厚揚げの照り焼き Teriyaki flavored thick fried tofu
**厚揚げの照り焼き Teriyaki flavored thick fried tofu
1.厚揚げ2枚は2cm角に切り フライパンで焼きます。
2.砂糖大2、みりん大2、酒大2、醤油大2を入れて 煮絡めます。
3.器に盛り すりごまをのせます。
**春雨のサラダ Bean-starch vermicelli salad
**ブロッコリーの梅カツオ和え Broccoli dressed with pickled plum and dried bonito shavings
**小松菜と人参の煮びたし Japanese mustard spinach and carrot salad
1.茹でた千切りの人参と茹でた小松菜を めんつゆで和えます。
**焼きチーズ Baked cheese
1.チーズを素焼きします。 熱いうちに召し上がれ。
** Teriyaki flavored thick fried tofu (for 2 people)
1. Cut 2 thick fried tofu into 2cm sq. Bake them in a frying pan.
2. Add 2tbsp sugar, 2tbsp sweet rice wine, 2tbsp rice wine and 2tbsp soy sauce.
Cook all together.
3. Put in/on individual dishes and put grated sesame on top.
** Bean-starch vermicelli salad
1. Restore bean-starch vermicelli in hot water, make omelette and cut into thin strips,
cut cucumber into thin strips and chop tomato.
Put in individual dishes.
2. Mix seasoning soy sauce, sweetened vinegar and sesame oil and pour over 1.
** Broccoli dressed with pickled plum and dried bonito shaving.
1. Mix boiled borccoli, chopped pickled ume, dried bonito shavings, a little soy sauce
and a little sweet rice wine.
** Japanese mustard spinach and carrot salad
1. Mix boiled thin stripped carrot and boiled Japanese mustard spinach with
Seasoning soy sauce.
** Baked cheese
1. Bake cheese. Eat it while it is hot.