

終活の短歌集 第二章 第七節 501〜549

終活の短歌集 第二章 第七節 501〜549

アメリカの 分断さらに 進みゆく 知米の人の 話しに拠れば 549
If we summarize the opinions of people who know America well, the division will continue to deepen.
At the very least, it seems that Biden's arrival will not bridge the gap of division.
From "Make America Great Again" to "Unity."
Those who resonate with the former will not easily change their mind to the latter.
Doesn't "Unity" sound weak in the face of the desire to return to the great America of the past and restore our (white) existence to the way it once was?
Make America Great Again から Unity
過去に偉大だったアメリカに戻って我々(白人)の存在を嘗てあったように復元しようという欲求の前にはUnityはひ弱に響きはしないだろうか。 2021-01-23 09:34

今場所も こんなのばかり 正代の ドタバタ相撲 なんとかならぬか 548
For some reason, this wrestler is popular.
この力士は何故か人気はある。 2021-01-23 17:51

病院に 入(はい)れぬ人が 死んでいく 表に出ない 感染者数 547
The number of coronavirus infected people waiting at home is increasing, and cases of people dying while waiting at home are being reported.
With so many people waiting at home because hospitals cannot accommodate them, is the number of infected people in Japan really trustworthy?
Some infected people are unable to get tested even if they want to.
Some infected people suspect they are infected but are not getting tested.
These people are not being counted.
そんな人たちがカウントされていない。 2021-01-24 08:38

メルケルは ドイツの母と 敬慕され それらの思い ヨーロッパにも 546
Merkel was a "science girl" living in the east when the Berlin Wall was torn down.
Her retirement is set to end this year, and she is greatly missed by the public.
Merkel had the greatest presence of any German politician since the war.
Her resolute attitude, despite being perplexed in a difficult political situation, was admirable.
She was (was) a politician who could be called the mother of Germany, the mother of Europe, and even the mother of the world.
ドイツの母、ヨーロッパの母、さらには世界の母ともなるような政治家(だった)。 2021-01-24 09:43

観客も 選手もみんな 可哀想 女子駅伝が コロナで中止 545
The Kitakyushu Women's Ekiden has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The New Year Ekiden went ahead, the Hakone Ekiden went ahead, and sumo was held with limited spectators.
It's so sad and I have no words of consolation.
可哀想で慰めの言葉もない。 2021-01-24 10:05

福山が 相も変わらず NO.2 人材不足は 野党も同じ 544
The stagnation of this country is not only due to the Liberal Democratic Party, where hereditary succession is rampant, but also due to the incompetent and lethargic members of the opposition parties.
No bright and talented people are appearing in the Diet, whether from the ruling or opposition parties.
気鋭の才能が与野党を含めて国会に出てこない。 2021-01-24 12:03

とてもいい この日本人 特有の 顔の力士の 大栄翔 543
Congratulations on your victory.
♬♬ Daieisho ♬♬
♬♬ だいえいしょー ♬♬ 2021-01-24 16:54

トランプに 難しかったこと バイデンに 同じく難しい 混迷見える 542
The issues are quite complicated, and since taking office he has issued a flurry of executive orders reversing policies implemented by former President Trump, but the issues are extremely complex.
問題はかなり複雑で、就任して矢継ぎ早にトランプ前大統領が実施した政策を否定する大統領令を出しているが、問題は複雑を極める。 2021-01-24 18:41

野蛮国 三千人を 捕まえた 立って眠るか 収容施設 541
Our neighboring country is still as terrible as ever.
They say they've detained 3,200 people, but are they really going to quickly set up shabby temporary detention facilities where people have to sleep standing up?
It's hard enough to arrest 3,200 people, but it's even harder to detain them while respecting their human rights.
3200人は捕まえるのも大変だが人々の人権を守って収容するのはもっと大変だ。 2021-01-25 11:15

ドドドーン 日向灘は 波高し 浜辺の鳥は 飛んだり跳ねたり 540
The waves that come in from far away in the Pacific Ocean are always rough.
Despite the clear, sunny weather, the waves on Hyuga-Nada are rougher than usual.
There's a loud "boom" sound of the waves crashing against the groud from above.
「ドーン」と言う、波が上から打ち付ける激しい音がしている。 2021-01-25 16:30

シトシトと 五官に沁みる 冬の雨 どんより重く 気持ちも沈む 539
Outside, a dreary winter rain is falling.
外は情緒的な冬の雨が降っている。 2021-01-26 08:51

答弁も 弱々しくて 気の毒で 総理大臣 見るに堪えない 538
Prime Minister Suga's response in the Diet was a pitiful sight.
He is a man who has always had an unhealthy complexion and eye color, but now in the Diet, Suga's voice is weak and he is wobbly on his feet.
Add to that the fact that his cabinet ministers are weak, which invites sympathy.
加えて閣僚が非力であるので同情を誘う。 2021-01-26 11:47

GOTOの 追加予算が やり玉に 不要不急は 経済の肝? 537
"GOTO Travel" is said to be the brainchild of a monster named Nikai from Wakayama.
What we are learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is that non-essential human actions support much of the world's economic activity.
At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic is also teaching us that non-essential activities are also important.
和歌山の二階の妖怪の肝入りだと世間で言われている「GOTO トラベル」。
 2021-01-26 12:03

立ち返れ クーベルタンの 理念まで 今の容(かたち)は その意に非ず 536
We should return to the ideals of the modern Olympics that Coubertin aimed for.
クーベルタンが目指した近代オリンピックの理念に立ち返るべき。 2021-01-26 12:49

雨上がり 悲しい色の 空と海 釣り人もなく 波がチャプチャプ 535
My heart felt heavy as I saw the leaden sky and sea.
鉛色の空と海を見て心が重たくなった。 2021-01-26 16:40

老人が また火事で死ぬ 冬の夜 消したかどうか 思い及ばず 534
This morning, another death that appears to be the result of elderly negligence was reported.
Has society simply accepted this as a normal occurrence?
There are also cases of cars driving the wrong way and people stepping on the brakes by mistake.
There have also been cases of couples committing double suicides because they are tired of caring for one another.
This is the sad reality of elderly people being elderly.
老人の老人故の悲しい現実がある。 2021-01-27 07:53

ベーグルを 食うバイデンは 成程と 妙な笑いを 思わず溢す 533
On his way back from mass, President Biden and his large entourage stopped by a sweet shop and had him (probably his security guards) buy him a bagel.
It makes sense when you imagine Biden with his sweet face stuffing his face with sweet treats.
I'm worried about how he will confront the barbaric country of China, but he'll have to be careful not to get teased by Mr. Xi.
After all, Mr. Trump called him Sleepy Joe.
Mr.トランプからスリーピージョーと言われたのだから。 2021-01-27 09:33

塩鮭を 焼いて大根 摺りおろし 味噌汁焚いて 晩飯にする 532
This is a typical Japanese dinner menu after the war, and I think it can be called a SUSTAINABLE meal.
戦後の一般的な日本人の晩御飯の献立だが、これなどはSUSTAINABLEな食事と言ってもいいと思う。 2021-01-27 19:47

遠山の 清彦さんは 公明党 とっちめられて 米つきバッタ 531
MatsuJun of the Liberal Democratic Party and Kin(Kiyo)-san (of Toyama) of the Komeito Party stayed up until late into the night at a Ginza club, drinking alcohol to listen to petitions.
Kin(Kiyo)-san of the Komeito Party continued to bow his head like a rice-pounding grasshopper on social media.
公明党の清(キン)さんはSNSで米つきバッタのように頭を下げ続けた。 2021-01-28 08:13

ワクチンは 貧しい国の 人が先 戦略物資 なってはならない 530
They do not have enough knowledge about the dangers of the coronavirus.
They probably do not know that vaccinations are available.
Of course, they do not know that people in wealthy countries have already started to get vaccinated.
They are unable to resist the virus even as it approaches.
ウイルスが迫ってきても抵抗できない。 2021-01-28 11:45

水溜まり 小鳥が水を 飲んでいる 飲み終わるまで じっと見て待つ 529
It drinks water, looks around restlessly, then drinks water again.
It knows there is a human watching it intently, and so it must be unsettling as it drinks water while remaining wary of the human.
じっと見ている人間の存在は分かっていて、人間を警戒しながら水を飲むのだから鳥も落ち着かないだろう。 2021-01-29 07:27

中国の 旧正月の 大移動 日本のコロナは あれに始まる 528
This year, just before the Lunar New Year, Chinese authorities are calling for people to refrain from traveling, but if you think about it, the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan began with the mass travel during the Lunar New Year in China last year.
By the time China halted travel, many Chinese people had already entered Japan for the Lunar New Year holidays.
中国が渡航を止めた時には日本には旧正月休暇の中国人が大勢入国していた。 2021-01-29 11:43

歳寒の 三友の梅 今まさに 花を開いて 凛と佇む 527
I saw the first plum blossoms of the year.
They are beautiful, blooming despite the cold weather.
この寒波に耐えて咲く花は美しい。 2021-01-29 16:30

ANA(エーエヌエー) 三千憶の 損失金 日銀券は いくらでも刷る 526
It is unfortunate that ANA is in the red due to the coronavirus self-restraint measures, but it seems that the Japanese government will provide its full support.
The Bank of Japan continues to print large quantities of Bank of Japan notes (banknotes), so 300 billion yen is a piece of cake.
I hope that the coronavirus will be contained so that ANA and JAL can return to operating as normal.
It is obvious that the next Bank of Japan governor after Kuroda will have a hard time.
黒田さんの後の日銀総裁は苦労することは火を見るより明らか。 2021-01-29 17:24

博愛の 移民受け入れ これ以上 続けられない 欧米の人 525
Whether in the United States, Europe, or elsewhere, "humanitarian immigration" will only lead to social division in the future.
The behavior of the people of countries that have accepted immigrants in the past proves that ideals alone have their limits.
理想だけでは限界があるのは過去に移民を受け入れた国々の国民が証明する。 2021-01-29 20:24

ヤシの木が 激しく揺れる 冬の日は 自転車ライダー 気合を入れる 524
Today was one of those days, but I decided to go out on my bike.
As I expected, the wind was strong.
思った通り風がきつかった。  2021-01-30 08:18

振り向けば 麦わら帽子 逆さまに 棚に転がる 冬の夕暮れ 523
Seeing a summer item (straw hat) in the cold season feels strange because it's been a long time since I've had anything to do with it.
I hope it remains upside down on the shelf and waits for summer to come.
どうか棚の上で逆さまのままで夏が来るのを待ってもらいたい。 2021-01-30 10:13

ワクチンが 人間のエゴ 炙り出す 地獄の沙汰も 金が物言う 522
Hell and this world depend on money.
地獄もこの世も金次第。 2021-01-30 11:54

目に見えぬ 微細な生き物 人類の 経済などにも 影響及ぼし 521
I hear that economic inequality is accelerating due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I don't think economic inequality is what God wants, but it seems that economic inequality will widen further around the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
経済格差は神の望むところとは思えないが、コロナ禍で経済格差は世界で更に広がるようだ。 2021-01-30 19:46

重かった 背中の米が ずっしりと リュックサックの 紐がくい込む 520
Nowadays, you don't really go out to buy rice with a backpack on.
It's not like we were in a post-war black market.
But feeling the weight of the food I need to eat on my back as I ride home (by bicycle) is a realization of the reality of food.
しかし自分が食う食料の重さを背中に感じながら(自転車にのって)の家路は何とも食糧のリアリティがあるもんだ。 2021-01-31 07:45

座右の銘? もうそんなもん 無くなった でも一寸待て 初めから無い 519
When I'm born again, I want to keep this motto in mind and live a good life.
次に生まれてくるときはしっかり座右の銘を持って善い人生を送りたい。 2021-01-31 11:39

鴨たちが 天敵隔てる 砂州に群れ 頭を羽に うずめて休む 518
Is it Sunday for the ducks too?
The ducks are huddled together in a sunlit pool on the sandbar, motionless.
Their heads are tucked into their feathers, making their bodies completely round.
首を羽の中に突っ込んで丸々となっている。 2021-01-31 16:57

冷凍の 安いカレイを 塩で揉み 臭みをとって 煮付けにしよう 517
A very common stew of fish such as flounder.
Today, I use frozen flounder.
Technology for preserving fresh food has made remarkable advances in recent years.
冷凍の技術とか、生鮮食料品の保存の技術は最近目覚ましく発達している。 2021-01-31 18:45

野蛮国 また捕まえた 五千人 再び見るか 国の廃れを 516
Even elementary school students know that our neighboring barbarian country has a vast land area.
Just recently, they detained over 3,000 people.
A huge building would be needed to house the total of 8,000 people detained, but aren't they cramming people into chicken coops?
まさか鶏小屋に人間を押し込んでいるのではないか? 2021-02-01 07:46

中国の 海警法が 今日成った 外国船に 弾撃ちまくる 515
That country appears to be a nation governed by the rule of law.
In any case, that country has publicly declared that it will fire on foreign ships.
Prime Minister Suga, are you okay?
We need to be prepared, don't we?
We can't just rely on America, can we?
アメリカ頼みじゃダメとよ? 2021-02-01 11:53

イスラエル 僧侶の葬儀 数千人 イエスキリスト いま何思う 514
From a Japanese perspective, the gods of the religions of that region are intense.
The gods of monotheism are intense.
I'm glad to be Japanese and worship the eight million gods.
わたしは八百万の~を尊崇する日本人で良かった。 2021-02-01 17:16

下村が 出るTBS 小野寺が 出るフジテレビ フジテレビ視る 513
Shimomura, a member of the Diet representing Tokyo, is dishonest.
東京選出の下村という国会議員は不誠実。 2021-02-01 20:23

餌持って 竿を担いで 防波堤 雑魚と戯れ ボウズで帰る 512
I sometimes watch TV programs about fishing.
Fishing by ordinary people who are not fishermen supports a "non-essential industry."
Fishing programs are expected to produce "big catches."
The captain of a recreational fishing boat should show off his skills by taking viewers to places where there are good catches.
The fishing tackle manufacturers who sponsor the program need to prove that their equipment leads to good catches.
Fishing programs feature people catching many fish that are bigger than necessary and bragging about it.
This is clearly the exact opposite of the purpose of the "SDGs."
You should just catch enough fish to eat for yourself and your family.
自分や自分の家族が食べるだけの魚を釣ればいい。 2021-02-02 07:50

北風に 耐えるヤシの木 今まさに 折れはしないか 激しく撓む 511
There is meaning in the power of nature.
Palm trees are tall, and create nutrients through photosynthesis using only a few leaves at the top.
There must be a reason why they grow so tall.
There must also be a reason why they leave the leaves at the top.
Compared to the trunks of the broadleaf trees in this archipelago, the trunks of palm trees look quite strange.
The fibers are firmly connected vertically, so a palm tree trunk will not break in a slight wind.
繊維が縦にしっかり繋がっていて少々の風ではヤシの木の幹は折れない。 2021-02-02 11:49

田崎さん 出るTBS 横粂さん 出るフジテレビ フジテレビ視る 510
I don't like this political journalist.
この政治ジャーナリストはわたしは嫌いだ。 2021-02-02 12:29

桜会 不起訴判断 不当なり 弁護士たちが 審査請求 509
Of course.
Otherwise, we will end up like the barbaric country next door that tramples on the human rights of Hong Kong and the Uighurs.
そうでなければ香港やウイグルの人権を蹂躙する隣の野蛮国と同じことになる。 2021-02-02 13:46

雨上がり 小鳥賑やか 舞い騒ぐ 第六番の 交響曲 508
Beethoven (Germany) 1770-1827 Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68 "Pastoral"
ベートーヴェン(独) 1770〜1827 交響曲 第6番 ヘ長調 作品68 《田 園》 2021-02-03 08:19

看板に 三千万円 千葉白井 コロナ対策 愚かな支出 507
A citizens' group has handed a petition to Mayor Kikuo Kasai of Shirai City, Chiba Prefecture, calling for the city to cancel a project to install warning signs in parks at a budget of approximately 30 million yen to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
新型コロナウイルス感染防止のため、千葉県白井市が約3000万円の予算で公園に注意看板を設置する事業に対し、市民団体が署名簿を笠井喜久雄市長に手渡し、中止を求めた。 2021-02-03 08:39

地獄行き 言い渡された クーデター 愚かな動機 未開のAPE 506
Another military coup in Myanmar.
I don't necessarily support Aung San Suu Kyi, but the masterminds of this coup are definitely going to hell.
必ずしもスー・チー氏を応援するものではないけれどこのクーデターの首謀者達の地獄行きは確定。 2021-02-03 11:12

何故できた? センスでしょう 堀内氏 そらそうだろう 直ぐに頷く 505
Horiuchi's debut was brilliant.
The whole nation witnessed his incredible talent.
When asked (on TV), he replied, "It must be my baseball sense."
(テレビの)質問に彼は「センスでしょうね」と応えた。 2021-02-03 11:50

謝罪する 田村大臣 心底で どこが患部か 分かっているか 504
The coronavirus contact app wasn't working.
It was the same when the 100,000 yen handouts were given out, but it really makes me worried about this country.
When did our country become such a disgrace?
いつからこんな無様な国になったのか。 2021-02-03 17:24

森ヨシロ 老害の極み 辞めなはれ 見っともないよ 身内が哀れ 503
This morning there were a number of (bad) stories about former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori.
One of them was his misogynistic remarks.
The other was that the man from London Boots is declining to be a torchbearer because he couldn't accept Mori's remarks.

When Mori Yoshiro was appointed chairman of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, I think it was an extremely hackneyed personnel move.
It is still fresh in my memory that many Japanese people felt that Mori was appointed because Abe was the prime minister at the time.
But then Abe resigned.

Mori has always been a politician lacking in tact, so it was easy to imagine that he would cause trouble somewhere.
And now the tiger has turned into a cat.
It seems that (Mori Yoshiro) has said that the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will go ahead no matter what the situation with COVID-19 is.
His other half of London Boots does not agree with Mori's thinking, so it seems he will decline to be a torch relay runner.
I support the opinion of his other half of London Boots.
ロンドンブーツの彼を支持する。 2021-02-04 06:37

愛宕山 空気がうまい 下り道 視野の遥かに 東海の里が 502
On the way down the mountain, I feel like I can breathe easier and can appreciate the freshness of the air.
山の下りの道は息も軽やかになって空気の美味さも分かるような気がする。 2021-02-04 10:56

原産地 冬の五輪が 赤信号 天に唾吐き 因果応報 501
The 2022 Winter Olympics, which are scheduled to be held in China, where the new coronavirus originated, are beginning to look uncertain.
It is the law of nature that spit into the sky will come back down.
天に向けて吐いた唾が落ちてくるのは自然の摂理。 2021-02-04

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