**夏のちらし寿司 Summer scattered sushi
1.寿司めしに 釜揚げしらす、千切りのキュウリ、貝割れ、かにかま、千切りのミョウガ、
**茄子とちくわの炊き合わせ Boiled egg plant and tube-shaped fish paste cake
1.食べやすい大きさに切った大根は レンジで加熱します。
茄子は皮に切り込みを入れ 食べやすい大きさに切り 胡麻油で炒めます。
ちくわは 斜め半分に切ります。
2.だし汁とめんつゆで 1.を煮ます。
**空心菜のおひたし Chinese water spinach salad
1.茹でた空心菜を めんつゆで和え 鰹節をのせます。
** Summer scattered sushi
1. Mix sushi-rice with boiled young sardines, thin stripped cucumber, white radish sprouts,
imitation crab sticks, thin stripped Japanese ginger, mitsuba, thin stripped green perillla,
thin omelette cut into strips, thin stripped sweet and sour gingers and grated sesame.
** Boiled egg plant and tube-shaped fish paste cake
1. Cut white raidhs into bite size pieces. and microwave to cook.
Make some cuts on egg plant skins and then cut into bite size pieces.
then sesame oil in a frying pan and stir fry egg plants.
Cut tube-shaped fish paste cakes into half diagonally.
2. Put soup and seasoning soy sauce in a pot and cook 1.
** Chinese water spinach salad
1. Mix boiled Chinese water spinach with seasoning soy sauce and put dried bonito shavings on top.