鮭かま照り焼き Teriyaki flavored salmon
**鮭かま照り焼き Teriyaki flavored salmon
上2品は パソコン検索して 作りました♪
1.鮭のかま2切れは軽く塩を振ってから 水分をふき取り、
フライパンで焼きます (油は引きません)。
1.に入れて 絡めます。
長ネギを3cmぐらい長さに切り 焼いたものを 添えます。
**竹輪南蛮 Tube‐shaped fish paste cake with vinegar and tartar sauce
1.ちくわ3本は縦半分に切ってから 横半分に切ります。
水大1、酢大1、醤油小1.5、砂糖大1を 回しいれ 絡めます。
**大和まなのごまマヨかけ Yamato-mana (Brassica rapa L. Oleifera Group) with sesami sauce
昨日かごの屋のお料理で、小松菜で作っている小鉢が美味しかったので 真似てみました♪
柚子の皮をみじん切りして、まなに加え 混ぜ、 器に盛ります。
カニときゅうりのモズク酢和え Cucumber and crab meat with vinegared mozuku seaweed
1.きゅうり2/3本は薄切りし、塩を振り しんなりしたら、水洗いして 絞ります。
2.きゅうり、カニ缶の身 を器に盛り、モズク酢1パックをかけます。
** Teriyaki flavored salmon (for 2 people)
1. Sprinkle salt to 2 salmon collars and then wipe off the moisture.
Cook in a fry pan (no need to oil in a fry pan).
2. Mix 3tbsp soy sauce, 2tbso rice wine, 1.5 tbsp sweet rice wine and 1.5tbsp sugar
and then pour over 1. and toss well to mix.
Garnish with grilled 3cm length leek.
** Tube-shaped fish paste cake with vinegar and tartar sauce (for 2 people)
1. Cut 3 tube-shaped fish paste cake in half lengthwise then cut in half crosswise.
Mix with 1tbsp flour and 1tbsp water.
2. Heat 1tbsp oil in a fry pan and cook 1.
Mix 1tbsp water, 1tbsp vinegar, 1.5tsp soy sauce and 1tbsp sugar
and pour over fish cakes and toss well to mix
3. Boil 1 egg and peel the shell then chop.
Mix 2tbsp mayonnaise, 1tsp ketchup, 1/2tsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to make
tartar sauce.
4. Put 2. on serving dishes and pour tartar sauce and sprinkle chopped green leeks.
** Yamato-mana (Brassica rapa L. Oleifera Group) with sesami sauce
There was this dish on my set meal yesterday at Kagonoya restaurant
The taste was good and I tried to cook it.
It was used Japanese mustard spinach instead of Yamato-mana
1. Boil mana then cut into 3 to 4cm length. Mix with seasoning soy sauce and soup (1:1).
Chop yuzu peel finely and mix with mana. Put in serving dishes.
2. Mix 1tsp sesame paste, 2tsp mayonnaise and 1tsp soup and then pour over mana.
** Cucumber and crab meat with vinegared nozuku seaweed (for 2 people)
1. Cut 2/3 cucumber into thin slices. Sprinkle salt. When they are soft then wash with
water and squeeze.
2. Put cucumber and crab meat in serving dishes and pour 1 pack of vinegared
mozuku seaweed.