I baked Pavlova for the first time in a long time.
I only had melon and blueberries. Lacking color.
パブロバ Pavlova
1.卵白3個を泡立て 砂糖150gを 数回に分けて入れ 泡立てます。
2.バニラオイル数滴、コーンスターチ小2,レモン汁小2を加え ヘラで混ぜ合わせます。
3.天板にオーブンシートを敷き 直径18cmぐらいの円にして 真ん中を少しくぼませます。
4.130℃のオーブンで70分焼き、オーブンに入れたまま 2、3時間放置します。
5.生クリーム200mlに砂糖20g、バニラオイル数滴を入れ 泡立て、
Pavlova (the diameter is about 18cm)
1. Beat 3 egg whites adding 150g sugar little by little
2. Add 1 tsp vanilla extract, 2tsp cornstarch and 2tsp lemon juice to 1.
Mix them together.
3. Line a baking try with parchment paper and put 2. (diameter about 18cm circle).
and make a well in the center.
4.Preheat the oven to 130℃ and bake for 70 mins.
5. Turn the oven off and leave the door closed for 2,3 hours.
6. Put 200ml whipped cream or double cream with 20g sugar and 1tsp vanilla extract.
Put some fruits on it.