「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
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