高野山・世界遺産の道普請作業と奥ノ院めぐり A trip of Koya mt. and a road repair of a world heritage
世界で ここだけ。
世界遺産の 「高野参詣道女人道」 道普請作業をして 精進料理を食べ そして
The only one in world heritages.
I had a valuable experience.
I joined a tour of a road repair of a world heritage, eating vegetable dishes and visiting Oku-no-in at Koya-mt.
大門 Daimon (large front gate)

やっぱり高野山は涼しい 今日は22.7℃ Koya mt. is cooler than Osaka. Today is 22.7℃..

普請作業 Road repair
遍照尊院(へんじょうそんいん)で精進料理 ゴマ豆腐がおいしかった。
Vegetable dishes at Hen-jyou-son-in temple) Sesami tofu was good.
高野杉 樹齢うん百年。どの木も立派です
Cedar trees in Koya-san (Koya mt.) Some of the trees here are more than 500 years old.
奥ノ院めぐり ここは左側通行です。
Visiting Okunoin We walk on the right side

ガイドさんの説明に聞き入り (内容は右から左です。。。)
奥の院の弘法大師御廟あたりは 撮影禁止。
I devoured every word our guide said.(but It goes in one ear and out the other)
The area of Okunoin ( the mausoleum of the retired emperor deep in Mr. Koya).
photography is prohibited
世界遺産の 「高野参詣道女人道」 道普請作業をして 精進料理を食べ そして
The only one in world heritages.
I had a valuable experience.
I joined a tour of a road repair of a world heritage, eating vegetable dishes and visiting Oku-no-in at Koya-mt.
大門 Daimon (large front gate)
やっぱり高野山は涼しい 今日は22.7℃ Koya mt. is cooler than Osaka. Today is 22.7℃..
普請作業 Road repair
遍照尊院(へんじょうそんいん)で精進料理 ゴマ豆腐がおいしかった。
Vegetable dishes at Hen-jyou-son-in temple) Sesami tofu was good.
高野杉 樹齢うん百年。どの木も立派です
Cedar trees in Koya-san (Koya mt.) Some of the trees here are more than 500 years old.
奥ノ院めぐり ここは左側通行です。
Visiting Okunoin We walk on the right side
ガイドさんの説明に聞き入り (内容は右から左です。。。)
奥の院の弘法大師御廟あたりは 撮影禁止。
I devoured every word our guide said.(but It goes in one ear and out the other)
The area of Okunoin ( the mausoleum of the retired emperor deep in Mr. Koya).
photography is prohibited