく 社会を保つ 公の条理 030
Introducing immigration therefore carries the risk of undermining public order.
であるからして、移民を導入することは公序を失うリスクがあることになる。 2024.10.21

被爆して 長い沈黙の 時を経て 体験を語る 張本勲 029
I knew that Harimoto Isao, who recorded a total of 3,085 hits in Japanese professional baseball, was from Hiroshima.
However, I learned for the first time that he was a survivor of the atomic bombing on TBS TV on October 20, 2024.
It was with a solemn feeling that I listened to his story of the atomic bombing, which is impossible to listen to without crying.
涙無しには聞けない彼の被爆体験話を厳粛な気持ちで聞いた。 2024.10.21

上皇后 卒寿を迎えて 国民に さらに慕われ 幸いを祈る 028
It has been 65 years since Empress Emerita Michiko left the commoner family to marry into the Imperial family.
She must have had many hardships, but throughout that time she has always treated the people with kindness.
Empress Emerita Michiko has now reached her 90th birthday.
その美智子上皇后が卒寿を迎えた。 2024.10.20

鳳仙花 語感に潜んで 謎めいて トビシャゴは亦 実感の花実 027 
When the fruit of the tobishago flower ripened, I used to pick it up with my fingertips and play with it.
It was a simple game, enjoying watching the shells burst and the seeds fly out.
At the time, the flower was called tobishago, but I later learned that its official name is balsam.
And just recently, I learned that tobishago is a dialect word in southern Kyushu.
Even as a child, I imagined that the name came from the way the tobishago seeds burst and fly away.
I know that "tobi" means "to fly," but even I, a native of southern Kyushu, don't know what "shago" means.
「トビ」は「飛び」であることは分かるが「シャゴ」は南九州のネイティブであるわたしにも分からない。 2024.10.20

ドラモリで 五拾五円の 水弐本 亜鉛とマカと ルテインを買う 026
Until I was 70, I avoided supplements as much as possible.
Recently, my appetite has decreased, so I try to keep supplement intake to a minimum.
最近は食も細くなったのでサプリメントは最小限摂取するようにしている。 2024.10.20

殆どの 歯が抜けるまで 生きるなど ひょっとしたら あるのかも知れない 025
When I was a child, most families were poor and struggled to make ends meet, and didn't have the time to pay attention to dental hygiene.
わたしの子供の頃は世の中が貧しくて、生活をすることで精一杯で、歯の衛生を配慮する余裕がなかった。 2024.10.19

ピッチャーが 勝負を避ける 第二打席 ホームラン後は 致し方なし 024
On October 18th, Japan time, Ohtani hit a home run as the leadoff batter in Game 4 of the National League Championship Series.
It was a home run following the previous day's, so the pitcher's passive pitching was understandable.
昨日に続く本塁打だったので投手の消極的な投球は仕方がない。 2024.10.19

メローニは ムッソリーニ以来の 保守リーダー イタリア初の 女性宰相 023
In December 2023, Italy, the only G7 country to have joined the Belt and Road Initiative, formally informed China that it would withdraw from the initiative.
Prime Minister Meloni has indicated that she places importance on relations with the United States and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
2023年12月 、G7の中で唯一、一帯一路に参加していたイタリアが、離脱することを中国側に正式に伝えた。
メローニ首相は、アメリカやNATO=北大西洋条約機構との関係を重視する姿勢を示している。 2024.10.19

アメリカは 唐の昔に 理想など かなぐり捨てて 国益を追う 022
It is true that this conflict began with a surprise attack by Hamas, but most people around the world understand that it was caused by Israel's unreasonable treatment of the Palestinian people.
The United States, and the two presidential candidates, cannot stop Israel.
アメリカは、そして大統領候補の二人はイスラエルを制止できない。 2024.10.18

賃上げは 当然のこと して貰う 然(さ)は然(さ)り乍(なが)ら もっと下がいる 021
There are many workers who do not belong to labor unions that are affiliated with the Federation and who do not receive bonuses.
連合に加盟している労働組合以外の労働者の中には賞与も貰えない人が沢山いる。 2024.10.18

セカストで ジャケット三枚 二千円 掘り出し物を 見つけて「ヨッシャ」 020
I rarely buy clothes.
When I have no choice but to buy clothes, I buy them at thrift stores.
仕方がなく服を買う時には古着屋で買う。 2024.10.17

人前で 泣いて語るを 恥とする 昔の男は 面(おもて)反らした 019
There are pros and cons about men crying in public, but I don't agree with men crying in public.
When was the Japanese aesthetic sense at its highest?
This aesthetic sense, which includes consideration for others, traditional culture and customs, harmony and cooperation, and appreciation of nature, has been constantly changing...
他者への思いやり、伝統的な文化や風習、調和と協調、自然を愛でることなどの美意識は絶えず変化してきたのだが…。 2024.10.17

ボチボチと 同じ世代の 訃報を聞く どうやらわたしも おあとが宜しい 018
"Oato ga Yoroshii youde" is a phrase used by rakugo performers at vaudeville shows as the closing line, meaning "The next performer is now ready, so I will take my leave now."
We, the human race, have always passed the baton to the next generation in this way.
我々人類は常にそうして次の世代にバトンを渡してきました。 2024.10.17

欧州へ 空輸で届く 安い花 ケニヤのバラの 本当の値段 017
Kenyan roses are mainly exported to Europe.
But the labour costs of those involved in production seem to be too low.
しかし、生産に携わる人々の人件費が安すぎるようだ。 2024.10.16

火曜日は あのうどん屋の 定休日 だから本日 牛丼の日 016
I eat gyudon when my favorite udon restaurant is closed.
行きつけのうどん屋が休みの日には牛丼を食べる。 2024.10.16

害獣を 駆除するための 銃弾は 宇(克蘭)国支援で 価格高騰 015
NHK reported on the increasing number of harmful animals such as deer and wild boars in the Tohoku region and the efforts to eradicate them.
They said that bullets for hunting rifles are imported from the United States, but because they are providing bullets to Ukraine, the price has risen sharply and they are difficult to use.
猟銃の弾丸はアメリカからの輸入であるが、ウクライナに銃弾を支援しているので価格が高騰していて、なかなか使えないということだった。 2024.10.16

ウクライナ ロシア双方 無人機は 百万機から 二百万機 014
I want Russia to return the occupied Ukrainian territory as soon as possible and end the war.
At the same time, we are witnessing a change in the way weapons of modern warfare are used.
NHK news reports that the number of drones used each year in both Ukraine and Russia is between 1 and 2 million.
無人機の使用数は年間にウクライナ、ロシア双方共に100万機から200万機とNHKのニュース。 2024.10.15

唇を 鳴らす親父の 情けなく 狼狽(うろた)えるは 拠(よんどころ)無い 013
The story of the NHK morning drama "Omusubi" on October 15, 2024.
2024.10.15のNHK朝ドラ「おむすび」の展開。 2024.10.15

石破さん 安倍や岸田に 比べれば 人間性は ずっとずっと増し 012
The election for the House of Representatives will be announced today.
Ishiba's correction of his statement has been criticized in various ways, but compared to Abe and Kishida, he is a much better person.
石破さんの発言の修正が様々批判されているが安倍や岸田に比べたら彼の人間性が際立って優れている。 2024.10.15

中国が 台湾丸ごと 取り囲み 軍事演習 一触即発 011
Russia's invasion of Ukraine also began as an extension of military exercises.
"Issyokusokuhatsu" refers to a situation in which the slightest contact could lead to an explosion.
「一触即発」とは、ちょっと触れれば爆発しそうな状態を言う。 2024.10.15

可哀想 千賀投手が ノックアウト 勝負の世界の 今日の運命 010
He couldn't throw a strike and destroyed himself.
I hope he can redeem himself next time.
次の名誉挽回を期待する。 2024.10.14

ヒリヒリと する十月を 送る君 今日はメッツの 千賀と対戦 009
His talents further flourished with the Angels, and this year he moved to a new place, the Dodgers.
Today is the first day of the National League Championship Series.
The starting pitcher for the New York Mets is Senga.
ニューヨークメッツの先発投手は千賀である。 2024.10.14

いつからか 晩飯を食い 十二時間 なにも食わない 習慣になる 008
Whether humans live long and healthy lives probably depends in large part on chance.
Some lifestyle habits are good for health.
生活習慣は健康に良いものもある。 2024.10.14

容赦なく 老いの極まり にじり寄る その内それも 分からなくなる 007
This is one thing I cannot control.
こればかりは自制できないことである。 2024.10.13

自分では 呆けかどうかも 分からない それが呆けだと 思うこの頃 006
Dementia is a natural part of old age.
And it is unfortunate to go through old age worrying excessively about getting dementia.
認知症に罹ることを過度に心配して老後を暮らすことは不幸な事。 2024.10.13

解散を 急いだ理由 もう一つ 牧原法相 統一教会 005
It is said that the reason why Prime Minister Ishiba reversed his statement during the LDP presidential election was due to internal party circumstances.
However, it seems likely that he wanted to avoid the issue of Justice Minister Makihara's involvement with the Unification Church being discussed in the Budget Committee.
しかし、予算委員会で牧原法相の統一教会問題が審議されるのを忌避したかったのではないか。 2024.10.13

牧原は ずっと前から 訝しく 今に思えば 統一教会 004
Justice Minister Makihara revealed that he and his secretaries had attended a total of 37 meetings held by the former Unification Church and related organizations in the past.
He also said that he had received support as volunteers from people associated with the cult since his first time running for the House of Representatives election in 2005.

四キロの 水を担いで 散歩する 肉は付いたか 七十三歳 003
I don't have an obsession with money, but I do seem to be obsessed with health.
わたしは金には執着しないが健康には執着するようだ。 2024.10.12

ドラえもん あの声の人 身罷った 令和六年 行年九十 002
Nobuyo Oyama.
She was one of Japan's best voice actresses.
彼女は日本の声優中の声優だった。 2024.10.12

ぼーちぼち 鍛えておかねば 間に合わぬ そう発起した 八年前 001
It was on my 65th birthday that I realized that I needed to start strengthening my legs soon, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay healthy in my old age.
そろそろ足腰を鍛えないと老後を健康に暮らせないと考えたのは六十五歳の誕生日だった。 2024.10.12

終活の短歌集 第二章 第七節 501〜600

終活の短歌集 第二章 第七節 501〜600

中国は どこまで開示 WHO 肝心かなめは 必ず隠す 600
People related to the WHO have entered Wuhan.
It is questionable whether the WHO can investigate without any reservations towards China.
Even if the WHO is willing to investigate, China will not agree to an investigation that would cause inconvenience to its own country.
The world is watching the WHO's activities in China.
世界中が中国のWHOを見守る。 2021-01-14 19:17

権兵衛さん 医者の言うこと 聞かんから いつまでたっても 感染が減らん 599
The number of coronavirus infections is not decreasing because the government is ignoring the opinions of the presidents of the Japan Medical Association and the Tokyo Medical Association, coming up with all sorts of excuses.
The government should stop using Omi for its own convenience.
They say good medicine tastes bitter.
Omi is a person who tastes sweet.
Everyone in the country knows this now.
もう国民みんなが分かっている。 2021-01-14 19:53

通報の 報奨金は 五万ドル 眼の色変えて 容疑者探す 598
Authorities have released photos of the pro-Trump criminals who stormed the Capitol building to the public, asking for information.
The reward is a whopping $50,000.
I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks of a wanted poster from a Western movie?
In reality, gun-toting bounty hunters will search for the culprit and shoot out.
Offering a reward for information doesn't seem so strange, but when it's $50,000, it seems like there might be a different motive.
When the "BLACK LIVES MATTER" movement was taking place, I saw a news report of a mother taking her middle school daughter to a gun range before buying her a gun for self-defense.
Behind the outward appearance of eliminating racial discrimination lies deep-rooted discrimination, prejudice, and conflict.
Obama, the first black president, had absolutely no effect on improving racial discrimination (or so it seems to me).
On the contrary, after he left office, he gave birth to President Trump, which ultimately contributed greatly to making racial discrimination more apparent.
We witnessed the shocking scene of a black American athlete standing on the podium at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, standing motionless with his black-gloved hands raised to the sky and his eyes looking down as the flag was raised.
America hasn't changed.
America hasn't changed.
In fact, it has regressed.
Today's world is filled with uncertainty, including the coronavirus, which humanity still does not fully understand, unfounded stock price hikes, and the rise of China.
As Akiko Yosano said, we must be "wise in protecting ourselves."

「BLACK LIVES MATTER」 運動が起こったときに中学生の女児に護身の為の銃を買う前に母親が娘を銃の練習場に連れて行っているニュースを見た。
与謝野晶子が言うように「我が身を守ることに聡明」でなければならない。 2021-01-15 07:09

昼休み 密会避けて 店探す ランチ迷子の 新語ができる 597
There are people who wander the streets, refusing to go into overcrowded restaurants for lunch, because they don't want to get sick themselves or infect others.
Thanks to such conscientious Japanese people, the number of infections has been kept to this level so far.
こういう真面目な日本人によってこれまではこの程度の感染で済んだ。 2021-01-15 08:16

まるで春 暖か日和の 今日明日 明後日からは また寒波が来る 596
One more month and we'll be descending into the depths of winter cold.
あとひと月は寒さの底に向かって落ちていく。 2021-01-15 09:31

州兵が 就任式に 二萬人 首都中心を 厳戒警備 595
We are often hearing comparisons between recent events in America and the time of the Civil War.
It is said that 20,000 National Guard troops have been gathered in Washington.
Guard members have been reported to be sleeping on the floor of the Capitol to rest.
Members of the press have said that this is the first time they have seen such a scene since the Civil War.
Just recently, several bronze statues of historical figures who are said to have supported slavery were torn down.
It appears that even today in America, there is deep-rooted conflict between the North and the South over slavery and discrimination against blacks.
The very foundations of America as an immigrant nation with a past of slavery are being called into question.
奴隷制の過去をもつ移民国家アメリカの成り立ちそのものが問われている。 2021-01-15 10:22

自転車を 漕いで二時間 お買い物 リュック背負って 焼酎入れて 594
Two hours by bicycle is too long to go shopping, but I don't have anything in particular to do so it's not a problem.
♬ お買い物は 自転車に乗って ♬ 2021-01-15 10:56

星の数 それほど聴いた 流行歌 その時々の 景色が浮かぶ 593
I've listened to a lot of popular songs since I was a child.
When I hear old popular songs, I remember the time when they were popular.
♬ あんこ〜椿は〜あんこ〜椿は ♬ 2021-01-15 11:06

パククネの 哀れな老後 またしても 隣国の事 チンプンカンプン 592
Even though this situation (the sad end of a former president) continues, he(she) still wants to become president (a person of power).
We cannot understand our neighboring country.
隣国のことは理解できない。 2021-01-15 11:41

また勝った 六連勝 秋瀬山 危ない相撲を 気持ちで勝った 591
This sumo wrestler was thought to be nearing retirement, but he has been performing spectacularly.
♬ あきっせ〜やま〜 ♬ 2021-01-15 16:27

海だとか 山だとか亦 川だとか 力士四股名は 郷土の山河 590
This is how sumo wrestlers' shikona should be: Tochinishiki, Wakanohana, Kashiwado, Sata no Yama, Kitano Fuji, Kitanoumi, Asanoyama, Akiseyama, etc.
The shikona names of sumo wrestlers these days aren't good.
There are too many with Chinese pronunciations.
"Kotosyoho", "Tokusyoryu", and some like this one, "Akua".
中にはこんなのもある、天空海(あくあ)。 2021-01-15 16:38

琴勝峰 稽古が足りぬ 体つき 地道に励め 精進あるのみ 589
Do your best!
頑張れ! 2021-01-15 17:15

あっぱれだ 大栄翔が 押し切った 照ノ富士も 為ん術無しに 588
♬ だいっえいっしょー ♬ 2021-01-15 17:27

貴景勝 引いたら負けるは 当たり前 弱い心に 打ち克っていけ 587
Get fired up, go at your opponent, and wrestle.
♫ はっけよーいのこった ♫ 2021-01-15 17:49

パキパキと 乾いた枝が 折れる音 袋を提げて 薪拾う人 586
I saw people walking through national forests collecting firewood, although I assumed the purpose would be to cook or heat a bath.
I wonder how much more and how little carbon dioxide emissions there is between heating a bath with gas and using firewood.
Humans have long used firewood produced by forests to cook and keep warm.
However, with the human population now so large, if we rely on forests for energy, forest resources will be depleted in no time.
We need to make the Earth sustainable without using nuclear power or relying on fossil fuels.
原子力を使わずに、化石燃料に頼らずに、地球を持続可能にしていくことが求められる。 2021-01-16 07:34

今日は春 明日は真冬の 日和とか 女心と 天気の神様 585
Of course, we can adjust our clothing to keep ourselves warm or cold, but as we age, the sensors in our skin deteriorate and we become less sensitive to heat and cold.
We often see elderly people wearing thin clothes when it is cold, or thick clothes when it is hot.
寒いはずなにに薄着をしていたり、暑いはずなのに厚着をしていたりする老人を見かけることがある。 2021-01-16 08:21

試験日に 雪が降らずに 良かったね 大学入試 みんな頑張れ 584
It's warm across the country today and there doesn't seem to be any snow, so although I'm a bit worried about COVID-19, it's a nice, safe day for an exam.
I send my best wishes to all the exam takers who have been at the mercy of COVID-19 for a year.
一年間コロナに翻弄されてきた受験生諸君にエールを送る。 2021-01-16 08:39

森の中 一本道を ウォーキング 叢の陰 おびただしい虫 583
Where there are insects, there are also birds, mice, and snakes that prey on them.
虫がいるならその虫を捕食する鳥やネズミや蛇もいる。 2021-01-16 10:11

トリアージ 覚悟促す イタリアの 医療崩壊 ドキュメンタリー 582
The selection of lives will begin here in Japan.
It has already begun.
既に始まっている。 2021-01-16 10:42

サービスが 変幻自在 伊藤美誠 激しい攻防 瞬き忘れ 581
It seems like each and every one of Ito Mima's serves is different in nature (type).
She probably creates her serves freely on the spot.
彼女は多分その場その場で自在にサーブを創り出している。  2021-01-16 11:30

卓球も バドミントンも マラソンも 勝負であれば 我が我がと 580
That's what a competition is all about.
勝負事はそれでいいのだ。 2021-01-16 12:34

公の 道整えて くれる人 熊手がいつも ベンチの脇に 579
There are people who do not receive orders from anyone, do not ask for thanks from anyone, and simply continue to serve in silence.
This is what we call "grateful."
こういうのを「有難い」という。 2021-01-16 15:47

琴勝峰 大器であると 褒め殺し 疑って聴け 調子に乗るな 578
All you can do is practice steadily without getting the wrong idea.
It's just a body covered in fat, not a body that has been trained through practice.
脂肪が巻いているだけで稽古で鍛えあげた体ではない。 2021-01-16 17:42

チイチイと 囀りながら 森を飛ぶ 恋を語るか 子供を呼ぶか 577
Considering the season, it may not be a whisper of love, but I shouldn't be rude and say anything.
♬ imagine all the birds living for today ♬< 2021-01-17 07:26

感染者 高止まりする 踊り場は 下に降るか 上に昇るか 576
Judging from the behavior of people (in Japan), it seems that the number of infected people will not decrease.
Looking at the spread of infection in Europe, it seems unlikely that the number will decrease.
It is now being reported that there are infected people in China, where no cases had been reported until now.
The current temperature and humidity are favorable for the virus for a while.
Since it is person-to-person transmission, the infection will stop if people do not meet each other.
The fact that the infection is spreading means that people are in contact with other people.
The infection will stop if we drastically cut off contact between people in a short period of time.
As a result, the damage to the economy will also be minimized.
結果、経済へのダメージも最小化できる。 2021-01-17 07:44

早田ひな ディフェンディング チャンピオン 手足伸び伸び 心伸び伸び 575
The semi-finals between Mima Ito and last year's champion Hina Hayata have begun.
Who will win?
さあどっちが勝つか。 2021-01-17 10:19

素うどんが ちょうどよくなり 胃の袋 二酸化炭素も 抑制レベル 574
It is often said that the process of producing beef emits a lot of carbon dioxide.
Of course, this is based on unit weight, but even when it is the same beef, expensive beef emits more carbon dioxide than cheap beef.
Pork emits less carbon dioxide than beef, chicken emits less than pork, and tofu emits less carbon dioxide than chicken.
While food waste is often a problem, there are people in poor countries who starve to death or die from near-starvation.
廃棄食料が屡々問題にされるようになった一方で餓死、またはそれに近い状態で命を落とす貧困国の住人がいる。 2021-01-17 12:25

チャプチャプと 汐が満ちたる 桟橋に 優しい波音 しばし聴き入る 573
♬ I see trees of greens , red roses , too
I see them for me and you
And I think to myself , what a wonderful world ♬2021-01-17 16:30

いつからか 日本文化が COOLだと 身に覚えのない 評価がすすむ 572
Until recently, we cooked with well water, the kitchen drained into a sewer infested with mosquito larvae, had a drop toilet, grew vegetables in the fields using human feces as fertilizer, the children had roundworms in their stomachs, we ate miso soup, pickled radish, barley rice, and the occasional chicken egg or fish from nearby sea, and meat was rarely on the table.
We wore rags but boasted that our hearts were made of brocade, studied Western music, art, mathematics, and physics at school, felt inferior to the West including in our appearance, lived in small houses derided as rabbit hutches, and were even called economic animals.
The roads were gravel, there were no cars, and no traffic lights.
And yet somehow Japanese culture has become cool.
There's no way Japan could become cool in just half a century.
This must be a conspiracy.
At least I am still living in a NOT COOL JAPAN.
少なくも小生は今も NOT COOL に生きている。 2021-01-17 18:45

暗闇に 赤い灯りの 列車行く 山に隠れて 線路の音が 571
The red lights of the train disappeared behind the mountains, and then I could hear the sound of it running on the tracks.
♫ Red lights for the last train ♬
♫ 赤いランプの終列車 ♬ 2021-01-18 08:20

韓国の ことは暫く 関わらぬ 見猿聞か猿 言わざる猿に 570
No matter how good our intentions, we should not get involved with people who they cannot understand.
いくら善意を尽くしても理解できない人々に対しては関わらないことだ。 2021-01-18 11:44

真夜中に こむら返りで 飛び起きる 声を殺して 悶え苦しむ 569
Join my hands in prayer.
合掌 2021-01-18 16:52

二千年 米をつくって 食べてきた いま研ぎ汁が 赤潮の素 568
I heard that rice water is a cause of pollution.
It seems that the nitrogen and phosphorus contained in the rice washing water are the culprits.
The red tide is said to be caused by this rice washing water.
Some are of the opinion that the rice washing water pollution theory is a way to sell no-rinse rice.
I think that rice is an excellent food on a calorie basis.
I also think that in places like Africa where there are chronic food shortages, we should actively cultivate rice, including upland rice, and promote the consumption of rice.
I believe that rice produces much less carbon dioxide per unit of energy than producing Japan's high-quality marbled beef, and best of all, rice is cheap and can support the lives of many people.
Perhaps we need to actively debate which is more environmentally friendly.
It's unreasonable to say that rice water is bad for the environment and that we should immediately switch to no-rinse rice.
It's a way of cooking rice that we've been using for 2,000 years.
We should take the time to think about it.
I try and be as sustainable as I can.
I try and be as sustainable as I can. 2021-01-19 08:08

中国に 生まれてよかった 胸を張る これがほんとの 知らぬが仏 567
Human rights are not being recognized, the status quo is being changed by force, Hong Kong, Taiwan, COVID-19, etc.
No matter how much people from other countries hate this country, the people who actually live there are proud to say, "I'm Chinese and I'm happy."
他国の人々がいくらこの国を嫌いでも、その国に現に住んでいる人が「中国人で幸せ」だと胸を張る。 2021-01-19 11:22

小銃を 抱えて衛る ワシントン 戦後目指した これがアメリカ 566
The sight of tens of thousands of soldiers with automatic rifles guarding the capital city makes it seem like the nation is on the brink of civil war.
Tomorrow is the inauguration ceremony, so I wonder what news will come.
明日が就任式であるがどんなニュースがもたらされるのだろう。 2021-01-19 11:46

大寒の 夜明けの前の 冷え込みは 夏に向けての ターニングポイント 565
"Dikan" is a word created by people long ago, but it has a deep meaning.
For winter, it is the early morning that is most beautiful2021-01-20 07:19

Assouさん 馬鹿にしないでよ そっちの所為 一体何を 教わって来たの 564
♬ Don't make fun of me~ It's your fault~ ♬
♫ Boy~ What on earth have you been taught~ ♬
♬ 馬鹿にしないでよ〜 そっちのせいよ〜 ♬
♫ 坊や〜いったい何を教わってきたの〜 ♬ 2021-01-20 11:59

NIKAIさん 仰ることが 分からない あなたは老害 もう辞めるべき  563
Although he is asking questions in the Diet, I think he is making a fool of the people.
Doesn't he feel ashamed of himself?
自分に恥ずかしいと思わないのだろうか。 2021-01-20 14:20

大栄翔 もう後がない また負けた 賜杯のことは 問屋が卸さぬ 562
♬ Kintaro of Mt. Ashigara, practicing sumo on horseback.
Hakkeyoiyoinokotta Hakkeyoiyoinokotta ♬
♬ 足柄山の金太郎 馬に跨りお相撲の稽古 
 はっけよいよいのこった はっけよいよいのこった ♬ 2021-01-20 17:1

大相撲 取組あいだに 鳶が啼く ピーヒョロロー ピーヒョロロー 561
There are many kites living near where I live.
わたしの住まいの近くには多くの鳶が棲んでいる。 2021-01-20 17:23

ワクチンの 接種開始は 来月に 国産品は どんげなっちょる? 560
Despite being the world's third largest economy, vaccinations with the coronavirus vaccine have yet to begin.
Vaccinations have begun in Brazil, although the vaccine is produced in China.
Even Russia has domestically produced vaccines.
It goes without saying that safety must be prioritized.
Having said that, any Japanese person would think that vaccinations with a domestically produced vaccine should have begun.
A developed country in the world.
Japan is the world's third largest economy.
Mr. Suga, what's going on?
菅さん、どんげなっちょると? 2021-01-21 07:54

大栄翔 前半戦の 勢いは 見る影もなく よたよた相撲 559
They say that a sumo wrestler who excels at pushing sumo becomes unstoppable once he catches the wave, but he fell off the wave.
押し相撲は波に乗ったら手が付けられないとは云うが、彼は波から落ちた。 2021-01-21 17:19

アイムウィズユー 中島みゆき ファイトだ 闘う人への 励ましの歌 558
♬ Fight! Those who don't fight will laugh at the song you sing as you fight right now ♬
♬ ファイト! 闘う君の唄を 闘わない奴等が笑うだろ ♬ 2021-01-22 07:03

曇りだと 天気予報は 昨日から 何度も言うが 朝から快晴 557
♬ I see trees of greens , red roses , too
I see them for me and you
And I think to myself , what a wonderful world ♬♬ 2021-01-22 08:00

いくらかは 無駄につかうも 多かった 救われた人も 亦多かった 556
I imagine that how the 100,000 yen was spent varied from person to person, such as on relatively expensive children's toys or durable consumer goods.
I can imagine that many people were able to survive on that 100,000 yen.
I hear that there are now growing calls for another round of payments.
Because the government is in chaos, we cannot see the figures for how many people are in poverty.
In the world's third largest economy, starvation and suicide due to poverty would be a man-made and political disaster.
世界第三位の経済大国で貧困による餓死や自殺があれば人災、政治災害である。 2021-01-22 08:17

バイデンが 動き始めた WARTIME 四十万が コロナで戦死 555
It seems that the number of deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in the United States has surpassed the number of combat deaths in World War II.
President Biden says that "we are now on a war footing."
バイデン大統領は「今は戦時体制」だと言う。 2021-01-22 11:49

秋瀬山 勝ち越し決めた 幕ノ内 三十路半ばで 初めて決めた 554
Akiseyama is showing the best of his abilities this tournament.
He won today on the thirteenth day and achieved his first winning record in the makunouchi division.
It is easy to imagine what he is feeling.
He must be just as happy as if he had won the highest championship.
♬ Kintaro of Ashigarayama, practicing sumo on horseback, Hakkeyoiyoi nokotta, Hakkeyoiyoi nokotta ♬
♬ 足柄山の金太郎 馬に跨りお相撲の稽古  はっけよいよいのこった はっけよいよいのこった ♬ 2021-01-22 16:16

フランスの マクロンさんの 善政は 学食1食 120円なり 553
In France, students are struggling financially as they are unable to work part-time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
President Macron has decided to provide student cafeterias with meals twice a day for 1 euro.
マクロン大統領は学生食堂を1日2回、1食1ユーロで提供すると決めた。 2021-01-22 17:04

はっけよい 大栄翔が 押し切った 残り二日に 勝って賜杯を 552
It's refreshing to watch this wrestler wrestle.
この力士の相撲は見ていて清々しい。 2021-01-22 17:16

分際を 明かにする 時代劇 人種差別は 今も世界で 551
The class system is one in which there are people above others and people below others.
"Bunzai" refers to status in society.
「分際」とは社会における身分の事である。 021-01-22 18:17

雨の朝 行き交う車 夫々に 思いを乗せて 仕事への道 550
About money, health, friends, parents, lovers, and Corona.
お金の事、健康の事、友達の事、親の事、恋人の事、コロナの事。 2021-01-23 09:23

アメリカの 分断さらに 進みゆく 知米の人の 話しに拠れば 549
If we summarize the opinions of people who know America well, the division will continue to deepen.
At the very least, it seems that Biden's arrival will not bridge the gap of division.
From "Make America Great Again" to "Unity."
Those who resonate with the former will not easily change their mind to the latter.
Doesn't "Unity" sound weak in the face of the desire to return to the great America of the past and restore our (white) existence to the way it once was?
Make America Great Again から Unity
過去に偉大だったアメリカに戻って我々(白人)の存在を嘗てあったように復元しようという欲求の前にはUnityはひ弱に響きはしないだろうか。 2021-01-23 09:34

今場所も こんなのばかり 正代の ドタバタ相撲 なんとかならぬか 548
For some reason, this wrestler is popular.
この力士は何故か人気はある。 2021-01-23 17:51

病院に 入(はい)れぬ人が 死んでいく 表に出ない 感染者数 547
The number of coronavirus infected people waiting at home is increasing, and cases of people dying while waiting at home are being reported.
With so many people waiting at home because hospitals cannot accommodate them, is the number of infected people in Japan really trustworthy?
Some infected people are unable to get tested even if they want to.
Some infected people suspect they are infected but are not getting tested.
These people are not being counted.
そんな人たちがカウントされていない。 2021-01-24 08:38

メルケルは ドイツの母と 敬慕され それらの思い ヨーロッパにも 546
Merkel was a "science girl" living in the east when the Berlin Wall was torn down.
Her retirement is set to end this year, and she is greatly missed by the public.
Merkel had the greatest presence of any German politician since the war.
Her resolute attitude, despite being perplexed in a difficult political situation, was admirable.
She was (was) a politician who could be called the mother of Germany, the mother of Europe, and even the mother of the world.
ドイツの母、ヨーロッパの母、さらには世界の母ともなるような政治家(だった)。 2021-01-24 09:43

観客も 選手もみんな 可哀想 女子駅伝が コロナで中止 545
The Kitakyushu Women's Ekiden has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The New Year Ekiden went ahead, the Hakone Ekiden went ahead, and sumo was held with limited spectators.
It's so sad and I have no words of consolation.
可哀想で慰めの言葉もない。 2021-01-24 10:05

福山が 相も変わらず NO.2 人材不足は 野党も同じ 544
The stagnation of this country is not only due to the Liberal Democratic Party, where hereditary succession is rampant, but also due to the incompetent and lethargic members of the opposition parties.
No bright and talented people are appearing in the Diet, whether from the ruling or opposition parties.
気鋭の才能が与野党を含めて国会に出てこない。 2021-01-24 12:03

とてもいい この日本人 特有の 顔の力士の 大栄翔 543
Congratulations on your victory.
♬♬ Daieisho ♬♬
♬♬ だいえいしょー ♬♬ 2021-01-24 16:54

トランプに 難しかったこと バイデンに 同じく難しい 混迷見える 542
The issues are quite complicated, and since taking office he has issued a flurry of executive orders reversing policies implemented by former President Trump, but the issues are extremely complex.
問題はかなり複雑で、就任して矢継ぎ早にトランプ前大統領が実施した政策を否定する大統領令を出しているが、問題は複雑を極める。 2021-01-24 18:41

野蛮国 三千人を 捕まえた 立って眠るか 収容施設 541
Our neighboring country is still as terrible as ever.
They say they've detained 3,200 people, but are they really going to quickly set up shabby temporary detention facilities where people have to sleep standing up?
It's hard enough to arrest 3,200 people, but it's even harder to detain them while respecting their human rights.
3200人は捕まえるのも大変だが人々の人権を守って収容するのはもっと大変だ。 2021-01-25 11:15

ドドドーン 日向灘は 波高し 浜辺の鳥は 飛んだり跳ねたり 540
The waves that come in from far away in the Pacific Ocean are always rough.
Despite the clear, sunny weather, the waves on Hyuga-Nada are rougher than usual.
There's a loud "boom" sound of the waves crashing against the groud from above.
「ドーン」と言う、波が上から打ち付ける激しい音がしている。 2021-01-25 16:30

シトシトと 五官に沁みる 冬の雨 どんより重く 気持ちも沈む 539
Outside, a dreary winter rain is falling.
外は情緒的な冬の雨が降っている。 2021-01-26 08:51

答弁も 弱々しくて 気の毒で 総理大臣 見るに堪えない 538
Prime Minister Suga's response in the Diet was a pitiful sight.
He is a man who has always had an unhealthy complexion and eye color, but now in the Diet, Suga's voice is weak and he is wobbly on his feet.
Add to that the fact that his cabinet ministers are weak, which invites sympathy.
加えて閣僚が非力であるので同情を誘う。 2021-01-26 11:47

GOTOの 追加予算が やり玉に 不要不急は 経済の肝? 537
"GOTO Travel" is said to be the brainchild of a monster named Nikai from Wakayama.
What we are learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is that non-essential human actions support much of the world's economic activity.
At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic is also teaching us that non-essential activities are also important.
和歌山の二階の妖怪の肝入りだと世間で言われている「GOTO トラベル」。
 2021-01-26 12:03

立ち返れ クーベルタンの 理念まで 今の容(かたち)は その意に非ず 536
We should return to the ideals of the modern Olympics that Coubertin aimed for.
クーベルタンが目指した近代オリンピックの理念に立ち返るべき。 2021-01-26 12:49

雨上がり 悲しい色の 空と海 釣り人もなく 波がチャプチャプ 535
My heart felt heavy as I saw the leaden sky and sea.
鉛色の空と海を見て心が重たくなった。 2021-01-26 16:40

老人が また火事で死ぬ 冬の夜 消したかどうか 思い及ばず 534
This morning, another death that appears to be the result of elderly negligence was reported.
Has society simply accepted this as a normal occurrence?
There are also cases of cars driving the wrong way and people stepping on the brakes by mistake.
There have also been cases of couples committing double suicides because they are tired of caring for one another.
This is the sad reality of elderly people being elderly.
老人の老人故の悲しい現実がある。 2021-01-27 07:53

ベーグルを 食うバイデンは 成程と 妙な笑いを 思わず溢す 533
On his way back from mass, President Biden and his large entourage stopped by a sweet shop and had him (probably his security guards) buy him a bagel.
It makes sense when you imagine Biden with his sweet face stuffing his face with sweet treats.
I'm worried about how he will confront the barbaric country of China, but he'll have to be careful not to get teased by Mr. Xi.
After all, Mr. Trump called him Sleepy Joe.
Mr.トランプからスリーピージョーと言われたのだから。 2021-01-27 09:33

塩鮭を 焼いて大根 摺りおろし 味噌汁焚いて 晩飯にする 532
This is a typical Japanese dinner menu after the war, and I think it can be called a SUSTAINABLE meal.
戦後の一般的な日本人の晩御飯の献立だが、これなどはSUSTAINABLEな食事と言ってもいいと思う。 2021-01-27 19:47

遠山の 清彦さんは 公明党 とっちめられて 米つきバッタ 531
MatsuJun of the Liberal Democratic Party and Kin(Kiyo)-san (of Toyama) of the Komeito Party stayed up until late into the night at a Ginza club, drinking alcohol to listen to petitions.
Kin(Kiyo)-san of the Komeito Party continued to bow his head like a rice-pounding grasshopper on social media.
公明党の清(キン)さんはSNSで米つきバッタのように頭を下げ続けた。 2021-01-28 08:13

ワクチンは 貧しい国の 人が先 戦略物資 なってはならない 530
They do not have enough knowledge about the dangers of the coronavirus.
They probably do not know that vaccinations are available.
Of course, they do not know that people in wealthy countries have already started to get vaccinated.
They are unable to resist the virus even as it approaches.
ウイルスが迫ってきても抵抗できない。 2021-01-28 11:45

水溜まり 小鳥が水を 飲んでいる 飲み終わるまで じっと見て待つ 529
It drinks water, looks around restlessly, then drinks water again.
It knows there is a human watching it intently, and so it must be unsettling as it drinks water while remaining wary of the human.
じっと見ている人間の存在は分かっていて、人間を警戒しながら水を飲むのだから鳥も落ち着かないだろう。 2021-01-29 07:27

中国の 旧正月の 大移動 日本のコロナは あれに始まる 528
This year, just before the Lunar New Year, Chinese authorities are calling for people to refrain from traveling, but if you think about it, the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan began with the mass travel during the Lunar New Year in China last year.
By the time China halted travel, many Chinese people had already entered Japan for the Lunar New Year holidays.
中国が渡航を止めた時には日本には旧正月休暇の中国人が大勢入国していた。 2021-01-29 11:43

歳寒の 三友の梅 今まさに 花を開いて 凛と佇む 527
I saw the first plum blossoms of the year.
They are beautiful, blooming despite the cold weather.
この寒波に耐えて咲く花は美しい。 2021-01-29 16:30

ANA(エーエヌエー) 三千憶の 損失金 日銀券は いくらでも刷る 526
It is unfortunate that ANA is in the red due to the coronavirus self-restraint measures, but it seems that the Japanese government will provide its full support.
The Bank of Japan continues to print large quantities of Bank of Japan notes (banknotes), so 300 billion yen is a piece of cake.
I hope that the coronavirus will be contained so that ANA and JAL can return to operating as normal.
It is obvious that the next Bank of Japan governor after Kuroda will have a hard time.
黒田さんの後の日銀総裁は苦労することは火を見るより明らか。 2021-01-29 17:24

博愛の 移民受け入れ これ以上 続けられない 欧米の人 525
Whether in the United States, Europe, or elsewhere, "humanitarian immigration" will only lead to social division in the future.
The behavior of the people of countries that have accepted immigrants in the past proves that ideals alone have their limits.
理想だけでは限界があるのは過去に移民を受け入れた国々の国民が証明する。 2021-01-29 20:24

ヤシの木が 激しく揺れる 冬の日は 自転車ライダー 気合を入れる 524
Today was one of those days, but I decided to go out on my bike.
As I expected, the wind was strong.
思った通り風がきつかった。  2021-01-30 08:18

振り向けば 麦わら帽子 逆さまに 棚に転がる 冬の夕暮れ 523
Seeing a summer item (straw hat) in the cold season feels strange because it's been a long time since I've had anything to do with it.
I hope it remains upside down on the shelf and waits for summer to come.
どうか棚の上で逆さまのままで夏が来るのを待ってもらいたい。 2021-01-30 10:13

ワクチンが 人間のエゴ 炙り出す 地獄の沙汰も 金が物言う 522
Hell and this world depend on money.
地獄もこの世も金次第。 2021-01-30 11:54

目に見えぬ 微細な生き物 人類の 経済などにも 影響及ぼし 521
I hear that economic inequality is accelerating due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I don't think economic inequality is what God wants, but it seems that economic inequality will widen further around the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
経済格差は神の望むところとは思えないが、コロナ禍で経済格差は世界で更に広がるようだ。 2021-01-30 19:46

重かった 背中の米が ずっしりと リュックサックの 紐がくい込む 520
Nowadays, you don't really go out to buy rice with a backpack on.
It's not like we were in a post-war black market.
But feeling the weight of the food I need to eat on my back as I ride home (by bicycle) is a realization of the reality of food.
しかし自分が食う食料の重さを背中に感じながら(自転車にのって)の家路は何とも食糧のリアリティがあるもんだ。 2021-01-31 07:45

座右の銘? もうそんなもん 無くなった でも一寸待て 初めから無い 519
When I'm born again, I want to keep this motto in mind and live a good life.
次に生まれてくるときはしっかり座右の銘を持って善い人生を送りたい。 2021-01-31 11:39

鴨たちが 天敵隔てる 砂州に群れ 頭を羽に うずめて休む 518
Is it Sunday for the ducks too?
The ducks are huddled together in a sunlit pool on the sandbar, motionless.
Their heads are tucked into their feathers, making their bodies completely round.
首を羽の中に突っ込んで丸々となっている。 2021-01-31 16:57

冷凍の 安いカレイを 塩で揉み 臭みをとって 煮付けにしよう 517
A very common stew of fish such as flounder.
Today, I use frozen flounder.
Technology for preserving fresh food has made remarkable advances in recent years.
冷凍の技術とか、生鮮食料品の保存の技術は最近目覚ましく発達している。 2021-01-31 18:45

野蛮国 また捕まえた 五千人 再び見るか 国の廃れを 516
Even elementary school students know that our neighboring barbarian country has a vast land area.
Just recently, they detained over 3,000 people.
A huge building would be needed to house the total of 8,000 people detained, but aren't they cramming people into chicken coops?
まさか鶏小屋に人間を押し込んでいるのではないか? 2021-02-01 07:46

中国の 海警法が 今日成った 外国船に 弾撃ちまくる 515
That country appears to be a nation governed by the rule of law.
In any case, that country has publicly declared that it will fire on foreign ships.
Prime Minister Suga, are you okay?
We need to be prepared, don't we?
We can't just rely on America, can we?
アメリカ頼みじゃダメとよ? 2021-02-01 11:53

イスラエル 僧侶の葬儀 数千人 イエスキリスト いま何思う 514
From a Japanese perspective, the gods of the religions of that region are intense.
The gods of monotheism are intense.
I'm glad to be Japanese and worship the eight million gods.
わたしは八百万の~を尊崇する日本人で良かった。 2021-02-01 17:16

下村が 出るTBS 小野寺が 出るフジテレビ フジテレビ視る 513
Shimomura, a member of the Diet representing Tokyo, is dishonest.
東京選出の下村という国会議員は不誠実。 2021-02-01 20:23

餌持って 竿を担いで 防波堤 雑魚と戯れ ボウズで帰る 512
I sometimes watch TV programs about fishing.
Fishing by ordinary people who are not fishermen supports a "non-essential industry."
Fishing programs are expected to produce "big catches."
The captain of a recreational fishing boat should show off his skills by taking viewers to places where there are good catches.
The fishing tackle manufacturers who sponsor the program need to prove that their equipment leads to good catches.
Fishing programs feature people catching many fish that are bigger than necessary and bragging about it.
This is clearly the exact opposite of the purpose of the "SDGs."
You should just catch enough fish to eat for yourself and your family.
自分や自分の家族が食べるだけの魚を釣ればいい。 2021-02-02 07:50

北風に 耐えるヤシの木 今まさに 折れはしないか 激しく撓む 511
There is meaning in the power of nature.
Palm trees are tall, and create nutrients through photosynthesis using only a few leaves at the top.
There must be a reason why they grow so tall.
There must also be a reason why they leave the leaves at the top.
Compared to the trunks of the broadleaf trees in this archipelago, the trunks of palm trees look quite strange.
The fibers are firmly connected vertically, so a palm tree trunk will not break in a slight wind.
繊維が縦にしっかり繋がっていて少々の風ではヤシの木の幹は折れない。 2021-02-02 11:49

田崎さん 出るTBS 横粂さん 出るフジテレビ フジテレビ視る 510
I don't like this political journalist.
この政治ジャーナリストはわたしは嫌いだ。 2021-02-02 12:29

桜会 不起訴判断 不当なり 弁護士たちが 審査請求 509
Of course.
Otherwise, we will end up like the barbaric country next door that tramples on the human rights of Hong Kong and the Uighurs.
そうでなければ香港やウイグルの人権を蹂躙する隣の野蛮国と同じことになる。 2021-02-02 13:46

雨上がり 小鳥賑やか 舞い騒ぐ 第六番の 交響曲 508
Beethoven (Germany) 1770-1827 Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68 "Pastoral"
ベートーヴェン(独) 1770〜1827 交響曲 第6番 ヘ長調 作品68 《田 園》 2021-02-03 08:19

看板に 三千万円 千葉白井 コロナ対策 愚かな支出 507
A citizens' group has handed a petition to Mayor Kikuo Kasai of Shirai City, Chiba Prefecture, calling for the city to cancel a project to install warning signs in parks at a budget of approximately 30 million yen to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
新型コロナウイルス感染防止のため、千葉県白井市が約3000万円の予算で公園に注意看板を設置する事業に対し、市民団体が署名簿を笠井喜久雄市長に手渡し、中止を求めた。 2021-02-03 08:39

地獄行き 言い渡された クーデター 愚かな動機 未開のAPE 506
Another military coup in Myanmar.
I don't necessarily support Aung San Suu Kyi, but the masterminds of this coup are definitely going to hell.
必ずしもスー・チー氏を応援するものではないけれどこのクーデターの首謀者達の地獄行きは確定。 2021-02-03 11:12

何故できた? センスでしょう 堀内氏 そらそうだろう 直ぐに頷く 505
Horiuchi's debut was brilliant.
The whole nation witnessed his incredible talent.
When asked (on TV), he replied, "It must be my baseball sense."
(テレビの)質問に彼は「センスでしょうね」と応えた。 2021-02-03 11:50

謝罪する 田村大臣 心底で どこが患部か 分かっているか 504
The coronavirus contact app wasn't working.
It was the same when the 100,000 yen handouts were given out, but it really makes me worried about this country.
When did our country become such a disgrace?
いつからこんな無様な国になったのか。 2021-02-03 17:24

森ヨシロ 老害の極み 辞めなはれ 見っともないよ 身内が哀れ 503
This morning there were a number of (bad) stories about former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori.
One of them was his misogynistic remarks.
The other was that the man from London Boots is declining to be a torchbearer because he couldn't accept Mori's remarks.

When Mori Yoshiro was appointed chairman of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, I think it was an extremely hackneyed personnel move.
It is still fresh in my memory that many Japanese people felt that Mori was appointed because Abe was the prime minister at the time.
But then Abe resigned.

Mori has always been a politician lacking in tact, so it was easy to imagine that he would cause trouble somewhere.
And now the tiger has turned into a cat.
It seems that (Mori Yoshiro) has said that the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will go ahead no matter what the situation with COVID-19 is.
His other half of London Boots does not agree with Mori's thinking, so it seems he will decline to be a torch relay runner.
I support the opinion of his other half of London Boots.
ロンドンブーツの彼を支持する。 2021-02-04 06:37

愛宕山 空気がうまい 下り道 視野の遥かに 東海の里が 502
On the way down the mountain, I feel like I can breathe easier and can appreciate the freshness of the air.
山の下りの道は息も軽やかになって空気の美味さも分かるような気がする。 2021-02-04 10:56

原産地 冬の五輪が 赤信号 天に唾吐き 因果応報 501
The 2022 Winter Olympics, which are scheduled to be held in China, where the new coronavirus originated, are beginning to look uncertain.
It is the law of nature that spit into the sky will come back down.
天に向けて吐いた唾が落ちてくるのは自然の摂理。 2021-02-04

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