パン焼き器で捏ね、取り出して 12等分に丸め ベンチタイムの時に ラップをかぶせて
冷蔵庫で オーバーナイト。
翌朝 1時間ほど室温にもどしてから 円錐形にして くるくる巻いて ロールパンの形状にし、
溶き卵を表面に塗り、オーブン180℃で 10分〜15分 焼きました。
I start baking bread for breakfast.
We had rolls this morning.
Knead ingredients for rolls in a bread baking machine and divide into 12 equal pieces.
Make them balls. Place them on a tray.
Cover it with plastic film and keep it in the refrigerator overnight.
Next morning, let it sit in a room temperature for an hour.
Then make coniform shape and roll to roll form.
Put the dough into an oven (35℃〜40℃) for 40 mins to 50 mins.
The dough will be double in size.
Brush beaten egg on top and bake at 180℃ for 10mins to 15mins.