終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜037
どの口が言う ロシア国内の ATACMS被害 盗人猛々しい 037
There is probably no expression like "Thief is ferocious" in Russia.
In Russia, thieves steal everything from people's belongings, lives, and even land, and then brazenly say, "So what?"
ロシアでは盗人は身ぐるみ、命まで、領地まで、ありとあらゆるものを奪い尽くして、「それがどうした」と開き直る。 2024.11.27
バンバンと 机を叩いて 批判した 相生市長 豹変する 036
Don't you know the saying, "A samurai never retracts his word"?
How embarrassing.
恥ずかしい。 2024.11.27
この白い 底の浅い プラスティックの 箱に入るだけの 食器にする 035
This is also decluttering.
これも断捨離。 2024.11.27
死んだと思えば 断捨離などは 屁でもない 棺桶があればいい 034
We all have attachments to things, but when we die, those things become just trash.
物に対する執着は誰しもある事だが、もし死んだならそんな物はただのゴミになる。 2024.11.27
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜036
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜036
バンバンと 机を叩いて 批判した 相生市長 豹変する 036
Don't you know the saying, "A samurai never retracts his word"?
How embarrassing.
恥ずかしい。 2024.11.27
この白い 底の浅い プラスティックの 箱に入るだけの 食器にする 035
This is also decluttering.
これも断捨離。 2024.11.27
死んだと思えば 断捨離などは 屁でもない 棺桶があればいい 034
We all have attachments to things, but when we die, those things become just trash.
物に対する執着は誰しもある事だが、もし死んだならそんな物はただのゴミになる。 2024.11.27
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
バンバンと 机を叩いて 批判した 相生市長 豹変する 036
Don't you know the saying, "A samurai never retracts his word"?
How embarrassing.
恥ずかしい。 2024.11.27
この白い 底の浅い プラスティックの 箱に入るだけの 食器にする 035
This is also decluttering.
これも断捨離。 2024.11.27
死んだと思えば 断捨離などは 屁でもない 棺桶があればいい 034
We all have attachments to things, but when we die, those things become just trash.
物に対する執着は誰しもある事だが、もし死んだならそんな物はただのゴミになる。 2024.11.27
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜035
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜035
この白い 底の浅い プラスティックの 箱に入るだけの 食器にする 035
This is also decluttering.
これも断捨離。 2024.11.27
死んだと思えば 断捨離などは 屁でもない 棺桶があればいい 034
We all have attachments to things, but when we die, those things become just trash.
物に対する執着は誰しもある事だが、もし死んだならそんな物はただのゴミになる。 2024.11.27
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
この白い 底の浅い プラスティックの 箱に入るだけの 食器にする 035
This is also decluttering.
これも断捨離。 2024.11.27
死んだと思えば 断捨離などは 屁でもない 棺桶があればいい 034
We all have attachments to things, but when we die, those things become just trash.
物に対する執着は誰しもある事だが、もし死んだならそんな物はただのゴミになる。 2024.11.27
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜034
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜034
死んだと思えば 断捨離などは 屁でもない 棺桶があればいい 034
We all have attachments to things, but when we die, those things become just trash.
物に対する執着は誰しもある事だが、もし死んだならそんな物はただのゴミになる。 2024.11.2
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
死んだと思えば 断捨離などは 屁でもない 棺桶があればいい 034
We all have attachments to things, but when we die, those things become just trash.
物に対する執着は誰しもある事だが、もし死んだならそんな物はただのゴミになる。 2024.11.2
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜033
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜033
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
イスラエルと レバノンが 停戦合意 この次の戦争はいつ 033
This ceasefire agreement is based on the intentions of politicians and other related parties, and is not a fundamental solution, so war will break out again.
この停戦合意は関係者の思惑がらみで、根本的な解決ではないので、また戦争になる。 2024.11.27
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜032
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜032
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
歯ブラシがない 寝る前に気がついて 久し振りの 我が家の暮し 032
Due to certain circumstances, I returned to my previous home after a long absence, but my toothbrush was gone.
Even something as small as not having a toothbrush makes me feel inconvenienced.
歯ブラシがないくらいで不自由を感じる。 2024.11.27
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜031
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜031
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
雨の朝 一羽のカラスが 電線で こちらの様子を じっと見ている 031
It may be my self-consciousness.
私の自意識過剰かも知れない。 2024.11.27
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第二章 第八節 671〜700
終活の短歌集 第二章 第八節 671〜700
馬鹿丸出しの成人式 祝福できない 不快な成人式 671
This Coming of Age Ceremony is so strange that it doesn't really make me feel like celebrating coming of age.
Just ignore the media.
These people are getting carried away because they're getting public attention.
この連中は世間が注目するから調子に乗る。 2021-01-11 07:16
母親が いつも揶揄したカラスの行水 風呂の時間 惜しんだ 672
When I was a child, I had so many interests that I didn't have time to take a bath.
子供の頃は風呂に入る時間もないほどに興味の対象がたくさんあったのだ。 2021-01-11 10:00
宮崎で 鳥インフルが 九例目 ニワトリの死は 六十万羽 673
About 600,000 chickens have already been culled in Miyazaki Prefecture alone.
The issue of culled chickens is serious, but the mutation of the bird flu virus is also a threat.
However, this year's bird flu has been overshadowed by the coronavirus.
だが、今年の鳥インフルはコロナの陰で目立たない。 2021-01-11 11:53
乗客も無く 寂しく走る特急列車 日豊本線 674
There are no Shinkansen trains running through Miyazaki Prefecture.
JR Kyushu's Nippo Main Line in Miyazaki Prefecture remains a single track.
JR九州の日豊本線の宮崎県内は今も単線のまま。 2021-01-11 12:16
出羽錦 塩を惜しんで撒いた人 勿体無いが沁みついていた 675
A long time ago, when I was a child, I often watched sumo on black-and-white TV, and at that time there was a sumo wrestler named Dewanishiki.
When he sprinkled salt on the ring, he only pinched a small amount on the tip of his finger and threw it into the ring, so it was hard to see on a black-and-white CRT.
The announcer would say on his behalf, "I grew up during wartime when supplies were scarce, so I don't want to waste salt and can't sprinkle too much."
More than half a century has passed since Dewanishiki, and now there are sumo wrestlers at sumo tournaments who simply sprinkle salt in a flashy way.
Salt in sumo is scattered to purify the ring.
相撲での塩は土俵を清める為に撒くものである。 2021-01-11 17:16
布団から顔だけ出してテレビを観る 冷たい空気 鼻水がでる 676
The TV remote control is always next to my pillow.
テレビのリモコンはいつも枕の傍に置いてある。 2021-01-11 19:00
今日一日耐えれば 一先ず この寒波から解放されると 聞いた 677
Matters related to the weather are the sole prerogative of the weather gods, so let them do as they please.
気象の事は天気の神様の専権だから思し召しのままに。 2021-01-12 08:00
連休が終わって戻る日常は 午後の数字がまた気になって 678
Some people believe that reporting should not be biased toward the number of coronavirus infections.
However, there is no doubt that the numbers provide the most objective picture of reality.
しかし数字が最も客観的に現実を表すことは間違いない。 2021-01-12 08:54
コロナ病 感染したら戒める 完治すること 外に出ぬこと 679
And the next step is to prevent people from landing at ports.
And the government must ensure PCR testing.
そして政府はPCR検査を確実にすること。 2021-01-12 09:06
今場所も 彼の女(ひと)が観る 指定席 訳ありそうとは 下衆の勘ぐり 680
Sumo wrestling, not knowing is a good thing, not asking is a good thing, just leave it alone and enjoy the violet grass.
大相撲、知らぬが花、聞かぬが花のすみれ草。 2021-01-12 17:28
大天晴 大栄翔が 唸らせる 三大関を 連続撃破 681
He won three consecutive matches against ozekis Asanoyama, Takakeisho, and Shodai from the very first day.
It's a pleasure to watch this guy's sumo.
この人の相撲は見ていて気持ちがいい。 2021-01-12 17:41
横綱が 不在の場所 とは雖も 迫真の相撲 闘魂ぶつかる 682
Sumo fans are saved by the serious sumo of these ambitious young wrestlers.
向上心の塊のような若い力士の真剣な相撲によって相撲ファンは救われる。 2021-01-12 17:59
社会より 自分ファースト 人間の 欲望頼りの コロナの戦略 683
Coronavirus' global strategy is based on human desires.
"I finish work late at night, so by then all the restaurants are already closed and there are only convenience stores, which is a problem."
"When I go to Disney, there are so few customers that I'm treated like one person."
Even when medical workers are screaming, there are still many people who act according to their own convenience, which is why the infection spreads.
This is exactly what the coronavirus wants.
The key to Coronavirus' global strategy is "human desires."
コロナの世界戦略の要諦は「人間の欲望」。 2021-01-13 07:07
狸さん 小学生も 老人も 分る言葉で 話してください 684
One voice?
Use Japanese that can be understood by both a baby in the cradle and an old man with one foot in the grave.
The old raccoon lady is still as unpleasant as ever.
古池の狸の婆さんは相変わらず不愉快な人だ。 2021-01-13 08:12
アメリカで ワクチン接種が 進まない マスクはしないわ 議会は侵すわ 685
What is really going on in America?
If chaos breaks out on Inauguration Day, it will be exactly what China wants.
"The chaos in America, the suzerain of democracy, is proof that democracy does not benefit its people.
Running a country under the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party is the only beneficial and noble thing in the world."
That's what they are saying.
命さえ 秤にかける トリアージ 問いかけられて 答えに窮する 686
This medical anomaly is causing this kind of terminology to become widely known to the public.
こんな医療の異常事態で、こんな専門用語が世に広く知られていく事態である。 2021-01-13 12:18
貴景勝 三連敗で 火が消えた 照ノ富士か 大栄翔か 687
Let's look forward to what's next for him.
彼には次を期待しよう。 2021-01-13 12:56
秋瀬山 渋い相撲で 四連勝 帰り入幕 目を見張るほど 688
I feel like I'm being taught something about life.
♬ あきっせ〜やま〜 ♬ 2021-01-13 16:26
まだ上がる 日本株式 変てこなり これはいつしか 中毒となる 689
Isn't this a phenomenon similar to addiction?
Current stock prices are completely different from the real economy.
今の株価は実態経済と違い過ぎる。 2021-01-13 17:04
焼き魚 おろし大根で 一杯やる 大根の汁 甘くて旨い 690
Are Japanese people the only ones who know the sweetness of grated daikon radish?
The juice left at the bottom of the plate is sweet and delicious.
Grated daikon radish is one of the great pleasures of the Japanese diet.
Grilled fish produces incomparably less carbon dioxide than beef production.
This is truly a part of the SDGs.
まさにSDGsである。 2021-01-13 18:33
権兵衛さん 滑舌だけの ことじゃない 説明するのが まるで下手くそ 691
I think politicians should express their thoughts in words and have people understand them.
Suga is not just bad at speaking, he is unable to carefully consider each word and make the other person understand.
This is a fatal flaw as a politician.
That was fine when he was Chief Cabinet Secretary, but as Prime Minister...I'm sorry to say...he is unfit to be.
官房長官のときはそれでも良かったが、内閣総理大臣としては…残念だけれども…それでは失格だ。 2021-01-13 19:16
なあるほど 今朝は確かに 少しだけ 過ごし易いか 暖かいようだ 692
Cold waves in the atmosphere are literally like waves, coming in and going out again.
Starting today, for a little while, it will be an undertow.
取り敢えず今日から少しの間の寒波は引き波のようだ。 2021-01-14 06:37
四連敗 大関止まりか 貴景勝 あの時の勢い 今は幻 693
The four days of dreary sumo matches have continued since the first day.
His performance shows no hope of becoming a Yokozuna.
横綱の希望が全く見えない相撲をとっている。 2021-01-14 06:48
米下院 弾劾審議 可決する 就任式は 有事体制 694
The inauguration ceremony on the 20th will likely be held in a tense atmosphere with military forces stationed at the venue.
It seems that America's division has deepened one step further.
アメリカの分断が更に一歩進んだようだ。 2021-01-14 07:13
物干しに 雀が停まって 覗き込む 頭かしげて 行ってしまった 695
I am tempted to feed the sparrows.
雀を餌付けをしたい誘惑にかられる。 2021-01-14 07:56
石破さん あんたも同じ 穴の人 これまでのこと やはり疑しい 696
It has been reported that Ishihara had a fugu dinner with nine people.
石破氏が九人でフグ会食をしたという報道。 2021-01-14 08:05
日本茶を ストーブの傍 淹れて飲む 冬の巣ごもり のんびり過ごす 697
Staying indoors in the winter is a privilege for the elderly.
冬の巣ごもりは年寄りの特権。 2021-01-14 10:50
御神渡り 今年こそはと 期待する 諏訪の願い 叶いますよう 698
The surface of Lake Suwa has frozen over.
People are eagerly awaiting the Omiwatari crossing.
人々は御神渡り(omiwatari)を待ちわびている。 2021-01-14 10:58
法治国 法を犯せば 訴追する 民主主義の 悲惨な末路 699
An investigation is underway to find those responsible for the storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters.
Apparently, a woman has come forward to tell authorities that the woman who stormed into the Capitol and yelled abusive language at black people was her mother.
We are seeing a phenomenon similar to that of an informant, surveillance society.
密告社会、監視社会みたいな現象が起きている。 2021-01-14 11:10
秋瀬山 狂い咲きかと 目を見張る あれよあれよと 五連勝する 700
It may be an insult to Akiseyama to call him out of his prime, but his sumo in this tournament makes me think he is strong.
This is splendid sumo for a man in his mid-thirties.
There is a strange charm to this wrestler's sumo.
He has the charm of a wrestler who has served in the sumo ring for a long time, unobtrusively and modestly.
目立たず、地味に、長く土俵を務めて来た力士の魅力がある。 2021-01-14 16:32
終活の短歌集 第二章 第八節
馬鹿丸出しの成人式 祝福できない 不快な成人式 671
This Coming of Age Ceremony is so strange that it doesn't really make me feel like celebrating coming of age.
Just ignore the media.
These people are getting carried away because they're getting public attention.
この連中は世間が注目するから調子に乗る。 2021-01-11 07:16
母親が いつも揶揄したカラスの行水 風呂の時間 惜しんだ 672
When I was a child, I had so many interests that I didn't have time to take a bath.
子供の頃は風呂に入る時間もないほどに興味の対象がたくさんあったのだ。 2021-01-11 10:00
宮崎で 鳥インフルが 九例目 ニワトリの死は 六十万羽 673
About 600,000 chickens have already been culled in Miyazaki Prefecture alone.
The issue of culled chickens is serious, but the mutation of the bird flu virus is also a threat.
However, this year's bird flu has been overshadowed by the coronavirus.
だが、今年の鳥インフルはコロナの陰で目立たない。 2021-01-11 11:53
乗客も無く 寂しく走る特急列車 日豊本線 674
There are no Shinkansen trains running through Miyazaki Prefecture.
JR Kyushu's Nippo Main Line in Miyazaki Prefecture remains a single track.
JR九州の日豊本線の宮崎県内は今も単線のまま。 2021-01-11 12:16
出羽錦 塩を惜しんで撒いた人 勿体無いが沁みついていた 675
A long time ago, when I was a child, I often watched sumo on black-and-white TV, and at that time there was a sumo wrestler named Dewanishiki.
When he sprinkled salt on the ring, he only pinched a small amount on the tip of his finger and threw it into the ring, so it was hard to see on a black-and-white CRT.
The announcer would say on his behalf, "I grew up during wartime when supplies were scarce, so I don't want to waste salt and can't sprinkle too much."
More than half a century has passed since Dewanishiki, and now there are sumo wrestlers at sumo tournaments who simply sprinkle salt in a flashy way.
Salt in sumo is scattered to purify the ring.
相撲での塩は土俵を清める為に撒くものである。 2021-01-11 17:16
布団から顔だけ出してテレビを観る 冷たい空気 鼻水がでる 676
The TV remote control is always next to my pillow.
テレビのリモコンはいつも枕の傍に置いてある。 2021-01-11 19:00
今日一日耐えれば 一先ず この寒波から解放されると 聞いた 677
Matters related to the weather are the sole prerogative of the weather gods, so let them do as they please.
気象の事は天気の神様の専権だから思し召しのままに。 2021-01-12 08:00
連休が終わって戻る日常は 午後の数字がまた気になって 678
Some people believe that reporting should not be biased toward the number of coronavirus infections.
However, there is no doubt that the numbers provide the most objective picture of reality.
しかし数字が最も客観的に現実を表すことは間違いない。 2021-01-12 08:54
コロナ病 感染したら戒める 完治すること 外に出ぬこと 679
And the next step is to prevent people from landing at ports.
And the government must ensure PCR testing.
そして政府はPCR検査を確実にすること。 2021-01-12 09:06
今場所も 彼の女(ひと)が観る 指定席 訳ありそうとは 下衆の勘ぐり 680
Sumo wrestling, not knowing is a good thing, not asking is a good thing, just leave it alone and enjoy the violet grass.
大相撲、知らぬが花、聞かぬが花のすみれ草。 2021-01-12 17:28
大天晴 大栄翔が 唸らせる 三大関を 連続撃破 681
He won three consecutive matches against ozekis Asanoyama, Takakeisho, and Shodai from the very first day.
It's a pleasure to watch this guy's sumo.
この人の相撲は見ていて気持ちがいい。 2021-01-12 17:41
横綱が 不在の場所 とは雖も 迫真の相撲 闘魂ぶつかる 682
Sumo fans are saved by the serious sumo of these ambitious young wrestlers.
向上心の塊のような若い力士の真剣な相撲によって相撲ファンは救われる。 2021-01-12 17:59
社会より 自分ファースト 人間の 欲望頼りの コロナの戦略 683
Coronavirus' global strategy is based on human desires.
"I finish work late at night, so by then all the restaurants are already closed and there are only convenience stores, which is a problem."
"When I go to Disney, there are so few customers that I'm treated like one person."
Even when medical workers are screaming, there are still many people who act according to their own convenience, which is why the infection spreads.
This is exactly what the coronavirus wants.
The key to Coronavirus' global strategy is "human desires."
コロナの世界戦略の要諦は「人間の欲望」。 2021-01-13 07:07
狸さん 小学生も 老人も 分る言葉で 話してください 684
One voice?
Use Japanese that can be understood by both a baby in the cradle and an old man with one foot in the grave.
The old raccoon lady is still as unpleasant as ever.
古池の狸の婆さんは相変わらず不愉快な人だ。 2021-01-13 08:12
アメリカで ワクチン接種が 進まない マスクはしないわ 議会は侵すわ 685
What is really going on in America?
If chaos breaks out on Inauguration Day, it will be exactly what China wants.
"The chaos in America, the suzerain of democracy, is proof that democracy does not benefit its people.
Running a country under the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party is the only beneficial and noble thing in the world."
That's what they are saying.
命さえ 秤にかける トリアージ 問いかけられて 答えに窮する 686
This medical anomaly is causing this kind of terminology to become widely known to the public.
こんな医療の異常事態で、こんな専門用語が世に広く知られていく事態である。 2021-01-13 12:18
貴景勝 三連敗で 火が消えた 照ノ富士か 大栄翔か 687
Let's look forward to what's next for him.
彼には次を期待しよう。 2021-01-13 12:56
秋瀬山 渋い相撲で 四連勝 帰り入幕 目を見張るほど 688
I feel like I'm being taught something about life.
♬ あきっせ〜やま〜 ♬ 2021-01-13 16:26
まだ上がる 日本株式 変てこなり これはいつしか 中毒となる 689
Isn't this a phenomenon similar to addiction?
Current stock prices are completely different from the real economy.
今の株価は実態経済と違い過ぎる。 2021-01-13 17:04
焼き魚 おろし大根で 一杯やる 大根の汁 甘くて旨い 690
Are Japanese people the only ones who know the sweetness of grated daikon radish?
The juice left at the bottom of the plate is sweet and delicious.
Grated daikon radish is one of the great pleasures of the Japanese diet.
Grilled fish produces incomparably less carbon dioxide than beef production.
This is truly a part of the SDGs.
まさにSDGsである。 2021-01-13 18:33
権兵衛さん 滑舌だけの ことじゃない 説明するのが まるで下手くそ 691
I think politicians should express their thoughts in words and have people understand them.
Suga is not just bad at speaking, he is unable to carefully consider each word and make the other person understand.
This is a fatal flaw as a politician.
That was fine when he was Chief Cabinet Secretary, but as Prime Minister...I'm sorry to say...he is unfit to be.
官房長官のときはそれでも良かったが、内閣総理大臣としては…残念だけれども…それでは失格だ。 2021-01-13 19:16
なあるほど 今朝は確かに 少しだけ 過ごし易いか 暖かいようだ 692
Cold waves in the atmosphere are literally like waves, coming in and going out again.
Starting today, for a little while, it will be an undertow.
取り敢えず今日から少しの間の寒波は引き波のようだ。 2021-01-14 06:37
四連敗 大関止まりか 貴景勝 あの時の勢い 今は幻 693
The four days of dreary sumo matches have continued since the first day.
His performance shows no hope of becoming a Yokozuna.
横綱の希望が全く見えない相撲をとっている。 2021-01-14 06:48
米下院 弾劾審議 可決する 就任式は 有事体制 694
The inauguration ceremony on the 20th will likely be held in a tense atmosphere with military forces stationed at the venue.
It seems that America's division has deepened one step further.
アメリカの分断が更に一歩進んだようだ。 2021-01-14 07:13
物干しに 雀が停まって 覗き込む 頭かしげて 行ってしまった 695
I am tempted to feed the sparrows.
雀を餌付けをしたい誘惑にかられる。 2021-01-14 07:56
石破さん あんたも同じ 穴の人 これまでのこと やはり疑しい 696
It has been reported that Ishihara had a fugu dinner with nine people.
石破氏が九人でフグ会食をしたという報道。 2021-01-14 08:05
日本茶を ストーブの傍 淹れて飲む 冬の巣ごもり のんびり過ごす 697
Staying indoors in the winter is a privilege for the elderly.
冬の巣ごもりは年寄りの特権。 2021-01-14 10:50
御神渡り 今年こそはと 期待する 諏訪の願い 叶いますよう 698
The surface of Lake Suwa has frozen over.
People are eagerly awaiting the Omiwatari crossing.
人々は御神渡り(omiwatari)を待ちわびている。 2021-01-14 10:58
法治国 法を犯せば 訴追する 民主主義の 悲惨な末路 699
An investigation is underway to find those responsible for the storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters.
Apparently, a woman has come forward to tell authorities that the woman who stormed into the Capitol and yelled abusive language at black people was her mother.
We are seeing a phenomenon similar to that of an informant, surveillance society.
密告社会、監視社会みたいな現象が起きている。 2021-01-14 11:10
秋瀬山 狂い咲きかと 目を見張る あれよあれよと 五連勝する 700
It may be an insult to Akiseyama to call him out of his prime, but his sumo in this tournament makes me think he is strong.
This is splendid sumo for a man in his mid-thirties.
There is a strange charm to this wrestler's sumo.
He has the charm of a wrestler who has served in the sumo ring for a long time, unobtrusively and modestly.
目立たず、地味に、長く土俵を務めて来た力士の魅力がある。 2021-01-14 16:32
終活の短歌集 第二章 第八節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜030
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜030
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
飯などは 程ほどに食えばいい 死ぬことは無い 齢をとった体 030
I don't feel hungry as often anymore, and since my body is slowly aging, it's okay for me to eat less.
That's the law of nature.
それが節理だ。 2024.11.27
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜029
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節 001〜029
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節
初孫を抱く パートナー 嬉しそう まだまだ若くて 母でもよさそう 029
I had this impression when I saw the video that was sent to my smartphone.
スマホに送られてきた動画を見てそういう感想をもった。 2024.11.27
三百円で デジタルの置き時計を買う それでもちゃんと 動く 028
One-hundred-yen stores could be said to be a product of deflation.
A digital table clock costs 300 yen.
I think that if a manufacturer sold clocks for that much, they would go bankrupt.
そんな金額で時計を売ったら製造会社は倒産するのではないかと思うのだが。 2024.11.26
生後五日の赤児を見る 不満気に 顔をしかめる 一人前 027
It was the first time I had seen a newborn baby since my own child.
The baby's face and other parts of its body were red.
I hope the world will continue to be peaceful, so that this baby can live happily.
平和で、この赤児が幸せに生きていく世界が続いて欲しい。 2024.11.26
ご先祖を お祀りする仏具 一つひとつを 心を込めて 清める 026
Not only did the old Buddhist altar equipment become shiny and new, but my heart was also cleansed.
古い仏具がピカピカになったが、私の心も洗われた。 2024.11.26
背景に 頭を傾げるような 選挙運動が あまたあった 025
Was there power harassment? Was there begging? Why did the prefectural employee die? Was the NHK Party's support appropriate? Who posted the lies on the rival candidate's social media? Why did the election tide suddenly change?
パワハラはあったのか? おねだりはあったのか? 県の職員は何故死んだのか? NHK党の応援は妥当か? 対抗候補のSNSへの嘘の投稿は誰がした? 何故急に選挙の形勢が変わったのか? 2024.11.26
悪質でないにしても 他の候補との 公平を欠く こともある 024
The background to this commotion is the head-scratching election campaign surrounding the re-election of Hyogo Governor Saito.
この騒動の背景には、斎藤兵庫県知事の再選に関しての様々な頭を傾げるような選挙運動がある。 2024.11.26
華やかな黒子 有り得ない 不利な現実 次々に 顕わになる 023
The female president, who has gained a reputation among the public, is good-looking and seemed to be a glamorous supporting character while riding in candidate Saito's campaign car.
問題の女性社長はグッドルッキングで、斎藤候補の選挙カーに乗っているときにも華やかな黒子だったようだ。 2024.11.26
これでまた 女性のファン 母性本能ムラムラと 起き上がってくる 022
Was the role of the PR company in Governor Saito's election campaign volunteer work?
Or was it election violation?
There has been a lot of coverage about these issues.
I wonder how the people who enthusiastically supported Saito in the re-election view this.
The reporters are also questioning Saito quite seriously.
It seems that the reporters are hoping to clear the reputation of the mass media.
報道記者達はマスメディアの汚名挽回を期しているようにも見える。 2024.11.26
カピバラが 味を占めた 露天風呂 飼育の人の 愛から始まる 021
I heard that it all began in the winter of 1982, when the staff was using hot water to clean the capybara exhibit, and noticed the capybaras relaxing with their feet and bottoms in a pool of hot water, and accidentally discovered that they loved baths.
1982年の冬、飼育スタッフがお湯を使ってカピバラの展示場を掃除していたところ、湯だまりに足やお尻を浸けてくつろぐカピバラたちの姿に気づき、偶然に風呂好きなことを発見したのが始まりだと聞いた。 2024.11.26
トランプが軍事支援を 渋る ヨーロッパは冷戦の時 戻る 020
The heated argument between Trump and Germany's Merkel during Trump's first term is still fresh in our memories.
I recall that this was Merkel's response to Trump's request that Germany increase its military spending as a percentage of GDP.
In his second term, Trump will likely threaten NATO member states that the United States will not come to their aid in the event of an emergency unless they increase their military spending.
Will European countries be forced to return to the military spending (percentage of GDP) levels of the Cold War?
ヨーロッパ各国は冷戦時の軍事費(GDP比)に戻ることを余儀なくされるか。 204.11.26
気は優しくて 力持ち 初優勝の琴櫻 今桃太郎 019
This person seems like a truly kind person.
He's a martial artist, so it will be difficult, but I hope he stays injury-free and can fulfill his life in the sumo ring.
格闘技の人だから、怪我をせず、土俵人生を全うして欲しい。 2024.11.26
戦争に行けば 借金が 棒引きになる ロシアの軍事事情 018
I heard that Russian President Putin has signed a law that will forgive citizens' debts if they join the military.
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、国民が軍に入隊すれば、借金を返済免除とする法律に署名したと聞いた。 2024.11.26
娘から 買ってもらった敷布団 コインランドリーで 丸洗いする 017
For the first time, I washed my futon at the laundromat.
It was a big job for me.
わたしにしては大仕事だった。 2024.11.26
「心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず」 本当にそうか 016
Confucius said that at the age of seventy, one can do as one's heart desires without one's behavior deviating from the norm, but I'm not so sure.
七十歳になれば心の欲するように行動しても規範から外れることは無いと孔子は言ったのだが、わたしは自信がない。 2024.11.25
信義を守ることは 当たり前 黙って守り続ける人に 習う 015
It goes without saying that one should keep one's promises, but those who continue to keep their promises even in the face of some conflict have unwavering convictions.
約束を守ることは当然のことだが、多少の争いがあっても約束を守り続ける人には揺るがない信念がある。 2024.11.25
時刻を確かめたくて 目を遣って 思いのこもる時計が 動かない 014
I bought this cheap watch when I was going through a hard time in my life and got a new job.
Now, I look at my watch to check the time, and it's not working.
No matter how many times I look, my watch is still not working.
Thank you, my watch.
世話になった。 2024.11.25
千代の富士をウルフと呼んだ北の富士 このさきも ずっと 記憶の中 013
I knew him when he was active, but I spent more time watching him as a commentator.
I'm very sad that he has passed away.
亡くなってとても寂しい。 2024.11.25
問題は アメリカとロシア ウクライナとガザは 大戦の導線 012
Russia should of course be condemned, but America's attitude toward Israel is also causing confusion around the world.
Neither underdeveloped nor developed countries can trust America.
後進国が、無論先進国もアメリカを信頼できない。 2024.11.25
これでいいんじゃないかでは済まされない 兵庫県知事の 疑惑 011
The 100-Article Committee is being closely watched by people across the country.
百条委員会は全国の人々が注視している。 2024.11.25
出らぬなら 出らぬでよい トム・ホ―バスコーチは 世界的レベル 010
Isn't he the benefactor who led women's basketball to an Olympic silver medal?
I don't understand what the Japanese male player playing in America is saying.
アメリカでプレーしている男子日本人プレイヤーの言っている意味が解らない。 2024.11.25
新たな世界に様変わりしたと思う 兵庫県の 知事選挙 009
New suspicions have emerged, sparked by an article posted by the president of a PR company to promote her company.
It appears that he posted online that she had been "trusted with all public relations."
The threatening speech that an NHK Party candidate is said to have given in front of the home of a prefectural assembly member must be thoroughly investigated.
The issue of someone posting lies on Inamura's NSN must also be brought to justice.
For the sake of Japanese democracy.
日本の民主主義の為に。 2024.11.25
皮肉にも 安倍派の裏金議員が 政治改革をしてくれる 008
The problem of "politics and money" came to light when former Abe faction lawmakers were using party income as slush funds.
Ironically, this is likely to lead to political reform.
皮肉なものだが、そのお陰で政治改革が進みそうだ。 2024.11.25
日曜日に クイーン駅伝を テレビで観る 季節の移り変わり 007
Major League Baseball has completed its schedule and winter sports are finally about to begin.
メジャーリーグは全ての日程を終了して、いよいよウィンタースポーツが始まる。 2024.11.25
自民党 幽霊党員 約百人 裏金議員は 懲りない 006
House of Representatives member Tabata Hiroaki's funding comes from corporate donations.
The judiciary should be strict in its judgment.
司法は厳しく裁くべき。 2024.11.24
トランプでええじゃないか ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 危ない世界 005
The phrase "Eejanaika" by Jiro Terashima on a Sunday morning show on TBS.
Totally true.
全くその通り。 2024.11.24
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今は我が子を 守ってくれる 003
母から受け継いだ 子安弘法が 今もわたしを 守ってくれる 004
My mother worshiped both gods and Buddhas, but she also had faith in Kobo Daishi.
She always placed a small Buddha statue of Koyasu Kobo in the altar and worshiped it.
Maybe because of that, myself, my sister, my children, my sister's children, and our grandchildren are all living healthy lives.
そのお陰か、私も妹も、私の子も妹の子も、その孫も、みんな元気で暮らしている。 2024.11.24
丹頂の 美しい姿が目を奪う 神の不公平を 思う 002
The red-crowned crane is clearly a beautiful bird.
Its beauty overwhelms other birds, to the point that one wonders if God is being unfair.
神は不公平ではないかと感じる程、他の鳥を圧倒する程、美しい。 2024.1124
新燃岳で 火山性地震が増えている 美しい火口 いまは 001
On January 26, 2011, a large-scale eruption occurred for the first time in about 300 years.
And now I've heard that there has been an increase in volcanic earthquakes at Shinmoedake.
The beautiful water-filled crater that appeared in the 007 (James Bond) movies can no longer be seen.
映画、007(ジェームスボンド)の映画にも登場した、水を蓄えた美しい火口は、今は見ることが出来ない。 2024.11.24
終活の短歌集 第四章 第五節