

終活の短歌集 第三章 第一節 第一番〜第百番

✧  終活の短歌集 第三章 第一節 第一番〜第百番 ✧

長生きを すると云うのは 辛いもの 老剣客が しみじみ語る
How do we express "Kenkaku" in English?
Bushido(=samurai spirit), especially the way to master swordsmanship in Japan, is special.
The sword that a samurai always carries is called the samurai's soul.
The expression is used to mean that a sword is so important to a samurai that it has a spirit.
A swordsman is a person who is pursuing a way to live with a sword.
The old swordsman says, "Living long is a pain."(100)

何気ない 日常に瞼 熱くなる 人の営み 情の深さよ
The value of human beings is not to have a high social position, even to have a lot of wealth.
In casual everyday life, we sometimes encounter acts that seem to be based on valuable humanity.
When I see such an act, I am moved in my calm heart and tears spill.(099)

人類を 翻弄するか オミクロン 誰が導く メフィストフェレス
The new coronavirus is mutating one after another.
I'm surprised that they can mutate so conveniently for their survival.
I imagine that there is a devil (Mephistopheles) behind it.(098)

じんわりと 夜が明けていく 空を見る 老いの早起き 三文の得
In Japan, there is a saying, "If you get up early, you will get three mon (old unit of money)."
Many old men wake up early in the morning.
We can now enjoy what we couldn't do when we were young because we are old people.(097)

王鵬と いう若者が 幕の内 土俵に上がる 正月場所
There was a very strong sumo wrestler when I was a kid.
The name of the sumo wrestler was Taiho.
The grandson of the sumo wrestler is now on the ring.
Definitely the grandson of that Taiho.(096)

長浜は 津波騒ぎで 人もなく ただ鉛色の 海が広がる
I walked the usual walking course.
Today is Sunday, so usually there should be a few people.
But is it the effect of the tsunami caused by the volcano in Tonga?
There were no people and the lead-colored sea was spreading.(095)

南海の 海底火山が 噴火する 空気を圧して 津波を起こす
It is said that the atmospheric pressure around Japan has risen by 2 hectopascals.
The Japan Meteorological Agency cannot explain the relationship between this phenomenon and the tsunami academically.
Historically, the tsunami may not have occurred due to the air vibration caused by the eruption of a volcano.
The air pressed the surface of the sea and caused a tsunami.(094)

長浜の 広い景色を 独り占め 沖を見やれば 大魚が跳ねる
As I said before, swimming is prohibited in Nagahama because of the fast tide.
So there are no people on the beautiful beach.
If you go to Nagahama, you can always monopolize the magnificent view.
Nagahama is right there, so it's not unusual.
So I don't stay long, but the scenery is amazing.
When I was looking off the coast, a big fish jumped at the right time.(093)

イスラエル 四回目接種 始まった 但過ぎたるは 何とかと謂う
Pharmaceutical regulators in the European Union (EU) have warned that frequent booster vaccinations with the new coronavirus vaccine can adversely affect the immune system.(092)

五千人 お客を入れて 大相撲 このままやれるか 千秋楽まで
The Grand Sumo New Year's event is held with the audience.
On the other hand, the number of new coronavirus infections is increasing rapidly.
Is it okay as it is?(091)

空港の 床でごろ寝の 北海道 雪で飛べない 旅人哀れ
Kinkakuji is covered with snow and becomes beautiful, but the airport in Hokkaido is too snowy to fly.
People spend the night sleeping on the floor of the airport.(090)

今夜など 我慢のし処 夜の街 可愛いあの娘に 会いたい心
University entrance exams are being held all over the country today.
However, the outbreak of the new coronavirus make the examinees uneasy.
You who want to go to a bar in the city and meet that girl you like.
Let's be patient.(089)

金閣寺 いっときだけの お色直し 雪を装い 圧巻の佇まい
It snowed in Kyoto.
Snow was piled up on the roof of Kinkakuji Temple and it was a wonderful landscape.(088)

玉鷲の 金星相撲 見事なり 今金太郎 参拾七歳
Tamawashi is 37 years old, but his body and sumo are youthful.
He beat the Yokozuna yesterday with a spectacular sumo wrestling.
He was asked, "What are you eating so you can be so youthful?"
Don't ask questions with clear answers.
It's a hearty dish by his beloved wife.(087)

熱いもの 掴んだ時の 耳朶に 手をやる姿 今は昔に
When I was a kid, it was cold in the room in winter.
So the earlobe was cold.
Our earlobe isn't cold because we're in a heated room these days.
We unexpectedly grab something hot.
And we no longer see the scene of touching the earlobe while saying "hot".(086)

誰一人 自信が持てない お医者さん オミクロンには 奥歯にものが
Omicron is infected and exploding.
A well-known doctor who appears on TV and gives explanations makes unconfident remarks.
The frustration of the people is increasing.
Study more before appearing on TV.(085)

もう既に 長い航海 止めにした 港の近く 行ったり来たり
A loved one is a harbor.
It's best now to moor at the harbor and sometimes cruise around the harbor.
It took 70 years to think so.(084)

小池知事の 言語感覚 批判する 識者の意見 御尤も也
Her words are often vacant and ineffective.
I totally agree with the opinion of the expert.(083)

ジョコビッチ 査証取消し 無理はなし 驕りの見える 日頃の振る舞い
I heard he will not be vaccinated.
I heard he doesn't wear a mask.
I heard he has been infected with corona twice.
I heard he attended the event after a positive Corona reaction.
The world should not spoil such a human being.(082)

雪国は 寒波に備え 暖房は 電気使わぬ 器具を備えよ
Many heating appliances are powered by electricity.
The weather forecast reports that a heater that does not use electricity is needed to prepare for a power outage due to heavy snow.(081)

山茶花が もう散りだした 一月は 寒さこれから 佳境に入る
Sasanqua flowers, which are winter flowers, have begun to fall.
A harsh cold day is coming from now on.
And the plum blossoms that herald spring will bloom.(080)

白菜を 洗って干して 二日間 ペシャリと萎えて 漬物になる
Chinese cabbage is cheap now.
This is a great opportunity to make pickles.
Let's make delicious Chinese cabbage pickles with the blessings of the sun.(079)

大相撲 命を掛けた 男道 宇良と正代 真剣勝負
Sumo is a traditional Japanese fighting competition.
It is said that Nobunaga Oda was so fond of sumo that he gathered 1,500 sumo wrestlers in the castle to watch the competition.
Sometimes there are match-fixing sumo wrestlers, but the essence is a serious competition that is a life-threatening competition.
On the second day of January, Syodai and Ura's efforts were a life-threatening sumo wrestling.
I pray that Ura will be fine and able to participate in today's competition.(078)

あのときの 母の姿に なってきた 老いて弱って 萎えた姿に
Aging is a providence of nature.
As we grow older, our bodies become weaker, and our appearance adapts to our age.
It has always been the case, but from now on I will just leave myself to heaven.(077)

吾死なば 弐参拾年 ただ一人 天の風にて 君を見守る
Needless to say, if I die, I will be separated from my loved one.
I want my loved one to live happily even after my death.
I will be the heavenly wind.
And I watch her from heaven for 20 to 30 years.
But 20 to 30 years is very long.
I will grow old again in the heaven.(076)

世の中が 水素で動く 時がきた? 波や地熱を 陽や風などを
Hydrogen fuel is an energy that does not exist in nature.
In order to produce it with low CO2 emissions, it must be electrolyzed using renewable energy.
Therefore, it has the disadvantage of being troublesome and costly.
In other words, since carbon dioxide is emitted during the hydrogen production process, it does not mean that carbon dioxide is not completely emitted.
Since hydrogen has an extremely fast time from ignition to combustion, it is highly dangerous and is a disadvantage of hydrogen power generation.
Furthermore, the storage and transportation of hydrogen fuel used for hydrogen power generation costs more than liquefied natural gas and petroleum.
Hydrogen fuel is a fuel with high hurdles for humankind.(075)

今年また ド派手衣装の 成人が テレビに映る もう止めなはれ
We should ignore it.(074)

サクサクと 草踏む音の 心地よさ ドボルザークの 名曲新た
Dvorak is a Czech.
The famous "Humoresque" tune was composed while listening to the sound of the wheels of a train.
When he lived in Prague, he was on the same train every day, but one day he heard a different sound.
There is an episode that the train was able to prevent the accident because he told it to the conductor.
It is said that half of the reason he went to America was to experience the American railroad.
It is said that the 4th movement of "New World", one of his masterpieces, has many depictions of railways.
The rhythm of stepping on the grass during my walk is as pleasant as the sound of the wheels of a train.
Wouldn't it be an inspiration for Dvorak's new masterpiece?(073)

寒に入り 安い蜜柑が やっと出た これから摂るぞ 天の恵みを
It seems that mandarin oranges contain a lot of vitamin C.
Vitamin C seems to have the effect of boosting immunity.
It seems to be effective in preventing arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction, and anemia.
Furthermore, it seems to be effective for beauty.
It became cold in earnest and the mandari oranges became cheaper.
I have no choice but to eat.(072)

春の海 宮城道雄の 名曲を 蓮根笛で 懐かしく聴く
Someone plays the famous "Haru no Umi" by Michio Miyagi using lotus root as an instrument.
If you close your eyes and listen, the tone from lotus root sounds like the Shakuhachi tone.(071)

雪の道 滑ることなど みんな知る それでもバイク 次々転ぶ
It snowed and piled up in Tokyo yesterday.
The surface of the road was frozen in the morning.
Even a four-wheeled vehicle slips on a frozen road.
It is even more reckless to ride an icy road on a two-wheeled vehicle such as a bicycle.
However, there may be a reason to do so.(070)

石炭を インドネシアが 売り渋る 自国の電気が 不足するとか
Indonesia is the world's largest coal exporter.
Indonesia has announced that it will ban coal exports until the 31st of this month, saying that the supply and demand of coal at coal-fired power plants is tight.
There are concerns about the impact on Indonesia's coal export destinations such as China and Japan.
Will electricity prices increase further?
The yen is getting cheaper against the dollar due to the rise in US lending rates.
The condition that the price of gasoline does not fall will continue.
Is it finally time for deflation?(069)

新年に 銀行襲う 心内 訳は知らぬが 莫迦の極みぞ
It is unreasonable to think that it will succeed by attacking banks in the past and now.
Banks are extremely vigilant because they have cash.
It doesn't make sense to break through there and steal money.
What is the psychology of human beings trying to attack the vigilant banks and steal money?
Losing hope in living, they are forced to seek great happiness momentarily.
A reckless act if they think calmly.
However, they dare to force it.(068)

始まった ばっかりの冬 もういいと 早く来いよと 春待ちわびる
I hate winter.
For a while from now, I will be forced to live a life that can withstand the cold of winter.
♬ Spring, come early ♬
♬ My life is dangerous if spring comes late ♬(067)

一日に 百万人 アメリカの 感染の数 そして検査力
I saw reports that the number of people infected with corona in the United States exceeded one million a day.
Needless to say, the number of infected people is astonishing, but the testing ability is even more astonishing.
Japan's inspection power is far below that of the United States.
Japan has only the inspection ability like a developing country.
Why doesn't Japan's low testing ability improve?
Who is responsible for improving Japan's testing capabilities?
If in China or North Korea, this is a felony that would be shot dead.(066)

背に腹は 変えられないと 旅行業 分かっていても 消費促す
Osaka Prefecture is conducting a project called "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" from November 24th to February 28th.
The number of people infected with corona is steadily increasing at the beginning of the year.
The Governor of Okinawa is holding a press conference worried about the increasing number of infected people every day.
Somehow, the wisdom of the politician is too lacking.
The Governor of Osaka Prefecture, who became famous for corona countermeasures, is also in a difficult situation due to the gap between the economy and corona countermeasures.
The politician should inspire his heart and show the most correct path.(065)

袈裟ともに 憎い坊主は 普遍なり 志那憎ければ パンダも憎し
Many Japanese say pandas at Ueno Zoo "cute and cute".
I don't think so at all.
Those who dislike monks also dislike the Kesa(=Buddhist stole) worn by monks.(064)

耳カバー 着けて歩いて 尚寒い 寒の入りの日 暦通りに
Today is the day of "Kan-no-iri(=beginning of midwinter)".
Kan-no-iri was made in ancient China to be used as a guide for agricultural work, and is a standard that indicates the season.
It was a cold day, as the calendar says, and as the name suggests.(063)

日常の 家庭の会話の 積み重ね 秋篠宮家の 風の顕れ
Many people disagreed with the marriage of the eldest daughter of Naruhito's younger brother.
People's dissatisfaction with the marriage of the eldest daughter of Naruhito's younger brother is plausible.
Isn't Emperor Naruhito's younger brother looking critically at the Japanese people?
Isn't the younger brother of Emperor Naruhito taking the Japanese emperor system critically?
The three children now grow up in the family style created by Naruhito's younger brother.
I think I am more seriously worried about the future of the emperor system than ordinary Japanese people.
I sincerely hope that the daily life of Emperor Naruhito's younger brother will not lead to the destruction of the current Japanese emperor system.
Even Douglas MacArthur had to decide to leave the Japanese emperor system.
The Japanese emperor is the most orthodox authority in the world.
It is the only value in the world of this kind.(062)

風なくば 服の上から 太陽の 光挿し込み 肌に伝わる
Most of my winter clothes are black.
The black color is said to absorb the sun's rays.
There was no wind today and the sun was shining.
So when I was taking a walk, the black clothes absorbed the sun's rays and it was quite warm.(061)

見た目には 流れ緩やか 川の水 気合を入れて 鵜が水を掻く
My walking path is in a park along the river.
The width of the river is about 10m, so the embankment is not high.
So the surface of the river is close to my eyes.
There are many ducks and cormorants in the river.
The slope of the river is gentle, so it feels like the water is stopped.
A cormorant was swimming towards the upstream of the river.
Because the water was transparent, I could see the soles of the cormorant.
Surprisingly, the cormorant's legs was paddling the water hard.(060)

鮮やかな 夕焼け雲の グラデーション 暮れ往くこの日 惜しむかのよう
♬ ”ashita tenkini nare (= I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow) ♬
When we were children, we threw the sandals that each of us wore with our feet and sang such a song.
That was possible because we were wearing sandals, but not shoes.
I remember those innocent times.
Even though I'm no longer innocent, I'm sunk in thought for a moment on a beautiful sunset day.(059)

ストーブが 油飲み干す 寒い日々 金を惜しまず 燃料を買う
Did the kerosene run out so quickly?
Surprisingly, an oil stove is burning kerosene.
I live in the southern region, but I am a cold-natured old man.
It's better to pay to buy kerosene than to catch a cold and have a hard time.(058)

どこ見ても 芸人だらけ 正月の テレビ番組 不毛の時代
Most of the recent TV programs have a comedian (= Owarai-geinin) as the main caster of the program.
Especially during the three days of the New Year, all TV stations are in such a state.
I am very worried about this situation.(057)

新しい 資本主義を 標榜する 岸田総理の 空の手形か
What exactly is the "new capitalism" that Prime Minister Kishida advocates in his policy?
This time, Prime Minister Kishida has launched a conference of experts called the "Meeting to realize new capitalism"
Experts attending this conference seem to say that Mr. Kishida's "new capitalism" is empty.
Was it just a catch phrase to win the election?(056)

温厚な あの御仁が 暴力を 妻にふるうは 病の成す業
The quiet man suffered from a mild cerebral hemorrhage.
His wife hid his car because his driving was dangerous.
He drove a rental car.
His wife blamed her husband.
He violently attacked his wife.
He wasn't that kind of person.
It's a sad reality.(055)

古稀にして 十坪の住処 隠居する 不足も無しに 余りも無しに
"Koki" is derived from the phrase "Living up to 70 years old has been rare since ancient times" in the poem of Du Fu, an ancient Chinese poet.
At the age of 70, I live alone in a small room near the sea.
The body and mind are calm, and there is no shortage or too much in life.(054)

穏やかな 元旦の海 人もなく ただザザザーと 波のつぶやき
The north wind was strong on New Year's Eve, but there was no wind on New Year's Day and the waves were calm.
There are no anglers and no one listens to the sound of the waves.(053)

駅伝の 女子レポーター 見るからに 寒さ堪えて 健気に語る
The runners of the annual "New Year Ekiden(=long-distance road relay)" have started.
It is held in the windy region of the Kanto region.
That's why it's a race when it's cold every year, but we can see that it's cold this year as well.
A young and beautiful female announcers occasionally report on the scene.
They endure the cold and report on the scene steadily.(052)

あの鳩は 二十米 後方の わたしの姿 目で追っている
The field of view of pigeons is much wider than that of humans, and it seems to be 316 degrees.
It seems that the pigeons are mostly visible except directly behind them.
That pigeon is on the electric cable.
I'm looking at the pigeon from the second floor of the building diagonally behind.
The pigeon is wary while watching the human figure inside the building.(051)

太陽に 白菜干して キムチ漬け おせち代わりの 酒の肴に
I heard that we can feel the sweetness of Chinese cabbage by drying it in the sun.
And I heard that drying Chinese cabbage in the sunlight will increase not only the sweetness component but also the umami component.
So when I make Chinese cabbage kimchi, I dry it in the sun.(050)

釣れたかと 問えば釣り人 首をふる 澄んできれいな 海では釣れん
Why is the sea water clear in winter?
The reason is that as the seawater temperature decreases, plankton decreases and the turbidity of the seawater decreases.
However, it is one of the causes, but the biggest cause is the seasonal wind.
On the Pacific side, strong seasonal winds blow from the archipelago toward the Pacific Ocean in winter.
Then, the turbid water on the surface of the sea will be washed offshore, and the clear water in the deep layer will rise.
The angler said he couldn't fish if the sea water was clear.
Is that the only cause?(049)

見るからに お年を召した バイデンさん 与し易しと 敵に映るぞ
The President of the United States is acting to appeal to "youth."
However, it is more painful because it is "fake youth".
It must be felt by Xi Jinping as a "good wind" to himself.
“Biden is easy to deal with.”(048)

長浜に 孤高のカラス 佇みて 隔たり詰めれば さっと飛び立つ
There is a long beach with an almost straight line facing the Pacific Ocean.
No one swims or surfs because of the deep seabed immediately away from the shore and the fast tide near the shore.
In addition, cars can't enter, so few people play on the beach.
A "independent crow" stands still on such a beach.
I'm not going to harm the crow so I'll keep walking.
The " independent crow" takes off quickly, saying that you shouldn't get any closer.(047)

削んなきゃ 表現するには 余分なもん 田中邦衛の 役者魂
I saw actor Kunie Tanaka for the first time in a movie as playing "Aodaisyo(=Japanese rat snake)" 60 years ago.
He died in 2021 at the age of 88.
I heard a very meaningful word in his interview during his lifetime.
His performance is famous in "Kitanokunikara (= From the northern country)", but he was told by the director at that time.
"You are acting too much."
"I've been playing hard until then," he said in the interview.
But he said he realized that he had to cut down on extra things (unnecessary acting).(046)

街中に 賑わい戻る 年の暮れ いつまで続く オミクロン前
1921 is about to end.
It seems that many shoppers are coming to the city to prepare for the New Year.
So far, the influence of Omicron variant is small in Japan.
But how long will this bustle last?(045)

エアコンを 点けて布団に 潜り込む 正月の前の 厳しい寒さ
Even if I say "cold", the cold does not go away.
It's still cold, so I say "cold".
I wake up in the morning and switch on the heating with the air conditioner.
And I immediately sneak into the futon from feet to head.(044)

明太子 こんがり焼いて 飯に乗せ 茶漬けで喰らう 至福の賄い
Fukuoka is famous for Mentaiko(=Spicy pollack roe).
Mentaiko is not cheap in the current deflationary economy.
So I know it's delicious, but I hesitate to buy it.
However, it is very delicious if you bake it, put it on rice, and eat it with ochazuke(boiled rice with tea).(043)

列島の 西半分が 真っ白け 雪降り積もる 寒い年の瀬
A cold wave once every few years covers the archipelago.
Snow is piled up on the Sea of Japan side of the archipelago, and the white scenery is reported on TV.
It is not snowing on the Pacific side, but it is cold as on the Sea of Japan side.(042)

本年は 吹奏楽の 演奏会 四度訪ねた 孫の招きで
My granddaughter is a member of the high school brass band club.
Last year, all the concerts were canceled due to the corona sickness, but this year it was held with measures against corona infection.
The live performance I listened to after a long time moved my heart.
This year, I went to concerts four times, including the brass band played by my granddaughter.(041)

川岸に 群れて蜻蛉 黄昏は 手で追いながら 散歩続ける
A mayfly is a small insect that resembles a dragonfly but has weak wings and a weak body, and flutters.
Adults often fly by the water in the summer.
After spawning, they die within a few hours.
Since the life of a mayfly is short, it is sometimes used as an example of ephemeral things.(040)

北極の 氷が溶けて 船が往く 住処なくして 白熊何処へ
Some countries consider it a national interest to melt the Arctic ice and create new sea routes due to global warming.
Mankind is the enemy of many non-human beings.
I am worried that global warming will continue.
I worry about animals such as polar bears that live on the Arctic ice.
I am afraid of punishment.(039)

イスラエル 何がなんでも 国守る もう四回目 ワクチン接種
Israel defines itself as a Jewish and democratic nation and a Jewish nation-state in its basic law.
Israel has made it a national policy that "Israel will survive even if it fights against the enemy, rather than being destroyed while being sympathized by the whole world."
I want some people to infuse Israeli nail stains and drink a little.(038)

道端に 干からびた葉 黒ずんで じっと春待つ 冬の紫陽花
The origin of hydrangea is Japan, which is a kind of deciduous shrub.
In other words, hydrangea is not a grass, but a tree.
That's why, like other deciduous trees, in winter they drop their leaves and wait for spring.(037)

財務相 世襲の極み 自民党 善幸の子で 麻生の義弟
Some time ago there was a Prime Minister named Zenko Suzuki.
In the local dialect where I live, he is described as "the prime minister like a flatulence."
This time Mr. Kishida became Prime Minister and Mr. Aso is no longer the Minister of Finance.
It was Aso's brother-in-law and son of Zenko Suzuki who took office as Minister of Finance in place of Mr. Aso.
This Minister of Finance Suzuki is like a miniature of his father, Zenko Suzuki.
This personnel affair is a symbolic personnel affair of the reality of hereditary succession prevailing in the LDP.
Of course, the Finance Minister holds press conferences from time to time, but I doubt the quality.(036)

安い米 美味く食うには 技がある 貧乏人は 知恵で飯炊く
When rice is put in water, it absorbs water at once.
So prepare as clean water as possible and put rice in it.
Wash the rice quickly and immediately discard the first water.
Then gently wash the rice about three times.
Then, soak the rice in water for at least 30 minutes and cook it.
You can eat delicious rice without money.(035)

髷を結い チョビ髭生やし 丸眼鏡 世界の反田 ショパンを弾く
Does it mean that the way Japanese people think has changed recently?
The way to express ourself positively is not the way of a samurai, but I think that's fine.(034)

日本語の 今の語彙ほど English 死ぬまでやっても 到底叶わぬ
Foreign languages, especially English.
It's hard to achieve that English study.(033)

数年に 一度クラスの 大寒波 そんなフレーズ いつか麻痺する
The weather forecaster must be prepared to warn that the weather forecast may be wrong.
However, words such as "once every few years" frequently occur in weather forecasts.
When such expressions increase, people's tension gradually becomes paralyzed.
This is difficult.(032)

藪椿 艶やかなる 葉の陰に 咲いて密かに 冬に紅さす
Camellia is evergreen (glossy-leaved) tree.
Evergreen (glossy-leaved) tree is a tree with strong dark green leaves.
Camellia flowers can be seen between the glossy green leaves of the camellia.
The yellow stamens of camellia are also beautiful in the center of the bright red flowers.(031)

解らない ポテトフライの MとL 無くなるからと 行列する人
Actually, it seems that the sale of M size and L size french fries will be suspended.
The reason is that the distribution network is confused worldwide, such as a shortage of containers due to the influence of the new corona.
In addition, a large-scale flood near a port on the west coast of Canada seems to have delayed the import of french fries ingredients.
What a peaceful Japan.(030)

悲壮なる 覚悟の演技 スケーター 己を攻めて 極みを目指す
I think sports are something we enjoy more and enjoy watching.
His goal seems to be a religion-like territory.
I can't help feeling uncomfortable.(029)

高齢の 凶悪犯の 多かりし 世の不条理の 蔓延るときに
Absurdity is a desperate situation in which the meaning of life cannot be found.
Recently, there are a lot of violent crimes of the elderly.
Now is the time to need a genuine religion and philosophy to save people.(028)

宏池会 対中姿勢 疑わし 岸田囃子は 如何なる拍子
Japan is a country of political party politics.
The Liberal Democratic Party has a faction called Kochikai.
In the past, Kochikai has discharged some prime ministers.
The current Prime Minister and Foreign Minister are members of the Kochikai.
There is an opinion in the press world that the Prime Minister's and Foreign Minister's policies toward China are doubtful.
That opinion seems appropriate.
We have to keep an eye on them.(027)

小池さん 見栄っ張りの 政治人(びと) 裸の都知事 お後が宜しい
I also hate Yuriko Koike, a politician.
There is a rumor that she will return to state affairs.
I wait for her ghost skin to peel off.(026)

値上げする? Mドーナッツ お前もか? ならば食わない 致し方ない
At the end of this year, former Prime Minister Abe and BOJ Governor Kuroda will be pleased with the price increase rush.
They would be relieved to hear this news, saying, "The time has finally come."
It is understandable that there is a basis for such price increases.
However, even if I can understand it, I cannot live.
The amount of salary and pension payments must increase at the same time.
If only prices rise, it will be difficult for the poor to live.
Prime Minister Kishida, we rely on you.(025)

太陽は 南の海で 折り返し 今は北へと 戻る道中(みちなか)
The winter solstice has already passed.
From now on, the sun will gradually come back.
And the daytime becomes longer day by day.
And it gets warmer little by little.
And the cherry blossom season is coming.(024)

低レベル 熊の夫婦の 醜聞を テレビで扱う 何の価値ある
Do people in this country call that race a Gravure idol?
The television has reported the scandals of the "bear couple" for the past few days.
It is a social requirement for television to report domestic violence, but it is uncomfortable to report an incident of domestic violence involving a celebrity on public television.(023)

朝が来た メリークリスマス 有り難う 愛する人へ 世界の人へ
Merry Christmas.
Say Merry Christmas to the people you love.
Let's say Merry Christmas to the people of the world.(022)

牛丼も 値上げするよな 年の暮れ 年金暮しの 先の不安よ
The end of the year when news of price increases are reported one after another.
Gasoline has been at a high price for a long time.
Human rights are another theme for the Beijing Olympics.
Military tensions are becoming a reality around Taiwan.
On the other hand, there is a vulgar person who travels in space and gives cash from space to others.
Next year ... I can't see it.(021)

中国の 庭球選手 世界中 混乱招く 真実如何に
That tennis player may have aimed to publicize her personal grudge.
That being said, as a result, her human rights were overrun by state power.
The information that comes out after that is all suspicious.
It's a terrifying nation.
Is there truth in that country?(020)

北風が 吹いて疲れて 休む午後 水面の鴨は 心地よさそう
The north wind continued to blow from the morning.
The north wind seemed tired in the early afternoon and became quiet.
There are no waves on the surface of the river, and several ducks are swimming comfortably.(019)

チクタクは イヤミな男 カッコつけ あんな男の 何処がいいのか
Anyway, I don't understand the feelings of the women.(018)

冬至には 「ん」が二つの 食べ物が 良いと耳にし ただ聞き流す
Today is the winter solstice.
At the winter solstice, the habit of putting Citron(=Yuzu) in the bath is the mainstream, but I newly heard that it is good to eat food with two "ん".
"にんじん(=Carrot)" and "れんこん(=Lotus root)" correspond to this.
But I just listened and did not take any special action.(017)

射幸心 煽るテレビの コマーシャル パチンコ以上の 勝てない博打
The lottery is definitely gambling.
There are several gambling events in Japan such as bicycle races, horse races, boat races, and pachinko.
The least likely to get the money is the lottery.
At the end of this year, TV commercials actively stimulate people's gambling spirit.
Some people buy lottery tickets with a little money after seeing the commercial.
If I'm an actor, I decline the lottery commercial offer.(016)

年の瀬が そこまで迫る 寒い日に まだ巣を張って 生きている蜘蛛
Will that spider overwinter as it is?
Or will it freeze and die in the cold of winter?
From now on, there will be no insects that spiders eat.
The spider web is swaying in the cold wind.
Isn't the spider cold?(015)

退屈な 日曜の夜 閃いて YouTubeで 玉置浩二聴く
The TV show on Sunday night is intensely boring.
At that time, it's good to listen to my favorite nostalgic song on YouTube.
I listen to Koji Tamaki tonight.(014)

鰹節 我が民族の 至宝なり 一本に込めた 知恵と工夫
When I was young, I used to use a dried bonito sharpener.
However, it only imitated an adult who knew the value of dried bonito.
It is stated in the literature that dried bonito was in Japan during the Nara period.
However, it is said that dried bonito was used for cooking in the Kofun period before that.
The taste of dried bonito and dashi(=broth) are deeply engraved in the DNA of the Yamato people.(013)

朝起きて テレビを点けて 街ピアノ 見知らぬ人の 演奏嬉し
This may be my great prejudice.
When I see a person who seems unrelated to the piano playing the piano, I feel that a person is living a rich (heart) life.
(It's the same as being able to draw a picture ...)
The appearance of the person and the music played are often incompatible.
This event forces the viewer to imagine the personality and life of the performer.(012)

煙たつ 甍の向こう 季節柄 火事ではないかと 背伸びして見る
Fire news is reported daily throughout the country.
Many people died from carbon monoxide poisoning after an arson in a building in Osaka yesterday.
In addition to the dry air, the north wind blows.
Fires are more likely to occur.
Not to mention arson.(011)

葉が落ちた もみじの傍を 通る度 美しかった あの時を想う
In the last few days, the beautiful red maple leaves have fallen.
I pass by the maple tree several times, but the beautiful figure is no longer there.
This year's autumn leaves were especially beautiful.
Even now, the afterimage of the glamorous maple is in my mind.(010)

あの時の 女子達は今 蘇る ロコ・ソワーレ 大和撫子
They were girls at the time of Pyeongchang.
Four years after that, they became women.
It became stronger women than that time.
All the women in Rocco Soire are Yamato Nadeshiko.(009)

北風に 振り落とされて 松ぼっくり 踏まないように 歩く浜道
There is a forecast of heavy snowfall in the northern region.
A strong north wind is blowing in this region as well.
A lot of pine cones are falling on the path along the beach, blown by a strong wind.
The pine cones must have wanted to stay in the pine trees.
I walk without stepping on the pine cones.(008)

目の蓋を 大きく開き 取り入れる 朝の光りは 眠りの備え
Humans wake up in the morning when they are exposed to sunlight.
It's preparation for sleeping at night.
Our ancestors have done so for a long time.(007)

故郷の 我が海と山 美しき 見慣れた景色 ある日突然
The scenery of the familiar sea and mountains that I always look at casually.
I suddenly notice its wonderful beauty.
The moment when I realize the utmost happiness of being born here and living here.(006)

牛乳が 棄てられる危機 年の瀬に 農家と牛の 思いを飲まん
It is said that a large amount of milk is discarded.
I heard that this is also the effect of the new coronavirus.
It's difficult to go to the night city for a drink, but I can drink milk.
Drink milk for dairy farmers and cows.(005)

左から 波打つ音が 右からは 夕焼け小焼けが 帰れと促す
The gentle sound of the waves can be heard from the left side during the usual evening walk by the sea.
Then, the next moment, the melody of the nursery rhyme "Yuyake koyake" flows from a loudspeaker in the distance.
Both the waves and the nursery rhyme say, "Go home early."(004)

歯が欠けて 何だかんだと 理由付け 医者に行かずに また悪くなる
My decayed tooth broke.
I have to go to the dentist immediately.
However, I unconsciously find out why I can't go to the dentist.
That's why my teeth get worse.(003)

あの時の 新しい歌 懐メロに 況や我も いつのまにかに
I'm listening to a song that was popular at that time.
Many of those songs that were new at that time are now all nostalgic.
Needless to say, I have become a person of the past.(002)

樹一本 木漏れ日浴びて 神々し 黄昏時の 暗い林に
As usual, I was walking along a narrow path in the forest.
It was twilight and it was already dark in the dense forest.
There is a ray of sunlight shining through the trees.
A single tree looks shining like gold.
It's just divine.(001)

  終活の短歌集 第三集 第一節
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