ジンジャークッキー Ginger cookie
1.バター100g、三温糖90g を良くすり混ぜ、卵黄1個分を加え
2.薄力粉200gとシナモン小1を振るって、1.に加えて さっくりと混ぜ、
3.棒状にして ラップで包み 冷蔵庫で 30分ぐらい 冷します。
5.クッキングペーパーを敷いた 天板に のせ
6.180℃で 10分から15分ぐらい 焼きます。
1. Mix 100g butter and 90g soft brown sugar well then add 1 egg yolk and 15g grated ginger.
Mix them together.
2. Shift 200g cake flour and 1tsp cinnamon powder and add to 1.
Mix them until barely combined.
3. Roll the dough into around 3cm-diameter-stick and wrap it in a plastic film.
Let it sit in the refrigerator for 30 mins.
4. Cut it into 5mm thickness.
5. Place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
6. Bake at 180℃ for 10mins to 5 mins.
出た! 結石!? "A urinary stone" came out !?
今日13日 午後、 「結石」 とおもわれるものが 出た !
写真は撮ったのですが 後日 彼が お医者様に見せてから その写真を 掲載するかもしれません。。。
自分で作りたい夫は 使いたがりませんが 「便利やなぁ」と喜んでいます♪
My husband's urinary stone came out on the 13th in the afternoon.
I took the picture.
Maybe after he showed it to the doctor, I'll post it??
Easy recipe, Hamburger steak (boil-in-the-bag)
My husband doesn't want to use it. He likes to make by himself.
But he said "It's helpful♪”
**ハンバーグ(レトルト)チーズのせ Hamburger steak(boil-in-the-bag) with cheese
** トレビスとカニかまのリンゴ酢和え
Red-leaved chicory and imitation crab meat dressed with apple cider vinegar
**ウリとミョウガの酢の物 Gourd and Japanese ginger with sweetened vinegar
**さやえんどうのゴマ和え Field peas dressed with sesame paste
**ピーマンとししとうの炒め物 Stir-fried green peppers and sweet peppers
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.