鶏肉の甘辛揚げ Fried chicken with sugar and soy sauce
**鶏肉の甘辛揚げ Fried chicken with sugar and soy sauce
1.鶏胸肉は 皮と脂を取り除き 棒状に切り、塩を振り、水気をふき取り
小麦粉をまぶして 揚げます。取り出します。
2.フライパンに 酒大2、みりん大2、砂糖大2、醤油大2を煮詰め
1.を加えて 煮絡めます。
**小松菜と豆腐の卵とじ Japanese mustard spinach and tofu with lightly beaten egg
1.小鍋に 水50cc、白だし大1、みりん大1、醤油大1/2に小松菜と豆腐を
煮たて 溶き卵でとじます。
**白菜サラダ Chinese cabbage salad
1.白菜は食べやすい大きさに切り 塩を振り しんなりしたら 絞ります。
**ポテトサラダ Potato salad
1.じゃがいもをレンジで加熱し 熱いうちに甘酢を振りかけます。
冷めてから 茹で卵、塩もみしたキュウリを加え マヨネーズで和えます。
** Fried chicken with sugar and soy sauce (for 2 people)
1. Remove skin and fat from 1 chicken breast. Sprinkle salt and then wipe off moisture.
Cover with flour and then deep fry. Remove from the pan.
2. Put 2tbsp rice wine, 2tbsp sweetened rice wine, 2tbsp sugar and 2tbsp soy sauce
in a frying pan. Bring it to boil and add chicken.
Cook all together.
3. Sprinkle sesame.
** Japanese mustard spinach and tofu with lightly beaten egg
1. Put 50cc water, 1tbsp shirodashi(white soy sauce with soup stock), 1tbsp sweetened
rice wine and 1/2tbsp soy sauce with Japanese mustard spinach and tofu in a
small pot. Bring it to boil and then add beaten egg.
** Chinese cabbage salad
1. Salt chopped Chinese cabbages and when they are tender, wring them dry.
2. Mix 1. with 1tsp sesame oil, 1tsp or less soy sauce and grated sesame.
Sprinkle teared laver.
** Potato salad
1. Microwave potato to cook. While it is hot, season with sweetened vinegar.
Let it cool down.
Salt sliced cucumber and when it is tender, wring it dry.
Mix potato, cucumber and hard-boiled egg with mayonnaise.