In the prologue, quotes from the Book of Genesis are shown and narrated, describing God's decision to wipe out humanity. Pilot David Randall flies top-secret photographs from South African astronomer Dr. Emery Bronson to Dr. Cole Hendron in the United States. Hendron, with the assistance of his daughter Joyce, confirms their worst fears: Bronson has discovered that a rogue star named Bellus, accompanied by an Earth-sized planet named Zyra, is on a collision course with Earth. Hendron warns the United Nations that the end of the world is little more than eight months away, with a close pass first by Zyra, before Bellus destroys the Earth nineteen days later. He pleads for the construction of "arks" to transport a lucky few to Zyra in the faint hope that humanity can be saved from extinction. With other scientists scoffing at his claims, his proposal is rejected. ・・・・・・・・
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Richard Derr as David Randall リチャード・デア Barbara Rush as Joyce Hendron バーバラ・ラッシュ Peter Hansen as Dr. Tony Drake ピーター・ハンセン John Hoyt as Sydney Stanton ジョン・ホイト Larry Keating as Dr. Cole Hendron ラリー・キーティング Rachel Ames as Julie Cummings レイチェル・エイムズ Stephen Chase as Dr. George Frye スティーヴン・チェイス Frank Cady as Harold Ferris フランク・キャディ Hayden Rorke as Dr. Emery Bronson ハイデン・ローク Sandro Giglio as Dr. Ottinger サンドロ・ジリオ