大阪市主催の OSAKAシティウォークに参加してきました♪
中之島バラ園がスタートとゴールです (約11km)
お天気が良くて 気持ち良く歩けるはずでしたが。。。
中間あたりで 夫は足が痛いといい、
しばらくして私も膝が痛くなり 足の付け根も痛くなりました。
何度も 休憩を入れてゴール間近までたどりつきましたが、
歩数は 19,877歩 !!!
My husband and I joined "OSAKA CITY walk" sponsored by Osaka city.
Nakanoshima-Rose Garden is the start and finish(about 11kms)
It was fine and we were going to walk comfortably。。。
But my husband's feet started to hurt around the halfway point,
Then my left knee started to hurt and then my hips joints started to hurt.
We kept walking while resting many times and we were almost the finish
but we saw the subway station in front of us... so we left the group...
I walked 19,877 steps!!!
地図 map
出発式 Departing ceremony
出発したばかりで元気だったので 中之島公会堂などを撮影♪
We started to walk and still full of energy, took photo of Osaka City Central Public Hall
市役所の横で。 地図を持って ゼッケンをつけて。
At next to Osaka City Hall. I have a map on my left hand and player's number on my bag
After this, I didn't have energy to take pictures
それでも 桜の開花には 元気をもらい、シャッターを押しました。
Cherry blossom bloom cheered me up and I took a photo.
ちょっと坂道になると 痛みがでてきます。
養生して 元気に歩けるようになりたいと思います。
I still carry a little bit of knee pain and pain comes out when it comes to slops.
I will take care of myself and would like to walk well.