

終活の短歌集 第二章 第六節 401〜500

終活の短歌集 第二章 第六節 401〜500

明け方に 赤子のような 声で鳴く 子孫を残す 猫の執念 500
♬ Meow meow meow meow meow ♬
The cat love season has begun.
♬ ニャオーニャオーニャオーニャオー ♬
猫の恋の季節が始った。 2021-02-04 16:42

窓の外 ヤシの並木の 葉が垂れる 北風休みの 自転車日和 499
I heard that the first spring wind blew in the Kanto region yesterday.
Yesterday in Kyushu, the strongest north wind of this winter blew.
I went out for my usual bicycle exercise, but the wind resistance made it difficult to move my bike forward.
Today, the wind has stopped and the weather has become calm.
However, the weather is expected to worsen in the afternoon.
午後からは天気はもう下り坂の予報。 2021-02-05 10:21

森さんの 他に誰がと 言うのなら 止めてしまえ 東京オリパラ 498
The LDP's Secretary-General of the House of Councillors boasts, "Who else could be the right candidate besides Mr. Mori?"
Shame on you.
If that's the case, just stop the Olympics.
そんな五輪なら止めてしまえ。 2021-02-05 17:58

森さんは 集金能力 長けていて 彼無くしては 開催できない 497
The question, "Who else is there besides Mori?" brings to light the reality of the JOC's reliance on his ability to collect funds.
It is time to consider whether humanity will continue to host the Olympics in the future.
The Olympics have become just entertainment.
オリンピックはただのエンターテイメントになった。 2021-02-05 20:02

乱れ髪 カバーを聴いて 下手だねえ ひばりはもっと もっと上手いよ 496
♬ I put my hands on my hair, which is fluttering in the wind.
The red kedashi (Japanese undergarments) flutter in the wind.
"Kedashi" is a part of the undergarments worn by women in Japanese traditional clothing that is rarely seen in modern society.
 ♬ 髪の乱れに〜手をや〜れば〜
      赤い〜蹴出しが〜風に〜舞う〜 ♬
何とも言えない風情。 2021-02-06 08:33

縦縞は 明日は四本 比較的 優しい冬の 気圧配置 495
Tomorrow's forecast shows a winter-like pressure pattern with high pressure in the west and low pressure in the east, but the forecast chart shows four isobars vertically dividing the Japanese archipelago.
There is no doubt that a north wind will blow, but it should be a relatively gentle north wind.
We are gradually experiencing three cold spells and four warm spells.
The cherry blossom buds are still hard but have begun to swell just a little.
♬ Come spring, come quickly, Miyo has started walking ♬
♬ 春よ来い 早く来い 歩き始めた みよちゃんが ♬ 2021-02-06 19:28

御老公 葵の御紋 懐に 世直し行脚 果てなき旅路 494
I've watched the Mito Komon drama series many times, and the world is full of bad people.
♬ Life has its joys and sorrows ♬
♬ 人生樂ありゃ苦〜もあるさ〜 ♬ 2021-02-07

青臭い 議論を軽視 宮家さん クーデターなどに 良し悪しはなし 493
A large number of Myanmar people living in Japan flocked to Tokyo to demonstrate, demanding that the Japanese government pressure the Myanmar military and release Aung San Suu Kyi.
Many of the participants were young people and appeared to have come from all over Japan.
Mr. Miyake, a former Ministry of Foreign Affairs official who recently joined the Suga administration (as a Cabinet Secretariat adviser), gave a commentary on the recent coup in Myanmar on a satellite broadcast last Saturday.
The military is nationalist, and so is Suu Kyi, and the military is also worried about the future of Myanmar, so this is inevitable...? That's what he was trying to say.
It sounded like he meant that something like that could happen as a country matures.
If the reality of the international community cannot be resolved by naive ideals alone, the future of humanity will be a tragedy.
If the national system is underdeveloped, then support in that area should be provided by countries with more advanced national systems.
China's tyranny is also similar to Japan's attitude of tolerating everything except the Senkaku Islands issue in order to develop its economy.
I hope that you will value this naive discussion.
どうか青臭い議論を大事にしていただきたい。 2021-02-07 08:34

人類は 此処に至るも 差別的 コロナワクチン ナショナリズム 492
We often hear the term "vaccine nationalism" these days.
An Ethiopian WHO official, a puppet of China, is sounding the alarm about vaccine nationalism.
Kono is now in charge of vaccines, but ugly vaccine nationalism is also emerging in Europe, affecting the timing of the start of vaccinations in Japan.
 2021-02-07 18:56

浅はかな 人類の知恵 戒める 神の仕置きの コロナウィルス 491
If God created this heaven and earth, then it will be God who will destroy it.
If God created humanity, then it will be God who will admonish humanity.
人は神が造ったものならば人を戒めるのも神だろう。 2021-02-08 07:34

ゲンチャリの 逆走老人 可哀想 どうしてそうなる 意味も分からず 490
A video was broadcast of a moped going the wrong way along the median strip of a road.
The person who provided the video said, "I think it was an elderly person, but I don't know why someone would do something like that."
Elderly people have their limits.
We need the wisdom of society.
社会の知恵が必要なのです。 2021-02-08 09:48

ヒマラヤの 氷河崩壊 ダム現場 下流の洪水は 自然の仕置き 489
The construction of hydroelectric power plants has been a common practice around the world in pursuit of a richer life, but hydroelectric power generation has a large negative impact on the environment.
Construction of this power plant in the Himalayas in India caused a glacier to collapse.
Good luck to APE, who live on this planet called Earth.
この地球という惑星に住むAPE、頑張れ。 2021-02-08 11:13

それは駄目 東国原さん 安部さんを 森さんの後釜 あってはならぬ 488
Higashikokubara-san, your thinking is wrong.
There is no way that Shinzo Abe could succeed Yoshiro Mori.
That should not happen, and it should not be allowed to happen.
そうしてはいけないしそうあってはいけない。 2021-02-08 14:40

お悔みに 出掛けるための 支度する 明日は我が身の 南無阿弥陀仏 487
In winter, the old man's body cries out in pain, exhausted by the cold.
The cold is at its lowest point, and soon the warmth of spring will come.
The cherry blossoms will also bloom.
All he has to do is be patient a little longer.
もう少しの辛抱だ。 2021-02-09 08:08

哀れなり 耄碌という 差別的 古い日本語で 卑しめられて 486
Men and women of all ages from all over the world are bashing Mr. Mori.
Why should he have to endure such humiliation at the age of 83?
Hasn't he already achieved enough in his life?
Mori Yoshiro is being belittled with a Japanese word I haven't heard in a long time, "senile."
The messages seem to be, "Just because he's old doesn't mean he can get away with making such a mistake," "Mr. Mori said it with conviction, not a slip of the tongue," and "It's like declaring that you're going to cross a red light and then actually doing it."
Senile is a Japanese word I haven't heard in a long time, and it's discriminatory.
It's a very miserable end for someone who served as the Prime Minister of Japan.
"Irreplaceable" describes the exhaustion of human resources in Japan.
「余人を以て代えがたし」というのは我が日本の人材の枯渇を言い表している。 2021-02-09 09:04

IOC 態度を変える 森問題 クーベルタンの 復活を待つ 485
In response to the issue of Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Chairman Mori Yoshiro making derogatory remarks about women, such as "a board of directors with a lot of women takes a long time," the International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued an unusual statement on the 9th criticizing Mori, saying, "Mr. Mori's remarks were completely inappropriate and go against the ideals of the Olympics."
東京五輪・パラリンピック組織委員会の森喜朗会長が「女性がたくさん入る理事会は時間がかかる」などと女性を蔑視する発言をした問題を受けて、国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)は9日、「森氏の発言は完全に不適切で、五輪の理念に反している」と批判する異例の声明を発表した。 2021-02-10 06:15

怖ろしや 金の亡者の 株市場 コロナバブルは いつまで続く 484
The Nikkei average has hit its highest level in 30 years, and some are predicting that it will return to the all-time high of the bubble era.
My only word of advice, and perhaps a little jealous, is to only invest in stocks to the extent that it doesn't ruin your life. 2021-02-10 08:51

古池の 狸がまたも 化けの皮 剥げて晒すは 意地悪ババア 483
At this point, it would be best to disband all related organizations and cancel the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
此の際、関連組織は全て解散して東京オリンピック、パラリンピックは中止するのがいい。 2021-02-10 12:09

ひと昔 経って久しく 電気店 浦島太郎 こんな思いか 482
It seems that domestic white goods production has lost market share to later entrants like K and C, but domestically produced white goods are still very durable.
That's why I rarely go to an electronics store (because they don't break or malfunction), but when I occasionally need to go, I notice how many advances have been made in various electrical appliances.
だから(故障しないし壊れないから)めったに電気店に行くことはないが、たまに必要があって行ってみると様々な電化製品が進歩していることに気付かされる。  2021-02-11 07:24

ぶら下がり 記者の弱みが 透けて見え 古池の狸 強面で脅す 481
Yesterday, an old raccoon dog from Edo Village made a frightening face and refused to answer a question from a young male reporter.
The young reporter had clearly succumbed to the raccoon dog's power and turned into a pathetic yes-man.
This strange practice of "burasagari(=hanging)" press conferences should be abolished.
The relationship between politicians and reporters is similar to that between a general contractor and a subcontractor.
政治家と記者の関係が素請け業者と下請け業者の関係構図に似ている。 2021-02-11

人生は ゆっくりでいい 自らに 恥ずかしくない道 歩くのがいい 480
In particular, it's better not to be too embarrassed when you look back on your life when you're older.
特に、老齢になった時に人生を振り返ってあまり恥ずかしくないほうがいい。 2021-02-12 07:53

野蛮国 よく見るがいい 民主主義 国民の声で 一夜で白紙 479
Japanese democracy cannot be said to be very good either.
However, the recent decision to pass the baton from Mori to Kawabuchi was met with poor public reaction, and the decision, which had been decided between the two of them overnight, was scrapped.
This is a successful example of our country's democracy, albeit immature, functioning.
Freedom of speech is guaranteed, so all Japanese people can speak out and express their opinions.
言論の自由が保証されているから日本国民の皆がそれぞれに声を大にして自らの意見を言う。  2021-02-12 16:56

八代亜紀 都はるみも 島倉も 売れて当然 みんな必然 478
Of course, Misora Hibari stands out among them, but there is a reason why these people became popular, had best-selling songs, and became legends.
These entertainers would surely have been popular even if they had debuted half a century later.
In fact, I feel like there are no entertainers with the same brilliance as these people around today.
むしろこの人達のように煌めきをもったエンターテイナーが今はいないような気がしている。 2021-02-13 03:56

解禁と いう日本語を 誤用する TBSテレビに 物申し置く 477
At the risk of becoming a typical example of an old man who preaches about the errors of the Japanese language, I would like to think about this for a moment.
Recently, I feel that the word "kaikin" (removal of the ban) has been used incorrectly on TBS TV in the morning.
On the TV station's programs, they use "kaikin" to mean things like a celebrity's commercial will start airing from today, or a musical work will start being released from today, and so on.
同テレビ局の番組では芸能人のコマーシャルが今日から放映されることになるとか音楽作品が今日から公表されることになるとか、そういう意味のことをこの番組(あさチャン)ではいつも「解禁」と表現している。 2021-02-15 06:51

ワクチンは 貧しい国は 後になる 命の重さは 貧富で決まる 476
Vaccinations against the coronavirus will begin in wealthy countries.
Would it be possible to give 10% of those vaccines to poorer countries?
Treating vaccines as a strategic resource for a country's economy or security is outrageous.
ワクチンを国の経済や安全保障の戦略物資として扱うような行為は外道である。 2021-02-15 11:28

感染者 報告漏れが 八百余 知事の態度が 甚だ不遜 475
It was announced that over 800 cases of coronavirus infections had gone unreported in Tokyo between the end of the year and the beginning of the new year.
Governor Koike simply stated the facts in response to questions from reporters.
When asked why, she spoke as if it was someone else's problem, saying that the public health center was busy or that the system had changed and people were unfamiliar with it.
Needless to say, the whole nation is paying attention to the number of infected people in Tokyo.
This woman lacks sincerity
この女性は誠実さに欠ける。 2021-02-16 06:52

そもそもは 代議士などは 志 寡なければ 成るもので無し 474
There is a Liberal Democratic Party member of the Diet named Ichiro Kamoshita.
He seems to be in charge of vaccine development, and has been appearing on TV a lot recently.
I am concerned about vaccine development in our country.
我が国のワクチン開発が心配される。 2021-02-16 19:36

バイデンさん 何回見ても お年寄り これでアメリカ 上手く運ぶか 473
That question has been unsettling ever since he entered the election campaign.
Obama was a president who was only good at giving speeches, but Biden has inherited that same DNA.
オバマは演説が上手いだけの大統領だったがバイデンはそのDNAを受け継いで登場した。 2021-02-17 07:18

呆れるは 白須賀さんの 掟破り 根治不能の 病の仕業 472
The repeated scandals of former LDP member of the House of Representatives Takaki Shirasuka have generated outrage and dismay from people in his local area.
The scandal follows the departure of three LDP members and the resignation of a Komeito member.
自民党議員三人の離党や公明党議員の辞職があった後の醜聞である。 2021-02-17 15:32

聖子さん ドタバタの末 後釜に これで済むのか さらに迷うのか 471
After retiring from speed skating, Hashimoto Seiko became a member of the Diet, which felt very strange.
She then became the Minister in charge of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which also felt quite strange.
At the House of Councillors Committee on Finance and Banking on March 18th last year, House of Representatives member Aso Taro referred to the "cursed Olympics."
He meant that problems occur with the Olympics every 40 years, and 2020 was one of those years.
Perhaps Aso is thinking to himself right now, "I guess it was just as I said."
多分、麻生さんは今頃内心で「俺の言った通りだろう」と言っている。 2021-02-18 08:13

この先は 他人と会うも 疎くなる 英語学習 矛盾の極み 470
Before I knew it, mastering English had become one of my goals in life.
It is often said that "boy soon becomes old and learning is difficult to accomplish."
Of course, I have known this proverb since my childhood.
I knew it, but I never applied it to my own life.
It is inevitable that from now on, my relationships with the people I knew when I was working will gradually become more distant.
But even so, I want to continue studying the remaining English.
However, even if I acquire English skills, I can't imagine having a conversation with someone in English.
ただし、英語力が身に着いたにしても誰かと英語で会話することはあまり考えられない。 2021-02-18 18:37

食うことが できさえすれば それでよし 贅沢などは 神が許さぬ 469
In 2019, Environment Minister Koizumi Susumu said "I would like to eat steak every day" during a visit to the US to attend the UN Climate Action Summit.
His remarks at the time raised doubts around the world about his qualifications as Environment Minister.
The impact of beef on the global environment has not yet been discussed much, but I believe it will eventually come to the fore as a major theme of the SDGs.
牛肉が地球環境を与えていることはまだあまり議論されていないが、いずれSDGsの大きなテーマとしてクローズアップされることになると考える。 2021-02-19 07:53

竹下が 島根の知事を 注意する そもそも可笑しい 何の権限 468
The Governor of Shimane Prefecture is considering canceling the torch relay, and a member of the Diet representing Shimane, Mr. Takeshita, has said he will warn the Governor about this.
聖火リレーの中止を検討しているという島根県知事に島根選出の国会議員の竹下某がこのことについて島根県知事を呼び出して注意すると息巻いた。 2021-02-19 12:54

終末に 冬の終わりの 南風 四月初旬の ポカポカ陽気 467
The time spent on weather forecasts on television has become much longer than before, and the content is more detailed, covering both micro and macro areas.
Sometimes they even cover a global scale.
Japan is probably the only country in the world that broadcasts weather forecasts in such detail.
And are Japanese people not the only ones who need weather forecasts in this way?
そして天気予報をこれだけ必要とする国民もいないのではないか。 2021-02-20 08:29

古池の 醜い狸 エゴイスト キャリア志向で 虚飾を好む 466
If this ugly female raccoon decides that there is no benefit to her, she will immediately push you away.
自分に利益がないと判断すればこの醜い雌狸は即刻突き放す。 2021-02-22 19:16

悪役の ヘッジファンドを やっつけた アメリカ人の 新たな手段 465
Hedge funds are difficult for the average Japanese person to understand.
The hedge fund was short selling shares in an American game distribution company.
The company's stock price, which should have fallen, skyrocketed.
The cause was a group of individual investors who used securities apps such as Robinhood.
They called for people to buy the stock through online message boards in order to cause short selling hedge funds to make losses.
Hedge fund Melvin Capital reportedly lost billions of dollars.
There are some similarities to the Occupy Wall Street movement that criticized banks after the Lehman Shock, but this seems to be a little different.
However, this incident could make an already precarious money game even more dangerous in the future.
Adam Smith's famous book, "The Wealth of Nations," talks about "God's invisible hand."
Will there be no "invisible hand of God" that punishes the actions of people who are consumed by greed and lose their minds in the money game?
It's scary to imagine the hand of God suddenly plunging into the market and crushing it.
リーマン・ショック後に高まった銀行批判(Occupy Wall Street)の運動と共通するところを感じられなくもないが、だがこれは少し違うようだ。
いきなり神の手を市場に突っ込んできて、グシャと市場を潰すのを想像すると怖い。 2021-02-23 08:15

何でまた 七十五歳が 誤操作で 暴走させて 店に突っ込む 464
Every time an incident like this occurs I think to myself what foolish creatures humans are.
These types of incidents are caused by the unfounded confidence that "I'm different from other people."
These types of accidents will never end.
In fact, they will become even more common from now on.
むしろこれからはもっと多くなる。 2021-02-20 17:41

長男を 別人格と 嘯いて 「まこと」の見えない いつもの答弁 463
"(My eldest son) is around 40 now.
I hardly ever see him.
It seems a bit strange to link him to my eldest son.
I'm a completely different person, you know."
 私、完全に別人格ですからね、もう」 2021-02-21 09:28

世界初 鳥インフルが トリヒトに 感染したと ロシア当局 462
On the 20th of this month, Russian authorities announced that they had reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) the first confirmed case of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N8 subtype).
世界保健機関(WHO)に報告したと発表した。 2021-02-22 08:24

その意見 もっともである 農水相 違いを乗り越え 実現を目指せ 461
I am by no means a supporter of the Constitutional Democratic Party.
I was intrigued by the party's agricultural policy at the House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting in the Diet yesterday.
A lot of time was spent yesterday on the issue of Suga's son and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, but towards the end of the questioning session there was a moment when the party proposed its agricultural policy to Suga.
The party appears to be proposing a plan for a "National Agricultural Corporation."
The proposal was to recruit people who wanted to farm, provide them with technical training, match them with farmland, including in mountainous and hilly areas, and have the government guarantee them a stable income.
その提案とは、農業をしたい人を一括採用して技術指導し、中山間地域を含む田畑のマッチングをおこない、安定した所得を国が保障すると言う内容であった。 2021-02-23 11:40

床の上 抜け毛が二本 真っ白髪 鏡見るより ショックが強い 460
Let's clear my minds and chant the Heart Sutra.
心を虚しゅうして般若心経でも唱えよう。 2021-02-24 07:11

GASUは やはりヤバいと 思う日々 ずっとこれまで 勉強不足 459
When he became Prime Minister, I thought that this man had not studied the basics well when he was younger, and my impression turned out to be correct.
However, Suga became Prime Minister and LDP President through secret negotiations between the monsters of Nagatacho.
In other words, he was only able to take his position because of the desires of those who put factions in politics above the interests of the nation and its people.
This man does not have high enough ambition to take charge of a country, nor the ability to realize it.
The Prime Minister position is not one where you just work hard and that's it.
総理壇人と言うものは頑張っていれば許されるポジションではない。 2021-02-24 20:19

山田さん 破廉恥と言う 日本語を ご存じあるか ご自身のこと 458
Cabinet Public Relations Secretary Yamada Makiko was revealed to have attended entertainment events costing over 70,000 yen per seat with Prime Minister Suga's eldest son while she was Director-General for Internal Affairs and Communications.
It is said that producing beef releases four times as much greenhouse gas as pork with the same calories and five times as much as chicken with the same amount of calories, and beef is becoming increasingly problematic as it emits large amounts of greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
The world was astonished by Environment Minister Koizumi's comment that he wanted to eat steak while attending the United Nations Climate Action Summit to discuss measures to combat global warming.
Apparently, the breakdown of his entertainment, which cost over 70,000 yen per seat, included ultra-premium Wagyu steaks and ultra-premium seafood dishes.
However, it is said that unless ultra-premium wine is served at the table, the total cost per person will not exceed 70,000 yen.
This woman has been nicknamed the woman who never turns down an invitation to a drinking party.
Cabinet Public Relations Secretary Yamada Makiko is probably familiar with the Japanese word for "shameless."
It was reported that the day after NHK's News Watch 9 broadcast in October last year, in which Prime Minister Suga appeared, Cabinet Public Relations Secretary Yamada Makiko called NHK to protest.
It has been announced that the program's anchor, Arima, will be stepping down from the show in March.
Suga is also said to have been involved in the termination of the contract of Kuniya Hiroko, who was anchor of NHK's Close-up Gendai, at the end of March 2016.
It has also been reported that Arima's predecessor on News Watch 9, Okoshi Kensuke, was also removed at the request of the Prime Minister's Office.
It's well known that NHK fears Suga, but the reason is said to be that he has overwhelming influence over the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, having served as Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications in the (first) Abe Cabinet.
The Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications holds the power to grant licenses to broadcasting companies, so if NHK faces the wrath of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, it would be unable to do anything.
2021-02-25 07:47

かかりつけ ワクチン接種を 訊いてみた 出来ない理由は 冷凍設備 457
I asked my regular hospital if they could administer the COVID-19 vaccine.
They replied that they could not administer the vaccine because my regular hospital, which is the core hospital in the area, does not have refrigeration facilities. 2021-02-25 16:44
地域の中核病院であるわたしのかかりつけの病院には冷凍設備がないからワクチン接種は出来ないという返事だった。 2021-02-25 16:44

銭形の 人情十手 捕り物帳 陰で嫁さん 銭の工面 456
In this sword fighting drama, Zenigata Heiji is in love with his wife.
Meanwhile, his wife works hard to obtain Zenigata's weapon, coins, for her beloved husband.
I watch the climax of this sword fighting drama while imagining this hidden story.
そんな裏のストーリーを想像しながらこのチャンバラドラマのクライマックスを見る。 2021-02-25 19:42

日米の 株価下落で 引き攣って 金の亡者の 欲の面皮 455
We only need as much money as we need to live.
That is the will of the Creator.
それが創造の主の思し召しである。  2021-02-26 19:21

菅総理 開き直って 語気強く 記者を脅すよ 苛々モード 454
To all the reporters covering the Prime Minister's Official Residence:
Don't be afraid.
Many people are counting on you to do your best.
Don't be afraid.
怯むな。 2021-02-27 17:54

世の中に 美しきもの 多かりし 最たるものは 人の肉体 453
Everything the Creator has created is beautiful.
The birds in the sky and the fish in the sea are beautiful.
The lion, the king of the beasts, and the tiger of Asia are beautiful.
The flowers, grass, and trees that bloom in the fields are beautiful.
The sea, mountains, sky, rivers, and oceans are beautiful.
And the human body is the most beautiful of all.
Everything on this planet is beautiful.
There is not a single thing that the Creator created without careful attention to detail.
Every single cell is made with the utmost care.
When all these things come together to form a living thing, something beautiful emerges, based on a mind-bogglingly meticulous plan.
それがまとまって一つの生き物となる時に、気が遠くなるくらい緻密な計画の下で、美しいものが現出する。 2021-02-28 07:12

岡っ引き 銭形平次の 銭が飛ぶ 花のお江戸は 八百八町 452
♬ Who calls Zenigata Heiji that?
The glittering Edo is home to 808 towns.
Today too, he will catch the culprit with his speciality, "thowing money" ♬
 ♬ 誰が呼んだか、誰が呼んだか、銭形平次
   きょうも決め手の、きょうも決め手の、銭が飛ぶ  ♬  2021-03-02 07:28

千葉県の 市川市長 またやった 車の次は シャワールーム 451
The mayor of Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, is an incorrigible man.
When will the recall take place?
今でしょう。  2021-03-02 08:11

直美はん ほなやりなはれ あんさんは それがにあうし できるひとやし 450
If I were your father, your friend, or even a complete stranger, I would say: I am proud of you.
I am proud of you. 2021-03-02 12:36

「きれいだな」 思わず口を ついて出る 色も象(かたち)も 冬の夕暮れ 449
What nature creates is far greater than anything humans can create.
As time passes, the color and shape of the skyscape changes little by little.
This is truly a miracle.
これは正しく神業。 2021-03-03 07:05

半世紀 経てあらためて 座頭市 チャンバラ映画の 日本の遺産 448
We're just gangsters who roam illegal gambling dens.
We're the most hated people in the world, so to speak.
言わば天下の嫌われもんだ。  2021-03-06 11:24

小池さん シンギソクの意味 御存じか 信義誠実の 原則を言う 447
"Good faith" is an abbreviation for the principle of good faith, a legal principle that requires that when exercising rights and performing obligations under private law, people living in society must act in good faith so as not to betray the trust and expectations of the other party.
You have betrayed not only Mr. Kuroiwa, but the trust and expectations of many citizens.
あなたは一人黒岩さんのみならず多くの国民の信頼や期待を裏切っている。 2021-03-09 07:11

野心家の アメリカ女が 色仕掛け 英王室を ジャンピングボード 446
There are people like this everywhere in the world.
They are ugly people who use others as a jumping board to pursue their own interests.
Henry is a fool for being used as a jumping board.
This is a historically embarrassing story.
歴史的に世界的に恥ずかしい話。 2021-03-09 08:00

ヘンリーさん やってることが 幼稚です 女王陛下が ご立腹です 445
Even if one preaches to these two people to "be humble," it seems like "preaching to a horse."
Even Buddha threw in the silver spoon, saying "there is no hope."
♬ nanmandah nanmandah nanmandah ♬
♬ nanmandah nanmandah nanmandah ♬ 2021-03-10 07:02

官僚か? 痛めつけられ 意趣返し? 文春砲に 情報漏らす? 444
I don't know how extensive the information network is that Shukan Bunshun has.
But I think this is revenge by bureaucrats and companies who have been given bad treatment by Suga.
Couldn't a leak with that purpose be seen as the source of the information?
Suga is not a man who supports justice, nor is he someone who sides with the weak.
So perhaps someone who has been treated unfairly by Suga is leaking the information.
That's the imagination that I have.
It's not hard to imagine that someone wanting revenge would leak information to Shukan Bunshun.
意趣返しをしたい人なら文春に駆け込むことは想像に難くない。 2021-03-11 09:11

減っている と聞いた雀が かしましく 歩く傍から 二羽で囀る 443
It seems that a scholar has quantified the decline in sparrows.
According to his research, sparrow numbers have fallen to 10% of what they were in 1960.
In the past, I used to find comfort in the chirping of sparrows on the roof as I dozed off in bed on Sunday mornings.
When most houses were made of wood with tiled roofs, both ends of the ridge tiles served as accommodations for sparrows.
We used to see sparrows going in and out of these spaces on a daily basis.
The shape of houses and the materials used for roofing have both changed significantly in the last half century.
It must have become an environment that makes it difficult for sparrows to live in.
While the number of sparrows has decreased, the number of crows is said to be increasing.
It's sad to see the number of sparrows decreasing.
雀の数が減るのは寂しい。 2021-03-12 06:13

炭酸水 今日日少し 飲み始め からだに良いと 噂に聞いた 442
I heard that carbonated water is good for the body, so I did a little research.
Apparently, when carbonated water enters the stomach, the carbon dioxide gas stimulates and rejuvenates the stomach lining.
As a result, intestinal peristalsis is activated, improving digestive activity and bowel movements.
Apparently, if you drink carbonated water to improve your intestinal environment, it's best to drink water with a high hardness.
Apparently, apparently.
Apparently, in an experiment where rats were given carbonated water, the rats gained weight compared to rats that were not given carbonated water.
炭酸水をラットに与えて実験をしたら炭酸水を与えないラットに比べて体重が増えたということもあるらしい。 2021-03-13 06:12

コロナ菌 モグラたたきの 変異株 変幻自在 神出鬼没 441
Of course, coronaviruses do not have the same "will" that humans have.
However, coronaviruses continue to mutate and survive all over the world.
だがコロナウィルスは世界の何処其処で変異をしながら生き残りを図る。 2021-03-14 07:51

照ノ富士 元の大関 返り咲き 応援をする 相撲観戦 440
He won on the first day.
Both commentators Kitanofuji and Mainoumi were concerned about his forceful, unreasonable "throws."
Sumo fans remember that day.
相撲ファンはあの日のことを記憶している。 2021-03-15 07:34

昔から 妻をかみさんと 言ってきた 日本男児は 女卑には非ず 439
"Kamisan" is a word used to call one's own wife or someone else's wife, and is a variation of "Kamisama," a word used to refer to a superior.
「かみさん」は自分の妻や他人の妻を呼ぶ言葉で、目上の人を表す「上様」が変化した言葉である。 2021-03-16 06:45

東風(こち)吹けば 上着の前を 開け放ち からだを冷やす 散歩の帰り 438
When I go outside in the morning, it can be hard to decide what to wear during the change of seasons.
Especially when I exercise, my body gradually warms up, so the clothes I wore when I left the house can be too hot.
特に運動をすると次第に体が温まってきて家から着てきた服では熱すぎることになるからだ。 2021-03-17 06:12

はるみさん 古希過ぎて尚 健在で 嬉しくなるよな コイバナを聞く 437
That was in 1964...
She sang "Anko Tsubaki wa Koi no Hana" with a unique growling melody, leaving a strong impression on us Japanese.
In fact, it seems that "Anko Tsubaki wa Koi no Hana" was not her debut song.
Harumi Miyako was an inconsequential presence to a first-year junior high school student.
The boy had no interest in a super enka singer.
Harumi Miyako gradually changed her singing style.
"Kita no Yado Kara" was a song that sounded like a chrysalis shedding its skin and becoming a beautiful butterfly.
She is a older woman who is 73 this year, apparently born in 1948.
I'm sure she is a very charming older woman in her private life.
I heard a delightful love story.
嬉しくなるような艶話を聞いた。  2021-03-18 06:38

長閑なる 日本の春は この弥生 自粛が重く 心弾まず 436
The Sumida River on a warm spring day.
As boatmen go up and down the river, the drops of water from their oars scatter like flowers.
To what can I compare this view?
♬ 春のうららの隅田川 
ながめを何にたとうべき  ♬  2021-03-19

ビスケット 子供の頃は 舶来の 上等なお菓子 そんな思い出 435
I bought some biscuits for the first time in a while to have with my beer.
It feels really good.
なんか、いい感じだ。 2021-03-20

武田さん ゴロツキの冠 載せましょう 政治の劣化 成れの果て也 434
During a parliamentary questioning session regarding Tohokushinsha's violation of foreign investment regulations, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda instructed a senior official at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications who was about to answer, to "Say you have no recollection of this."
東北新社の外資規制違反を巡る国会質疑で、武田総務大臣は答弁をしようとする総務省幹部に対し、「記憶がないと言え」と指示した。 2021.03.21

韓ドラも ケイポップスも ノーサンキュー 韓国旅行は 死ぬまで封印 433
In the past, I have felt sorry for the people of the Korean Peninsula, but it was all in vain.
わたしには朝鮮半島の人々に対して申し訳ない思いが過去にはあったがそれは無駄であった。 2021-03-21

夜も更けて 街の車も 眠るころ 里の狸も 海の魚も 432
♬ Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are ♬  2021-03-22

日本酒が 美味いと喉が 意見云う 日本人だね つくづくわたし 431
♬ Drinking in a bar alone ♬
♬ ひ〜と〜り〜酒〜場〜で〜 飲〜む〜さ〜け〜は〜 ♬ 2021-03-23

変異株 七割増しで 蔓延って イギリス発って 空飛んでくる 430
It seems that if you take mutant strains lightly, you will be in for a nasty surprise.
変異株というものを軽く考えていると痛い目に遭うようだ。  2021-03-23

風帰れ 桜散らすな まだ早い あと暫くは ここには来るな 429
♬ Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, the March sky as far as the eye can see ♬
♬ 桜 桜 弥生の空は 見渡す限り ♬  2021-03-24

春の陽を 浴びてやわらか 桜花 今年も愛でて こころ安らか 428
♬ ♬ Sakura Sakura / Fields and villages / As far as the eye can see / Mist or clouds / The scent of the morning sun / Sakura Sakura / In full bloom ♬ ♬
♬ ♬ さくら さくら 野山も 里も 見渡す 限り 霞か 雲か 朝日に 匂う さくら さくら 花盛り ♬ ♬  2021-03-25

川沿いの 公園の道 歩く人 日々何思い 何して暮らす 427
♬ Spring ~ Bright and clear Sumida River ~ ♬
♬ は〜るの〜 うら〜ら〜の す〜み〜だがわ〜 ♬  2021-03-26

何故かしら 童謡を今 歌い出す 幼き頃の 深いとこから 426
♬ Spring has come. Spring has come. Where has it come? It has come to the mountains. It has come to the village. It has come to the fields. ♬
♬ 春が来た 春が来た 何処にきた 山に来た 里に来た 野にも来た ♬  2021-03-27

アフリカン 見分けがつかん エイジアン 彼の地に行けば あちらも同じ 425
Is the ability of Japanese people to distinguish Japanese faces the same as the ability of Japanese people to distinguish Japanese speech?
日本人が日本人の顔の見分けが付くのは日本人が日本語を聞き分けることが出来ることと同じであろうか。 2021-03-28

電線で 鳶がそわそわ 落ち着かず 急に降りたり 旋回したり 424
♬ The kite flew around in circles. Hoi~nohoi~ ♬
♬ トンビがくるりと輪を描いた ホ〜イ〜ノホイ〜 ♬ 2021-03-29

宍道湖が 黄砂で見えぬと アナウンサー 空の絹道 飛んで遥かに 423
There is a park overlooking Lake Shinji, and I have been there once.
A local broadcasting station announcer is standing there now saying, "You can't see Lake Shinji because of the yellow sand flying."
The Silk Road is a road of silk.
There is no sea above the Silk Road, so the yellow sand flies through the sky.
絹の道の上空には海はないので黄色い砂は空を飛んでやって来る。 2021-03-30

目黒川 春の桜で 有名に 自粛空しい 群衆花見 422
Self-restraint is weak in the face of strong desires.
自制や自粛は強い欲望の前には弱いものだ。 2021-03-31

普通なら ここは下がると 思うても 株式相場は 人の気次第 421
The irrepressible energy of people who want money drives up stock prices.
金が欲しい人々の抑えきれないエネルギーが株式相場を押し上げる。 2021-04-01

江戸村の 古池の狸は エゴイスト コロナ騒ぎで ご機嫌斜め 420
This female raccoon has a bad temper and it's easy to tell when she's in a bad mood.
この雌狸は修養が足りないので不機嫌になるとすぐ分かる。 2021-04-02

あの山は あんな姿で あったかと ある日突然 目から鱗が 419
The same can be said about women; one day you suddenly realize their inherent beauty.
女性に関しても同じことが言えるが、ある時突然にそのものが有する美しさに気付くことがある。 2021-04-03

簡単に 砂糖醤油で 煮大根 味もしんみり しみて美味なり 418
On a spring evening, let's simmer some radish with sugar and soy sauce and enjoy it as a snack with some sake.
春の夕暮れに煮大根を肴に手酌で一献やるとしようか。 2021-04-04

太古より 東の果てに 生きてきた 西のことなど 知らぬ存ぜぬ 417
Tyuto in Japanese is the Middle East.
Kyokuto in Japanese is the Far East.
These are all ways of expressing locations as seen from Europe.
The Japanese archipelago is located at the far eastern edge when seen from Europe.
中東はmiddle east。
極東はfar east。 
我が群島はあちらから見たら遠い東の端にある。 2021-04-05

高齢者 電動アシスト バイスクル 踏み違いのない 移動手段 416
I am no exception, but you should never assume that your athletic ability will last forever.
わたしもそうだが、運動能力はいつまでもあると思ってはいけない。 2021-04-06

久々に 見る夜の街 さま変わり 何処に消えたか まえの賑わい 415
I walked through the city at night, ravaged by coronavirus.
This is an economic crisis.
これは経済危機だ。 2021-04-08

忍び寄る コロナの陰の 鳥インフル 備えを迫る 次の災い 414
All living things on Earth live according to the principle of survival of species.
地球上のすべての生物は種の保存の原則の通りに生きている。  2021-04-08

リヤカーを 引いて野菜を 売りに来る 農家の人の 野菜いらんかえ〜 413
It's a childhood memory.
A woman from a nearby farm would walk around selling vegetables, calling out in a relaxed, peaceful voice, "Do you want any vegetables?"
近所の農家の婦人が長閑な声で ♫ 野菜いらんかえ〜 ♫ 2021-04-09

大声に  目が覚めて見る オーガスタ アーメンコーナー 松山がイーグル 412
I left the TV on and watched the early morning Masters Golf Tournament.
I was almost asleep while watching the tournament.
I was woken up by the commentator's loud voice.
To my surprise, Matsuyama got an eagle on the 13th hole (Amen Corner).
なんとアーメンコーナー13番で松山がイーグルだ。 2021-04-10

鰤カマを 塩焼きにして 日本酒を 腰据えて飲み 些か過ぎて 411
I see trees of greens , red roses , too.
I see them for me and you.
And I think to myself , what a wonderful world.  2021-04-11

三輪の 桜の下を ウォーキング 戻り返って 別れを惜しむ 410
As I passed under a cherry tree from which all the flowers had seemingly fallen, I noticed that only three flowers remained.
I spent some time admiring the few remaining cherry blossoms.
わたしは僅かに残った桜の花を暫し鑑賞した。 2021-04-12

小泉家 四代目継ぐ 御曹司 世間の熱は 少し冷めたか 409
It is almost common knowledge that hereditary succession of Japanese Diet members is degrading Japanese politics.
This man is one of the prime examples.
その代表的人物の一人がこの人である。  2021-04-14

真夜中に ビュンと唸って 目を覚ます 季節分け目の 春の嵐か 408
Strong winds have been blowing for two nights in a row.
They seem to be from the south, but the atmosphere is probably unstable.
南風のようだが、大気が不安定なのだろう。 2021-04-14

屍を 踏み越えていく 大陸の 黄河の水は 澄むことはなし 407
Namu Amida Butsu
♬ ナンマンダ〜 ナンマンダ〜 ナンマンダ〜 ♬  2021-04-16

ビリビリと マジックテープ  剥がす音  血圧を測る あの頃の母 406
My mother used to monitor her health by measuring her blood pressure every day with a home blood pressure monitor.
Before I knew it, I too had reached that age.
いつしかわたしもそんな年頃になった。 2021-04-15

里芋の 味噌汁旨い 朝ご飯 根もの野菜は 滋養が豊か 405
Root vegetables seem to store the nutrients contained in the soil, and their flavor comes from the nutrients in the soil.
その味もその土の滋養によってもたらされる。 2021-04-17

春が往く 二人よがりの 昼下がり 神の御意志の わざも見事に 404
"Yogaru" means to be satisfied or to express sexual pleasure through voice and facial expression.
「善がる」とは、満足すること、或は、性的な快感を声や表情に表すことを言う。 2021-04-18

眠りから 中華の獅子が 目を覚まし 米は慌てて 泥縄を編む 403
America sometimes betrays its friends for the sake of its national interests.
This was the case when Nixon teamed up with China "over our heads."
The Japanese people must never forget this.
日本人はそのことを忘れてはならない。 2021-04-19

餌をとる 白鷺一羽 美しい 見慣れた干潟 チャリ漕いで往く 402
As Japan's population began to decline, the mountains and rivers steadily regained their beauty.
Birds, butterflies, and animals began to appear there.
そこに鳥や蝶や動物が姿を現す。 2021-04-20

雨止んで 沢の勢い 急にして  山のしじまに 轟きわたる 401
Mt. Atago is steep.
When a heavy rain falls, the rainwater quickly gathers in the stream and flows down, making a thunderous noise.
強い雨が降るとあっという間に雨水が沢に集まって轟音をたてて流れ下る。 2021-04-21

☆ 終活の短歌集 第二章 第六節 ☆
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