✧ 終活の短歌集 第三章 第三節 第二百一番〜第三百番 ✧
John Lennon Imagine歌う Ukraine 女子供が 生死の狭間
The whole world should pray for just one hour.
May Putin give up the war.(300)
アマテラス 秋篠宮の 訪問は ご不快のこと お察し申す
Will Akishinonomiya be considerate of the will of Amaterasu Omikami?
His children too.(299)
食品の 六千品目 値上げする 黒田・プーチン 合作インフレ
The value of the yen is steadily declining.(298)
女たち 陵辱された 証言は 聞くに堪えない 鬼の行状
Putin and Russia disappear from the world.(297)
パナソニック 試験とはいえ 週三日 休みにすると 聞いて驚く
This news is unbelievable to the old Japanese.(296)
ロシア兵 無辜の人々 捕まえて 頭撃ち抜く これジェノサイド
Putin's trip to hell has been decided.
Of course, Russians are also responsible.(295)
北風が 桜散らして 知らん振り この落とし前 どうして呉れる
It's embarrassing to use vulgar words such as "otoshimae".
But it's still better than what the Yoshinoya executives said.(294)
生娘を シャブ漬けなどと 言い放つ 吉野家などは 死ぬまで食わぬ
This is a very inappropriate statement.
田原さん 使い続ける テレビ局 誰の目にも 老害映る
Old soldiers never die; They just fade away.(292)
華やかな 桜のときは 過ぎ去りて また一年を 心待ちする
I don’t know if I’m alive until next year.(291)
ゼレンスキー ドイツ批判は 無理もなし 今もロシアに 大金払う
Zelensky says, "Survival is a problem now."(290)
モスクワが 火災になって 海の底 真実などは 隠すか曲げる
Cruiser Moscow sank after being attacked by Ukrainian troops.(289)
やっと出た OHTANIさんの 第一号 胸撫で下ろす 土曜日の朝
Exaggeratedly speaking, Otani fans all over the country were waiting for this home run.(288)
ロシアとか 中国などの 言う事は 右から左に 風に流して
I can't really listen to what these two countries say.(287)
フジテレビ 朝の番組 チャラチャラと 若い男が 甘ちゃんトーク
Japanese boys should be more resolute.(286)
嫌いだが 合格願う あの人に そんな民人 此処にも一人
I want that person in the former imperial family to be happy.(285)
大戦の 恕作さ紛れ 北方の 四島奪い 今も還さず
So my dad hated Russia.(284)
ルカシェンコ 阿呆面提げて モスクワへ 茶番なる言葉 正しく是
This president has no intelligence.(283)
何故に 秋篠宮家は 三人の 進学先を 例に背くや
Are the other two like his eldest daughter, who many of the people hated?(282)
プーチンが ドボルニコフを 送り込む やればやる程 墓穴深まる
Putin's end has already been decided.
He has become one of the most sinful people in human history.(281)
吉野家で 藤田ニコルが アルバイト? 店を探して 牛丼食うか
There is a saying in Japan that "there are insects that prefer bitter plants like smartweed."
I think she's sweet ...(280)
サケマスの 漁業交渉 やると聞く 鯵や鰯を 食えば済むこと
European countries are also making tough decisions.(279)
夜間尿 起きた序での マスターズ テレビ点ければ ナイスバーディー
At that time Matsuyama put a ball for birdie in the cup.(278)
プーチンを 庇うことなど なかりしも イラクを攻めた ブッシュは如何に
This is a chain of domineering nations of the victorious nations of the previous war.(277)
食品が 次々値上げ この春は スタグフレーション 始まりのとき
To be correct, I should say, "It will be revealed."(276)
ロシア人 この先世界で 排除され 恥も外聞も 知ることになる
The Russian ambassador to Japan tells an outright lie.
I feel sorry for him when I hear him.(275)
揺さぶられ 鈴木宗男が 落ちて来た 雉も鳴かずば 撃たれはしまい
Was he threatened by anyone?(274)
大谷の 打席見ながら 昼ご飯 今年もこれが 至福の時間
Mr. Otani is our hope to live.(273)
何年も 生きてきたけど 莫迦は莫迦 来世生きても また同じこと
Stupid is stupid even if I die.(272)
プーチンは 極悪非道 ゼレンスキー 正義の味方 ほぼ正しいが…
I think most of the reported content is correct, but it requires some suspicion.(271)
仏教に 信心深い スリランカ 暴動の裏に 中国債務
The Sri Lankan riots are inconspicuous in the shadow of Ukraine.(270)
飛ぶ車 必要ですか? 脱炭素 社会を目指して 徒歩か自転車
Will humanity stop progress?(269)
アルバイト とは言うものの 働いて 金曜午後は 少し疲れて
I have already retired from active duty.
But I work a little at the request of others.
Still, I feel tired on Friday afternoon.(268)
日向坂 大量感染 如何せん 責めてくれるな そんな風潮
Is this feeling wrong?
I'm not happy to hear this news.(267)
強面の ラブロフさんは イエスマン 見掛け倒しの 順な飼い犬
He always swings his tail to his owner.(266)
雨の中 コンペティション 女子ゴルフ テレビマイクに 蛙の唄が
Today the frog's voice was heard during the talk of the TV commentator.(265)
善光寺 一年遅れの 御開帳 文字書く坊さん 嬉しく見えて
I think he is a high-ranking monk, but unexpectedly he has a glimpse of being an innocent person like a child.(264)
今日も雨 洗濯物が どっさりと 脱衣籠から 溢れ出て来る
Currently, there are days when I can't do the laundry for four days.(263)
プーチンも 日銀黒田も 同じ穴 出鱈目所業 自滅の狢
These two are in an abnormal state, invisible even if they have eyes, and inaudible even if they have ears.(262)
ミャンマーと 何が異なる ウクライナ 等しくすべし 難民支援
There is such an opinion.(261)
どっさりと 詰った金柑 百円で たらふく食って まだどっさりと
Don't sell this for 100 yen.
However, it is even worse for 100 yen fruits to remain unsold.(260)
現職の 閣僚初の 聖子さん コロナ感染 そんなレヴェルだ
That's what I think.(259)
アメリカの インフレ率は 記録的 我が日銀は 信頼能わず
As usual, Japan does not see the ocean.(258)
いつの日か 桜追っかけ 日本中 車転がし 旅する夢を
I had such a luxurious dream.(257)
日銀が 連続指値 オペレーション 金利相場に 露骨な介入
The value of the Japanese yen goes down more and more.(256)
第七波 ヒトの科学を 嘲笑う 恐るべしかな コロナウイルス
Coronavirus is making a fool of humanity(255)
若人が 生まれた赤子 連れて来る 見せられるまま 込み上げるもの
When I see a new life just born.
As I am old, I have special feelings.
Good luck to this child's life.(254)
七人が 全員感染 BTS こんな感覚 ちんぷんかんぷん
I'm not interested in Korea.(253)
ロシアなど 信用できる 訳がない 停戦協議 不渡手形
No one trusts what Russia says.(252)
サントリー 再生エネに 切り替える 敬意表し これから御社
I want all Japanese companies to make the same decision as Suntory.(251)
業界の 体質顕す 闇操作 日興証券 金の亡者
Companies like Nikko Shoken is called "vulgar".(250)
大戦を 悔いてロシアに 歩み寄る ドイツの思い 仇なす蛮行
Germany regrets the previous war and has been in favor of Russia so far.
I didn't like that diplomatic attitude, but Germany changed that attitude with this invasion.(249)
長袖で 登り始めた 桜山 五分もせずに 脱いで手に持つ
With this warmth, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.(248)
上海が ロックダウン すると言う 東京二つの 人を封じる
It is said that there are 26 million people, but Shanghai will be locked down.
It is an unimaginable city blockade.(247)
国を捨て 命からがら 逃げて来る これ言うなれば プーチン難民
Let's protest Putin by spreading the new word "Putin refugee".(246)
ゼレンスキー 能々聞けば ユダヤ人 今の成り行き 複雑怪奇
Ukrainian President Zelensky is of Jewish descent.
Yet, Russian President Vladimir Putin calls President Zelensky and the Ukrainian government "neonazi."(245)
銃弾の 飛び交う下で 生きる人 遠い異国に 想いを寄せて
There is a limit to what we can do individually.
So at least let us send our thoughts to Ukraine.(244)
暑いとは 雖も今は まだ三月 今年初めて 素麺喰らう
It was hot today and I ate "Somen" for lunch.(243)
悪童の 面構えする 豊昇龍 日本男児は 爪垢を飲め
The Japanese are losing our wild spirit.(242)
ロシア国 思うにならず 自棄になる 核の刀の 柄に手を遣る
It is unbelievable that such a war is happening now in the 21st century.
I often hear such phrases lately.(241)
追々と 世に隔たるを 旨とする 過信禁物 老いの冷水
I disagree with the simple idea of getting older people to work.(240)
嬉しくも 戦地の人の 苦を思い はしゃぎ過ぎを 慎む分別
I think it is better not to lightly say "Japan is with Ukraine".
I think so when I see a Japanese athlete who wins the World Series of sports and is very excited.(239)
ロシア国 不当なること 極めつき 国へ帰って 座して沙汰待て
Blindy trust in President Zelensky is questionable.
But there is no doubt about Russian crime.(238)
ゼレンスキー 歴史は彼を どう評す 危うく見るも 人の知恵なり
He is in the enthusiasm as a hero of this era.(237)
ロシア国 苦戦の果てに 魔の兵器 投じる時は 愈々近い
Putin no longer has reason.(236)
聞こえ来る 第三次世界 大戦の 兵の足音 ザッツザッツザッと
That march of soldiers heading for the war comes to mind.(235)
温暖化 疑うほどに 寒い朝 彼岸過ぎて 春まだ遠い
It's usually already warm by this time.(234)
三度目の 世界大戦 囁かれ この蛮行の 意味するところ
It has long been known that Russia is barbaric.
The president of that country also turned out to be barbaric.(233)
アメリカも 嘘の話を 幾度か 公然にした 過去の歴史も
Russia, which started the war, is of course bad, but America is not innocent.(232)
戦争を せざるを得ない 状況に 追い込んで行く 常套手段
The process leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor such as diplomatic negotiations, radio interception, and cryptanalysis.
There are some suspicions at that time.(231)
東京に 季節外れの 雪が降る 電気が停まる 警報が出る
Prices are rising, and Putin is in a crazy war.
The world is disturbing.(230)
イオンなど 日本屈指の 小売店 インフレの中 据置宣言
That is their management policy.
However, I want them to raise the salary of employees for Japan.(229)
高安は 一生一度の 晴舞台 この大阪は 賜杯をいだけ
Takayasu has no chance in the future if he cannot win this Osaka place now.(228)
西風に 椰子の木撓み 耐えて立つ 今年最後の 冬の景色か
The tree is shaking greatly as if saying "Stop it because it hurts".(227)
ひまわりと 謂う名の映画 リバイバル あの俳優も あのメロディーも
A masterpiece movie half a century ago is now showing again.
The stage of that movie seems to be Ukraine.(226)
内親王 二十歳になって 民に向け 話をされる 愛らしき人
Aiko seems to have grown up with the love of her parents.(225)
人ならば あのロシアにも いるだろう 破滅の戦 諌める人が
Was there anyone in Japan who opposed the war with the United States?
Is there anyone in Russia right now to stop Putin?(224)
桜花 蕾膨らむ 彼岸前 淡いピンクに 心が弾む
Fukuoka was the city where the cherry blossoms bloomed the earliest this year.
I live in a warmer area than Fukuoka, but the cherry blossoms haven't bloomed yet.(223)
また揺れた あの惨事から 十一年 いつになったら 地は鎮まるか
There are too many earthquakes in Japan these days.(222)
あれこれと じわじわ値上げ 首真綿 モスバーガーも 既に高嶺に
Also the Yoshinoya’s Gyudon(=beef bowl)?
Breakfast bread too?(221)
もしかして マクドナルドが プーチンを 倒す引鉄 ロシア閉店
In the civilization of the 21st century, unexpected power works in unexpected places.
Putin doesn't know that.(220)
明日もまた 季節外れの 暖かさ 桜の蕾が 膨らんでくる
It is difficult for people to adapt to this difference in temperature, but the cherry blossoms may be quite confused.(219)
冬物が 邪魔者になる 彼岸前 人の心は 移ろい易く
Romeo swears eternal love for Juliet to the moon.
Juliet tells Romeo, "I want you to stop swearing to the moon that changes every day."
Women are always wise, regardless of the West or the East.(218)
峠路 カアカアカアと 胴間声 可愛カラスの 子を呼ぶ声か
"Domagoe" is "a thick, muddy voice that is out of tune."
The crow's bark isn't cute at all.(217)
ロシア軍 ウクライナから ベラルーシ 攻撃をする 同盟国を?
It seems to be a camouflage attack.
I can't believe it.(216)
早春の 名古屋women マラソンは 欲張りコース 観光案内
Should be simple for athletes.(215)
マイカーが 排出する CO2 ニュートラルのため プラゴミ拾う
I will try to reduce CO2 by picking up the plastic garbage on the beach near my house.(214)
一編に 気温が上がって 夏日和 老いた体が 置いてけ堀に
It's a drastic change that can be expected.(213)
この侵略 狂気の沙汰の 暴挙なり 史上最悪 ヒトラープーチン
Putin has become the worst man in human history to rival Hitler.(212)
使用済み 核燃料の 危険さえ 兵が知らない ロシア軍隊
Japanese critics have said Russian soldiers may not have knowledge of spent nuclear fuel.(211)
旅客機は ロシアの上を 避けて飛ぶ プーチン戦争 ここにも及ぶ
It seems that it will take an extra 4 hours to fly to England.
Even in this regard, we must not forgive Putin.(210)
隣国の 大統領選 報道は やればやるほど 資源の無駄
I will continue to calmly ignore neighboring countries.(209)
Shame on you 河野さんで 非ずとも 在日ロシア 曲者大使
The Russian ambassador to Japan is good at Japanese.
I can't trust this ambassador at all.(208)
核を持つ ロシア相手じゃ 派兵せず 日米安保の 正体見たり
NATO does not help Ukraine because Russia has a nuclear weapon.
What if China and Japan were in a war over the territory of the Senkaku Islands?(207)
電源を 喪失したら あの悪夢 チェルノブイリは 死の町になる
Russia has long been a barbaric country.(206)
略奪を 見るウクライナ 人心を 責める気持は 無いも悲しい
Maybe Japanese don't.
But I can't blame the Ukrainians.(205)
ユニクロは 前から少し 疑問あり 今時のことで 確信になる
I don't buy UNIQLO products.(204)
この二人 何れにしても 品がない 隣の国の 次の統領
I have no interest in this election.(203)
一寸待て バイデンが得る 戦利品 大和民族 また騙される
The view of Homare Endo, director of the Global Research Institute on Chinese Issues, is extremely interesting.(202)
火炎瓶 銃後で作る 婦人たち 戦う夫を 助けるために
It is infinitely similar to the scenery seen in Japan 80 years ago.(201)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第三節
終活の短歌集 第三章 第二節 第百一番〜第二百番
✧ 終活の短歌集 第三章 第二節 第百一番〜第二百番 ✧
ロシア国 発言はみな 嘘ばかり 決めつけて聞く NEWS情報
The Russian ambassador to Japan is a representative figure.(200)
東京で マラソン大会 賑やかに ウクライナでは この時も血が
Is this all right for Japanese people?(199)
侵略を 受けて苦しむ ウクライナ 世界中から 支援の絆
People all over the world are sending ale to Ukrainians.(198)
国連の 非難決議を 棄権する 中国印度は 別なる人類
I don't think they are human beings living in the same era.(197)
パラ五輪 侵略戦争 進行中 出場するのか それでいいのか
On the day of the Para Olympics, a Japanese female athlete smiles and answers the interview.
She is too selfish.
There are people in Ukraine whose lives are at stake at this very moment.
At the very least, you should ask what it means to participate.(196)
プーチンは 狂気の人と SNS ロシアの人も 伝え始める
Please stop this Putin war by the Russian people.(195)
プーチンを 天才と言う トランプを 大統領にした 狂ったアメリカ
It's better to say that Putin is ill.(194)
こんな時 パラリンピックは 止めるべき そう考える人 わたし一人か
The Paralympics should only be held during peaceful times.(193)
自らの 墓穴を掘った プーチン氏 ドイツまでもが 態度を変える
Until now, Germany has been a country where both the country and its citizens feel familiar with Russia.(192)
プーチンの 命運尽きる ウクライナ AAA戦犯 投獄が決まる
He is crazy.(191)
トランプが 天才と言う プーチンに ウクライナ人が 一歩も引かず
I support Ukraine.(190)
日没に あともう少し 山の中 お天道様に 鳥が囀ずる
It's like a child telling his mother what's happening today.(189)
難癖を つけて侵略 ロシア国 安倍晋三は 穴を探すか
If there is no hole, you can dig it.(188)
野蛮国 ロシアは今も 野蛮国 核武装する 野蛮大国
Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine does not seem to be sane.
There is no future for Russian President Vladimir Putin.(187)
プーチンと ヤバい関係 安倍晋三 盛り掛け桜に ダメの上塗り
Shinzo Abe proved himself to be an uncertain politician.(186)
国連は ずっと前から 形だけ ロシア中国 身中の虫
The United Nations is powerless to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.(185)
彼岸まで 25日の 昼下り 川の畔で 弁当を食う
I heard that the weather will be like spring this weekend.
I can't wait.(184)
あのくらい 憎まれないと 一国を 守れない程 世界は危うい
Russian President Vladimir Putin, the worst villain in the world after World War II.
What is happening now is not just about opposition to Ukraine's accession to NATO.(183)
嘆かわし 宮澤だとか 鈴木とか 世襲政治が 国を亡ぼす
Abe, Aso, and Koizumi are all hereditary congressman.
Such people monopolize national politics.
The country dies.(182)
温暖化? どこ吹く風の 低気温 今年の冬は 体に沁みる
(It's cold) ♬ On days when it's hard to live ~ ♬(181)
玉木さん 自民党に 摺り寄った 野党の矜持 捨てて賛成
The presence of Rengo(=Confederation) in support of this party jeopardizes this country.(180)
氷上に 見とれて座る 椅子の上 ティッシュペーパー 潰れる音が
Whose acting was it?
There was such a thing.(179)
女の子 大学入試 カンニング アナウンサーに なるためだとか
The cause is the motive of such vanity.(178)
娘から バレンタインデーの チョコレート 焼酎の肴に チビチビつまむ
I'm happy with the chocolate I got from my daughter.(177)
城山の 鐘聞こえ来る 愛宕山 歩み緩めて 一首詠わん
The bell of Shiroyama written by Bokusui Wakayama.
Since there are no obstacles between the mountains, the sound of the bell can be heard clearly.(176)
寒い日に 静電気ビリビリで スネゲ立つ 着替えの時に 思わず失笑
I say sorry for the leg hair.(175)
もう既に ロシアの侵攻 進んでいる 今も野蛮な 北の隣国
The Japanese must not forget that Russia made Japan at the end of World War II.
Shinzo Abe is an incredible politician who doesn't know it.(174)
上手いねー 流石にスイス カーリング 準決勝で ショットが冴える
However, the Japanese girls won the semi-finals.(173)
You Tube 音楽聴いて カーリング 準決勝は 勝ちが見えたぞ
Curling games have a long time.(172)
高木美帆 良かったよかった 金メダル 貴女のことは 神は見ていた
God often overlooks it ...(171)
ガルージン? いつまでロシアに 騙される 亡国放送? BSTBS
I can't trust the Russian ambassador to Japan who is fluent in Japanese.(170)
生きるのが 面倒くさく なっていく 年取ることは そう言うことか
The body is weakening.
That's why it's getting harder to live.
How can I enjoy it?(169)
男児とは 好悪のことは 言わぬもの 胸に収めて 黙って生きる
The man is silent and Sapporo beer!
There was such a TV commercial.(168)
懐かしい 五輪シーンの 数々を 見せられるほど 別の思いが
In other words, I lived too long.(167)
ベートーベン 交響曲 六番を 部屋の灯りを 暗くして聴く
Even Japanese people listen to Beethoven.(166)
真夜中に ペットボトルが 凹む音 半分入れた 空気が萎む
A plastic bottle with half the water makes a noise in the middle of the night.
The temperature in the room drops and the air in the plastic bottle shrinks.(165)
五輪視て 銭形平治に 切り替える 江戸の風情が 心安らか
Winter sports are set in snow and ice, so movement is radical.
To be honest, I don't get used to it.(164)
数々の ドラマの末の 最終編 強者共の 夢のまた夢
The players overcame many difficulties before reaching the stage of the Olympics.(163)
遠からず 安倍晋三が カムバック そんな悪夢を 見せられる日々
Japanese politics is still second-rate.
No, it may be third-rate.(162)
エンド数 進みましたる カーリング 健闘するも 強いデンマーク
The game is in progress, but the Japanese curling team against Denmark is struggling.(161)
出がらしの 茶を楽しんで カーリング 布団の中で デンマーク戦
Curling takes more time than a marathon.
Enjoy patiently.(160)
凍りつく 部屋を温め 灯油焚く 二つの容器 空っぽになる
It's not a matter of money.(159)
小さくて パワフルに滑る 日本女子 アイスホッケー これぞ撫子
They are smaller than the players of any foreign team in the competition.
It's small and cute, but it's strong.(158)
その時を 固唾を飲んで テレビ前 羽生結弦は 如何に滑るか
Beyond likes and dislikes, this person's existence is great.(157)
代々の 厚労大臣 無能なり 今も積み置く 課題山なり
A former minister named Murata is on TV.
He is completely unconvincing.
I change channels.(156)
IOCと バッハと中国 ノーグッド この催しは 別の何かに
IOC is no good.
Mankind should create another competition to replace the Olympics.(155)
長ければ 実があるとは 限らない マクロンさんの ポーズ外交
President Macron's visit to Russia is useless.
It doesn't mean anything.
Only pose.(154)
明日からの 天気予報に 安堵する 最高気温が 10℃を超える
The pain of others can be patient for 100 years.
The train is not moving in Hokkaido due to snow.
The garbage wagon doesn't move either.(153)
謝罪文 これぞ正しく 日本人 高梨沙羅は 愛すべき人
Takanashi was disqualified.
The Olympics became out of self-control, including the presence of Mr. Bach.(152)
北風が ガタゴト鳴らす 冬の夜は 首まで布団 たくしあげて寝る
♬ When you are sleeping alone, a flirtatious night wind hits the door and calls you.♬ (151)
出がらしの 茶を楽しんで 土曜日の 夜に五輪の 競技楽しむ
Have you ever enjoyed weak tea (made from used leaves)?(150)
一日に どれだけ引けば 英和辞書 国語辞書ほど 分かる迄には
I don't look up so many English-Japanese dictionaries, and even if I look up many, English is difficult.(149)
当面は 痘痕(中国)忘れて アスリート 渾身のプレー 楽しむとする
I hate both the IOC and China.
But I'm impressed by the athletes who work hard.
Mr. Bach is a cunning man.(148)
布団から 首だけ出して テレビ聴く 立春の日から 三日目の朝
It's cold this winter.
I know it's cold in winter, but it's cold.(147)
もしかして 三連覇など したならば 羽生結弦は 伝説になる
I personally don't like him very much.
But if he wins the Olympics three times in a row, it's a legend.(146)
さあ寝よう 明日は明日の 風が吹く 海路の日和は 天に任せて
If you are alive, your worries are endless.
A long time ago, the song "Que Sera Sera" became popular.
♬ I don't know what's going on, ♬
There was also such a song.
♬ Tomorrow's wind will blow tomorrow ♬
There is also a saying, "I will do my best to wait for my destiny."(145)
山肌に 雲のはしりの 水蒸気 宙に集めて また雨降らす
There are many rainy days in winter this year.
There is not much rainfall, but there are many rainy and cloudy days.
I can see water vapor rising on the mountain surface and rising to the sky.(144)
あちこちに 盛上りたる 土竜塚 固く締まった 道も構わず
I rarely see moles even though I live in the country.
I often see raccoon dogs, but I don't see moles.
At first glance, it is a hard soil road, but there are many small piles of soil pushed up by the mole.(143)
パンパンと テニスボールを 弾く音 中学生の クラブ活動
One of my several walking paths runs very close to junior high school.
I often take a walk after school.
The tennis court cannot be seen directly from the walking path, but I can hear a cute voice and the sound of hitting the ball.
At that time, I remember a long time ago.(142)
自らを 既に判らない 菅直人 老害政治家 此処に至れり
The Constitutional Democratic Party cannot replace the Liberal Democratic Party.(141)
唯一人 住む屋根の下 見るテレビ 木村好雄の ギターが沁みる
I visited Madrid, Spain when I was young.
At that time, I visited the flamenco performance venue.
I was surprised that flamenco songs resemble Japanese folk songs.
Dancers dance flamenco to the guitar and singing.
I think the flamenco was born out of the daily life of the gypsy.
Yoshio Kimura's guitar also has a melancholy that exudes from the Japanese DNA.(140)
そんなもの もう半世紀 食ってない 日本の海に アサリは見ない
I'm sorry, but most of the clams(asari) are from China.
I don't eat clams because I think so.(139)
熟と 歳をとったと 自覚する 次から次と 衰えていく
The function of the body declines one after another.
I am calmly watching the process.
Perhaps it is blissful.(138)
歩くにも 具合如何と 足腰に 聞かねばならぬ 時の覚悟を
Everyone knows that exercising is good for everyone.
Many people are physically handicapped and unable to exercise even if they want to exercise.
People who can exercise now do not know the future.(137)
雨宿り そんな言葉が あったこと 我がはらからは もう忘れたか
It seems that "amayadori(=taking shelter from rain)" has already become a dead word.
Today's Japanese do not take shelter from the rain even if it rains in the middle of their destination.
Even if your body gets wet without taking shelter from the rain, you will continue to aim for your destination.
Imagine it.
Raindrops fall from the eaves of a house that shelters from the rain.
Raindrops dig a hole in the soil.
I can no longer see such an atmosphere.
In the first place, the word "amadare(=raindrop)" became a dead word.(136)
年々と 冬の寒さが 辛くなる その内いつか 生きるの止める
In winter, the activity of life becomes weak.
Both bears and frogs hibernate during this season.
Both grass and trees die.
Winter is a difficult season for the debilitated old man.
I will surrender to winter someday.(135)
田村など しかしかむねが よく喋る You, get back! Incompetent!
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has made many mischiefs in the past.
It's so poor that I can't help but laugh at this corona disaster.
Mr. Tamura who was the minister there.
I can't hear this person.(134)
今朝も亦 北のミサイル 放たれた 潰すしかない 狂犬国家
The mismanagement of two US presidents, Obama and Trump, continued.
There is no choice but to crush it.
But now it's Biden.(133)
ご乱心 バッハ会長 銅像が 五輪北京に 建ったと聞いた
It seems that a statue of Mr. Bach, the president of the IOC, was built in Beijing.
Neither the Chinese government nor Mr. Bach is ashamed.(132)
口紅を 薄く差すとき 色香立つ ほんの僅かな 心遣いで
The Japanese express the act of applying lipstick to the lips as "sasu".
The fact that the sun shines is expressed as "sasu".
A slight crimson on the lips gives the woman a sensual appeal.(131)
バイデンが 無能なことは 分かっていた 日本に居てさえ こうなることを
At first glance, US President Joe Biden looks like a smart person.
But US President Joe Biden seems incompetent.
To me, the Secretary of State looks like the same type of man as the President.
The female vice president is also incompetent.
I'm worried about the world in the near future.(130)
病院の 新聞雑誌が 消え失せた これも一つの 感染対策
Foreigners may misunderstand that Japanese people are taking measures against corona infection with masks alone.
The Japanese are taking a wide variety of infection control measures.
But it's no use saying that.
They don't understand.(129)
あと十日 立春までは あと十日 辛抱して待つ 春早よう来い
This is the coldest time of the year.
I hate the cold.
It will gradually get warmer from "Lisyun(=the beginning of spring)" 10 days later.
♬ Come spring. ♬
♬ Come early. ♬ (128)
これまでは 炭や薪など 焚いてきた これから先は 日や風で焚く
We human beings warmed up by burning firewood and charcoal in the cold winter.
We human beings have burned charcoal and firewood to make daily meals.
We haven't questioned that since we started using fire.
However, now is the time to think about the origin of the energy for warming up, cooking, and traveling.
This is one of the biggest challenges since the birth of human beings.(127)
私はね お米がないと 不安でね あの日の母に 少し似てきた
That day my mother said she was worried that rice wasn't always in stock at home.
My mother grew up as a daughter of a wealthy rice shop from the Taisho era to the Showa era.
So my mother was relieved that rice was always in stock at home.
I'm approaching my mother's age at that time.
I understand the meaning of my mother's words at that time.(126)
貨物船 黄昏時に ゆったりと 西日を受けて 左舷鮮やか
Now in winter, the late afternoon sun shines parallel to the horizon.
The body of a ship at sea is exposed to the sun's rays almost vertically.
When the hull is white, it reflects vividly. (125)
岸壁に 立つ夫婦連れ 背中には 幼児背負い 釣に興じる
A couple is fishing in the evening.
There is a baby on the back of the woman.
“We still have a little time, so why don't we go fishing together?”
Is it a scene of fishing after such a couple's conversation?(124)
電線が 蹴られて空に 鴉二羽 ブラリブラリと 余韻愉しむ
Long electric wires are unreliable as a substance to be kicked by crows to fly.
But the crow needs to kick something to gain momentum in order to take off.
The electric wire kicked by the crow enjoyed the impact, and it shook for a while like a swing.
And two crows were flying in the sky.(123)
風もなく 波打つ音も 聞こえない 草踏む音が ただサクサクと
There is no wind today and I can't hear the swaying sounds of the leaves.
I usually hear a loud noise when the waves hit the beach and break, but today I don't have that either.
I can only hear my walking sound.(122)
安酒は ぬる燗熱燗 人肌燗 ひと手間かけて 旨さ引き出す
There are various types of warmed sake such as hinata-kan, hitohada-kan, nuru-kan, zyo-kan, atsu-kan, and tobikiri-kan.
Since each person has his or her own taste, it cannot be said which one is the most delicious.
By the way, heat has no substance, and the intensity of the movement of the molecules of an object is simply paraphrased into the word “heat”.
One of the measures to measure the magnitude of thermal motion is the scale of temperature.
The deliciousness of Kanzake(warmed sake) is due to the movement of molecules.
Cheap sake can be enjoyed by exercising a little molecule.(121)
浜川は 水は澄めども 魚影なし 今も汚染の 元がありしや
In the olden days, the Tama River, which runs along the border between Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, was also a polluted river.
Hamakawa, my hometown, used to be a polluted river.
I hear that the water quality of the current Tama River has improved and fish are returning.
The transparency of Hamakawa has improved considerably.
But I can't see gyoei (= fish swimming).
I take a walk along the Hama River almost every day.
I never see gyoei in Hamakawa.(120)
二時間も リュック担いで 歩く道 あの日の母の 思いを想う
At the age of 70, I walked with my backpack for two hours.
In the latter half, my legs became heavy and I dragged my legs and walked.
As I walked, I remembered my mother at that time.
I think my mother that day was walking with more painful feelings.(119)
会見の 御本人より 後方で 表情豊かに 手話で伝える
A little while ago.
The sign language interpreter behind the governor is more eye-catching than the governor in the news of the Okinawa governor's press conference.
The governor just says what he should say expressionlessly, but the sign language interpreter moves her mouth and tells the person watching TV with her expression.(118)
自らが 喰う分だけを 釣るがよい 流行りの釣は アンサステーナブル
There is a fishing program on TV.
The performers strive to catch a lot of fish to meet the expectations of the TV station.
You only have to fish as much as you and your family eat.
Fish are not the target of human play.(117)
なけなしの 老後の資金 詐欺にあう 小さな欲が 禍招く
People who have a little money want to make more money.
Imposter use that feeling to work.(116)
そもそもが 朽ち往く体 なるならば ポリフェノールは 何の意味ある
I hear that polyphenols have many other benefits besides restoring eyesight.
However, it is a natural providence that this body will decay in the future.
For nutrition, it is enough to eat as usual.
To extend life meaninglessly is against the providence of nature.(115)
今朝は雨 天気予報の 言う通り カーテンを開け 濡れた地面見る
I'm disappointed when I open the curtains on Sunday morning and find out that it's raining.
Nationwide resorts will not be crowded either.
This is also the will of the god of heaven.(115)
イギリスは マスク着用 求めない 如何なる場所でも 風邪と見做して
British Prime Minister Johnson said he would no longer ask the public to wear a mask.
In Japan, the Omicron mutant strain is in a phase of rapid expansion.
The difference between Mr. Omi and Governor Koike's recent remarks became a problem.
The people don't know what to trust.(114)
大寒に 菜の花を見て 散歩する 少し嬉しく 春の先駈け
Quick ”rape blossoms” are in bloom in the coldest season.
Wait a minute, why is it rape?
I change the expression to "field mustard" or "canola flower".
Like the "field mustard" or "canola flower" we see in spring, there is no momentum of life, but yellow flowers are in bloom.
I will have a cold day for another two months, but I am happy to see the forerunner of spring.(113)
今晩は ブラームスの バイオリン 協奏曲でも 聴きながら眠る
Turn off the lights in the room and sleep while listening to Brahms' violin concerto on the Internet.(112)
蒟蒻も きっと大事な 役割が あると信じて おでんに入れる
"Konjac cleans the intestines, so eat it."
When I was a kid, my mother told me that I ate it reluctantly.
Even so, konjac is a food that children don't like to eat.
Because the English name of konjac is "devil's tongue starch paste".
It's a very scary name.
But it must have a very good effect on the human body.(111)
丑一つ 震度五強で 飛び起きる 日向灘の 底が源
After 1 am, I woke up with a TV alarm.
Immediately after the alarm sounded, a violent shake occurred.
The area where I live is on the Philippine Plate.
I'm worried about the future.(110)
昔から 薪や炭など 焚いてきた 贅沢やめて 素朴に生きる
We have been burning firewood and charcoal for cooking our daily meals for a long time.
In the cold of winter, we burned firewood and charcoal to keep warm.
The energy to move the car was also an extension of that.
However, one day suddenly the source of energy became a problem.
Humans who have lived for a long time are confused by the great reversal of the value of each type of energy.
和芥子を 口に入れ過ぎ 噎せ返る これもおでんの 醍醐味のうち
Today I'm going to drink sake while eating kintyaku(=a pouch filled with rice cake) oden and burdock tempura oden.
Of course, the sake is hot because the room is very cold.
I'm going to warm my body with hot oden and hot sake.(108)
七拾歳 齲以外に 病なし 朝も早ようから ビートルズ聴く
When I was a kid, there was only radio in the homes of people in this country.
Now there is also YouTube.
It has a wide range of entertainment, from the ones that are trendy now to the ones when I was young.
This morning I listened to the songs from the Beatles' debut.
I listened to it instead of an alarm clock in bed.(107)
今も尚 貧弱なる まつりごと 志那の人々 先は見えぬか
Our country learned letters from neighboring country long ago.
We learned not only letters but also philosophy, literature and more.
But it was just that the people of the world hadn't awakened from sleep, and the neighboring country that happened to wake up early was running a little ahead.
The water of the big river in the neighboring country will not be clear even after 100 years.
Politics 100 years from now will remain muddy.(106)
産油国 引っ張り切った 欲の皮 醜悪なる 我田引水
The days when crude oil is high continue.
Still, I heard the news that oil-producing countries will not increase production.
I heard the news that Microsoft will buy a game company for about 8 trillion yen on the same day.
Microsoft still seems to be making money.
Both are greedy.
God will mourn.(105)
筒香が ポケットマネー 弐億円 故郷に贈る 心の球場
Major League Baseball player Tsutsugo has donated 200 million yen to build a baseball stadium in his hometown.
What a wonderful act.
I will support Tsutsugo from now on.(104)
海面を 滑っていくよな 遊漁船 冬の西日を 受けて鮮やか
A fishing boat that carries customers and returns to the harbor.
The ship slides through the calm bay.
The hull is shining brightly in the sunshine.(103)
ただ一人 砂丘に座り 海を見る まだ若き人 何をや胸に
I saw a big cargo ship between the pine forests.
I went out from the pine forest to the beach to see the ship.
A man younger than me was sitting in the dune and gazing at the sea.(102)
ゴリラとて 短歌詠んだり しないもの 人間などは 何故この様に
What are primates?
A group that combines proto-monkeys, monkeys, apes, and humans is called a primate.
A primate means the chief of all things.
Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable with human beings being a type of primate?
Isn't human being included in primates only by the material analysis of zoologists?
Is the primate with the next most developed brain after humans a gorilla?
Even if it is a gorilla, it does not write poetry, sing songs, and copulation is limited to species conservation.(101)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第二節
ロシア国 発言はみな 嘘ばかり 決めつけて聞く NEWS情報
The Russian ambassador to Japan is a representative figure.(200)
東京で マラソン大会 賑やかに ウクライナでは この時も血が
Is this all right for Japanese people?(199)
侵略を 受けて苦しむ ウクライナ 世界中から 支援の絆
People all over the world are sending ale to Ukrainians.(198)
国連の 非難決議を 棄権する 中国印度は 別なる人類
I don't think they are human beings living in the same era.(197)
パラ五輪 侵略戦争 進行中 出場するのか それでいいのか
On the day of the Para Olympics, a Japanese female athlete smiles and answers the interview.
She is too selfish.
There are people in Ukraine whose lives are at stake at this very moment.
At the very least, you should ask what it means to participate.(196)
プーチンは 狂気の人と SNS ロシアの人も 伝え始める
Please stop this Putin war by the Russian people.(195)
プーチンを 天才と言う トランプを 大統領にした 狂ったアメリカ
It's better to say that Putin is ill.(194)
こんな時 パラリンピックは 止めるべき そう考える人 わたし一人か
The Paralympics should only be held during peaceful times.(193)
自らの 墓穴を掘った プーチン氏 ドイツまでもが 態度を変える
Until now, Germany has been a country where both the country and its citizens feel familiar with Russia.(192)
プーチンの 命運尽きる ウクライナ AAA戦犯 投獄が決まる
He is crazy.(191)
トランプが 天才と言う プーチンに ウクライナ人が 一歩も引かず
I support Ukraine.(190)
日没に あともう少し 山の中 お天道様に 鳥が囀ずる
It's like a child telling his mother what's happening today.(189)
難癖を つけて侵略 ロシア国 安倍晋三は 穴を探すか
If there is no hole, you can dig it.(188)
野蛮国 ロシアは今も 野蛮国 核武装する 野蛮大国
Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine does not seem to be sane.
There is no future for Russian President Vladimir Putin.(187)
プーチンと ヤバい関係 安倍晋三 盛り掛け桜に ダメの上塗り
Shinzo Abe proved himself to be an uncertain politician.(186)
国連は ずっと前から 形だけ ロシア中国 身中の虫
The United Nations is powerless to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.(185)
彼岸まで 25日の 昼下り 川の畔で 弁当を食う
I heard that the weather will be like spring this weekend.
I can't wait.(184)
あのくらい 憎まれないと 一国を 守れない程 世界は危うい
Russian President Vladimir Putin, the worst villain in the world after World War II.
What is happening now is not just about opposition to Ukraine's accession to NATO.(183)
嘆かわし 宮澤だとか 鈴木とか 世襲政治が 国を亡ぼす
Abe, Aso, and Koizumi are all hereditary congressman.
Such people monopolize national politics.
The country dies.(182)
温暖化? どこ吹く風の 低気温 今年の冬は 体に沁みる
(It's cold) ♬ On days when it's hard to live ~ ♬(181)
玉木さん 自民党に 摺り寄った 野党の矜持 捨てて賛成
The presence of Rengo(=Confederation) in support of this party jeopardizes this country.(180)
氷上に 見とれて座る 椅子の上 ティッシュペーパー 潰れる音が
Whose acting was it?
There was such a thing.(179)
女の子 大学入試 カンニング アナウンサーに なるためだとか
The cause is the motive of such vanity.(178)
娘から バレンタインデーの チョコレート 焼酎の肴に チビチビつまむ
I'm happy with the chocolate I got from my daughter.(177)
城山の 鐘聞こえ来る 愛宕山 歩み緩めて 一首詠わん
The bell of Shiroyama written by Bokusui Wakayama.
Since there are no obstacles between the mountains, the sound of the bell can be heard clearly.(176)
寒い日に 静電気ビリビリで スネゲ立つ 着替えの時に 思わず失笑
I say sorry for the leg hair.(175)
もう既に ロシアの侵攻 進んでいる 今も野蛮な 北の隣国
The Japanese must not forget that Russia made Japan at the end of World War II.
Shinzo Abe is an incredible politician who doesn't know it.(174)
上手いねー 流石にスイス カーリング 準決勝で ショットが冴える
However, the Japanese girls won the semi-finals.(173)
You Tube 音楽聴いて カーリング 準決勝は 勝ちが見えたぞ
Curling games have a long time.(172)
高木美帆 良かったよかった 金メダル 貴女のことは 神は見ていた
God often overlooks it ...(171)
ガルージン? いつまでロシアに 騙される 亡国放送? BSTBS
I can't trust the Russian ambassador to Japan who is fluent in Japanese.(170)
生きるのが 面倒くさく なっていく 年取ることは そう言うことか
The body is weakening.
That's why it's getting harder to live.
How can I enjoy it?(169)
男児とは 好悪のことは 言わぬもの 胸に収めて 黙って生きる
The man is silent and Sapporo beer!
There was such a TV commercial.(168)
懐かしい 五輪シーンの 数々を 見せられるほど 別の思いが
In other words, I lived too long.(167)
ベートーベン 交響曲 六番を 部屋の灯りを 暗くして聴く
Even Japanese people listen to Beethoven.(166)
真夜中に ペットボトルが 凹む音 半分入れた 空気が萎む
A plastic bottle with half the water makes a noise in the middle of the night.
The temperature in the room drops and the air in the plastic bottle shrinks.(165)
五輪視て 銭形平治に 切り替える 江戸の風情が 心安らか
Winter sports are set in snow and ice, so movement is radical.
To be honest, I don't get used to it.(164)
数々の ドラマの末の 最終編 強者共の 夢のまた夢
The players overcame many difficulties before reaching the stage of the Olympics.(163)
遠からず 安倍晋三が カムバック そんな悪夢を 見せられる日々
Japanese politics is still second-rate.
No, it may be third-rate.(162)
エンド数 進みましたる カーリング 健闘するも 強いデンマーク
The game is in progress, but the Japanese curling team against Denmark is struggling.(161)
出がらしの 茶を楽しんで カーリング 布団の中で デンマーク戦
Curling takes more time than a marathon.
Enjoy patiently.(160)
凍りつく 部屋を温め 灯油焚く 二つの容器 空っぽになる
It's not a matter of money.(159)
小さくて パワフルに滑る 日本女子 アイスホッケー これぞ撫子
They are smaller than the players of any foreign team in the competition.
It's small and cute, but it's strong.(158)
その時を 固唾を飲んで テレビ前 羽生結弦は 如何に滑るか
Beyond likes and dislikes, this person's existence is great.(157)
代々の 厚労大臣 無能なり 今も積み置く 課題山なり
A former minister named Murata is on TV.
He is completely unconvincing.
I change channels.(156)
IOCと バッハと中国 ノーグッド この催しは 別の何かに
IOC is no good.
Mankind should create another competition to replace the Olympics.(155)
長ければ 実があるとは 限らない マクロンさんの ポーズ外交
President Macron's visit to Russia is useless.
It doesn't mean anything.
Only pose.(154)
明日からの 天気予報に 安堵する 最高気温が 10℃を超える
The pain of others can be patient for 100 years.
The train is not moving in Hokkaido due to snow.
The garbage wagon doesn't move either.(153)
謝罪文 これぞ正しく 日本人 高梨沙羅は 愛すべき人
Takanashi was disqualified.
The Olympics became out of self-control, including the presence of Mr. Bach.(152)
北風が ガタゴト鳴らす 冬の夜は 首まで布団 たくしあげて寝る
♬ When you are sleeping alone, a flirtatious night wind hits the door and calls you.♬ (151)
出がらしの 茶を楽しんで 土曜日の 夜に五輪の 競技楽しむ
Have you ever enjoyed weak tea (made from used leaves)?(150)
一日に どれだけ引けば 英和辞書 国語辞書ほど 分かる迄には
I don't look up so many English-Japanese dictionaries, and even if I look up many, English is difficult.(149)
当面は 痘痕(中国)忘れて アスリート 渾身のプレー 楽しむとする
I hate both the IOC and China.
But I'm impressed by the athletes who work hard.
Mr. Bach is a cunning man.(148)
布団から 首だけ出して テレビ聴く 立春の日から 三日目の朝
It's cold this winter.
I know it's cold in winter, but it's cold.(147)
もしかして 三連覇など したならば 羽生結弦は 伝説になる
I personally don't like him very much.
But if he wins the Olympics three times in a row, it's a legend.(146)
さあ寝よう 明日は明日の 風が吹く 海路の日和は 天に任せて
If you are alive, your worries are endless.
A long time ago, the song "Que Sera Sera" became popular.
♬ I don't know what's going on, ♬
There was also such a song.
♬ Tomorrow's wind will blow tomorrow ♬
There is also a saying, "I will do my best to wait for my destiny."(145)
山肌に 雲のはしりの 水蒸気 宙に集めて また雨降らす
There are many rainy days in winter this year.
There is not much rainfall, but there are many rainy and cloudy days.
I can see water vapor rising on the mountain surface and rising to the sky.(144)
あちこちに 盛上りたる 土竜塚 固く締まった 道も構わず
I rarely see moles even though I live in the country.
I often see raccoon dogs, but I don't see moles.
At first glance, it is a hard soil road, but there are many small piles of soil pushed up by the mole.(143)
パンパンと テニスボールを 弾く音 中学生の クラブ活動
One of my several walking paths runs very close to junior high school.
I often take a walk after school.
The tennis court cannot be seen directly from the walking path, but I can hear a cute voice and the sound of hitting the ball.
At that time, I remember a long time ago.(142)
自らを 既に判らない 菅直人 老害政治家 此処に至れり
The Constitutional Democratic Party cannot replace the Liberal Democratic Party.(141)
唯一人 住む屋根の下 見るテレビ 木村好雄の ギターが沁みる
I visited Madrid, Spain when I was young.
At that time, I visited the flamenco performance venue.
I was surprised that flamenco songs resemble Japanese folk songs.
Dancers dance flamenco to the guitar and singing.
I think the flamenco was born out of the daily life of the gypsy.
Yoshio Kimura's guitar also has a melancholy that exudes from the Japanese DNA.(140)
そんなもの もう半世紀 食ってない 日本の海に アサリは見ない
I'm sorry, but most of the clams(asari) are from China.
I don't eat clams because I think so.(139)
熟と 歳をとったと 自覚する 次から次と 衰えていく
The function of the body declines one after another.
I am calmly watching the process.
Perhaps it is blissful.(138)
歩くにも 具合如何と 足腰に 聞かねばならぬ 時の覚悟を
Everyone knows that exercising is good for everyone.
Many people are physically handicapped and unable to exercise even if they want to exercise.
People who can exercise now do not know the future.(137)
雨宿り そんな言葉が あったこと 我がはらからは もう忘れたか
It seems that "amayadori(=taking shelter from rain)" has already become a dead word.
Today's Japanese do not take shelter from the rain even if it rains in the middle of their destination.
Even if your body gets wet without taking shelter from the rain, you will continue to aim for your destination.
Imagine it.
Raindrops fall from the eaves of a house that shelters from the rain.
Raindrops dig a hole in the soil.
I can no longer see such an atmosphere.
In the first place, the word "amadare(=raindrop)" became a dead word.(136)
年々と 冬の寒さが 辛くなる その内いつか 生きるの止める
In winter, the activity of life becomes weak.
Both bears and frogs hibernate during this season.
Both grass and trees die.
Winter is a difficult season for the debilitated old man.
I will surrender to winter someday.(135)
田村など しかしかむねが よく喋る You, get back! Incompetent!
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has made many mischiefs in the past.
It's so poor that I can't help but laugh at this corona disaster.
Mr. Tamura who was the minister there.
I can't hear this person.(134)
今朝も亦 北のミサイル 放たれた 潰すしかない 狂犬国家
The mismanagement of two US presidents, Obama and Trump, continued.
There is no choice but to crush it.
But now it's Biden.(133)
ご乱心 バッハ会長 銅像が 五輪北京に 建ったと聞いた
It seems that a statue of Mr. Bach, the president of the IOC, was built in Beijing.
Neither the Chinese government nor Mr. Bach is ashamed.(132)
口紅を 薄く差すとき 色香立つ ほんの僅かな 心遣いで
The Japanese express the act of applying lipstick to the lips as "sasu".
The fact that the sun shines is expressed as "sasu".
A slight crimson on the lips gives the woman a sensual appeal.(131)
バイデンが 無能なことは 分かっていた 日本に居てさえ こうなることを
At first glance, US President Joe Biden looks like a smart person.
But US President Joe Biden seems incompetent.
To me, the Secretary of State looks like the same type of man as the President.
The female vice president is also incompetent.
I'm worried about the world in the near future.(130)
病院の 新聞雑誌が 消え失せた これも一つの 感染対策
Foreigners may misunderstand that Japanese people are taking measures against corona infection with masks alone.
The Japanese are taking a wide variety of infection control measures.
But it's no use saying that.
They don't understand.(129)
あと十日 立春までは あと十日 辛抱して待つ 春早よう来い
This is the coldest time of the year.
I hate the cold.
It will gradually get warmer from "Lisyun(=the beginning of spring)" 10 days later.
♬ Come spring. ♬
♬ Come early. ♬ (128)
これまでは 炭や薪など 焚いてきた これから先は 日や風で焚く
We human beings warmed up by burning firewood and charcoal in the cold winter.
We human beings have burned charcoal and firewood to make daily meals.
We haven't questioned that since we started using fire.
However, now is the time to think about the origin of the energy for warming up, cooking, and traveling.
This is one of the biggest challenges since the birth of human beings.(127)
私はね お米がないと 不安でね あの日の母に 少し似てきた
That day my mother said she was worried that rice wasn't always in stock at home.
My mother grew up as a daughter of a wealthy rice shop from the Taisho era to the Showa era.
So my mother was relieved that rice was always in stock at home.
I'm approaching my mother's age at that time.
I understand the meaning of my mother's words at that time.(126)
貨物船 黄昏時に ゆったりと 西日を受けて 左舷鮮やか
Now in winter, the late afternoon sun shines parallel to the horizon.
The body of a ship at sea is exposed to the sun's rays almost vertically.
When the hull is white, it reflects vividly. (125)
岸壁に 立つ夫婦連れ 背中には 幼児背負い 釣に興じる
A couple is fishing in the evening.
There is a baby on the back of the woman.
“We still have a little time, so why don't we go fishing together?”
Is it a scene of fishing after such a couple's conversation?(124)
電線が 蹴られて空に 鴉二羽 ブラリブラリと 余韻愉しむ
Long electric wires are unreliable as a substance to be kicked by crows to fly.
But the crow needs to kick something to gain momentum in order to take off.
The electric wire kicked by the crow enjoyed the impact, and it shook for a while like a swing.
And two crows were flying in the sky.(123)
風もなく 波打つ音も 聞こえない 草踏む音が ただサクサクと
There is no wind today and I can't hear the swaying sounds of the leaves.
I usually hear a loud noise when the waves hit the beach and break, but today I don't have that either.
I can only hear my walking sound.(122)
安酒は ぬる燗熱燗 人肌燗 ひと手間かけて 旨さ引き出す
There are various types of warmed sake such as hinata-kan, hitohada-kan, nuru-kan, zyo-kan, atsu-kan, and tobikiri-kan.
Since each person has his or her own taste, it cannot be said which one is the most delicious.
By the way, heat has no substance, and the intensity of the movement of the molecules of an object is simply paraphrased into the word “heat”.
One of the measures to measure the magnitude of thermal motion is the scale of temperature.
The deliciousness of Kanzake(warmed sake) is due to the movement of molecules.
Cheap sake can be enjoyed by exercising a little molecule.(121)
浜川は 水は澄めども 魚影なし 今も汚染の 元がありしや
In the olden days, the Tama River, which runs along the border between Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, was also a polluted river.
Hamakawa, my hometown, used to be a polluted river.
I hear that the water quality of the current Tama River has improved and fish are returning.
The transparency of Hamakawa has improved considerably.
But I can't see gyoei (= fish swimming).
I take a walk along the Hama River almost every day.
I never see gyoei in Hamakawa.(120)
二時間も リュック担いで 歩く道 あの日の母の 思いを想う
At the age of 70, I walked with my backpack for two hours.
In the latter half, my legs became heavy and I dragged my legs and walked.
As I walked, I remembered my mother at that time.
I think my mother that day was walking with more painful feelings.(119)
会見の 御本人より 後方で 表情豊かに 手話で伝える
A little while ago.
The sign language interpreter behind the governor is more eye-catching than the governor in the news of the Okinawa governor's press conference.
The governor just says what he should say expressionlessly, but the sign language interpreter moves her mouth and tells the person watching TV with her expression.(118)
自らが 喰う分だけを 釣るがよい 流行りの釣は アンサステーナブル
There is a fishing program on TV.
The performers strive to catch a lot of fish to meet the expectations of the TV station.
You only have to fish as much as you and your family eat.
Fish are not the target of human play.(117)
なけなしの 老後の資金 詐欺にあう 小さな欲が 禍招く
People who have a little money want to make more money.
Imposter use that feeling to work.(116)
そもそもが 朽ち往く体 なるならば ポリフェノールは 何の意味ある
I hear that polyphenols have many other benefits besides restoring eyesight.
However, it is a natural providence that this body will decay in the future.
For nutrition, it is enough to eat as usual.
To extend life meaninglessly is against the providence of nature.(115)
今朝は雨 天気予報の 言う通り カーテンを開け 濡れた地面見る
I'm disappointed when I open the curtains on Sunday morning and find out that it's raining.
Nationwide resorts will not be crowded either.
This is also the will of the god of heaven.(115)
イギリスは マスク着用 求めない 如何なる場所でも 風邪と見做して
British Prime Minister Johnson said he would no longer ask the public to wear a mask.
In Japan, the Omicron mutant strain is in a phase of rapid expansion.
The difference between Mr. Omi and Governor Koike's recent remarks became a problem.
The people don't know what to trust.(114)
大寒に 菜の花を見て 散歩する 少し嬉しく 春の先駈け
Quick ”rape blossoms” are in bloom in the coldest season.
Wait a minute, why is it rape?
I change the expression to "field mustard" or "canola flower".
Like the "field mustard" or "canola flower" we see in spring, there is no momentum of life, but yellow flowers are in bloom.
I will have a cold day for another two months, but I am happy to see the forerunner of spring.(113)
今晩は ブラームスの バイオリン 協奏曲でも 聴きながら眠る
Turn off the lights in the room and sleep while listening to Brahms' violin concerto on the Internet.(112)
蒟蒻も きっと大事な 役割が あると信じて おでんに入れる
"Konjac cleans the intestines, so eat it."
When I was a kid, my mother told me that I ate it reluctantly.
Even so, konjac is a food that children don't like to eat.
Because the English name of konjac is "devil's tongue starch paste".
It's a very scary name.
But it must have a very good effect on the human body.(111)
丑一つ 震度五強で 飛び起きる 日向灘の 底が源
After 1 am, I woke up with a TV alarm.
Immediately after the alarm sounded, a violent shake occurred.
The area where I live is on the Philippine Plate.
I'm worried about the future.(110)
昔から 薪や炭など 焚いてきた 贅沢やめて 素朴に生きる
We have been burning firewood and charcoal for cooking our daily meals for a long time.
In the cold of winter, we burned firewood and charcoal to keep warm.
The energy to move the car was also an extension of that.
However, one day suddenly the source of energy became a problem.
Humans who have lived for a long time are confused by the great reversal of the value of each type of energy.
和芥子を 口に入れ過ぎ 噎せ返る これもおでんの 醍醐味のうち
Today I'm going to drink sake while eating kintyaku(=a pouch filled with rice cake) oden and burdock tempura oden.
Of course, the sake is hot because the room is very cold.
I'm going to warm my body with hot oden and hot sake.(108)
七拾歳 齲以外に 病なし 朝も早ようから ビートルズ聴く
When I was a kid, there was only radio in the homes of people in this country.
Now there is also YouTube.
It has a wide range of entertainment, from the ones that are trendy now to the ones when I was young.
This morning I listened to the songs from the Beatles' debut.
I listened to it instead of an alarm clock in bed.(107)
今も尚 貧弱なる まつりごと 志那の人々 先は見えぬか
Our country learned letters from neighboring country long ago.
We learned not only letters but also philosophy, literature and more.
But it was just that the people of the world hadn't awakened from sleep, and the neighboring country that happened to wake up early was running a little ahead.
The water of the big river in the neighboring country will not be clear even after 100 years.
Politics 100 years from now will remain muddy.(106)
産油国 引っ張り切った 欲の皮 醜悪なる 我田引水
The days when crude oil is high continue.
Still, I heard the news that oil-producing countries will not increase production.
I heard the news that Microsoft will buy a game company for about 8 trillion yen on the same day.
Microsoft still seems to be making money.
Both are greedy.
God will mourn.(105)
筒香が ポケットマネー 弐億円 故郷に贈る 心の球場
Major League Baseball player Tsutsugo has donated 200 million yen to build a baseball stadium in his hometown.
What a wonderful act.
I will support Tsutsugo from now on.(104)
海面を 滑っていくよな 遊漁船 冬の西日を 受けて鮮やか
A fishing boat that carries customers and returns to the harbor.
The ship slides through the calm bay.
The hull is shining brightly in the sunshine.(103)
ただ一人 砂丘に座り 海を見る まだ若き人 何をや胸に
I saw a big cargo ship between the pine forests.
I went out from the pine forest to the beach to see the ship.
A man younger than me was sitting in the dune and gazing at the sea.(102)
ゴリラとて 短歌詠んだり しないもの 人間などは 何故この様に
What are primates?
A group that combines proto-monkeys, monkeys, apes, and humans is called a primate.
A primate means the chief of all things.
Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable with human beings being a type of primate?
Isn't human being included in primates only by the material analysis of zoologists?
Is the primate with the next most developed brain after humans a gorilla?
Even if it is a gorilla, it does not write poetry, sing songs, and copulation is limited to species conservation.(101)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第二節
終活の短歌集 第三章 第一節 第一番〜第百番
✧ 終活の短歌集 第三章 第一節 第一番〜第百番 ✧
長生きを すると云うのは 辛いもの 老剣客が しみじみ語る
How do we express "Kenkaku" in English?
Bushido(=samurai spirit), especially the way to master swordsmanship in Japan, is special.
The sword that a samurai always carries is called the samurai's soul.
The expression is used to mean that a sword is so important to a samurai that it has a spirit.
A swordsman is a person who is pursuing a way to live with a sword.
The old swordsman says, "Living long is a pain."(100)
何気ない 日常に瞼 熱くなる 人の営み 情の深さよ
The value of human beings is not to have a high social position, even to have a lot of wealth.
In casual everyday life, we sometimes encounter acts that seem to be based on valuable humanity.
When I see such an act, I am moved in my calm heart and tears spill.(099)
人類を 翻弄するか オミクロン 誰が導く メフィストフェレス
The new coronavirus is mutating one after another.
I'm surprised that they can mutate so conveniently for their survival.
I imagine that there is a devil (Mephistopheles) behind it.(098)
じんわりと 夜が明けていく 空を見る 老いの早起き 三文の得
In Japan, there is a saying, "If you get up early, you will get three mon (old unit of money)."
Many old men wake up early in the morning.
We can now enjoy what we couldn't do when we were young because we are old people.(097)
王鵬と いう若者が 幕の内 土俵に上がる 正月場所
There was a very strong sumo wrestler when I was a kid.
The name of the sumo wrestler was Taiho.
The grandson of the sumo wrestler is now on the ring.
Definitely the grandson of that Taiho.(096)
長浜は 津波騒ぎで 人もなく ただ鉛色の 海が広がる
I walked the usual walking course.
Today is Sunday, so usually there should be a few people.
But is it the effect of the tsunami caused by the volcano in Tonga?
There were no people and the lead-colored sea was spreading.(095)
南海の 海底火山が 噴火する 空気を圧して 津波を起こす
It is said that the atmospheric pressure around Japan has risen by 2 hectopascals.
The Japan Meteorological Agency cannot explain the relationship between this phenomenon and the tsunami academically.
Historically, the tsunami may not have occurred due to the air vibration caused by the eruption of a volcano.
The air pressed the surface of the sea and caused a tsunami.(094)
長浜の 広い景色を 独り占め 沖を見やれば 大魚が跳ねる
As I said before, swimming is prohibited in Nagahama because of the fast tide.
So there are no people on the beautiful beach.
If you go to Nagahama, you can always monopolize the magnificent view.
Nagahama is right there, so it's not unusual.
So I don't stay long, but the scenery is amazing.
When I was looking off the coast, a big fish jumped at the right time.(093)
イスラエル 四回目接種 始まった 但過ぎたるは 何とかと謂う
Pharmaceutical regulators in the European Union (EU) have warned that frequent booster vaccinations with the new coronavirus vaccine can adversely affect the immune system.(092)
五千人 お客を入れて 大相撲 このままやれるか 千秋楽まで
The Grand Sumo New Year's event is held with the audience.
On the other hand, the number of new coronavirus infections is increasing rapidly.
Is it okay as it is?(091)
空港の 床でごろ寝の 北海道 雪で飛べない 旅人哀れ
Kinkakuji is covered with snow and becomes beautiful, but the airport in Hokkaido is too snowy to fly.
People spend the night sleeping on the floor of the airport.(090)
今夜など 我慢のし処 夜の街 可愛いあの娘に 会いたい心
University entrance exams are being held all over the country today.
However, the outbreak of the new coronavirus make the examinees uneasy.
You who want to go to a bar in the city and meet that girl you like.
Let's be patient.(089)
金閣寺 いっときだけの お色直し 雪を装い 圧巻の佇まい
It snowed in Kyoto.
Snow was piled up on the roof of Kinkakuji Temple and it was a wonderful landscape.(088)
玉鷲の 金星相撲 見事なり 今金太郎 参拾七歳
Tamawashi is 37 years old, but his body and sumo are youthful.
He beat the Yokozuna yesterday with a spectacular sumo wrestling.
He was asked, "What are you eating so you can be so youthful?"
Don't ask questions with clear answers.
It's a hearty dish by his beloved wife.(087)
雪の道 滑ることなど みんな知る それでもバイク 次々転ぶ
It snowed and piled up in Tokyo yesterday.
The surface of the road was frozen in the morning.
Even a four-wheeled vehicle slips on a frozen road.
It is even more reckless to ride an icy road on a two-wheeled vehicle such as a bicycle.
However, there may be a reason to do so.(070)
石炭を インドネシアが 売り渋る 自国の電気が 不足するとか
Indonesia is the world's largest coal exporter.
Indonesia has announced that it will ban coal exports until the 31st of this month, saying that the supply and demand of coal at coal-fired power plants is tight.
There are concerns about the impact on Indonesia's coal export destinations such as China and Japan.
Will electricity prices increase further?
The yen is getting cheaper against the dollar due to the rise in US lending rates.
The condition that the price of gasoline does not fall will continue.
Is it finally time for deflation?(069)
新年に 銀行襲う 心内 訳は知らぬが 莫迦の極みぞ
It is unreasonable to think that it will succeed by attacking banks in the past and now.
Banks are extremely vigilant because they have cash.
It doesn't make sense to break through there and steal money.
What is the psychology of human beings trying to attack the vigilant banks and steal money?
Losing hope in living, they are forced to seek great happiness momentarily.
A reckless act if they think calmly.
However, they dare to force it.(068)
始まった ばっかりの冬 もういいと 早く来いよと 春待ちわびる
I hate winter.
For a while from now, I will be forced to live a life that can withstand the cold of winter.
♬ Spring, come early ♬
♬ My life is dangerous if spring comes late ♬(067)
一日に 百万人 アメリカの 感染の数 そして検査力
I saw reports that the number of people infected with corona in the United States exceeded one million a day.
Needless to say, the number of infected people is astonishing, but the testing ability is even more astonishing.
Japan's inspection power is far below that of the United States.
Japan has only the inspection ability like a developing country.
Why doesn't Japan's low testing ability improve?
Who is responsible for improving Japan's testing capabilities?
If in China or North Korea, this is a felony that would be shot dead.(066)
背に腹は 変えられないと 旅行業 分かっていても 消費促す
Osaka Prefecture is conducting a project called "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" from November 24th to February 28th.
The number of people infected with corona is steadily increasing at the beginning of the year.
The Governor of Okinawa is holding a press conference worried about the increasing number of infected people every day.
Somehow, the wisdom of the politician is too lacking.
The Governor of Osaka Prefecture, who became famous for corona countermeasures, is also in a difficult situation due to the gap between the economy and corona countermeasures.
The politician should inspire his heart and show the most correct path.(065)
袈裟ともに 憎い坊主は 普遍なり 志那憎ければ パンダも憎し
Many Japanese say pandas at Ueno Zoo "cute and cute".
I don't think so at all.
Those who dislike monks also dislike the Kesa(=Buddhist stole) worn by monks.(064)
耳カバー 着けて歩いて 尚寒い 寒の入りの日 暦通りに
Today is the day of "Kan-no-iri(=beginning of midwinter)".
Kan-no-iri was made in ancient China to be used as a guide for agricultural work, and is a standard that indicates the season.
It was a cold day, as the calendar says, and as the name suggests.(063)
日常の 家庭の会話の 積み重ね 秋篠宮家の 風の顕れ
Many people disagreed with the marriage of the eldest daughter of Naruhito's younger brother.
People's dissatisfaction with the marriage of the eldest daughter of Naruhito's younger brother is plausible.
Isn't Emperor Naruhito's younger brother looking critically at the Japanese people?
Isn't the younger brother of Emperor Naruhito taking the Japanese emperor system critically?
The three children now grow up in the family style created by Naruhito's younger brother.
I think I am more seriously worried about the future of the emperor system than ordinary Japanese people.
I sincerely hope that the daily life of Emperor Naruhito's younger brother will not lead to the destruction of the current Japanese emperor system.
Even Douglas MacArthur had to decide to leave the Japanese emperor system.
The Japanese emperor is the most orthodox authority in the world.
It is the only value in the world of this kind.(062)
風なくば 服の上から 太陽の 光挿し込み 肌に伝わる
Most of my winter clothes are black.
The black color is said to absorb the sun's rays.
There was no wind today and the sun was shining.
So when I was taking a walk, the black clothes absorbed the sun's rays and it was quite warm.(061)
見た目には 流れ緩やか 川の水 気合を入れて 鵜が水を掻く
My walking path is in a park along the river.
The width of the river is about 10m, so the embankment is not high.
So the surface of the river is close to my eyes.
There are many ducks and cormorants in the river.
The slope of the river is gentle, so it feels like the water is stopped.
A cormorant was swimming towards the upstream of the river.
Because the water was transparent, I could see the soles of the cormorant.
Surprisingly, the cormorant's legs was paddling the water hard.(060)
鮮やかな 夕焼け雲の グラデーション 暮れ往くこの日 惜しむかのよう
♬ ”ashita tenkini nare (= I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow) ♬
When we were children, we threw the sandals that each of us wore with our feet and sang such a song.
That was possible because we were wearing sandals, but not shoes.
I remember those innocent times.
Even though I'm no longer innocent, I'm sunk in thought for a moment on a beautiful sunset day.(059)
ストーブが 油飲み干す 寒い日々 金を惜しまず 燃料を買う
Did the kerosene run out so quickly?
Surprisingly, an oil stove is burning kerosene.
I live in the southern region, but I am a cold-natured old man.
It's better to pay to buy kerosene than to catch a cold and have a hard time.(058)
どこ見ても 芸人だらけ 正月の テレビ番組 不毛の時代
Most of the recent TV programs have a comedian (= Owarai-geinin) as the main caster of the program.
Especially during the three days of the New Year, all TV stations are in such a state.
I am very worried about this situation.(057)
新しい 資本主義を 標榜する 岸田総理の 空の手形か
What exactly is the "new capitalism" that Prime Minister Kishida advocates in his policy?
This time, Prime Minister Kishida has launched a conference of experts called the "Meeting to realize new capitalism"
Experts attending this conference seem to say that Mr. Kishida's "new capitalism" is empty.
Was it just a catch phrase to win the election?(056)
温厚な あの御仁が 暴力を 妻にふるうは 病の成す業
The quiet man suffered from a mild cerebral hemorrhage.
His wife hid his car because his driving was dangerous.
He drove a rental car.
His wife blamed her husband.
He violently attacked his wife.
He wasn't that kind of person.
It's a sad reality.(055)
古稀にして 十坪の住処 隠居する 不足も無しに 余りも無しに
"Koki" is derived from the phrase "Living up to 70 years old has been rare since ancient times" in the poem of Du Fu, an ancient Chinese poet.
At the age of 70, I live alone in a small room near the sea.
The body and mind are calm, and there is no shortage or too much in life.(054)
穏やかな 元旦の海 人もなく ただザザザーと 波のつぶやき
The north wind was strong on New Year's Eve, but there was no wind on New Year's Day and the waves were calm.
There are no anglers and no one listens to the sound of the waves.(053)
駅伝の 女子レポーター 見るからに 寒さ堪えて 健気に語る
The runners of the annual "New Year Ekiden(=long-distance road relay)" have started.
It is held in the windy region of the Kanto region.
That's why it's a race when it's cold every year, but we can see that it's cold this year as well.
A young and beautiful female announcers occasionally report on the scene.
They endure the cold and report on the scene steadily.(052)
あの鳩は 二十米 後方の わたしの姿 目で追っている
The field of view of pigeons is much wider than that of humans, and it seems to be 316 degrees.
It seems that the pigeons are mostly visible except directly behind them.
That pigeon is on the electric cable.
I'm looking at the pigeon from the second floor of the building diagonally behind.
The pigeon is wary while watching the human figure inside the building.(051)
太陽に 白菜干して キムチ漬け おせち代わりの 酒の肴に
I heard that we can feel the sweetness of Chinese cabbage by drying it in the sun.
And I heard that drying Chinese cabbage in the sunlight will increase not only the sweetness component but also the umami component.
So when I make Chinese cabbage kimchi, I dry it in the sun.(050)
釣れたかと 問えば釣り人 首をふる 澄んできれいな 海では釣れん
Why is the sea water clear in winter?
The reason is that as the seawater temperature decreases, plankton decreases and the turbidity of the seawater decreases.
However, it is one of the causes, but the biggest cause is the seasonal wind.
On the Pacific side, strong seasonal winds blow from the archipelago toward the Pacific Ocean in winter.
Then, the turbid water on the surface of the sea will be washed offshore, and the clear water in the deep layer will rise.
The angler said he couldn't fish if the sea water was clear.
Is that the only cause?(049)
見るからに お年を召した バイデンさん 与し易しと 敵に映るぞ
The President of the United States is acting to appeal to "youth."
However, it is more painful because it is "fake youth".
It must be felt by Xi Jinping as a "good wind" to himself.
“Biden is easy to deal with.”(048)
長浜に 孤高のカラス 佇みて 隔たり詰めれば さっと飛び立つ
There is a long beach with an almost straight line facing the Pacific Ocean.
No one swims or surfs because of the deep seabed immediately away from the shore and the fast tide near the shore.
In addition, cars can't enter, so few people play on the beach.
A "independent crow" stands still on such a beach.
I'm not going to harm the crow so I'll keep walking.
The " independent crow" takes off quickly, saying that you shouldn't get any closer.(047)
削んなきゃ 表現するには 余分なもん 田中邦衛の 役者魂
I saw actor Kunie Tanaka for the first time in a movie as playing "Aodaisyo(=Japanese rat snake)" 60 years ago.
He died in 2021 at the age of 88.
I heard a very meaningful word in his interview during his lifetime.
His performance is famous in "Kitanokunikara (= From the northern country)", but he was told by the director at that time.
"You are acting too much."
"I've been playing hard until then," he said in the interview.
But he said he realized that he had to cut down on extra things (unnecessary acting).(046)
街中に 賑わい戻る 年の暮れ いつまで続く オミクロン前
1921 is about to end.
It seems that many shoppers are coming to the city to prepare for the New Year.
So far, the influence of Omicron variant is small in Japan.
But how long will this bustle last?(045)
エアコンを 点けて布団に 潜り込む 正月の前の 厳しい寒さ
Even if I say "cold", the cold does not go away.
It's still cold, so I say "cold".
I wake up in the morning and switch on the heating with the air conditioner.
And I immediately sneak into the futon from feet to head.(044)
明太子 こんがり焼いて 飯に乗せ 茶漬けで喰らう 至福の賄い
Fukuoka is famous for Mentaiko(=Spicy pollack roe).
Mentaiko is not cheap in the current deflationary economy.
So I know it's delicious, but I hesitate to buy it.
However, it is very delicious if you bake it, put it on rice, and eat it with ochazuke(boiled rice with tea).(043)
列島の 西半分が 真っ白け 雪降り積もる 寒い年の瀬
A cold wave once every few years covers the archipelago.
Snow is piled up on the Sea of Japan side of the archipelago, and the white scenery is reported on TV.
It is not snowing on the Pacific side, but it is cold as on the Sea of Japan side.(042)
本年は 吹奏楽の 演奏会 四度訪ねた 孫の招きで
My granddaughter is a member of the high school brass band club.
Last year, all the concerts were canceled due to the corona sickness, but this year it was held with measures against corona infection.
The live performance I listened to after a long time moved my heart.
This year, I went to concerts four times, including the brass band played by my granddaughter.(041)
川岸に 群れて蜻蛉 黄昏は 手で追いながら 散歩続ける
A mayfly is a small insect that resembles a dragonfly but has weak wings and a weak body, and flutters.
Adults often fly by the water in the summer.
After spawning, they die within a few hours.
Since the life of a mayfly is short, it is sometimes used as an example of ephemeral things.(040)
北極の 氷が溶けて 船が往く 住処なくして 白熊何処へ
Some countries consider it a national interest to melt the Arctic ice and create new sea routes due to global warming.
Mankind is the enemy of many non-human beings.
I am worried that global warming will continue.
I worry about animals such as polar bears that live on the Arctic ice.
I am afraid of punishment.(039)
イスラエル 何がなんでも 国守る もう四回目 ワクチン接種
Israel defines itself as a Jewish and democratic nation and a Jewish nation-state in its basic law.
Israel has made it a national policy that "Israel will survive even if it fights against the enemy, rather than being destroyed while being sympathized by the whole world."
I want some people to infuse Israeli nail stains and drink a little.(038)
道端に 干からびた葉 黒ずんで じっと春待つ 冬の紫陽花
The origin of hydrangea is Japan, which is a kind of deciduous shrub.
In other words, hydrangea is not a grass, but a tree.
That's why, like other deciduous trees, in winter they drop their leaves and wait for spring.(037)
財務相 世襲の極み 自民党 善幸の子で 麻生の義弟
Some time ago there was a Prime Minister named Zenko Suzuki.
In the local dialect where I live, he is described as "the prime minister like a flatulence."
This time Mr. Kishida became Prime Minister and Mr. Aso is no longer the Minister of Finance.
It was Aso's brother-in-law and son of Zenko Suzuki who took office as Minister of Finance in place of Mr. Aso.
This Minister of Finance Suzuki is like a miniature of his father, Zenko Suzuki.
This personnel affair is a symbolic personnel affair of the reality of hereditary succession prevailing in the LDP.
Of course, the Finance Minister holds press conferences from time to time, but I doubt the quality.(036)
安い米 美味く食うには 技がある 貧乏人は 知恵で飯炊く
When rice is put in water, it absorbs water at once.
So prepare as clean water as possible and put rice in it.
Wash the rice quickly and immediately discard the first water.
Then gently wash the rice about three times.
Then, soak the rice in water for at least 30 minutes and cook it.
You can eat delicious rice without money.(035)
髷を結い チョビ髭生やし 丸眼鏡 世界の反田 ショパンを弾く
Does it mean that the way Japanese people think has changed recently?
The way to express ourself positively is not the way of a samurai, but I think that's fine.(034)
日本語の 今の語彙ほど English 死ぬまでやっても 到底叶わぬ
Foreign languages, especially English.
It's hard to achieve that English study.(033)
数年に 一度クラスの 大寒波 そんなフレーズ いつか麻痺する
The weather forecaster must be prepared to warn that the weather forecast may be wrong.
However, words such as "once every few years" frequently occur in weather forecasts.
When such expressions increase, people's tension gradually becomes paralyzed.
This is difficult.(032)
藪椿 艶やかなる 葉の陰に 咲いて密かに 冬に紅さす
Camellia is evergreen (glossy-leaved) tree.
Evergreen (glossy-leaved) tree is a tree with strong dark green leaves.
Camellia flowers can be seen between the glossy green leaves of the camellia.
The yellow stamens of camellia are also beautiful in the center of the bright red flowers.(031)
解らない ポテトフライの MとL 無くなるからと 行列する人
Actually, it seems that the sale of M size and L size french fries will be suspended.
The reason is that the distribution network is confused worldwide, such as a shortage of containers due to the influence of the new corona.
In addition, a large-scale flood near a port on the west coast of Canada seems to have delayed the import of french fries ingredients.
What a peaceful Japan.(030)
悲壮なる 覚悟の演技 スケーター 己を攻めて 極みを目指す
I think sports are something we enjoy more and enjoy watching.
His goal seems to be a religion-like territory.
I can't help feeling uncomfortable.(029)
高齢の 凶悪犯の 多かりし 世の不条理の 蔓延るときに
Absurdity is a desperate situation in which the meaning of life cannot be found.
Recently, there are a lot of violent crimes of the elderly.
Now is the time to need a genuine religion and philosophy to save people.(028)
宏池会 対中姿勢 疑わし 岸田囃子は 如何なる拍子
Japan is a country of political party politics.
The Liberal Democratic Party has a faction called Kochikai.
In the past, Kochikai has discharged some prime ministers.
The current Prime Minister and Foreign Minister are members of the Kochikai.
There is an opinion in the press world that the Prime Minister's and Foreign Minister's policies toward China are doubtful.
That opinion seems appropriate.
We have to keep an eye on them.(027)
小池さん 見栄っ張りの 政治人(びと) 裸の都知事 お後が宜しい
I also hate Yuriko Koike, a politician.
There is a rumor that she will return to state affairs.
I wait for her ghost skin to peel off.(026)
値上げする? Mドーナッツ お前もか? ならば食わない 致し方ない
At the end of this year, former Prime Minister Abe and BOJ Governor Kuroda will be pleased with the price increase rush.
They would be relieved to hear this news, saying, "The time has finally come."
It is understandable that there is a basis for such price increases.
However, even if I can understand it, I cannot live.
The amount of salary and pension payments must increase at the same time.
If only prices rise, it will be difficult for the poor to live.
Prime Minister Kishida, we rely on you.(025)
太陽は 南の海で 折り返し 今は北へと 戻る道中(みちなか)
The winter solstice has already passed.
From now on, the sun will gradually come back.
And the daytime becomes longer day by day.
And it gets warmer little by little.
And the cherry blossom season is coming.(024)
低レベル 熊の夫婦の 醜聞を テレビで扱う 何の価値ある
Do people in this country call that race a Gravure idol?
The television has reported the scandals of the "bear couple" for the past few days.
It is a social requirement for television to report domestic violence, but it is uncomfortable to report an incident of domestic violence involving a celebrity on public television.(023)
朝が来た メリークリスマス 有り難う 愛する人へ 世界の人へ
Merry Christmas.
Say Merry Christmas to the people you love.
Let's say Merry Christmas to the people of the world.(022)
牛丼も 値上げするよな 年の暮れ 年金暮しの 先の不安よ
The end of the year when news of price increases are reported one after another.
Gasoline has been at a high price for a long time.
Human rights are another theme for the Beijing Olympics.
Military tensions are becoming a reality around Taiwan.
On the other hand, there is a vulgar person who travels in space and gives cash from space to others.
Next year ... I can't see it.(021)
中国の 庭球選手 世界中 混乱招く 真実如何に
That tennis player may have aimed to publicize her personal grudge.
That being said, as a result, her human rights were overrun by state power.
The information that comes out after that is all suspicious.
It's a terrifying nation.
Is there truth in that country?(020)
北風が 吹いて疲れて 休む午後 水面の鴨は 心地よさそう
The north wind continued to blow from the morning.
The north wind seemed tired in the early afternoon and became quiet.
There are no waves on the surface of the river, and several ducks are swimming comfortably.(019)
チクタクは イヤミな男 カッコつけ あんな男の 何処がいいのか
Anyway, I don't understand the feelings of the women.(018)
冬至には 「ん」が二つの 食べ物が 良いと耳にし ただ聞き流す
Today is the winter solstice.
At the winter solstice, the habit of putting Citron(=Yuzu) in the bath is the mainstream, but I newly heard that it is good to eat food with two "ん".
"にんじん(=Carrot)" and "れんこん(=Lotus root)" correspond to this.
But I just listened and did not take any special action.(017)
射幸心 煽るテレビの コマーシャル パチンコ以上の 勝てない博打
The lottery is definitely gambling.
There are several gambling events in Japan such as bicycle races, horse races, boat races, and pachinko.
The least likely to get the money is the lottery.
At the end of this year, TV commercials actively stimulate people's gambling spirit.
Some people buy lottery tickets with a little money after seeing the commercial.
If I'm an actor, I decline the lottery commercial offer.(016)
年の瀬が そこまで迫る 寒い日に まだ巣を張って 生きている蜘蛛
Will that spider overwinter as it is?
Or will it freeze and die in the cold of winter?
From now on, there will be no insects that spiders eat.
The spider web is swaying in the cold wind.
Isn't the spider cold?(015)
退屈な 日曜の夜 閃いて YouTubeで 玉置浩二聴く
The TV show on Sunday night is intensely boring.
At that time, it's good to listen to my favorite nostalgic song on YouTube.
I listen to Koji Tamaki tonight.(014)
鰹節 我が民族の 至宝なり 一本に込めた 知恵と工夫
When I was young, I used to use a dried bonito sharpener.
However, it only imitated an adult who knew the value of dried bonito.
It is stated in the literature that dried bonito was in Japan during the Nara period.
However, it is said that dried bonito was used for cooking in the Kofun period before that.
The taste of dried bonito and dashi(=broth) are deeply engraved in the DNA of the Yamato people.(013)
朝起きて テレビを点けて 街ピアノ 見知らぬ人の 演奏嬉し
This may be my great prejudice.
When I see a person who seems unrelated to the piano playing the piano, I feel that a person is living a rich (heart) life.
(It's the same as being able to draw a picture ...)
The appearance of the person and the music played are often incompatible.
This event forces the viewer to imagine the personality and life of the performer.(012)
煙たつ 甍の向こう 季節柄 火事ではないかと 背伸びして見る
Fire news is reported daily throughout the country.
Many people died from carbon monoxide poisoning after an arson in a building in Osaka yesterday.
In addition to the dry air, the north wind blows.
Fires are more likely to occur.
Not to mention arson.(011)
葉が落ちた もみじの傍を 通る度 美しかった あの時を想う
In the last few days, the beautiful red maple leaves have fallen.
I pass by the maple tree several times, but the beautiful figure is no longer there.
This year's autumn leaves were especially beautiful.
Even now, the afterimage of the glamorous maple is in my mind.(010)
あの時の 女子達は今 蘇る ロコ・ソワーレ 大和撫子
They were girls at the time of Pyeongchang.
Four years after that, they became women.
It became stronger women than that time.
All the women in Rocco Soire are Yamato Nadeshiko.(009)
北風に 振り落とされて 松ぼっくり 踏まないように 歩く浜道
There is a forecast of heavy snowfall in the northern region.
A strong north wind is blowing in this region as well.
A lot of pine cones are falling on the path along the beach, blown by a strong wind.
The pine cones must have wanted to stay in the pine trees.
I walk without stepping on the pine cones.(008)
目の蓋を 大きく開き 取り入れる 朝の光りは 眠りの備え
Humans wake up in the morning when they are exposed to sunlight.
It's preparation for sleeping at night.
Our ancestors have done so for a long time.(007)
故郷の 我が海と山 美しき 見慣れた景色 ある日突然
The scenery of the familiar sea and mountains that I always look at casually.
I suddenly notice its wonderful beauty.
The moment when I realize the utmost happiness of being born here and living here.(006)
牛乳が 棄てられる危機 年の瀬に 農家と牛の 思いを飲まん
It is said that a large amount of milk is discarded.
I heard that this is also the effect of the new coronavirus.
It's difficult to go to the night city for a drink, but I can drink milk.
Drink milk for dairy farmers and cows.(005)
左から 波打つ音が 右からは 夕焼け小焼けが 帰れと促す
The gentle sound of the waves can be heard from the left side during the usual evening walk by the sea.
Then, the next moment, the melody of the nursery rhyme "Yuyake koyake" flows from a loudspeaker in the distance.
Both the waves and the nursery rhyme say, "Go home early."(004)
歯が欠けて 何だかんだと 理由付け 医者に行かずに また悪くなる
My decayed tooth broke.
I have to go to the dentist immediately.
However, I unconsciously find out why I can't go to the dentist.
That's why my teeth get worse.(003)
あの時の 新しい歌 懐メロに 況や我も いつのまにかに
I'm listening to a song that was popular at that time.
Many of those songs that were new at that time are now all nostalgic.
Needless to say, I have become a person of the past.(002)
樹一本 木漏れ日浴びて 神々し 黄昏時の 暗い林に
As usual, I was walking along a narrow path in the forest.
It was twilight and it was already dark in the dense forest.
There is a ray of sunlight shining through the trees.
A single tree looks shining like gold.
It's just divine.(001)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第一節
長生きを すると云うのは 辛いもの 老剣客が しみじみ語る
How do we express "Kenkaku" in English?
Bushido(=samurai spirit), especially the way to master swordsmanship in Japan, is special.
The sword that a samurai always carries is called the samurai's soul.
The expression is used to mean that a sword is so important to a samurai that it has a spirit.
A swordsman is a person who is pursuing a way to live with a sword.
The old swordsman says, "Living long is a pain."(100)
何気ない 日常に瞼 熱くなる 人の営み 情の深さよ
The value of human beings is not to have a high social position, even to have a lot of wealth.
In casual everyday life, we sometimes encounter acts that seem to be based on valuable humanity.
When I see such an act, I am moved in my calm heart and tears spill.(099)
人類を 翻弄するか オミクロン 誰が導く メフィストフェレス
The new coronavirus is mutating one after another.
I'm surprised that they can mutate so conveniently for their survival.
I imagine that there is a devil (Mephistopheles) behind it.(098)
じんわりと 夜が明けていく 空を見る 老いの早起き 三文の得
In Japan, there is a saying, "If you get up early, you will get three mon (old unit of money)."
Many old men wake up early in the morning.
We can now enjoy what we couldn't do when we were young because we are old people.(097)
王鵬と いう若者が 幕の内 土俵に上がる 正月場所
There was a very strong sumo wrestler when I was a kid.
The name of the sumo wrestler was Taiho.
The grandson of the sumo wrestler is now on the ring.
Definitely the grandson of that Taiho.(096)
長浜は 津波騒ぎで 人もなく ただ鉛色の 海が広がる
I walked the usual walking course.
Today is Sunday, so usually there should be a few people.
But is it the effect of the tsunami caused by the volcano in Tonga?
There were no people and the lead-colored sea was spreading.(095)
南海の 海底火山が 噴火する 空気を圧して 津波を起こす
It is said that the atmospheric pressure around Japan has risen by 2 hectopascals.
The Japan Meteorological Agency cannot explain the relationship between this phenomenon and the tsunami academically.
Historically, the tsunami may not have occurred due to the air vibration caused by the eruption of a volcano.
The air pressed the surface of the sea and caused a tsunami.(094)
長浜の 広い景色を 独り占め 沖を見やれば 大魚が跳ねる
As I said before, swimming is prohibited in Nagahama because of the fast tide.
So there are no people on the beautiful beach.
If you go to Nagahama, you can always monopolize the magnificent view.
Nagahama is right there, so it's not unusual.
So I don't stay long, but the scenery is amazing.
When I was looking off the coast, a big fish jumped at the right time.(093)
イスラエル 四回目接種 始まった 但過ぎたるは 何とかと謂う
Pharmaceutical regulators in the European Union (EU) have warned that frequent booster vaccinations with the new coronavirus vaccine can adversely affect the immune system.(092)
五千人 お客を入れて 大相撲 このままやれるか 千秋楽まで
The Grand Sumo New Year's event is held with the audience.
On the other hand, the number of new coronavirus infections is increasing rapidly.
Is it okay as it is?(091)
空港の 床でごろ寝の 北海道 雪で飛べない 旅人哀れ
Kinkakuji is covered with snow and becomes beautiful, but the airport in Hokkaido is too snowy to fly.
People spend the night sleeping on the floor of the airport.(090)
今夜など 我慢のし処 夜の街 可愛いあの娘に 会いたい心
University entrance exams are being held all over the country today.
However, the outbreak of the new coronavirus make the examinees uneasy.
You who want to go to a bar in the city and meet that girl you like.
Let's be patient.(089)
金閣寺 いっときだけの お色直し 雪を装い 圧巻の佇まい
It snowed in Kyoto.
Snow was piled up on the roof of Kinkakuji Temple and it was a wonderful landscape.(088)
玉鷲の 金星相撲 見事なり 今金太郎 参拾七歳
Tamawashi is 37 years old, but his body and sumo are youthful.
He beat the Yokozuna yesterday with a spectacular sumo wrestling.
He was asked, "What are you eating so you can be so youthful?"
Don't ask questions with clear answers.
It's a hearty dish by his beloved wife.(087)
熱いもの 掴んだ時の 耳朶に 手をやる姿 今は昔に
When I was a kid, it was cold in the room in winter.
So the earlobe was cold.
Our earlobe isn't cold because we're in a heated room these days.
We unexpectedly grab something hot.
And we no longer see the scene of touching the earlobe while saying "hot".(086)
誰一人 自信が持てない お医者さん オミクロンには 奥歯にものが
Omicron is infected and exploding.
A well-known doctor who appears on TV and gives explanations makes unconfident remarks.
The frustration of the people is increasing.
Study more before appearing on TV.(085)
もう既に 長い航海 止めにした 港の近く 行ったり来たり
A loved one is a harbor.
It's best now to moor at the harbor and sometimes cruise around the harbor.
It took 70 years to think so.(084)
小池知事の 言語感覚 批判する 識者の意見 御尤も也
Her words are often vacant and ineffective.
I totally agree with the opinion of the expert.(083)
ジョコビッチ 査証取消し 無理はなし 驕りの見える 日頃の振る舞い
I heard he will not be vaccinated.
I heard he doesn't wear a mask.
I heard he has been infected with corona twice.
I heard he attended the event after a positive Corona reaction.
The world should not spoil such a human being.(082)
雪国は 寒波に備え 暖房は 電気使わぬ 器具を備えよ
Many heating appliances are powered by electricity.
The weather forecast reports that a heater that does not use electricity is needed to prepare for a power outage due to heavy snow.(081)
山茶花が もう散りだした 一月は 寒さこれから 佳境に入る
Sasanqua flowers, which are winter flowers, have begun to fall.
A harsh cold day is coming from now on.
And the plum blossoms that herald spring will bloom.(080)
白菜を 洗って干して 二日間 ペシャリと萎えて 漬物になる
Chinese cabbage is cheap now.
This is a great opportunity to make pickles.
Let's make delicious Chinese cabbage pickles with the blessings of the sun.(079)
大相撲 命を掛けた 男道 宇良と正代 真剣勝負
Sumo is a traditional Japanese fighting competition.
It is said that Nobunaga Oda was so fond of sumo that he gathered 1,500 sumo wrestlers in the castle to watch the competition.
Sometimes there are match-fixing sumo wrestlers, but the essence is a serious competition that is a life-threatening competition.
On the second day of January, Syodai and Ura's efforts were a life-threatening sumo wrestling.
I pray that Ura will be fine and able to participate in today's competition.(078)
あのときの 母の姿に なってきた 老いて弱って 萎えた姿に
Aging is a providence of nature.
As we grow older, our bodies become weaker, and our appearance adapts to our age.
It has always been the case, but from now on I will just leave myself to heaven.(077)
吾死なば 弐参拾年 ただ一人 天の風にて 君を見守る
Needless to say, if I die, I will be separated from my loved one.
I want my loved one to live happily even after my death.
I will be the heavenly wind.
And I watch her from heaven for 20 to 30 years.
But 20 to 30 years is very long.
I will grow old again in the heaven.(076)
世の中が 水素で動く 時がきた? 波や地熱を 陽や風などを
Hydrogen fuel is an energy that does not exist in nature.
In order to produce it with low CO2 emissions, it must be electrolyzed using renewable energy.
Therefore, it has the disadvantage of being troublesome and costly.
In other words, since carbon dioxide is emitted during the hydrogen production process, it does not mean that carbon dioxide is not completely emitted.
Since hydrogen has an extremely fast time from ignition to combustion, it is highly dangerous and is a disadvantage of hydrogen power generation.
Furthermore, the storage and transportation of hydrogen fuel used for hydrogen power generation costs more than liquefied natural gas and petroleum.
Hydrogen fuel is a fuel with high hurdles for humankind.(075)
今年また ド派手衣装の 成人が テレビに映る もう止めなはれ
We should ignore it.(074)
サクサクと 草踏む音の 心地よさ ドボルザークの 名曲新た
Dvorak is a Czech.
The famous "Humoresque" tune was composed while listening to the sound of the wheels of a train.
When he lived in Prague, he was on the same train every day, but one day he heard a different sound.
There is an episode that the train was able to prevent the accident because he told it to the conductor.
It is said that half of the reason he went to America was to experience the American railroad.
It is said that the 4th movement of "New World", one of his masterpieces, has many depictions of railways.
The rhythm of stepping on the grass during my walk is as pleasant as the sound of the wheels of a train.
Wouldn't it be an inspiration for Dvorak's new masterpiece?(073)
寒に入り 安い蜜柑が やっと出た これから摂るぞ 天の恵みを
It seems that mandarin oranges contain a lot of vitamin C.
Vitamin C seems to have the effect of boosting immunity.
It seems to be effective in preventing arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction, and anemia.
Furthermore, it seems to be effective for beauty.
It became cold in earnest and the mandari oranges became cheaper.
I have no choice but to eat.(072)
春の海 宮城道雄の 名曲を 蓮根笛で 懐かしく聴く
Someone plays the famous "Haru no Umi" by Michio Miyagi using lotus root as an instrument.
If you close your eyes and listen, the tone from lotus root sounds like the Shakuhachi tone.(071)
雪の道 滑ることなど みんな知る それでもバイク 次々転ぶ
It snowed and piled up in Tokyo yesterday.
The surface of the road was frozen in the morning.
Even a four-wheeled vehicle slips on a frozen road.
It is even more reckless to ride an icy road on a two-wheeled vehicle such as a bicycle.
However, there may be a reason to do so.(070)
石炭を インドネシアが 売り渋る 自国の電気が 不足するとか
Indonesia is the world's largest coal exporter.
Indonesia has announced that it will ban coal exports until the 31st of this month, saying that the supply and demand of coal at coal-fired power plants is tight.
There are concerns about the impact on Indonesia's coal export destinations such as China and Japan.
Will electricity prices increase further?
The yen is getting cheaper against the dollar due to the rise in US lending rates.
The condition that the price of gasoline does not fall will continue.
Is it finally time for deflation?(069)
新年に 銀行襲う 心内 訳は知らぬが 莫迦の極みぞ
It is unreasonable to think that it will succeed by attacking banks in the past and now.
Banks are extremely vigilant because they have cash.
It doesn't make sense to break through there and steal money.
What is the psychology of human beings trying to attack the vigilant banks and steal money?
Losing hope in living, they are forced to seek great happiness momentarily.
A reckless act if they think calmly.
However, they dare to force it.(068)
始まった ばっかりの冬 もういいと 早く来いよと 春待ちわびる
I hate winter.
For a while from now, I will be forced to live a life that can withstand the cold of winter.
♬ Spring, come early ♬
♬ My life is dangerous if spring comes late ♬(067)
一日に 百万人 アメリカの 感染の数 そして検査力
I saw reports that the number of people infected with corona in the United States exceeded one million a day.
Needless to say, the number of infected people is astonishing, but the testing ability is even more astonishing.
Japan's inspection power is far below that of the United States.
Japan has only the inspection ability like a developing country.
Why doesn't Japan's low testing ability improve?
Who is responsible for improving Japan's testing capabilities?
If in China or North Korea, this is a felony that would be shot dead.(066)
背に腹は 変えられないと 旅行業 分かっていても 消費促す
Osaka Prefecture is conducting a project called "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" from November 24th to February 28th.
The number of people infected with corona is steadily increasing at the beginning of the year.
The Governor of Okinawa is holding a press conference worried about the increasing number of infected people every day.
Somehow, the wisdom of the politician is too lacking.
The Governor of Osaka Prefecture, who became famous for corona countermeasures, is also in a difficult situation due to the gap between the economy and corona countermeasures.
The politician should inspire his heart and show the most correct path.(065)
袈裟ともに 憎い坊主は 普遍なり 志那憎ければ パンダも憎し
Many Japanese say pandas at Ueno Zoo "cute and cute".
I don't think so at all.
Those who dislike monks also dislike the Kesa(=Buddhist stole) worn by monks.(064)
耳カバー 着けて歩いて 尚寒い 寒の入りの日 暦通りに
Today is the day of "Kan-no-iri(=beginning of midwinter)".
Kan-no-iri was made in ancient China to be used as a guide for agricultural work, and is a standard that indicates the season.
It was a cold day, as the calendar says, and as the name suggests.(063)
日常の 家庭の会話の 積み重ね 秋篠宮家の 風の顕れ
Many people disagreed with the marriage of the eldest daughter of Naruhito's younger brother.
People's dissatisfaction with the marriage of the eldest daughter of Naruhito's younger brother is plausible.
Isn't Emperor Naruhito's younger brother looking critically at the Japanese people?
Isn't the younger brother of Emperor Naruhito taking the Japanese emperor system critically?
The three children now grow up in the family style created by Naruhito's younger brother.
I think I am more seriously worried about the future of the emperor system than ordinary Japanese people.
I sincerely hope that the daily life of Emperor Naruhito's younger brother will not lead to the destruction of the current Japanese emperor system.
Even Douglas MacArthur had to decide to leave the Japanese emperor system.
The Japanese emperor is the most orthodox authority in the world.
It is the only value in the world of this kind.(062)
風なくば 服の上から 太陽の 光挿し込み 肌に伝わる
Most of my winter clothes are black.
The black color is said to absorb the sun's rays.
There was no wind today and the sun was shining.
So when I was taking a walk, the black clothes absorbed the sun's rays and it was quite warm.(061)
見た目には 流れ緩やか 川の水 気合を入れて 鵜が水を掻く
My walking path is in a park along the river.
The width of the river is about 10m, so the embankment is not high.
So the surface of the river is close to my eyes.
There are many ducks and cormorants in the river.
The slope of the river is gentle, so it feels like the water is stopped.
A cormorant was swimming towards the upstream of the river.
Because the water was transparent, I could see the soles of the cormorant.
Surprisingly, the cormorant's legs was paddling the water hard.(060)
鮮やかな 夕焼け雲の グラデーション 暮れ往くこの日 惜しむかのよう
♬ ”ashita tenkini nare (= I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow) ♬
When we were children, we threw the sandals that each of us wore with our feet and sang such a song.
That was possible because we were wearing sandals, but not shoes.
I remember those innocent times.
Even though I'm no longer innocent, I'm sunk in thought for a moment on a beautiful sunset day.(059)
ストーブが 油飲み干す 寒い日々 金を惜しまず 燃料を買う
Did the kerosene run out so quickly?
Surprisingly, an oil stove is burning kerosene.
I live in the southern region, but I am a cold-natured old man.
It's better to pay to buy kerosene than to catch a cold and have a hard time.(058)
どこ見ても 芸人だらけ 正月の テレビ番組 不毛の時代
Most of the recent TV programs have a comedian (= Owarai-geinin) as the main caster of the program.
Especially during the three days of the New Year, all TV stations are in such a state.
I am very worried about this situation.(057)
新しい 資本主義を 標榜する 岸田総理の 空の手形か
What exactly is the "new capitalism" that Prime Minister Kishida advocates in his policy?
This time, Prime Minister Kishida has launched a conference of experts called the "Meeting to realize new capitalism"
Experts attending this conference seem to say that Mr. Kishida's "new capitalism" is empty.
Was it just a catch phrase to win the election?(056)
温厚な あの御仁が 暴力を 妻にふるうは 病の成す業
The quiet man suffered from a mild cerebral hemorrhage.
His wife hid his car because his driving was dangerous.
He drove a rental car.
His wife blamed her husband.
He violently attacked his wife.
He wasn't that kind of person.
It's a sad reality.(055)
古稀にして 十坪の住処 隠居する 不足も無しに 余りも無しに
"Koki" is derived from the phrase "Living up to 70 years old has been rare since ancient times" in the poem of Du Fu, an ancient Chinese poet.
At the age of 70, I live alone in a small room near the sea.
The body and mind are calm, and there is no shortage or too much in life.(054)
穏やかな 元旦の海 人もなく ただザザザーと 波のつぶやき
The north wind was strong on New Year's Eve, but there was no wind on New Year's Day and the waves were calm.
There are no anglers and no one listens to the sound of the waves.(053)
駅伝の 女子レポーター 見るからに 寒さ堪えて 健気に語る
The runners of the annual "New Year Ekiden(=long-distance road relay)" have started.
It is held in the windy region of the Kanto region.
That's why it's a race when it's cold every year, but we can see that it's cold this year as well.
A young and beautiful female announcers occasionally report on the scene.
They endure the cold and report on the scene steadily.(052)
あの鳩は 二十米 後方の わたしの姿 目で追っている
The field of view of pigeons is much wider than that of humans, and it seems to be 316 degrees.
It seems that the pigeons are mostly visible except directly behind them.
That pigeon is on the electric cable.
I'm looking at the pigeon from the second floor of the building diagonally behind.
The pigeon is wary while watching the human figure inside the building.(051)
太陽に 白菜干して キムチ漬け おせち代わりの 酒の肴に
I heard that we can feel the sweetness of Chinese cabbage by drying it in the sun.
And I heard that drying Chinese cabbage in the sunlight will increase not only the sweetness component but also the umami component.
So when I make Chinese cabbage kimchi, I dry it in the sun.(050)
釣れたかと 問えば釣り人 首をふる 澄んできれいな 海では釣れん
Why is the sea water clear in winter?
The reason is that as the seawater temperature decreases, plankton decreases and the turbidity of the seawater decreases.
However, it is one of the causes, but the biggest cause is the seasonal wind.
On the Pacific side, strong seasonal winds blow from the archipelago toward the Pacific Ocean in winter.
Then, the turbid water on the surface of the sea will be washed offshore, and the clear water in the deep layer will rise.
The angler said he couldn't fish if the sea water was clear.
Is that the only cause?(049)
見るからに お年を召した バイデンさん 与し易しと 敵に映るぞ
The President of the United States is acting to appeal to "youth."
However, it is more painful because it is "fake youth".
It must be felt by Xi Jinping as a "good wind" to himself.
“Biden is easy to deal with.”(048)
長浜に 孤高のカラス 佇みて 隔たり詰めれば さっと飛び立つ
There is a long beach with an almost straight line facing the Pacific Ocean.
No one swims or surfs because of the deep seabed immediately away from the shore and the fast tide near the shore.
In addition, cars can't enter, so few people play on the beach.
A "independent crow" stands still on such a beach.
I'm not going to harm the crow so I'll keep walking.
The " independent crow" takes off quickly, saying that you shouldn't get any closer.(047)
削んなきゃ 表現するには 余分なもん 田中邦衛の 役者魂
I saw actor Kunie Tanaka for the first time in a movie as playing "Aodaisyo(=Japanese rat snake)" 60 years ago.
He died in 2021 at the age of 88.
I heard a very meaningful word in his interview during his lifetime.
His performance is famous in "Kitanokunikara (= From the northern country)", but he was told by the director at that time.
"You are acting too much."
"I've been playing hard until then," he said in the interview.
But he said he realized that he had to cut down on extra things (unnecessary acting).(046)
街中に 賑わい戻る 年の暮れ いつまで続く オミクロン前
1921 is about to end.
It seems that many shoppers are coming to the city to prepare for the New Year.
So far, the influence of Omicron variant is small in Japan.
But how long will this bustle last?(045)
エアコンを 点けて布団に 潜り込む 正月の前の 厳しい寒さ
Even if I say "cold", the cold does not go away.
It's still cold, so I say "cold".
I wake up in the morning and switch on the heating with the air conditioner.
And I immediately sneak into the futon from feet to head.(044)
明太子 こんがり焼いて 飯に乗せ 茶漬けで喰らう 至福の賄い
Fukuoka is famous for Mentaiko(=Spicy pollack roe).
Mentaiko is not cheap in the current deflationary economy.
So I know it's delicious, but I hesitate to buy it.
However, it is very delicious if you bake it, put it on rice, and eat it with ochazuke(boiled rice with tea).(043)
列島の 西半分が 真っ白け 雪降り積もる 寒い年の瀬
A cold wave once every few years covers the archipelago.
Snow is piled up on the Sea of Japan side of the archipelago, and the white scenery is reported on TV.
It is not snowing on the Pacific side, but it is cold as on the Sea of Japan side.(042)
本年は 吹奏楽の 演奏会 四度訪ねた 孫の招きで
My granddaughter is a member of the high school brass band club.
Last year, all the concerts were canceled due to the corona sickness, but this year it was held with measures against corona infection.
The live performance I listened to after a long time moved my heart.
This year, I went to concerts four times, including the brass band played by my granddaughter.(041)
川岸に 群れて蜻蛉 黄昏は 手で追いながら 散歩続ける
A mayfly is a small insect that resembles a dragonfly but has weak wings and a weak body, and flutters.
Adults often fly by the water in the summer.
After spawning, they die within a few hours.
Since the life of a mayfly is short, it is sometimes used as an example of ephemeral things.(040)
北極の 氷が溶けて 船が往く 住処なくして 白熊何処へ
Some countries consider it a national interest to melt the Arctic ice and create new sea routes due to global warming.
Mankind is the enemy of many non-human beings.
I am worried that global warming will continue.
I worry about animals such as polar bears that live on the Arctic ice.
I am afraid of punishment.(039)
イスラエル 何がなんでも 国守る もう四回目 ワクチン接種
Israel defines itself as a Jewish and democratic nation and a Jewish nation-state in its basic law.
Israel has made it a national policy that "Israel will survive even if it fights against the enemy, rather than being destroyed while being sympathized by the whole world."
I want some people to infuse Israeli nail stains and drink a little.(038)
道端に 干からびた葉 黒ずんで じっと春待つ 冬の紫陽花
The origin of hydrangea is Japan, which is a kind of deciduous shrub.
In other words, hydrangea is not a grass, but a tree.
That's why, like other deciduous trees, in winter they drop their leaves and wait for spring.(037)
財務相 世襲の極み 自民党 善幸の子で 麻生の義弟
Some time ago there was a Prime Minister named Zenko Suzuki.
In the local dialect where I live, he is described as "the prime minister like a flatulence."
This time Mr. Kishida became Prime Minister and Mr. Aso is no longer the Minister of Finance.
It was Aso's brother-in-law and son of Zenko Suzuki who took office as Minister of Finance in place of Mr. Aso.
This Minister of Finance Suzuki is like a miniature of his father, Zenko Suzuki.
This personnel affair is a symbolic personnel affair of the reality of hereditary succession prevailing in the LDP.
Of course, the Finance Minister holds press conferences from time to time, but I doubt the quality.(036)
安い米 美味く食うには 技がある 貧乏人は 知恵で飯炊く
When rice is put in water, it absorbs water at once.
So prepare as clean water as possible and put rice in it.
Wash the rice quickly and immediately discard the first water.
Then gently wash the rice about three times.
Then, soak the rice in water for at least 30 minutes and cook it.
You can eat delicious rice without money.(035)
髷を結い チョビ髭生やし 丸眼鏡 世界の反田 ショパンを弾く
Does it mean that the way Japanese people think has changed recently?
The way to express ourself positively is not the way of a samurai, but I think that's fine.(034)
日本語の 今の語彙ほど English 死ぬまでやっても 到底叶わぬ
Foreign languages, especially English.
It's hard to achieve that English study.(033)
数年に 一度クラスの 大寒波 そんなフレーズ いつか麻痺する
The weather forecaster must be prepared to warn that the weather forecast may be wrong.
However, words such as "once every few years" frequently occur in weather forecasts.
When such expressions increase, people's tension gradually becomes paralyzed.
This is difficult.(032)
藪椿 艶やかなる 葉の陰に 咲いて密かに 冬に紅さす
Camellia is evergreen (glossy-leaved) tree.
Evergreen (glossy-leaved) tree is a tree with strong dark green leaves.
Camellia flowers can be seen between the glossy green leaves of the camellia.
The yellow stamens of camellia are also beautiful in the center of the bright red flowers.(031)
解らない ポテトフライの MとL 無くなるからと 行列する人
Actually, it seems that the sale of M size and L size french fries will be suspended.
The reason is that the distribution network is confused worldwide, such as a shortage of containers due to the influence of the new corona.
In addition, a large-scale flood near a port on the west coast of Canada seems to have delayed the import of french fries ingredients.
What a peaceful Japan.(030)
悲壮なる 覚悟の演技 スケーター 己を攻めて 極みを目指す
I think sports are something we enjoy more and enjoy watching.
His goal seems to be a religion-like territory.
I can't help feeling uncomfortable.(029)
高齢の 凶悪犯の 多かりし 世の不条理の 蔓延るときに
Absurdity is a desperate situation in which the meaning of life cannot be found.
Recently, there are a lot of violent crimes of the elderly.
Now is the time to need a genuine religion and philosophy to save people.(028)
宏池会 対中姿勢 疑わし 岸田囃子は 如何なる拍子
Japan is a country of political party politics.
The Liberal Democratic Party has a faction called Kochikai.
In the past, Kochikai has discharged some prime ministers.
The current Prime Minister and Foreign Minister are members of the Kochikai.
There is an opinion in the press world that the Prime Minister's and Foreign Minister's policies toward China are doubtful.
That opinion seems appropriate.
We have to keep an eye on them.(027)
小池さん 見栄っ張りの 政治人(びと) 裸の都知事 お後が宜しい
I also hate Yuriko Koike, a politician.
There is a rumor that she will return to state affairs.
I wait for her ghost skin to peel off.(026)
値上げする? Mドーナッツ お前もか? ならば食わない 致し方ない
At the end of this year, former Prime Minister Abe and BOJ Governor Kuroda will be pleased with the price increase rush.
They would be relieved to hear this news, saying, "The time has finally come."
It is understandable that there is a basis for such price increases.
However, even if I can understand it, I cannot live.
The amount of salary and pension payments must increase at the same time.
If only prices rise, it will be difficult for the poor to live.
Prime Minister Kishida, we rely on you.(025)
太陽は 南の海で 折り返し 今は北へと 戻る道中(みちなか)
The winter solstice has already passed.
From now on, the sun will gradually come back.
And the daytime becomes longer day by day.
And it gets warmer little by little.
And the cherry blossom season is coming.(024)
低レベル 熊の夫婦の 醜聞を テレビで扱う 何の価値ある
Do people in this country call that race a Gravure idol?
The television has reported the scandals of the "bear couple" for the past few days.
It is a social requirement for television to report domestic violence, but it is uncomfortable to report an incident of domestic violence involving a celebrity on public television.(023)
朝が来た メリークリスマス 有り難う 愛する人へ 世界の人へ
Merry Christmas.
Say Merry Christmas to the people you love.
Let's say Merry Christmas to the people of the world.(022)
牛丼も 値上げするよな 年の暮れ 年金暮しの 先の不安よ
The end of the year when news of price increases are reported one after another.
Gasoline has been at a high price for a long time.
Human rights are another theme for the Beijing Olympics.
Military tensions are becoming a reality around Taiwan.
On the other hand, there is a vulgar person who travels in space and gives cash from space to others.
Next year ... I can't see it.(021)
中国の 庭球選手 世界中 混乱招く 真実如何に
That tennis player may have aimed to publicize her personal grudge.
That being said, as a result, her human rights were overrun by state power.
The information that comes out after that is all suspicious.
It's a terrifying nation.
Is there truth in that country?(020)
北風が 吹いて疲れて 休む午後 水面の鴨は 心地よさそう
The north wind continued to blow from the morning.
The north wind seemed tired in the early afternoon and became quiet.
There are no waves on the surface of the river, and several ducks are swimming comfortably.(019)
チクタクは イヤミな男 カッコつけ あんな男の 何処がいいのか
Anyway, I don't understand the feelings of the women.(018)
冬至には 「ん」が二つの 食べ物が 良いと耳にし ただ聞き流す
Today is the winter solstice.
At the winter solstice, the habit of putting Citron(=Yuzu) in the bath is the mainstream, but I newly heard that it is good to eat food with two "ん".
"にんじん(=Carrot)" and "れんこん(=Lotus root)" correspond to this.
But I just listened and did not take any special action.(017)
射幸心 煽るテレビの コマーシャル パチンコ以上の 勝てない博打
The lottery is definitely gambling.
There are several gambling events in Japan such as bicycle races, horse races, boat races, and pachinko.
The least likely to get the money is the lottery.
At the end of this year, TV commercials actively stimulate people's gambling spirit.
Some people buy lottery tickets with a little money after seeing the commercial.
If I'm an actor, I decline the lottery commercial offer.(016)
年の瀬が そこまで迫る 寒い日に まだ巣を張って 生きている蜘蛛
Will that spider overwinter as it is?
Or will it freeze and die in the cold of winter?
From now on, there will be no insects that spiders eat.
The spider web is swaying in the cold wind.
Isn't the spider cold?(015)
退屈な 日曜の夜 閃いて YouTubeで 玉置浩二聴く
The TV show on Sunday night is intensely boring.
At that time, it's good to listen to my favorite nostalgic song on YouTube.
I listen to Koji Tamaki tonight.(014)
鰹節 我が民族の 至宝なり 一本に込めた 知恵と工夫
When I was young, I used to use a dried bonito sharpener.
However, it only imitated an adult who knew the value of dried bonito.
It is stated in the literature that dried bonito was in Japan during the Nara period.
However, it is said that dried bonito was used for cooking in the Kofun period before that.
The taste of dried bonito and dashi(=broth) are deeply engraved in the DNA of the Yamato people.(013)
朝起きて テレビを点けて 街ピアノ 見知らぬ人の 演奏嬉し
This may be my great prejudice.
When I see a person who seems unrelated to the piano playing the piano, I feel that a person is living a rich (heart) life.
(It's the same as being able to draw a picture ...)
The appearance of the person and the music played are often incompatible.
This event forces the viewer to imagine the personality and life of the performer.(012)
煙たつ 甍の向こう 季節柄 火事ではないかと 背伸びして見る
Fire news is reported daily throughout the country.
Many people died from carbon monoxide poisoning after an arson in a building in Osaka yesterday.
In addition to the dry air, the north wind blows.
Fires are more likely to occur.
Not to mention arson.(011)
葉が落ちた もみじの傍を 通る度 美しかった あの時を想う
In the last few days, the beautiful red maple leaves have fallen.
I pass by the maple tree several times, but the beautiful figure is no longer there.
This year's autumn leaves were especially beautiful.
Even now, the afterimage of the glamorous maple is in my mind.(010)
あの時の 女子達は今 蘇る ロコ・ソワーレ 大和撫子
They were girls at the time of Pyeongchang.
Four years after that, they became women.
It became stronger women than that time.
All the women in Rocco Soire are Yamato Nadeshiko.(009)
北風に 振り落とされて 松ぼっくり 踏まないように 歩く浜道
There is a forecast of heavy snowfall in the northern region.
A strong north wind is blowing in this region as well.
A lot of pine cones are falling on the path along the beach, blown by a strong wind.
The pine cones must have wanted to stay in the pine trees.
I walk without stepping on the pine cones.(008)
目の蓋を 大きく開き 取り入れる 朝の光りは 眠りの備え
Humans wake up in the morning when they are exposed to sunlight.
It's preparation for sleeping at night.
Our ancestors have done so for a long time.(007)
故郷の 我が海と山 美しき 見慣れた景色 ある日突然
The scenery of the familiar sea and mountains that I always look at casually.
I suddenly notice its wonderful beauty.
The moment when I realize the utmost happiness of being born here and living here.(006)
牛乳が 棄てられる危機 年の瀬に 農家と牛の 思いを飲まん
It is said that a large amount of milk is discarded.
I heard that this is also the effect of the new coronavirus.
It's difficult to go to the night city for a drink, but I can drink milk.
Drink milk for dairy farmers and cows.(005)
左から 波打つ音が 右からは 夕焼け小焼けが 帰れと促す
The gentle sound of the waves can be heard from the left side during the usual evening walk by the sea.
Then, the next moment, the melody of the nursery rhyme "Yuyake koyake" flows from a loudspeaker in the distance.
Both the waves and the nursery rhyme say, "Go home early."(004)
歯が欠けて 何だかんだと 理由付け 医者に行かずに また悪くなる
My decayed tooth broke.
I have to go to the dentist immediately.
However, I unconsciously find out why I can't go to the dentist.
That's why my teeth get worse.(003)
あの時の 新しい歌 懐メロに 況や我も いつのまにかに
I'm listening to a song that was popular at that time.
Many of those songs that were new at that time are now all nostalgic.
Needless to say, I have become a person of the past.(002)
樹一本 木漏れ日浴びて 神々し 黄昏時の 暗い林に
As usual, I was walking along a narrow path in the forest.
It was twilight and it was already dark in the dense forest.
There is a ray of sunlight shining through the trees.
A single tree looks shining like gold.
It's just divine.(001)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第一節
終活の短歌集 第一章 第一節 1001〜1084
✧ 終活の短歌集 第一章 第一節 1001〜1084
この星に 運よく落ちて 燃え尽きる 独り静かに せめて月夜に
How many miracles did I go through to be born on this planet?
I was born on this planet after as many miracles as astronomical numbers.
It's like a meteor that continues to fly from far away space to reach this planet.
And luckily I fell on this beautiful planet, shining for a moment and my life burns out.(1001)
足の裏 痛さ堪えて 柔らかい 芝生を踏んで 歩く夕暮れ
When a person is born, he (or she) first takes a big breath.
And utter the first voice as "Ogya".
The baby's breath at this time is extremely important.
In Japan, there is a saying, " Parents' hearts that if you crawl, stand next, if you stand, walk next ."
I think people are originally designed to walk like breathing.
Nowadays, longevity is the norm.
Therefore, many people spend their later years (old age) different from the old days.
"Walking like taking a breath."
I want to be so until the end of my life.(1002)
電動の 車椅子に 乗って来て 杖突っ張って いつも歩く人
Is he as old as I am?
Almost every day he comes to my seaside park in an electric wheelchair.
I don't know where he comes from, but getting here should be more dangerous than I can imagine.
He walks along this beach with a cane, twisting his body a lot.
He is walking with a great deal of burden.
He needs to walk.(1003)
ああ寒い ストーブ点けて 厚着して もそもそ起きて お湯を沸かして
The line connecting the South Pole and the North Pole is called the earth's axis.
The earth's axis is tilted with respect to the plane on which the earth orbits the sun.
Therefore, from the autumnal equinox day to the vernal equinox day, the sun shines diagonally on the northern hemisphere of the earth.
Therefore, during that period, the northern hemisphere of the earth will be in a cold season.
The earth's axis would not have been tilted when the earth was born.
Did a huge meteorite collide with the earth?
If the big incident had not happened, the climate of Japan would have been the same all year round.(1004)
力まずに 肩の力を 抜き去って リラックスして 深呼吸して
My dear children.
I want you to live in that way.(1005)
長靴と いう靴履いて 雨の中 水溜りなど 楽しく歩く
When I was a kid, my mother gave me rubber boots, and on rainy days I wore rubber boots.
When I was adolescent, I stopped wearing uncool rubber boots.
Now I'm old and bought rubber boots for a walk.
I enjoy walking in the rain with these rubber boots and walking on the ground where rainwater has accumulated.(1006)
借金は あるとき払いの 催促なし コロナ貧乏 救済法
Emperor Nintoku knew the plight of the people when he saw that the people's houses had no smoke to cook their meals.
And the emperor stopped collecting taxes from the people.
The emperor also saved his food and clothing and did not repair the Imperial Palace.
During the Showa financial crisis, Takahashi Korekiyo cooperated with the governor of the Bank of Japan, Junnosuke Inoue, to take moratorium on payments.
Gonbei misses the chance to make a name for himself in history.(1007)
西の空 淡き茜の 絵も言えず 秋の夕暮れ 鎌は無けれど
I was unfortunate and lost my father when I was young.
Therefore, my father's memories are few.
The words of my father, one of those few memories.
"If you see the sunset in the summer, you have to connect the boats.
If you see the sunset in the fall, you have to sharpen your sickle. "
Every time I see the sunset, I still remember my father when he taught me this saying.
The names of Japanese colors are derived from plants.
Few people may know what kind of plant Akane is, but it is a plant because it has a canopy in Chinese characters.(1008)
メルケルが 腕振りながら 懸命に 感情込めて 警鐘鳴らす
Does Gonbei know this about Merkel in Germany?
If you don't know, I'll tell you.
♬ Siraza itte kikaseyasyo. Otto oiraha Benten-kozo Kikunosuke. ♬(1009)
♬ 知らざ〜言って聞かせやしょう おっとおいらは弁天小僧菊之助 ♬
海鳥が プラごみ喰らって 死んでいく 亀も魚も 死んでいく
There is an English word SUSTAINABLE.
I first encountered this word in an article in a magazine published in 2014.
It was an interview with Stella McCartney, the daughter of Paul McCartney of The Beatles.
I didn't know that yet, but I learned from the magazine that she was the owner of a famous fashion brand.
It was such an interview that I didn't like her confident way of speaking.
"Sustainable" came out in that interview.
Now, private TV stations and others are developing a movement called SDGS.
The first S becomes the S of SUSTAINABLE.
Europe has long been a world leader in its consciousness of valuing the natural environment.
We Japanese always follow Europe.
When I walk along the beach near my house, I see a lot of plastic garbage.
There is garbage from fossil-derived products that we use in our daily lives.(1010)
SUSTAINABLE という英単語がある。
さつまいも 薄く均しく 切り揃え 油で揚げて 酒の肴に
I had a sudden errand today and didn't have time to prepare a meal.
That's why I sprinkled some ready-made cut cabbage with sauce and mayonnaise to make it a side dish for sake.
And I sliced the sweet potatoes into thin slices and sautéed them.
Sauteed sweet potatoes are my favorite.
By the way, I remembered that the rice was washed and left in the rice cooker.
Let's switch it on tomorrow morning.
I'm drinking sake with 19% alcohol now.
Sake with an alcohol content of 19% is rare.
Drinks with a high concentration of alcohol, not just sake, are delicious.(1011)
メガネして じっと鏡で 見る顔は 皺だらけの 染みだらけなり
There was an actor named Rentaro Mikuni.
He was a very strong actor.
At one point he played a role that was completely different from his previous style.
He later said he was hesitant about taking on that role.
It is the president of Suzuki Construction in the movie setting, nicknamed "Su-san".
He has appeared in this movie many times.
This role of him was selected because he had the ability as an actor originally.
There were deep wrinkles on his face.
It was a dignified wrinkle.
Wrinkles on the face that can only be seen by humans.
Neither gorillas nor dogs have wrinkles on their faces.
Wrinkles on the human face are a symbol of human dignity.(1012)
この辺の 静かな浜の 地が唸る 高潮防ぐ 工事が進む
There was a tree that dropped a lot of big acorns on the ground in the fall.
If squirrels live here, they could eat delicious acorns.
After a while, construction machinery and dump trucks arrived.
When they made a temporary breakwater by arranging large black sandbags along the coast, they started to break the existing breakwater.
When I asked what seemed to be city officials, "What are you going to build?", They said they would build a breakwater to combat storm surges.
Considering the tsunami that destroyed eastern Japan at that time and the storm surge of recent typhoons, the low breakwaters so far are useless.
That's true, but ...(1013)
終活に 貴賤貧富は 意味もなく ただ自らの 足跡を質す
I think people want higher status than lower, and more wealth than less.
It is normal in this world that people wish so.
We cannot bring money or status to the "world after death."
Therefore, as the time of death approaches, status and wealth gradually become meaningless.
In the "world after death", status and wealth during life are meaningless.
♬ Flying Istanbul ♬ (1014)
♬ 飛んでイスタンブール ♬
歳も歳 どこかにきっと 患いが これまではただ 運がいいだけ
When I was young, I went to a temple and looked at my family's "past book."
The past book contains the same information as the mortuary tablet of the Buddhist altar at home, but the past book has more information.
I looked at the temple's past book and found that many of my family were dead young.
I think that influenced me, but I hurried my life too much.
However, I lived longer than I expected.
I was saved by someone.(1015)
有名な 女優が痩せる コマーシャル 脂がのった ビフォーが好き
I think this new value is led by Paris, the center of fashion.
I heard that the method of not letting models who are too thin appear in fashion shows is becoming mainstream these days.
Recently, I heard the news that a famous model in Japan announced her weight.
I hear that Japanese (ordinary) women are too thin.
Nude women in famous paintings by famous European painters are often plump women.
That Statue of Liberty is holding her sword, showing her beautiful big chest.
Japanese women, be beautiful and healthy.(1016)
コロナ禍で ボージョレヌーボ 海渡る 二酸化炭素は 九割減るとか
The plane cannot fly due to the influence of the new coronavirus.
So this year's Beaujolais nouveau crosses the sea by ship.
It seems that the amount of carbon dioxide generated will be reduced by 90%.
Recently, it has been pointed out that airplanes emit a large amount of carbon dioxide.
Natural environment conservation groups cross the Atlantic Ocean by ship when traveling from Europe to the United States.
There is a new word "flight shame".(1017)
あらっと云い 思い出すこと 多くなる 今朝もまたその デージャーブ
I put the bread on the toaster oven.
Place the cheese on the bread.
Then switch on the toaster oven.
Pour water into a small kettle and boil.
Set the filter on the cup and add coffee powder.
While pouring hot water, wait for the cheese and bread to bake.
Since they are daily routines, the limbs move like conditioned reflexes.
But this morning there was an unexpected pitfall.
一輪で 咲く藪椿 愛らしき 昨日見た花 今日は散りゆく
Behind my house is designated as a dangerous steep slope.
Soil is deposited on the slope and many trees are growing.
If there is a strong earthquake, the soil will slide down.
I found a single camellia flower on the slope yesterday.
It is a camellia that lives hard in a place where the light does not reach.
When I looked at the place today, there were no flowers already.(1019)
藪椿 人知れず咲く 裏山は 見る人もなく 寂しかろうに
The organism seems to be alive for the preservation of the species.
It doesn't matter if there are people who see the camellia or not.
It's just human sentiment.(1020)
金などは つかわぬ暮らし 老人は 脱炭素など 言うまでもなし
There is the word decarbonized society.
Carbon dioxide is a substance formed by combining two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom.
The "two" in "dioxide" represents that.
I think the valence of oxygen was 2 and the valence of carbon was 4.
In other words, a new substance is created by combining with the common multiple of the valence.
Our staple food, rice and noodles, is carbohydrates.
A decarbonized society is one of the goals to stop the global warming caused by greenhouse gases.
As with the battle against the new coronavirus, all the inhabitants of this planet will overcome it.(1021)
北風に 向って自転車 漕いでいく 進みはせぬが 鍛錬と思う
I rode a bicycle and went to buy a radish.
I searched the recipe for simmered radish on the net and made it.
I added chicken wings to it.
It was delicious.
Another day I made it with pork cartilage instead of chicken wings.
It was delicious again.
Today I'm going to try mackerel instead of chicken wings.
What will happen now?(1022)
台所 片づけるのが 今も厭 やっと終わって 煮付け仕込んだ
I'm not good at cleaning up pots and dishes.
I changed my mind and finished washing, and prepared radish and mackerel stew.
Now it's boiling in a pot.
The simmered food is soaked in the taste as it cools.
There is a delicious smell in the room now.
If there was a cat here, he must beg for "I want to eat".
馬勝った 牛負けたとは 幼い日 食事のあとの 母の口癖
The phrase that the horse won and the cow lost is due to the story of the Warring States period.
My mother used to say this phrase after a meal.
"The horse won, the cow lost."
My mother was really happy to eat.
I've forgotten it for more than half a century, but the stewed mackerel I cooked reminded me of that nostalgic phrase.
Namu Amida Butsu(1024)
我すでに 酔って候 いつなりと 迎えありとも 異存ござらぬ
ごんべさん 作ったという 歌を聴く 釈迦も笑うよ 屁のような歌
In the area where I live, stupid stories are described as "fart-like."(1026)
ストーブを 点けたけれども 潜りこむ 布団の中で その時を待つ
People rush to start a fire on those chilly mornings.
Then, they run from room to room carrying hot charcoal for the stoves.
It's all very winter-like.(1027)
♬ 北の町ではもう悲しみを、黙り通した年月を、
拾い集めて暖炉で燃やし始めているらしい ♬
オイオイと 自らのヘマ たしなめる これから先が 思いやられる
How should we express "姥捨て山" in English?
Mountain where old people were abandoned?(1028)
お袋の 言葉の由来 諸説あり 合点の説は どこにも見えず
It is said that the word "Ofukuro=(mother)" has been used since the Muromachi era.
It is said that it is a word made from the meaning of "a bag to put important things".
Or, it means "uterus".
But none are certain.
In the spiritual culture of the Japanese people, Okuninushi and Daikoku (carrying a bag) were the gods of good fortune.
It overlapped with the image of the mother of an equally affectionate being.
In other words, it is said that the "Oufukuro(=carrying a bag 負う袋)" has been transformed into "Ofukuro".
"Ofukuro" may have been synonymous with mothers since the Nara era when Kojiki(=Japan’s oldest historical record) was compiled.(1029)
湾の中 高いマストの 帆船が 日曜の昼 のんびり遊ぶ
It is said that the number of people infected with corona is the highest ever and the medical system is on the verge of collapse.
This sea in my hometown is in the state of "hinemosu notari notari kana".
The fishing industry is sluggish these days, and it is hard to see fishing boats passing through this bay.
I don't know where the rich man lives, but he is playing sailing leisurely.(1030)
私の生まれ故郷のこの海は「hinemosu notari notari kana」の状態にある。
さつまいも 三日前に買い 今日はまた 近所の人から 又さつまいも
I have to eat sweet potatoes very hard.(1031)
夕間詰 辺りに響く 船の音 遊漁船が 帰りを急ぐ
A white ship entered the quiet bay in the evening with the sound of the engine.
It's a fishing boat.
How is the fishing result?(1032)
知事たちが 天秤睨み もの言わぬ 赤信号を みんなで渡る
I want politicians to live in justice, not only the governor but also members of the Diet.
I want politicians to aim for politics for the nation and for the people.(1033)
分科会 出世の証し 晴れがまし 初心忘るな おもねるなかれ
I would like to tell the members of the subcommittee.
Don't be at the mercy of the administration.(1034)
縦縞の 等圧線が かかるげな 真冬の風が 吹いてくるげな
The typical pressure pattern in winter is “seiko-totei” (= high barometric pressure to the west, low pressure to the east).
Low pressure blows in the counterclockwise direction.
High pressure blows in the clockwise direction.
In other words, in the seiko-totei pressure distribution, two east and west blowers send cold north winds to the Japanese archipelago.
The narrower the intervals between the isobars, the stronger the pressure gradient.
It is said that the north wind becomes stronger when eight or more isobars are drawn on the Japanese archipelago.(1035)
冬の典型的な気圧配置はseiko-totei(=high barometric pressure to the west, low pressure to the east)である。
照葉の 文字の通りに 照る葉かな 冬の日差しを 撥ねて美しい
It was cloudy today, but the sun was shining for a short time, and the shiny leaves on the mountain behind the house was shining.(1036)
あるはずの ものなかったり ないはずの ものでてきたり 今の現実
I feel sad and lose the confidence to live.(1037)
城下では 名君の評 光秀公 本能寺変 止むに止まれず
Fukuchiyama was once ruled by Akechi Mitsuhide.
Residents still respect him.(1038)
米あれば 何とかできる 日本人 この真実を 知っているかえ
Mr. Obata, who is famous as a super volunteer activist.
He once appeared on TV while he was eating lunch at a volunteer site.
He put hot water on the retort-packed rice and put a umeboshi on it.
There used to be Hinomaru bento in my country.
In the olden days, it was common to have a lunch box of white rice and a umeboshi.
I think that's fine.
If Japanese people have rice, we can prepare our meals with a takuan or a umeboshi as a side dish.(1039)
ワイワイと 云い合って往く 中学生 薄い上着で 寒さも知らず
Take good care of your youthful life.(1040)
我ながら 納得の域 家事スキル アルミホイルで 二つのバット
I know the fried food are delicious.
But to make a fried food, we have to prepare a container for beaten egg, flour and bread crumbs respectively.
And the most troublesome work is cleaning up.
If you've been doing household chores since you were young, it may be easy to clean up after cooking.
However, as I grew older and became a cook, I was not good at cleaning up.
However, there was a Copernican revolution.
I noticed that I made two container for flour and bread crumbs out of aluminum foil.(1041)
もう仕舞い 金にならない 意味がない 明日にはきっと 幾らかにする
"Beautiful men have no money and power."
There is such a saying in Japan.(1042)
真夜中に 足が引き吊り 飛び起きる 暗闇の中 じっと堪える
Everything is aging.
There are no exceptions to aging.
Of course, muscles too.(1043)
辛坊さん 俺は賛成 その思い 心からエール フレー辛坊
If possible, I want you to succeed this time.
But it doesn't matter if you make a mistake, Shinbo-san.
It is important that you are alive.
Good luck.(1044)
権兵衛さん 支持率低下 著し 善政施す 好機到来
Gonbei decided to suspend "GO TO Travel".
On the other hand, that man who led the birth of the Gonbei administration.
It seems that an executive of the group to which the man belongs said, "He did unnecessary thing."
This world of politics does not seem to be a world of katagi.
It's a very terrible group.
It's your turn, Mr. Goroko.(1045)
「GO TOトラベル」の一時停止を決断した権兵衛さん。
風に立つ 漣沖に 流れいく 脳に悪戯 冬の景色か
Triangular waves peculiar to winter are pushed by the westerly wind and head offshore.
The entire surface of the sea looks like that, so it looks as if seawater is flowing offshore.
It is an optical illusion.(1046)
政権に 阿るだけの 政治記者 世論の風も キャリアの肥やし
The concept of shame is ... ten people and ten colors.
So many men, so many minds.(1047)
寒ければ 布団に潜る エコ兼ねて たまに散歩で からだ動かす
This year was the year of coronavirus.
It became "the end of the year".
However, there is no atmosphere of "the end of the year" this year.
The shopping street, which is bustling with illuminations every year, is quiet this year.
The world has changed.(1048)
居心地を 善くしてやって 引き留める 人に対して 金に対して
"Comfort" is essential for both people and money.
In order to save money, it is necessary to make the money comfortable.
What is the comfort of money?(1049)
洟を すり上げながら 散歩する 今年一番 寒風が吹く
For the first time in a year, Kitakaze-Kozo-no-Kantaro has arrived.(1050)
♬ 北風小僧の寒太郎 ♬
ほっぺたに 冷たい風が 吹きつける 犬も散歩を 躊躇う寒さ
♬ Dogs happily run around the yard ♬
The lyrics of old nursery rhymes do not apply because recent pet dogs are overprotective.(1051)
♬ 犬は喜び庭駆け回り ♬
伏魔殿 古池に狸 二階には 悪代官が 睨みを利かす
Hukumaden (= pandemonium) is a mansion where demons live.
A raccoon dog named Koike and a villain named Nikai live in the Hukumaden in Tokyo.(1052)
桜会 人の噂は 七十五日 牛肉の会 恥の上塗り
As a measure against corona damage, a stupid measure called "Japanese beef gift certificate" was proposed.
Japan has an incredibly low food self-sufficiency rate.
It is a reality of political barrenness.(1053)
頂いた 茄子と胡瓜を 焼酎の 肴にせんと 厨房に立つ
Japanese pickle culture is wonderful.
I've been thinking that way since I was young.(1054)
ガタンゴトン 上りの最終 列車往く 誰が乗るやら 何処に行くやら
I sometimes hear the sound of the wheels of the last train while lying in bed for sleep.
All passengers have their own errands and are on the late-night train.(1055)
呑みながら ちあきなおみの 演歌聴く 心にしみて なみだが落ちる
I feel in my heart Naomi Chiaki's song.(1056)
大江戸の 下村古池の 古狸 その欲の皮 臭くて巻けぬ
These two raccoon dogs with deep greed.
I think the scarf made from the raccoon skin would bad smell.(1057)
ただボーと 釣り糸垂れて 魚信待つ 釣れない釣りの 時を愉しむ
It is good that people's fishing has become an industry and the enjoyment of the common people has increased, but there is an act of catching more fish than necessary.(1058)
サバケチャ? それは何かと ネット引く 成程これは リーズナブルだ
It's embarrassing, but I'm a frog who doesn't know the ocean.
The world is constantly evolving.(1059)
ホトトギス 厠の途中 鳴く声に 誘われ出でて 恥かき候
The same thing happens in the world.
The essence of human beings does not progress.(1060)
野暮ったい 志那の国から 伝わった 素敵な恋の 七夕祭り
Lovers who can only meet once a year.
I really want you to spend time together tonight.(1061)
野菜煮る 優しい匂い 母の味 味噌溶き入れて 手を合わせ食う
We hear the opinion that it is better to eat high protein such as meat when we get old.
I have some doubts about that opinion.(1062)
今日もまた 息災であれ 娘たち 願いを込めて 朝の挨拶
This parent can only pray.(1063)
之よりは 否応もなく 老界へ 落ちていく身 申し訳ない
From now on, I will gradually age.
As I grow older, I will bother my family.
I'm sorry for my family.(1064)
あれほどに 好きな煙草を 止めたかと 問う人はまだ 暫らくは無理
It's difficult to stop smoking.
I stopped it a few years ago, but many of my friends are still smoking.(1065)
猿団子 成程賢い ニホンザル からだ寄せ合い 暖をとり合う
Monkey dumpling?
Do people outside Japan know this phenomenon?(1066)
足の裏 靴下はいて カイロ貼る 寒さしのぎを 試して眠る
The world population when I was born was about 2.5 billion.
Now there are more than 2.5 billion in China and India.
Mankind must live a life that does not emit carbon dioxide.(1067)
警察に 捕まることで 顔を売る ワルチューバーの 絶えない訳は?
As the times progress, new crimes occur.
Global and complex crimes occur.(1068)
魚釣り 都はるみを 聴きながら 漁船の向こうに 朝日が昇る
I fish in the harbor early in the morning.
The fishing boat slowly advances toward the open sea.
The sun rises over there.(1069)
漢語林 舐め回すよう 字を探す 今日二つ目 何処に在るのか
As with English dictionaries, this kind of book is troublesome because the characters are small.(1070)
藪椿 急に目白が 飛んで来る 花をつついて すぐに飛びたつ
White-eye should spend a little more time sucking the nectar of the flowers, but he hurried because he was afraid of humans.(1071)
悠久の 海を眺めて 魚釣り 我が人生を 顧みる日々
When I was young, I thought my life would end sooner.
The days of looking back on my life while fishing.(1072)
背後から 襲われたなら 絶命する 危うきを忘れ 甘美な蜜吸う
One of the popular songs of the Showa era is "flowers and bees".
You have to be very careful when drinking sweet honey.
"Honey trap" is already in Japanese.(1073)
海澄みて 波穏やかに 子守唄 耳傾けて 心安らか
It's hard for ordinary people to have that kind of feeling for a long time.(1074)
老人が 師走の街で 金を盗る 腹を満たして 年を越すため
The amount of damage caused by this type of robbery is small.
There is a sad reality in this society.(1075)
バラバラに 本が朽ち往く 壊れ往く 使い古した 愛読の書
If I live alone on an uninhabited island, I bring a dictionary.
And reading glasses.(1076)
素人の 魚釣りかな 人生は その日の首尾は わだつみ任せ
I still have a strong memory that my classmate died in a water accident when I was in elementary school.
I was lucky enough to live until I was over 70 years old.
What is the difference between the two?(1077)
腹八分 そんな言葉も この頃は 聞かなくなった 何処に行ったか
The world's population continues to grow.
Some people are still hungry.(1078)
美しい ヤシの木三本 抜きん出て すました顔で 周り見下ろす
There is a small cape near my house.
The cape is shaped like a small mountain.
At the foot of the small mountain are three tall palm trees.
These three trees have a very elegant appearance.(1079)
日も落ちて ブレーキランプの 赤い列 家路を急ぐ 人の心は
In winter, I can clearly see the line of cars heading home on the national highway in the evening.
This is because the red taillights of all the cars are lit continuously because the cars are congested.(1080)
品もなく 無礼千万 あっそうさん 喧嘩腰で 顔まで歪む
I hate this politician.
(Japanese) men don't say good or bad, but this is an exception.(1081)
紫の この十手が 承知せん 黒紋町の 伝七親分
Does Meakashi mean police detective in English?
I like this Meakashi Denshichi.
He defeats evil and helps the weak.
This is how Japanese politicians should be.(1082)
目明しは英語でPolice detectiveと言うのか?
わたしはこの目明し(=police detective)伝七が好きである。
自家製の 梅干肴に オンザロック グッと飲み干す 晩メシ前に
The pickled plums I made are so delicious that they can be eaten with sake.(1083)
来年の 初夢予約 早々と コロナ平癒と 世界の平和
I made a reservation for Hatsuyome(=a dream to see at the beginning of the year).
Where do I make a reservation for Hatsuyume?
It's a secret.(1084)
終活の短歌集 第一集 第一節
この星に 運よく落ちて 燃え尽きる 独り静かに せめて月夜に
How many miracles did I go through to be born on this planet?
I was born on this planet after as many miracles as astronomical numbers.
It's like a meteor that continues to fly from far away space to reach this planet.
And luckily I fell on this beautiful planet, shining for a moment and my life burns out.(1001)
足の裏 痛さ堪えて 柔らかい 芝生を踏んで 歩く夕暮れ
When a person is born, he (or she) first takes a big breath.
And utter the first voice as "Ogya".
The baby's breath at this time is extremely important.
In Japan, there is a saying, " Parents' hearts that if you crawl, stand next, if you stand, walk next ."
I think people are originally designed to walk like breathing.
Nowadays, longevity is the norm.
Therefore, many people spend their later years (old age) different from the old days.
"Walking like taking a breath."
I want to be so until the end of my life.(1002)
電動の 車椅子に 乗って来て 杖突っ張って いつも歩く人
Is he as old as I am?
Almost every day he comes to my seaside park in an electric wheelchair.
I don't know where he comes from, but getting here should be more dangerous than I can imagine.
He walks along this beach with a cane, twisting his body a lot.
He is walking with a great deal of burden.
He needs to walk.(1003)
ああ寒い ストーブ点けて 厚着して もそもそ起きて お湯を沸かして
The line connecting the South Pole and the North Pole is called the earth's axis.
The earth's axis is tilted with respect to the plane on which the earth orbits the sun.
Therefore, from the autumnal equinox day to the vernal equinox day, the sun shines diagonally on the northern hemisphere of the earth.
Therefore, during that period, the northern hemisphere of the earth will be in a cold season.
The earth's axis would not have been tilted when the earth was born.
Did a huge meteorite collide with the earth?
If the big incident had not happened, the climate of Japan would have been the same all year round.(1004)
力まずに 肩の力を 抜き去って リラックスして 深呼吸して
My dear children.
I want you to live in that way.(1005)
長靴と いう靴履いて 雨の中 水溜りなど 楽しく歩く
When I was a kid, my mother gave me rubber boots, and on rainy days I wore rubber boots.
When I was adolescent, I stopped wearing uncool rubber boots.
Now I'm old and bought rubber boots for a walk.
I enjoy walking in the rain with these rubber boots and walking on the ground where rainwater has accumulated.(1006)
借金は あるとき払いの 催促なし コロナ貧乏 救済法
Emperor Nintoku knew the plight of the people when he saw that the people's houses had no smoke to cook their meals.
And the emperor stopped collecting taxes from the people.
The emperor also saved his food and clothing and did not repair the Imperial Palace.
During the Showa financial crisis, Takahashi Korekiyo cooperated with the governor of the Bank of Japan, Junnosuke Inoue, to take moratorium on payments.
Gonbei misses the chance to make a name for himself in history.(1007)
西の空 淡き茜の 絵も言えず 秋の夕暮れ 鎌は無けれど
I was unfortunate and lost my father when I was young.
Therefore, my father's memories are few.
The words of my father, one of those few memories.
"If you see the sunset in the summer, you have to connect the boats.
If you see the sunset in the fall, you have to sharpen your sickle. "
Every time I see the sunset, I still remember my father when he taught me this saying.
The names of Japanese colors are derived from plants.
Few people may know what kind of plant Akane is, but it is a plant because it has a canopy in Chinese characters.(1008)
メルケルが 腕振りながら 懸命に 感情込めて 警鐘鳴らす
Does Gonbei know this about Merkel in Germany?
If you don't know, I'll tell you.
♬ Siraza itte kikaseyasyo. Otto oiraha Benten-kozo Kikunosuke. ♬(1009)
♬ 知らざ〜言って聞かせやしょう おっとおいらは弁天小僧菊之助 ♬
海鳥が プラごみ喰らって 死んでいく 亀も魚も 死んでいく
There is an English word SUSTAINABLE.
I first encountered this word in an article in a magazine published in 2014.
It was an interview with Stella McCartney, the daughter of Paul McCartney of The Beatles.
I didn't know that yet, but I learned from the magazine that she was the owner of a famous fashion brand.
It was such an interview that I didn't like her confident way of speaking.
"Sustainable" came out in that interview.
Now, private TV stations and others are developing a movement called SDGS.
The first S becomes the S of SUSTAINABLE.
Europe has long been a world leader in its consciousness of valuing the natural environment.
We Japanese always follow Europe.
When I walk along the beach near my house, I see a lot of plastic garbage.
There is garbage from fossil-derived products that we use in our daily lives.(1010)
SUSTAINABLE という英単語がある。
さつまいも 薄く均しく 切り揃え 油で揚げて 酒の肴に
I had a sudden errand today and didn't have time to prepare a meal.
That's why I sprinkled some ready-made cut cabbage with sauce and mayonnaise to make it a side dish for sake.
And I sliced the sweet potatoes into thin slices and sautéed them.
Sauteed sweet potatoes are my favorite.
By the way, I remembered that the rice was washed and left in the rice cooker.
Let's switch it on tomorrow morning.
I'm drinking sake with 19% alcohol now.
Sake with an alcohol content of 19% is rare.
Drinks with a high concentration of alcohol, not just sake, are delicious.(1011)
メガネして じっと鏡で 見る顔は 皺だらけの 染みだらけなり
There was an actor named Rentaro Mikuni.
He was a very strong actor.
At one point he played a role that was completely different from his previous style.
He later said he was hesitant about taking on that role.
It is the president of Suzuki Construction in the movie setting, nicknamed "Su-san".
He has appeared in this movie many times.
This role of him was selected because he had the ability as an actor originally.
There were deep wrinkles on his face.
It was a dignified wrinkle.
Wrinkles on the face that can only be seen by humans.
Neither gorillas nor dogs have wrinkles on their faces.
Wrinkles on the human face are a symbol of human dignity.(1012)
この辺の 静かな浜の 地が唸る 高潮防ぐ 工事が進む
There was a tree that dropped a lot of big acorns on the ground in the fall.
If squirrels live here, they could eat delicious acorns.
After a while, construction machinery and dump trucks arrived.
When they made a temporary breakwater by arranging large black sandbags along the coast, they started to break the existing breakwater.
When I asked what seemed to be city officials, "What are you going to build?", They said they would build a breakwater to combat storm surges.
Considering the tsunami that destroyed eastern Japan at that time and the storm surge of recent typhoons, the low breakwaters so far are useless.
That's true, but ...(1013)
終活に 貴賤貧富は 意味もなく ただ自らの 足跡を質す
I think people want higher status than lower, and more wealth than less.
It is normal in this world that people wish so.
We cannot bring money or status to the "world after death."
Therefore, as the time of death approaches, status and wealth gradually become meaningless.
In the "world after death", status and wealth during life are meaningless.
♬ Flying Istanbul ♬ (1014)
♬ 飛んでイスタンブール ♬
歳も歳 どこかにきっと 患いが これまではただ 運がいいだけ
When I was young, I went to a temple and looked at my family's "past book."
The past book contains the same information as the mortuary tablet of the Buddhist altar at home, but the past book has more information.
I looked at the temple's past book and found that many of my family were dead young.
I think that influenced me, but I hurried my life too much.
However, I lived longer than I expected.
I was saved by someone.(1015)
有名な 女優が痩せる コマーシャル 脂がのった ビフォーが好き
I think this new value is led by Paris, the center of fashion.
I heard that the method of not letting models who are too thin appear in fashion shows is becoming mainstream these days.
Recently, I heard the news that a famous model in Japan announced her weight.
I hear that Japanese (ordinary) women are too thin.
Nude women in famous paintings by famous European painters are often plump women.
That Statue of Liberty is holding her sword, showing her beautiful big chest.
Japanese women, be beautiful and healthy.(1016)
コロナ禍で ボージョレヌーボ 海渡る 二酸化炭素は 九割減るとか
The plane cannot fly due to the influence of the new coronavirus.
So this year's Beaujolais nouveau crosses the sea by ship.
It seems that the amount of carbon dioxide generated will be reduced by 90%.
Recently, it has been pointed out that airplanes emit a large amount of carbon dioxide.
Natural environment conservation groups cross the Atlantic Ocean by ship when traveling from Europe to the United States.
There is a new word "flight shame".(1017)
あらっと云い 思い出すこと 多くなる 今朝もまたその デージャーブ
I put the bread on the toaster oven.
Place the cheese on the bread.
Then switch on the toaster oven.
Pour water into a small kettle and boil.
Set the filter on the cup and add coffee powder.
While pouring hot water, wait for the cheese and bread to bake.
Since they are daily routines, the limbs move like conditioned reflexes.
But this morning there was an unexpected pitfall.
一輪で 咲く藪椿 愛らしき 昨日見た花 今日は散りゆく
Behind my house is designated as a dangerous steep slope.
Soil is deposited on the slope and many trees are growing.
If there is a strong earthquake, the soil will slide down.
I found a single camellia flower on the slope yesterday.
It is a camellia that lives hard in a place where the light does not reach.
When I looked at the place today, there were no flowers already.(1019)
藪椿 人知れず咲く 裏山は 見る人もなく 寂しかろうに
The organism seems to be alive for the preservation of the species.
It doesn't matter if there are people who see the camellia or not.
It's just human sentiment.(1020)
金などは つかわぬ暮らし 老人は 脱炭素など 言うまでもなし
There is the word decarbonized society.
Carbon dioxide is a substance formed by combining two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom.
The "two" in "dioxide" represents that.
I think the valence of oxygen was 2 and the valence of carbon was 4.
In other words, a new substance is created by combining with the common multiple of the valence.
Our staple food, rice and noodles, is carbohydrates.
A decarbonized society is one of the goals to stop the global warming caused by greenhouse gases.
As with the battle against the new coronavirus, all the inhabitants of this planet will overcome it.(1021)
北風に 向って自転車 漕いでいく 進みはせぬが 鍛錬と思う
I rode a bicycle and went to buy a radish.
I searched the recipe for simmered radish on the net and made it.
I added chicken wings to it.
It was delicious.
Another day I made it with pork cartilage instead of chicken wings.
It was delicious again.
Today I'm going to try mackerel instead of chicken wings.
What will happen now?(1022)
台所 片づけるのが 今も厭 やっと終わって 煮付け仕込んだ
I'm not good at cleaning up pots and dishes.
I changed my mind and finished washing, and prepared radish and mackerel stew.
Now it's boiling in a pot.
The simmered food is soaked in the taste as it cools.
There is a delicious smell in the room now.
If there was a cat here, he must beg for "I want to eat".
馬勝った 牛負けたとは 幼い日 食事のあとの 母の口癖
The phrase that the horse won and the cow lost is due to the story of the Warring States period.
My mother used to say this phrase after a meal.
"The horse won, the cow lost."
My mother was really happy to eat.
I've forgotten it for more than half a century, but the stewed mackerel I cooked reminded me of that nostalgic phrase.
Namu Amida Butsu(1024)
我すでに 酔って候 いつなりと 迎えありとも 異存ござらぬ
ごんべさん 作ったという 歌を聴く 釈迦も笑うよ 屁のような歌
In the area where I live, stupid stories are described as "fart-like."(1026)
ストーブを 点けたけれども 潜りこむ 布団の中で その時を待つ
People rush to start a fire on those chilly mornings.
Then, they run from room to room carrying hot charcoal for the stoves.
It's all very winter-like.(1027)
♬ 北の町ではもう悲しみを、黙り通した年月を、
拾い集めて暖炉で燃やし始めているらしい ♬
オイオイと 自らのヘマ たしなめる これから先が 思いやられる
How should we express "姥捨て山" in English?
Mountain where old people were abandoned?(1028)
お袋の 言葉の由来 諸説あり 合点の説は どこにも見えず
It is said that the word "Ofukuro=(mother)" has been used since the Muromachi era.
It is said that it is a word made from the meaning of "a bag to put important things".
Or, it means "uterus".
But none are certain.
In the spiritual culture of the Japanese people, Okuninushi and Daikoku (carrying a bag) were the gods of good fortune.
It overlapped with the image of the mother of an equally affectionate being.
In other words, it is said that the "Oufukuro(=carrying a bag 負う袋)" has been transformed into "Ofukuro".
"Ofukuro" may have been synonymous with mothers since the Nara era when Kojiki(=Japan’s oldest historical record) was compiled.(1029)
湾の中 高いマストの 帆船が 日曜の昼 のんびり遊ぶ
It is said that the number of people infected with corona is the highest ever and the medical system is on the verge of collapse.
This sea in my hometown is in the state of "hinemosu notari notari kana".
The fishing industry is sluggish these days, and it is hard to see fishing boats passing through this bay.
I don't know where the rich man lives, but he is playing sailing leisurely.(1030)
私の生まれ故郷のこの海は「hinemosu notari notari kana」の状態にある。
さつまいも 三日前に買い 今日はまた 近所の人から 又さつまいも
I have to eat sweet potatoes very hard.(1031)
夕間詰 辺りに響く 船の音 遊漁船が 帰りを急ぐ
A white ship entered the quiet bay in the evening with the sound of the engine.
It's a fishing boat.
How is the fishing result?(1032)
知事たちが 天秤睨み もの言わぬ 赤信号を みんなで渡る
I want politicians to live in justice, not only the governor but also members of the Diet.
I want politicians to aim for politics for the nation and for the people.(1033)
分科会 出世の証し 晴れがまし 初心忘るな おもねるなかれ
I would like to tell the members of the subcommittee.
Don't be at the mercy of the administration.(1034)
縦縞の 等圧線が かかるげな 真冬の風が 吹いてくるげな
The typical pressure pattern in winter is “seiko-totei” (= high barometric pressure to the west, low pressure to the east).
Low pressure blows in the counterclockwise direction.
High pressure blows in the clockwise direction.
In other words, in the seiko-totei pressure distribution, two east and west blowers send cold north winds to the Japanese archipelago.
The narrower the intervals between the isobars, the stronger the pressure gradient.
It is said that the north wind becomes stronger when eight or more isobars are drawn on the Japanese archipelago.(1035)
冬の典型的な気圧配置はseiko-totei(=high barometric pressure to the west, low pressure to the east)である。
照葉の 文字の通りに 照る葉かな 冬の日差しを 撥ねて美しい
It was cloudy today, but the sun was shining for a short time, and the shiny leaves on the mountain behind the house was shining.(1036)
あるはずの ものなかったり ないはずの ものでてきたり 今の現実
I feel sad and lose the confidence to live.(1037)
城下では 名君の評 光秀公 本能寺変 止むに止まれず
Fukuchiyama was once ruled by Akechi Mitsuhide.
Residents still respect him.(1038)
米あれば 何とかできる 日本人 この真実を 知っているかえ
Mr. Obata, who is famous as a super volunteer activist.
He once appeared on TV while he was eating lunch at a volunteer site.
He put hot water on the retort-packed rice and put a umeboshi on it.
There used to be Hinomaru bento in my country.
In the olden days, it was common to have a lunch box of white rice and a umeboshi.
I think that's fine.
If Japanese people have rice, we can prepare our meals with a takuan or a umeboshi as a side dish.(1039)
ワイワイと 云い合って往く 中学生 薄い上着で 寒さも知らず
Take good care of your youthful life.(1040)
我ながら 納得の域 家事スキル アルミホイルで 二つのバット
I know the fried food are delicious.
But to make a fried food, we have to prepare a container for beaten egg, flour and bread crumbs respectively.
And the most troublesome work is cleaning up.
If you've been doing household chores since you were young, it may be easy to clean up after cooking.
However, as I grew older and became a cook, I was not good at cleaning up.
However, there was a Copernican revolution.
I noticed that I made two container for flour and bread crumbs out of aluminum foil.(1041)
もう仕舞い 金にならない 意味がない 明日にはきっと 幾らかにする
"Beautiful men have no money and power."
There is such a saying in Japan.(1042)
真夜中に 足が引き吊り 飛び起きる 暗闇の中 じっと堪える
Everything is aging.
There are no exceptions to aging.
Of course, muscles too.(1043)
辛坊さん 俺は賛成 その思い 心からエール フレー辛坊
If possible, I want you to succeed this time.
But it doesn't matter if you make a mistake, Shinbo-san.
It is important that you are alive.
Good luck.(1044)
権兵衛さん 支持率低下 著し 善政施す 好機到来
Gonbei decided to suspend "GO TO Travel".
On the other hand, that man who led the birth of the Gonbei administration.
It seems that an executive of the group to which the man belongs said, "He did unnecessary thing."
This world of politics does not seem to be a world of katagi.
It's a very terrible group.
It's your turn, Mr. Goroko.(1045)
「GO TOトラベル」の一時停止を決断した権兵衛さん。
風に立つ 漣沖に 流れいく 脳に悪戯 冬の景色か
Triangular waves peculiar to winter are pushed by the westerly wind and head offshore.
The entire surface of the sea looks like that, so it looks as if seawater is flowing offshore.
It is an optical illusion.(1046)
政権に 阿るだけの 政治記者 世論の風も キャリアの肥やし
The concept of shame is ... ten people and ten colors.
So many men, so many minds.(1047)
寒ければ 布団に潜る エコ兼ねて たまに散歩で からだ動かす
This year was the year of coronavirus.
It became "the end of the year".
However, there is no atmosphere of "the end of the year" this year.
The shopping street, which is bustling with illuminations every year, is quiet this year.
The world has changed.(1048)
居心地を 善くしてやって 引き留める 人に対して 金に対して
"Comfort" is essential for both people and money.
In order to save money, it is necessary to make the money comfortable.
What is the comfort of money?(1049)
洟を すり上げながら 散歩する 今年一番 寒風が吹く
For the first time in a year, Kitakaze-Kozo-no-Kantaro has arrived.(1050)
♬ 北風小僧の寒太郎 ♬
ほっぺたに 冷たい風が 吹きつける 犬も散歩を 躊躇う寒さ
♬ Dogs happily run around the yard ♬
The lyrics of old nursery rhymes do not apply because recent pet dogs are overprotective.(1051)
♬ 犬は喜び庭駆け回り ♬
伏魔殿 古池に狸 二階には 悪代官が 睨みを利かす
Hukumaden (= pandemonium) is a mansion where demons live.
A raccoon dog named Koike and a villain named Nikai live in the Hukumaden in Tokyo.(1052)
桜会 人の噂は 七十五日 牛肉の会 恥の上塗り
As a measure against corona damage, a stupid measure called "Japanese beef gift certificate" was proposed.
Japan has an incredibly low food self-sufficiency rate.
It is a reality of political barrenness.(1053)
頂いた 茄子と胡瓜を 焼酎の 肴にせんと 厨房に立つ
Japanese pickle culture is wonderful.
I've been thinking that way since I was young.(1054)
ガタンゴトン 上りの最終 列車往く 誰が乗るやら 何処に行くやら
I sometimes hear the sound of the wheels of the last train while lying in bed for sleep.
All passengers have their own errands and are on the late-night train.(1055)
呑みながら ちあきなおみの 演歌聴く 心にしみて なみだが落ちる
I feel in my heart Naomi Chiaki's song.(1056)
大江戸の 下村古池の 古狸 その欲の皮 臭くて巻けぬ
These two raccoon dogs with deep greed.
I think the scarf made from the raccoon skin would bad smell.(1057)
ただボーと 釣り糸垂れて 魚信待つ 釣れない釣りの 時を愉しむ
It is good that people's fishing has become an industry and the enjoyment of the common people has increased, but there is an act of catching more fish than necessary.(1058)
サバケチャ? それは何かと ネット引く 成程これは リーズナブルだ
It's embarrassing, but I'm a frog who doesn't know the ocean.
The world is constantly evolving.(1059)
ホトトギス 厠の途中 鳴く声に 誘われ出でて 恥かき候
The same thing happens in the world.
The essence of human beings does not progress.(1060)
野暮ったい 志那の国から 伝わった 素敵な恋の 七夕祭り
Lovers who can only meet once a year.
I really want you to spend time together tonight.(1061)
野菜煮る 優しい匂い 母の味 味噌溶き入れて 手を合わせ食う
We hear the opinion that it is better to eat high protein such as meat when we get old.
I have some doubts about that opinion.(1062)
今日もまた 息災であれ 娘たち 願いを込めて 朝の挨拶
This parent can only pray.(1063)
之よりは 否応もなく 老界へ 落ちていく身 申し訳ない
From now on, I will gradually age.
As I grow older, I will bother my family.
I'm sorry for my family.(1064)
あれほどに 好きな煙草を 止めたかと 問う人はまだ 暫らくは無理
It's difficult to stop smoking.
I stopped it a few years ago, but many of my friends are still smoking.(1065)
猿団子 成程賢い ニホンザル からだ寄せ合い 暖をとり合う
Monkey dumpling?
Do people outside Japan know this phenomenon?(1066)
足の裏 靴下はいて カイロ貼る 寒さしのぎを 試して眠る
The world population when I was born was about 2.5 billion.
Now there are more than 2.5 billion in China and India.
Mankind must live a life that does not emit carbon dioxide.(1067)
警察に 捕まることで 顔を売る ワルチューバーの 絶えない訳は?
As the times progress, new crimes occur.
Global and complex crimes occur.(1068)
魚釣り 都はるみを 聴きながら 漁船の向こうに 朝日が昇る
I fish in the harbor early in the morning.
The fishing boat slowly advances toward the open sea.
The sun rises over there.(1069)
漢語林 舐め回すよう 字を探す 今日二つ目 何処に在るのか
As with English dictionaries, this kind of book is troublesome because the characters are small.(1070)
藪椿 急に目白が 飛んで来る 花をつついて すぐに飛びたつ
White-eye should spend a little more time sucking the nectar of the flowers, but he hurried because he was afraid of humans.(1071)
悠久の 海を眺めて 魚釣り 我が人生を 顧みる日々
When I was young, I thought my life would end sooner.
The days of looking back on my life while fishing.(1072)
背後から 襲われたなら 絶命する 危うきを忘れ 甘美な蜜吸う
One of the popular songs of the Showa era is "flowers and bees".
You have to be very careful when drinking sweet honey.
"Honey trap" is already in Japanese.(1073)
海澄みて 波穏やかに 子守唄 耳傾けて 心安らか
It's hard for ordinary people to have that kind of feeling for a long time.(1074)
老人が 師走の街で 金を盗る 腹を満たして 年を越すため
The amount of damage caused by this type of robbery is small.
There is a sad reality in this society.(1075)
バラバラに 本が朽ち往く 壊れ往く 使い古した 愛読の書
If I live alone on an uninhabited island, I bring a dictionary.
And reading glasses.(1076)
素人の 魚釣りかな 人生は その日の首尾は わだつみ任せ
I still have a strong memory that my classmate died in a water accident when I was in elementary school.
I was lucky enough to live until I was over 70 years old.
What is the difference between the two?(1077)
腹八分 そんな言葉も この頃は 聞かなくなった 何処に行ったか
The world's population continues to grow.
Some people are still hungry.(1078)
美しい ヤシの木三本 抜きん出て すました顔で 周り見下ろす
There is a small cape near my house.
The cape is shaped like a small mountain.
At the foot of the small mountain are three tall palm trees.
These three trees have a very elegant appearance.(1079)
日も落ちて ブレーキランプの 赤い列 家路を急ぐ 人の心は
In winter, I can clearly see the line of cars heading home on the national highway in the evening.
This is because the red taillights of all the cars are lit continuously because the cars are congested.(1080)
品もなく 無礼千万 あっそうさん 喧嘩腰で 顔まで歪む
I hate this politician.
(Japanese) men don't say good or bad, but this is an exception.(1081)
紫の この十手が 承知せん 黒紋町の 伝七親分
Does Meakashi mean police detective in English?
I like this Meakashi Denshichi.
He defeats evil and helps the weak.
This is how Japanese politicians should be.(1082)
目明しは英語でPolice detectiveと言うのか?
わたしはこの目明し(=police detective)伝七が好きである。
自家製の 梅干肴に オンザロック グッと飲み干す 晩メシ前に
The pickled plums I made are so delicious that they can be eaten with sake.(1083)
来年の 初夢予約 早々と コロナ平癒と 世界の平和
I made a reservation for Hatsuyome(=a dream to see at the beginning of the year).
Where do I make a reservation for Hatsuyume?
It's a secret.(1084)
終活の短歌集 第一集 第一節
350L 車 屋根 バッグ 貨物 防水 屋上 貨物 防水 大容量 おすすめ ラック 収納荷物 車 旅行 suv バン 価格:9,610円 |
終活の短歌集 第三章 第四節 301〜400
✧ 終活の短歌集 第三章 第四節 301〜400✧
核兵器 一万五千の 現実は 心の奥の 究極の虚無
In 1983, a British atmospheric scientist showed that a nuclear war between the United States and the (former) Soviet Union could lead to a "nuclear winter."
Bombs dropped on cities and industrial areas set off conflagrations whose smoke envelops the earth and absorbs sunlight,
The earth's surface will become colder and darker, drying the world's plants and cutting off food supplies.
Even in summer, the surface temperature drops to winter values.
39 years have passed since then.
極刑を 求めて他人 殺傷する 忘れた頃に 処刑のニュース
This was the second execution of the Kishida administration.
According to reports, the murderer who sought the death penalty for killing others regretted his crime.(399)
二百円 耳を疑う お詫び料 半端な仕儀は 損の上塗り
It was announced that the apology fee for the communication failure caused by KDDI will be 200 yen.
There must be people who have suffered considerable damage, not just companies but also individuals.(398)
十勝に 足踏みをする 大谷に メジャーの凄さ 思い知る日々
Everyone agrees that Ohtani is an excellent pitcher.
However, major league hitters often knock Ohtani down.(397)
ラブロフの 卑劣極まる 言い分は あのヒトラーの ユダヤ人説
Russian Foreign Minister Ravlov said.
Jewish blood was flowing in the body of Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler.
Naturally, the Israeli government rebelled violently.
I'll keep it in my memory.(396)
エンジェルス 無駄にバットを 振るばかり 好機が来ても 本塁踏めず
The batter of the California Angels is incompetent.
Their bat does not hit the ball.(396)
大谷の 独り舞台の エンジェルス マネジメントが 何処かおかしい
Angels of the team that can only win the game in which Otani participates as a pitcher.
And that Otani lost two consecutive games.
He is burdened.(394)
意地悪な 神が仕掛ける 欲望は エデンのイブも 勝てない定め
There is an event called "Fuji Rock" when the seventh wave of corona infection is at a record high.
Human beings should suppress their desires to live safely, but ...(393)
つゆも往き 土用七月 梅を干す きょうは優乃の 仕上げの舞台
I went to the prefectural tournament for my granddaughter's brass band.
This is the last high school tournament for my granddaughter.
She will be doing her best for her next year's college entrance exam.(392)
飛ぶ鳶を 夏の陽射しが 照りつけて 地べたに黒い 影が横切る
The summer sunshine is strong, so the shadows are dark.
The shadow of a black kite flying low ran down the ground where I was standing.(391)
権力の 罠に陥る 習近平 小心故の 強圧政治
He is really a timid bear.
He is always scared.(390)
昨年は この辺りに 咲いていた 可愛露草 探して散歩
When I was a kid, I often saw dayflower flowers around my house in the summer.
Now I can't see it unless I consciously search for it.(389)
ロシア軍 戦死の多くが マイノリティー 虐げられる 少数民族
Russia continues the war of aggression on Ukraine.
An institution analyzed its birthplace from the names of Russian soldiers who died in the war.
It seems that ethnic minorities in Russia account for most of the war dead.(388)
諦めた あの逸ノ城 踏ん張った さてはこの場所 初の賜杯か
His qualities are universally recognized, but ...
However, he ... and then won the championship.(387)
アメリカの オールスターを 振り切って 釣り竿持って 桟橋に行く
A major league festival in which players with a dazzling annual salary participate.
I like Otani, but I'm not interested in All-Star game.(386)
謹慎が 漸く解けた 朝乃山 これから先は 思う存分
There are mistakes in life.
Now, stand up again and move forward, Asanoyama.(385)
アナハイム ディズニーランドの 発祥地 今大谷が 夢の真ん中
I have never played at Disneyland.
Maybe I won't play there until I die.
But since I was a kid, I've been watching Disney animated films on TV.
Disney is a world-renowned entertainment.(384)
プーチンと シューキンペーは ノーサンキュー 顔を見るのも 声を聞くのも
I think democracy is one of the highest values that modern humanity has reached.
Dictatorship should not be tolerated for any reason.(383)
絶滅と 思われていた 昆虫が 琵琶湖の隅に 潜んでいた
An underwater insect called Macroplea japana.
A precious life was discovered.
Insects live in Japan's largest lake.(382)
逸ノ城 矢っ張り駄目か この場所も もうこれっきり 贔屓も投げる
He lost consecutive games on the sixth and seventh days.
He is different from him for the previous five days.
His qualities are universally recognized, but ...(381)
凛として 田中希実が 疾走する ニーマルニーニー オレゴンの夏
There is no choice but to pay homage to this person's attitude toward competition.
The existence of this person seems to have the power to change the state of the Japanese mind.
There is her dazzling appearance in Oregon, USA.(380)
支持します チハノフスカヤ 心から 尊い心に 敬意を表す
It is not easy to express this feeling for Chihanovskaya (Belarus) in a short sentence.
I pray that you will be safe and fulfill her ambitions.(379)
窓の外 チュッチュチュと 飛んでった かわいい雀 急いで行った
Sparrows that have lived with Japanese people for a long time are very cute little birds
The cry is also very cute.(378)
逸ノ城 やっと目覚めた 怪力士 本領発揮の 名古屋の夏
Nagoya competition of the 4th year of Reiwa of sumo wrestling.
Ichinojo took the lead alone on the fifth day.
‘Taikibannsei’ is such a person.(377)
不覚なり ロシアに頼った エネルギー ドイツの冬は 今から不安
Germany's previous Russian policy was wrong.
Germany will pay for the mistake.(376)
ピーヒョロと 熱風の中 鳶の声 港の魚 糧にして棲む
I live in a place where I can hear the voice of a black kite when I step out of my house.
The black kite lives on the small fish that the fishing boats in the harbor throw away.(375)
筒香も また秋山も 通じない MLBを 侮るなかれ
I've been watching MLB all the time these days, but I can see that MLB players are strong and good.
King of the Hill (=oyamanotaisyo) of the Japanese baseball team should not underestimate MLB.(374)
霧雨が 冷やしてくれる 魚釣り 熱中症への 心配りか
Recently, it rains as usual in the evening.
The rain always stops soon.
Since the rainy season ended early, the summer period is long this year.
Drizzle during fishing is a godsend.(373)
然りげ無く 泥にまみれて 地を覆う シロツメグサは 清く美しい
White clover is a grass that is often stepped on by shoes.
So the flowers are always dirty with mud.
But the flower is very neat and beautiful.
I like white clover flowers.(372)
打てオータニ 一人の部屋で 応援する 隣を気にして 野太い声で
Otani takes a turn at bat at the opportunity.
I send an ale to Otani with a roaring voice so that no one else can hear it.(371)
これ遺影 家族の者へ 一枚は あったがいいと 老婆心から
I picked up the feather of a black kite during the walk.
I felt some dignity in the feather and couldn't throw it away.
I carried it in my hand for a while, but I felt tired in my fingers.
When I put it on my hat, it looked like an American Indian.
Then I took a picture of it and sent it to my family.
Make it a photograph of a decreased person.(370)
この頃は 少し気長に なったのか 釣れない釣りの 時を愉しむ
What is the last remaining desire when we grow older?
I don't have an appetite anymore.
So I don't expect any fishing results.(369)
息苦しい 部屋を逃れて 海に来る 椅子を据えて 釣り糸垂れる
June 2022 is different than before.
June of this year is June without a cloud umbrella.
Difficult to spend in the room of the house.(368)
落ちていた トンビの羽を 捨てられず 帽子に付けて 日課の散歩
Occasionally I see beautiful bird feathers that have just come off during my walk.
At that time, I couldn't leave it as it was and took it home.(367)
不自由を 忍んで生きるを 旨とする 終活暮しは 先人に倣う
As we get older, we often have inconveniences, such as pain in the lower back and difficulty in seeing.
It is important to decide that it is a matter of course and live every day.(366)
気象庁 不自由処 梅雨明けの 判断迷い 渋々なさる
People make mistakes.
If we notice a mistake, we can correct it.(365)
プーチンも 日銀黒田も 自らの 道理の世界に 彷徨う人か
The two have something in common that no one else can understand.
Something in common.(364)
アメリカの コンマナナゴー 利上げには 危険報せる 強いシグナル
US interest rates, which usually raise by 0.25%.
This time, the United States will raise 0.75% at once.
Still, the Bank of Japan cannot raise interest rates.
What is waiting in the future?(363)
この羽を 一本落として 飛べるかと 空を見上げて トンビを捜す
A feather had fallen on the grass in the park.
Judging from the pattern and size of the feathers, it is a black kite feather.
Can the black kite fly without losing such a big feather?(362)
空を向き 真っ直ぐ伸びる 新芽たち 散歩が嬉しい 蘇鉄ストリート
All the sprouts of plants are beautiful, but the sprouts of cycads are also exceptionally beautiful.(361)
桜もそう この先何度も 見ることは 無い故こその 慈しみかな
At this age, I don't know what to expect next year.
That is why I take care of each one.(360)
この先は もう何回も 無いことと 丹念に漬ける 今年の梅干し
I do this as carefully as I did when I raised my child.(359)
この頃は アメリカ野球 面白く 日本野球は 縁薄くなる
When I was a kid, I used to watch Yomiuri Giants games.
Recently, Japanese professional baseball is not interesting.
Major league baseball games are interesting.(358)
突然に 若い女の 笑い声 ただそれだけで 空気が弾む
Suddenly there was a young woman's voice on the walkway where I could only hear the sound of the waves.
At that moment, the sound of the waves is muted and it changes to another space.
The voice of a young woman has a mysterious power.(357)
パラパラと 傘うつ音を 聴いて往く 梅雨の散歩は 楽しからずや
I want to move on my feet until just before I die.
So I walk to maintain my leg muscles.
Whether it rains or spears, I walk.(356)
女達 軍事訓練 参加する フィンランドは 臨戦態勢
Finland has decided to join NATO.
The Prime Minister of Finland is a woman.
As Putin's barbarity continues, ordinary Finnish women participate in military training themselves.(355)
どこからか 招き入れたか 羽の音 朝の三時に 蚊取り線香
Old houses have gaps that residents don't know about.
There is nothing special about this house, but mosquitoes come in through a narrow entrance.
But I hate mosquitoes.(354)
昼飯を 食いながら見る 大リーグ 打席の選手が こっちに唾吐く
I often watch major league TV games while eating lunch.
Occasionally, a player at bat turns to the pitcher and spits.
In other words, it's for me who is eating lunch.(353)
竹串で 生梅のヘタ 一つずつ 丁寧に除く 六月の朝
When I pickle umeboshi, I use sugar as well as salt.
I start working after the plums are ripe.
When the plums are ripe, the scent of sweet plums floats throughout the room.(352)
ここに来て 防衛予算の 増額に 反対をする 人々のこころ
It is impossible to keep the country safe by diplomacy without military power.
The history of mankind is the history of war.
Don't make a sophistry.(351)
プーチンの 藁人形が 釘打たれ 世に晒されて 批判する人
Would a parent of a woman who was raped by Putin's soldiers and chose to die herself criticize this act?(350)
我が祖国 蹂躙されたる 事あらば 死ぬる覚悟で 銃持って向かう
Of course, it's not for the country.
Not for the emperor.
For those I love.(349)
知識人 言葉の端に 本音聞く 情報源への 配慮を見る
The words of experts on Russia are doubtful.(348)
なべおさみ 今から見れば いい役者 過ぎた年月 我が目を変えた
I saw a historical drama that was broadcast in the past.
I found new value in a comedy actor (Osami Nabe).(347)
今日は雨 長靴履いて 散歩する ぼんやり決めて 朝のテレビ観る
Occasionally I will wear boots and take a walk.
I'll take an umbrella, carry a backpack, and go buy some raw plums.(346)
カンヌとか オスカーだとか 集う人 みんなまとめて 無為空虚
It does not deny movie culture.
However, film festivals such as Oscar are just gorgeous and seem to lose their essence.
Some film directors seem to use it as a way to advance their careers.(345)
この星の 潮の満ち引き 太陽と 月のコラボで 命も揺れる
When I was a kid.
When there was an old man in critical condition, I saw a person checking the time of low tide.
When there was a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, I saw a person checking the time of high tide.(344)
神様の 創る象(かたち)は 美しい 海山川も 獣も花も
The mountains, rivers, sea and sky are beautiful.
The birds and flowers are beautiful.
The young woman is also beautiful.(343)
落雷が 年に十回 スカイツリー クワバラ塔と しては如何か
Once upon a time, a child of thunder fell into a well in a temple in Kuwabara village.
The child of thunder promised the monk of the temple.
The tall Sky Tree has many lightning strikes.(342)
香港の 林鄭月娥 悪名を この先々も 記憶にとどめる
She recently retired, but I will remember this woman's face and name for the future.(341)
十年で 三億人が 訪れた スカイツリーに まだ縁がない
It is calculated that all Japanese have visited here more than once in the last decade.
I have no plans to go there.(340)
細田さん もう辞めなさい 恥ずかしい これが日本の 三権の長
The chairman of the Japanese House of Representatives said his salary was too low.
This time his sexual harassment issue was reported.
He is the worst person.(339)
大谷の ビッグフライを 待ちわびる 日米通算 百五十本
This person gives happiness to many people.
He is a very virtuous person.(338)
低気圧 過ぎたばかりで 波高し 魚は湾の 奥に逃げたか
I came fishing because the rain stopped, but the waves were high and the fish had no appetite.
Did the fish escape into the quiet bay of the waves?(337)
富士山に 未だ登らず 生きて来た ここに至れば この先もない
I haven't even been to the Americas.(336)
品のない 芸人風情 蔓延って 縁遠くなる テレビ視聴
If TV stations continue to make programs like they do now, Japanese culture will disappear.(335)
玉葱に 過去最高の 値段付く お天道様が ご機嫌斜め
Even before the rainy season, the hours of sunshine are short and low temperatures continue.
Crops will be poor.(334)
窓下の 水溜り見て 確かめる 小さな波紋は まだ降っている
I'm old and have poor eyesight, so it's hard to tell if it's raining.
So I judge by looking at the puddle.(333)
戦争は 常に有ること 思い知る 人類などは 邪なサル
Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine is now attracting the attention of the world.
Humans are naked monkeys.(332)
スリランカ 逃れられない 債務罠 独立以来の 最大の危機
Sri Lanka is the first country to abandon the postwar reparations imposed on Japan under the San Francisco Peace Treaty.
Sri Lanka is in the greatest crisis since independence.(331)
枯れ草に チラホラ混じる 緑草 春の歩みは 目にも確かに
This tanka is about the middle of April.
Green grass gradually grows in the dead grass on the beach of my walk course.
It is proof that the season is definitely getting warmer.
The activity of life becomes active.(330)
どこで見た 昇豊龍の 面構え ビリケンさんが わしだわしだと
I didn't like his uncle's sumo wrestling.
I like this person's strong-hearted look.
If I thought he was the face I saw somewhere, it was that Billiken.
I'm looking forward to his future.(329)
玉鷲の 優しい顔に 癒される 勝負の世界に 生きる人かと
He is a veteran sumo wrestler, but his sumo wrestling in the current tournament is wonderful.
His face is very nice when he is interviewed when he wins.
He is so calm that he cannot be considered a living person in the world of martial arts.(328)
目が覚めて 時計を見たら 5時丁度 テレビを点けたら 8号ツーラン
There are many old people in this country who are looking forward to Otani's home run like me.
For such old people, getting up early has no difficulty.(327)
この十年 雨具の代金 六百円 車頼りの 田舎の暮し
I rarely buy rain gear.
Cheap umbrellas are sold in supermarkets.
Still, I don't buy an umbrella.
I rush to the car, so I don't need an umbrella.(326)
観客が 大いに楽しむ MLB ウクライナにも 早く平和を
American MLB spectators are having a lot of fun watching the game.
On the other hand, in Ukraine, citizens are attacked by Russian troops every day.
There is such an unfair thing in this world.
I hope Ukraine will have peace as soon as possible.
I hope Putin will be defeated as soon as possible.(325)
ゼロコロナ 掲げて久しい 志那の国 常勝の安倍 コロナに負けた
Abe did not lose the election.
He was defeated by Corona.
Will the Chinese Communist Party be defeated by Corona?(324)
核兵器 抑止の力 過去になり 使うと脅す ならず者共
There are two types of nuclear weapons: strategic nuclear weapons and tactical nuclear weapons.
Putin's Russia, which is invading Ukraine, says it will use tactical nuclear weapons to regain its inferiority.
In Japan, there are intellectuals who still say things that are vague.(323)
プーチンを ロシアの亡霊 金縛り よく知るほどに 哀れに思う
He is strongly hated by people all over the world.
He seems to have an idea that only he can understand.
It's the wrong way, but that's his justice.
It's wrong patriotism.
He is being manipulated by Russian ghosts.(322)
嘆かわし 安倍晋三は この程度 日本銀行を 子会社と言う
I was surprised to see the news on May 11, 2022.
It turns out that the former Japanese Prime Minister considered the central bank to be a "national subcontractor."
He was a student of "Katsuei".(321)
晋三は 勝栄センセの 教え子で 腑に落ちて行く 日本の政治
This person's speech is so low level that it's hard to believe he's a member of parliament.
This person was a tutor of the former Prime Minister of Japan.
Reasonably, Japanese politics is at a low level.(320)
紫陽花が 花芽をつける 梅雨の前 お天道様は ご機嫌斜め
In Japan, there is the word "May sunny".
Now is the beginning of May.
However, the hours of sunshine are short and the days of low temperatures continue.
Weather forecasters do not talk about this extreme weather.
However, onions are the highest price ever.
Even today, the sun is hidden in the clouds and the temperature is low.(319)
素潜りで 次々と獲る 海の幸 カリブの海の 豊かな事よ
The old man wakes up early in the morning.
At such times, it is the television that makes friends with the old man.
Television in the early hours broadcasts images of the world's oceans, mountains, cities, etc. without narration.
Today, Caribbean fishermen were diving to catch fish and shellfish.
The Caribbean fisherman looked happy.(318)
掌中の 玉のように 慈しみ 過ごした日々を いま懐かしむ
The TV program "tanka" featured "Koi no Uta".(317)
暑くなく 寒くもなくて 丁度よい そんな気候が 今懐かしい
I've always thought that the earth is kind, but I realized that it's tough.(316)
雨の中 雀が三羽 飛んでいった お宿はあるか 家に来ないか
Obviously, birds never sleep in a nest with a roof.
Birds get wet on rainy days from birth to death.
It's a battered house, but why don't you come to my house?
If you sleep in my house, you won't get wet in the rain, right?(315)
ゼレンスキー 命をかけた 大統領 バイデンなどは 唯の老い耄れ
I also know that there are criticisms about Zelensky.
But the president is undoubtedly fighting Putin at the risk of his life.
On the other hand, Biden is very weak.
This old American leader is weak to this global crisis.(314)
朝風に 橘薫る 茶摘み歌 五月二日は 八十八夜
♬ The morning breeze in May carries the scent of tachibana, and the carp(koi-nobori) is swimming high in the sky. ♬(313)
♬ 橘薫る朝風に、高く泳ぐや鯉のぼり。 ♬
衰えて 里帰りする 野球びと 稼いだあとの 顔見世興行
Pitcher M was useless.
Pitcher T is also useless.
It goes against Japanese aesthetics.
To be honest, I don't want to see them.(312)
民主主義 普遍的だと 勘違い 専制支配は 世界の潮流
It is difficult to impose values on some countries by raising democracy as the "nishiki no mihata" and saying "we are right."(311)
財務相 善幸・麻生の 七光り ただお飾りの 世襲大臣
It is unfortunate for the Japanese that this person is the Minister of Finance of Japan.
He is not the only one, but at least it is a Japanese misfortune that he is the Minister of Finance.(310)
ロシア国 核の脅しが あからさま 苦しいさ中 これ断末魔
I once heard the voice of a spiny lobster in hot water.
Spiny lobster was making a very painful voice.
Perhaps Russia today is similar to this.
Putin threatens the world with nuclear weapons.
It is the worst act of mankind equivalent to Hitler.(309)
ニッポンも 地下シェルターの 必要が 俄に高まる プーチン戦争
The most peaceful Japan in the world.
The Japanese call themselves "peace bokeh".
A minority of people are aware of "peace blur".
Seeing the tragedy of Ukraine, such a people feel a little bit about themselves.
Only a few.(308)
石川の 参院補欠 選挙戦 投票率は 三割未満
The voter turnout has not reached 30%.
Is this a representative of the inhabitants?
I think it is necessary to set a lower limit for turnout.
We should try to vote as many times as we want until we exceed the lower limit.(307)
プーチンが 国の将来 ぶち壊す 少女はいつか 知ることになる
A girl appears in Putin's propaganda.
She will find out that Putin has ruined future in Russia.(306)
自らの 意思で備える 侵略戦 フィンランドも 民が銃持つ
Ukrainian civilians have guns to fight Putin's army.
Now, in Finland, the threat of Russia attacking is increasing.
Finnish civilians began practicing guns on their own initiative.(305)
ロシア人 DNAに 刻まれた 領土は常に 奪い取るもの
The violent national character of Russians does not change even if the times change.
The value of "taking land from others and expanding it" is engraved in the DNA of Russians.
As long as the world of humankind continues, the world will be annoyed by its national character.(304)
マクロンが 決していいとは 思えぬが ルペンは更に 信用不安
Many of the European leaders were pro-Russia.
Le Pen, the far-right political party in France, is one of them.(303)
知床の 観光船と ウクライナ 地下の人々 命の重さ
A sightseeing boat is wrecked in the sea of Shiretoko, and the lives of 26 people are at stake.
In Ukraine, the lives of about 1,000 ordinary people are at stake in the basement of a steel mill.
Now I'm in a warm room and can eat three times a day.(302)
和歌山の 議会の人の 良識に 敬意を払う 博打は否
The Governor of Wakayama wanted to enrich the prefecture with the profits of gambling.
Same as how antisocial groups do.(301)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第四節
核兵器 一万五千の 現実は 心の奥の 究極の虚無
In 1983, a British atmospheric scientist showed that a nuclear war between the United States and the (former) Soviet Union could lead to a "nuclear winter."
Bombs dropped on cities and industrial areas set off conflagrations whose smoke envelops the earth and absorbs sunlight,
The earth's surface will become colder and darker, drying the world's plants and cutting off food supplies.
Even in summer, the surface temperature drops to winter values.
39 years have passed since then.
極刑を 求めて他人 殺傷する 忘れた頃に 処刑のニュース
This was the second execution of the Kishida administration.
According to reports, the murderer who sought the death penalty for killing others regretted his crime.(399)
二百円 耳を疑う お詫び料 半端な仕儀は 損の上塗り
It was announced that the apology fee for the communication failure caused by KDDI will be 200 yen.
There must be people who have suffered considerable damage, not just companies but also individuals.(398)
十勝に 足踏みをする 大谷に メジャーの凄さ 思い知る日々
Everyone agrees that Ohtani is an excellent pitcher.
However, major league hitters often knock Ohtani down.(397)
ラブロフの 卑劣極まる 言い分は あのヒトラーの ユダヤ人説
Russian Foreign Minister Ravlov said.
Jewish blood was flowing in the body of Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler.
Naturally, the Israeli government rebelled violently.
I'll keep it in my memory.(396)
エンジェルス 無駄にバットを 振るばかり 好機が来ても 本塁踏めず
The batter of the California Angels is incompetent.
Their bat does not hit the ball.(396)
大谷の 独り舞台の エンジェルス マネジメントが 何処かおかしい
Angels of the team that can only win the game in which Otani participates as a pitcher.
And that Otani lost two consecutive games.
He is burdened.(394)
意地悪な 神が仕掛ける 欲望は エデンのイブも 勝てない定め
There is an event called "Fuji Rock" when the seventh wave of corona infection is at a record high.
Human beings should suppress their desires to live safely, but ...(393)
つゆも往き 土用七月 梅を干す きょうは優乃の 仕上げの舞台
I went to the prefectural tournament for my granddaughter's brass band.
This is the last high school tournament for my granddaughter.
She will be doing her best for her next year's college entrance exam.(392)
飛ぶ鳶を 夏の陽射しが 照りつけて 地べたに黒い 影が横切る
The summer sunshine is strong, so the shadows are dark.
The shadow of a black kite flying low ran down the ground where I was standing.(391)
権力の 罠に陥る 習近平 小心故の 強圧政治
He is really a timid bear.
He is always scared.(390)
昨年は この辺りに 咲いていた 可愛露草 探して散歩
When I was a kid, I often saw dayflower flowers around my house in the summer.
Now I can't see it unless I consciously search for it.(389)
ロシア軍 戦死の多くが マイノリティー 虐げられる 少数民族
Russia continues the war of aggression on Ukraine.
An institution analyzed its birthplace from the names of Russian soldiers who died in the war.
It seems that ethnic minorities in Russia account for most of the war dead.(388)
諦めた あの逸ノ城 踏ん張った さてはこの場所 初の賜杯か
His qualities are universally recognized, but ...
However, he ... and then won the championship.(387)
アメリカの オールスターを 振り切って 釣り竿持って 桟橋に行く
A major league festival in which players with a dazzling annual salary participate.
I like Otani, but I'm not interested in All-Star game.(386)
謹慎が 漸く解けた 朝乃山 これから先は 思う存分
There are mistakes in life.
Now, stand up again and move forward, Asanoyama.(385)
アナハイム ディズニーランドの 発祥地 今大谷が 夢の真ん中
I have never played at Disneyland.
Maybe I won't play there until I die.
But since I was a kid, I've been watching Disney animated films on TV.
Disney is a world-renowned entertainment.(384)
プーチンと シューキンペーは ノーサンキュー 顔を見るのも 声を聞くのも
I think democracy is one of the highest values that modern humanity has reached.
Dictatorship should not be tolerated for any reason.(383)
絶滅と 思われていた 昆虫が 琵琶湖の隅に 潜んでいた
An underwater insect called Macroplea japana.
A precious life was discovered.
Insects live in Japan's largest lake.(382)
逸ノ城 矢っ張り駄目か この場所も もうこれっきり 贔屓も投げる
He lost consecutive games on the sixth and seventh days.
He is different from him for the previous five days.
His qualities are universally recognized, but ...(381)
凛として 田中希実が 疾走する ニーマルニーニー オレゴンの夏
There is no choice but to pay homage to this person's attitude toward competition.
The existence of this person seems to have the power to change the state of the Japanese mind.
There is her dazzling appearance in Oregon, USA.(380)
支持します チハノフスカヤ 心から 尊い心に 敬意を表す
It is not easy to express this feeling for Chihanovskaya (Belarus) in a short sentence.
I pray that you will be safe and fulfill her ambitions.(379)
窓の外 チュッチュチュと 飛んでった かわいい雀 急いで行った
Sparrows that have lived with Japanese people for a long time are very cute little birds
The cry is also very cute.(378)
逸ノ城 やっと目覚めた 怪力士 本領発揮の 名古屋の夏
Nagoya competition of the 4th year of Reiwa of sumo wrestling.
Ichinojo took the lead alone on the fifth day.
‘Taikibannsei’ is such a person.(377)
不覚なり ロシアに頼った エネルギー ドイツの冬は 今から不安
Germany's previous Russian policy was wrong.
Germany will pay for the mistake.(376)
ピーヒョロと 熱風の中 鳶の声 港の魚 糧にして棲む
I live in a place where I can hear the voice of a black kite when I step out of my house.
The black kite lives on the small fish that the fishing boats in the harbor throw away.(375)
筒香も また秋山も 通じない MLBを 侮るなかれ
I've been watching MLB all the time these days, but I can see that MLB players are strong and good.
King of the Hill (=oyamanotaisyo) of the Japanese baseball team should not underestimate MLB.(374)
霧雨が 冷やしてくれる 魚釣り 熱中症への 心配りか
Recently, it rains as usual in the evening.
The rain always stops soon.
Since the rainy season ended early, the summer period is long this year.
Drizzle during fishing is a godsend.(373)
然りげ無く 泥にまみれて 地を覆う シロツメグサは 清く美しい
White clover is a grass that is often stepped on by shoes.
So the flowers are always dirty with mud.
But the flower is very neat and beautiful.
I like white clover flowers.(372)
打てオータニ 一人の部屋で 応援する 隣を気にして 野太い声で
Otani takes a turn at bat at the opportunity.
I send an ale to Otani with a roaring voice so that no one else can hear it.(371)
これ遺影 家族の者へ 一枚は あったがいいと 老婆心から
I picked up the feather of a black kite during the walk.
I felt some dignity in the feather and couldn't throw it away.
I carried it in my hand for a while, but I felt tired in my fingers.
When I put it on my hat, it looked like an American Indian.
Then I took a picture of it and sent it to my family.
Make it a photograph of a decreased person.(370)
この頃は 少し気長に なったのか 釣れない釣りの 時を愉しむ
What is the last remaining desire when we grow older?
I don't have an appetite anymore.
So I don't expect any fishing results.(369)
息苦しい 部屋を逃れて 海に来る 椅子を据えて 釣り糸垂れる
June 2022 is different than before.
June of this year is June without a cloud umbrella.
Difficult to spend in the room of the house.(368)
落ちていた トンビの羽を 捨てられず 帽子に付けて 日課の散歩
Occasionally I see beautiful bird feathers that have just come off during my walk.
At that time, I couldn't leave it as it was and took it home.(367)
不自由を 忍んで生きるを 旨とする 終活暮しは 先人に倣う
As we get older, we often have inconveniences, such as pain in the lower back and difficulty in seeing.
It is important to decide that it is a matter of course and live every day.(366)
気象庁 不自由処 梅雨明けの 判断迷い 渋々なさる
People make mistakes.
If we notice a mistake, we can correct it.(365)
プーチンも 日銀黒田も 自らの 道理の世界に 彷徨う人か
The two have something in common that no one else can understand.
Something in common.(364)
アメリカの コンマナナゴー 利上げには 危険報せる 強いシグナル
US interest rates, which usually raise by 0.25%.
This time, the United States will raise 0.75% at once.
Still, the Bank of Japan cannot raise interest rates.
What is waiting in the future?(363)
この羽を 一本落として 飛べるかと 空を見上げて トンビを捜す
A feather had fallen on the grass in the park.
Judging from the pattern and size of the feathers, it is a black kite feather.
Can the black kite fly without losing such a big feather?(362)
空を向き 真っ直ぐ伸びる 新芽たち 散歩が嬉しい 蘇鉄ストリート
All the sprouts of plants are beautiful, but the sprouts of cycads are also exceptionally beautiful.(361)
桜もそう この先何度も 見ることは 無い故こその 慈しみかな
At this age, I don't know what to expect next year.
That is why I take care of each one.(360)
この先は もう何回も 無いことと 丹念に漬ける 今年の梅干し
I do this as carefully as I did when I raised my child.(359)
この頃は アメリカ野球 面白く 日本野球は 縁薄くなる
When I was a kid, I used to watch Yomiuri Giants games.
Recently, Japanese professional baseball is not interesting.
Major league baseball games are interesting.(358)
突然に 若い女の 笑い声 ただそれだけで 空気が弾む
Suddenly there was a young woman's voice on the walkway where I could only hear the sound of the waves.
At that moment, the sound of the waves is muted and it changes to another space.
The voice of a young woman has a mysterious power.(357)
パラパラと 傘うつ音を 聴いて往く 梅雨の散歩は 楽しからずや
I want to move on my feet until just before I die.
So I walk to maintain my leg muscles.
Whether it rains or spears, I walk.(356)
女達 軍事訓練 参加する フィンランドは 臨戦態勢
Finland has decided to join NATO.
The Prime Minister of Finland is a woman.
As Putin's barbarity continues, ordinary Finnish women participate in military training themselves.(355)
どこからか 招き入れたか 羽の音 朝の三時に 蚊取り線香
Old houses have gaps that residents don't know about.
There is nothing special about this house, but mosquitoes come in through a narrow entrance.
But I hate mosquitoes.(354)
昼飯を 食いながら見る 大リーグ 打席の選手が こっちに唾吐く
I often watch major league TV games while eating lunch.
Occasionally, a player at bat turns to the pitcher and spits.
In other words, it's for me who is eating lunch.(353)
竹串で 生梅のヘタ 一つずつ 丁寧に除く 六月の朝
When I pickle umeboshi, I use sugar as well as salt.
I start working after the plums are ripe.
When the plums are ripe, the scent of sweet plums floats throughout the room.(352)
ここに来て 防衛予算の 増額に 反対をする 人々のこころ
It is impossible to keep the country safe by diplomacy without military power.
The history of mankind is the history of war.
Don't make a sophistry.(351)
プーチンの 藁人形が 釘打たれ 世に晒されて 批判する人
Would a parent of a woman who was raped by Putin's soldiers and chose to die herself criticize this act?(350)
我が祖国 蹂躙されたる 事あらば 死ぬる覚悟で 銃持って向かう
Of course, it's not for the country.
Not for the emperor.
For those I love.(349)
知識人 言葉の端に 本音聞く 情報源への 配慮を見る
The words of experts on Russia are doubtful.(348)
なべおさみ 今から見れば いい役者 過ぎた年月 我が目を変えた
I saw a historical drama that was broadcast in the past.
I found new value in a comedy actor (Osami Nabe).(347)
今日は雨 長靴履いて 散歩する ぼんやり決めて 朝のテレビ観る
Occasionally I will wear boots and take a walk.
I'll take an umbrella, carry a backpack, and go buy some raw plums.(346)
カンヌとか オスカーだとか 集う人 みんなまとめて 無為空虚
It does not deny movie culture.
However, film festivals such as Oscar are just gorgeous and seem to lose their essence.
Some film directors seem to use it as a way to advance their careers.(345)
この星の 潮の満ち引き 太陽と 月のコラボで 命も揺れる
When I was a kid.
When there was an old man in critical condition, I saw a person checking the time of low tide.
When there was a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, I saw a person checking the time of high tide.(344)
神様の 創る象(かたち)は 美しい 海山川も 獣も花も
The mountains, rivers, sea and sky are beautiful.
The birds and flowers are beautiful.
The young woman is also beautiful.(343)
落雷が 年に十回 スカイツリー クワバラ塔と しては如何か
Once upon a time, a child of thunder fell into a well in a temple in Kuwabara village.
The child of thunder promised the monk of the temple.
The tall Sky Tree has many lightning strikes.(342)
香港の 林鄭月娥 悪名を この先々も 記憶にとどめる
She recently retired, but I will remember this woman's face and name for the future.(341)
十年で 三億人が 訪れた スカイツリーに まだ縁がない
It is calculated that all Japanese have visited here more than once in the last decade.
I have no plans to go there.(340)
細田さん もう辞めなさい 恥ずかしい これが日本の 三権の長
The chairman of the Japanese House of Representatives said his salary was too low.
This time his sexual harassment issue was reported.
He is the worst person.(339)
大谷の ビッグフライを 待ちわびる 日米通算 百五十本
This person gives happiness to many people.
He is a very virtuous person.(338)
低気圧 過ぎたばかりで 波高し 魚は湾の 奥に逃げたか
I came fishing because the rain stopped, but the waves were high and the fish had no appetite.
Did the fish escape into the quiet bay of the waves?(337)
富士山に 未だ登らず 生きて来た ここに至れば この先もない
I haven't even been to the Americas.(336)
品のない 芸人風情 蔓延って 縁遠くなる テレビ視聴
If TV stations continue to make programs like they do now, Japanese culture will disappear.(335)
玉葱に 過去最高の 値段付く お天道様が ご機嫌斜め
Even before the rainy season, the hours of sunshine are short and low temperatures continue.
Crops will be poor.(334)
窓下の 水溜り見て 確かめる 小さな波紋は まだ降っている
I'm old and have poor eyesight, so it's hard to tell if it's raining.
So I judge by looking at the puddle.(333)
戦争は 常に有ること 思い知る 人類などは 邪なサル
Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine is now attracting the attention of the world.
Humans are naked monkeys.(332)
スリランカ 逃れられない 債務罠 独立以来の 最大の危機
Sri Lanka is the first country to abandon the postwar reparations imposed on Japan under the San Francisco Peace Treaty.
Sri Lanka is in the greatest crisis since independence.(331)
枯れ草に チラホラ混じる 緑草 春の歩みは 目にも確かに
This tanka is about the middle of April.
Green grass gradually grows in the dead grass on the beach of my walk course.
It is proof that the season is definitely getting warmer.
The activity of life becomes active.(330)
どこで見た 昇豊龍の 面構え ビリケンさんが わしだわしだと
I didn't like his uncle's sumo wrestling.
I like this person's strong-hearted look.
If I thought he was the face I saw somewhere, it was that Billiken.
I'm looking forward to his future.(329)
玉鷲の 優しい顔に 癒される 勝負の世界に 生きる人かと
He is a veteran sumo wrestler, but his sumo wrestling in the current tournament is wonderful.
His face is very nice when he is interviewed when he wins.
He is so calm that he cannot be considered a living person in the world of martial arts.(328)
目が覚めて 時計を見たら 5時丁度 テレビを点けたら 8号ツーラン
There are many old people in this country who are looking forward to Otani's home run like me.
For such old people, getting up early has no difficulty.(327)
この十年 雨具の代金 六百円 車頼りの 田舎の暮し
I rarely buy rain gear.
Cheap umbrellas are sold in supermarkets.
Still, I don't buy an umbrella.
I rush to the car, so I don't need an umbrella.(326)
観客が 大いに楽しむ MLB ウクライナにも 早く平和を
American MLB spectators are having a lot of fun watching the game.
On the other hand, in Ukraine, citizens are attacked by Russian troops every day.
There is such an unfair thing in this world.
I hope Ukraine will have peace as soon as possible.
I hope Putin will be defeated as soon as possible.(325)
ゼロコロナ 掲げて久しい 志那の国 常勝の安倍 コロナに負けた
Abe did not lose the election.
He was defeated by Corona.
Will the Chinese Communist Party be defeated by Corona?(324)
核兵器 抑止の力 過去になり 使うと脅す ならず者共
There are two types of nuclear weapons: strategic nuclear weapons and tactical nuclear weapons.
Putin's Russia, which is invading Ukraine, says it will use tactical nuclear weapons to regain its inferiority.
In Japan, there are intellectuals who still say things that are vague.(323)
プーチンを ロシアの亡霊 金縛り よく知るほどに 哀れに思う
He is strongly hated by people all over the world.
He seems to have an idea that only he can understand.
It's the wrong way, but that's his justice.
It's wrong patriotism.
He is being manipulated by Russian ghosts.(322)
嘆かわし 安倍晋三は この程度 日本銀行を 子会社と言う
I was surprised to see the news on May 11, 2022.
It turns out that the former Japanese Prime Minister considered the central bank to be a "national subcontractor."
He was a student of "Katsuei".(321)
晋三は 勝栄センセの 教え子で 腑に落ちて行く 日本の政治
This person's speech is so low level that it's hard to believe he's a member of parliament.
This person was a tutor of the former Prime Minister of Japan.
Reasonably, Japanese politics is at a low level.(320)
紫陽花が 花芽をつける 梅雨の前 お天道様は ご機嫌斜め
In Japan, there is the word "May sunny".
Now is the beginning of May.
However, the hours of sunshine are short and the days of low temperatures continue.
Weather forecasters do not talk about this extreme weather.
However, onions are the highest price ever.
Even today, the sun is hidden in the clouds and the temperature is low.(319)
素潜りで 次々と獲る 海の幸 カリブの海の 豊かな事よ
The old man wakes up early in the morning.
At such times, it is the television that makes friends with the old man.
Television in the early hours broadcasts images of the world's oceans, mountains, cities, etc. without narration.
Today, Caribbean fishermen were diving to catch fish and shellfish.
The Caribbean fisherman looked happy.(318)
掌中の 玉のように 慈しみ 過ごした日々を いま懐かしむ
The TV program "tanka" featured "Koi no Uta".(317)
暑くなく 寒くもなくて 丁度よい そんな気候が 今懐かしい
I've always thought that the earth is kind, but I realized that it's tough.(316)
雨の中 雀が三羽 飛んでいった お宿はあるか 家に来ないか
Obviously, birds never sleep in a nest with a roof.
Birds get wet on rainy days from birth to death.
It's a battered house, but why don't you come to my house?
If you sleep in my house, you won't get wet in the rain, right?(315)
ゼレンスキー 命をかけた 大統領 バイデンなどは 唯の老い耄れ
I also know that there are criticisms about Zelensky.
But the president is undoubtedly fighting Putin at the risk of his life.
On the other hand, Biden is very weak.
This old American leader is weak to this global crisis.(314)
朝風に 橘薫る 茶摘み歌 五月二日は 八十八夜
♬ The morning breeze in May carries the scent of tachibana, and the carp(koi-nobori) is swimming high in the sky. ♬(313)
♬ 橘薫る朝風に、高く泳ぐや鯉のぼり。 ♬
衰えて 里帰りする 野球びと 稼いだあとの 顔見世興行
Pitcher M was useless.
Pitcher T is also useless.
It goes against Japanese aesthetics.
To be honest, I don't want to see them.(312)
民主主義 普遍的だと 勘違い 専制支配は 世界の潮流
It is difficult to impose values on some countries by raising democracy as the "nishiki no mihata" and saying "we are right."(311)
財務相 善幸・麻生の 七光り ただお飾りの 世襲大臣
It is unfortunate for the Japanese that this person is the Minister of Finance of Japan.
He is not the only one, but at least it is a Japanese misfortune that he is the Minister of Finance.(310)
ロシア国 核の脅しが あからさま 苦しいさ中 これ断末魔
I once heard the voice of a spiny lobster in hot water.
Spiny lobster was making a very painful voice.
Perhaps Russia today is similar to this.
Putin threatens the world with nuclear weapons.
It is the worst act of mankind equivalent to Hitler.(309)
ニッポンも 地下シェルターの 必要が 俄に高まる プーチン戦争
The most peaceful Japan in the world.
The Japanese call themselves "peace bokeh".
A minority of people are aware of "peace blur".
Seeing the tragedy of Ukraine, such a people feel a little bit about themselves.
Only a few.(308)
石川の 参院補欠 選挙戦 投票率は 三割未満
The voter turnout has not reached 30%.
Is this a representative of the inhabitants?
I think it is necessary to set a lower limit for turnout.
We should try to vote as many times as we want until we exceed the lower limit.(307)
プーチンが 国の将来 ぶち壊す 少女はいつか 知ることになる
A girl appears in Putin's propaganda.
She will find out that Putin has ruined future in Russia.(306)
自らの 意思で備える 侵略戦 フィンランドも 民が銃持つ
Ukrainian civilians have guns to fight Putin's army.
Now, in Finland, the threat of Russia attacking is increasing.
Finnish civilians began practicing guns on their own initiative.(305)
ロシア人 DNAに 刻まれた 領土は常に 奪い取るもの
The violent national character of Russians does not change even if the times change.
The value of "taking land from others and expanding it" is engraved in the DNA of Russians.
As long as the world of humankind continues, the world will be annoyed by its national character.(304)
マクロンが 決していいとは 思えぬが ルペンは更に 信用不安
Many of the European leaders were pro-Russia.
Le Pen, the far-right political party in France, is one of them.(303)
知床の 観光船と ウクライナ 地下の人々 命の重さ
A sightseeing boat is wrecked in the sea of Shiretoko, and the lives of 26 people are at stake.
In Ukraine, the lives of about 1,000 ordinary people are at stake in the basement of a steel mill.
Now I'm in a warm room and can eat three times a day.(302)
和歌山の 議会の人の 良識に 敬意を払う 博打は否
The Governor of Wakayama wanted to enrich the prefecture with the profits of gambling.
Same as how antisocial groups do.(301)
終活の短歌集 第三集 第四節
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