In 1929, the existence of the “Tanaka Memorial,” a Japanese plan devised by Baron Giichi Tanaka (John Emery) to conquer the world, is published in the Tokyo Chronicle. The Japanese secret police visit the Chronicle’s headquarters, interrogating editor Nick Condon (James Cagney) about the source, which he refuses to disclose. Intrigued at the heavy-handed response to the rumor, Condon assigns Ollie Miller (Wallace Ford), a Chronicle reporter, to further research the plan.・・・・・・
James Cagney as Nick Condon ジェームズ・キャグニー Sylvia Sidney as Iris Hilliard シルヴィア・シドニー Porter Hall as Arthur Bickett ポーター・ホール John Emery as Premier Giichi Tanaka ジョン・エメリー Robert Armstrong as Col. Hideki Tojo ロバート・アームストロング Wallace Ford as Ollie Miller ウォレス・フォード Rosemary DeCamp as Edith Miller ローズマリー・デキャンプ