約1ヶ月半ぶりのにぎり寿司♪ うれしい♪
I haven't eaten Nigirizushi for a long time (1month and a half)♪ I am happy♪
**にぎり寿司 Nigirizushi
**ベーコンとピーマンの炒め物 Stir-fried bacon and green peppers
**レンコンの唐揚げ Fried lotus roots
**人参と大根のおなますを塩麹で Carrots and daikon dressed with salted rice malt
**大根の葉と竹輪の煮物 Boiled daikon leaves and tube-shaped fish paste cake
**赤だし Red(dark-brown) miso soup
Every dish was delicious. Thank you.