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Nutrition reduces the risk of new coronavirus infection

Reduce the risk of new coronavirus transmission

Bimitami and protein



It will be easier.

2: Nutrition

On January 26, 2020, the International Orthomolecular Medical Association published the following news:

→ Coronavirus epidemics can be dramatically slowed or stopped by high doses of vitamin C.

When the body is attacked by the virus, maximizing the body's antioxidant capacity is very important for reducing symptoms and preventing the onset of the disease. There is no evidence of a new coronavirus, but vitamins have been reported to be effective against influenza viruses. Many people think of vitamin C, but the high level of evidence is vitamin D. There is some evidence that vitamin D supplements can prevent influenza, so it will not hurt to take it against the new corona

Coronavirus epidemics can be dramatically slowed or stopped by high doses of vitamin C. Over the past decades, the potent antiviral effects of vitamin C have been exploited in healthcare settings. However, such an antiviral effect of vitamin C, especially an effective approach to coronavirus, is rarely covered in the media.

When the body is attacked by the virus, maximizing the body's antioxidant capacity and immunity is very important to reduce symptoms and prevent the onset of the disease. The environment inside the human body is the most important. Clearly, it is easier to focus on prevention than treat serious illness. However, when you have a serious illness, you must treat it seriously. You should not hesitate to see a medical institution. There is no choice to go or not. If symptoms occur, you can take vitamin C with the drug.
The basics of immunity are sleep, nutrition and chronic disease management.

In the same environment, the difference between infected and non-infected individuals is the difference in autoimmunity.
Be careful of these three points so as not to lose your resistance.

1: sleep

When living organisms are infected with bacteria and viruses, they are broken down in the body, and the substances produced stimulate the production of cytokines and other substances, trigger an immunological defense reaction, and cause fever and non-REM sleep.
Sleeping after a cold or other illness is related not only to the side effects of the drug, but also to the active immune system.
When you get sick, your body works to recover with sleep, but prevention is no different.
Insufficient sleep limits the antibodies and cytokines produced by the immune system overnight, reducing the body's ability to fight off infections and

The following are nutritional therapies recommended by the International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine for the prevention and symptom relief of viral infections.

・ Vitamin C: 3000mg / day
・ Vitamin D: 50μg / day


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