

終活の短歌集 第三章 第六節 501〜600

✧  終活の短歌集 第三章 第六節 501〜600 ✧

今はもう 残り少ない 命の日 君に渡すも 気の毒な程
A local TV program introduced an amateur tanka poem with the theme of ``giving.''
I also wrote a tanka poem on that theme. 600

わたしもそのテーマで詠んでみた。 2024.01.18

スニーカー 穴が開くまで 履きつぶす 足裏の皮 土踏んでいる
I felt strange while walking.
When I took off my shoes and looked at the soles, there was a hole the size of my thumb.
It was my first experience. 599

初めての経験だった。 2024.01.17

この唄は いしだあゆみと 言うよりも これから先は 筒美京平
``Blue Light Yokohama'' is, of course, a hit song by Ayumi Ishida.
However, this song is the work of Kyohei Tsutsumi.
If you listen to this song with that in mind, you'll understand. 598

そう思いながらこの曲を聴くと納得する。 2024.01.17

バブル時の 最高株価を 超えていく 根拠不明の 後付け理論
Economic analysts were unable to predict the rise in stock prices over the past few days, and whatever they say sounds like excuses. 597

経済アナリストはここ数日の株高を予想できなかったし、彼らが色々語ってもそれは言い訳にしか聞こえない。 2024.01.16

一時間 経ってカラスは 鳴き止んで 行き交う車 しじまに響く
When I went for a walk in the morning, I heard a crow cawing.
When I returned an hour later, the crows had stopped cawing, and the sound of cars on the road had replaced them. 596

一時間後に戻ってきたらカラスの声は止んでいて、代りに道路を走る車の音がしていた。 2024.01.16

若者の 自動二輪が 始動する 唸りを上げて 勢い盛ん
A young man started the engine of his motorcycle.
The engine is making a strong noise.
He's as energetic as a young man who owns a motorcycle. 595

バイクのオーナーの若者みたいに元気よく。 2024.01.15

国産の 餌を与えて 牛を飼う 田圃や畑 野山の草を
Beef is a food product that is the result of digesting a lot of energy (calories).
We should try to avoid eating beef if possible in order to protect the global environment.
If we have no choice but to eat beef, we should feed it with natural grasses from our own country. 594

止むを得ず牛肉を食べるなら国土に自然に生える草などを餌として牛に与えるべきである。 2024.01.15

無駄に鳴く カラスの声が 彼方此方で 今日一日を 無事に暮らせよ
Not only crows but also other birds sing a lot in the morning.
This morning, I can hear the cries of crows in the distance.
Mr. Crow, spend today safely. 593

カラスさん、今日一日を無事で過ごすのだよ。 2024.01.14

日曜の 朝早くから 鳴り響く 漁業の船の エンジンの音
The sound of ships can be heard on the sea early on a Sunday morning.
Is there any information about large schools of fish coming nearby?
The fishing boat headed toward the open sea with great force. 592

勢いよく外海目指して出て行った。 2024.01.14

ゆっくりと 歩き出したる 寒い朝 万里の道も この一歩から
As we get older, it becomes a chore to wake up on a cold morning and go outside.
So walk slowly at first.
I'm going to aim for 3,000 steps for today's walk, and I'm going to walk without worrying too much. 591

今日の散歩は3000歩を目標として、あまり気負わないで歩くことにする。 2024.01.13

まだ足りぬ もっと励めと 天が謂う 世の辛酸を 舐めてから去ね
I think I've already worked hard enough.
I think I have worked for some people as well.
But heaven will not pardon me.
Heaven tells me to suffer more. 590

もっと苦しめと言う。 2024.01.12

被災地で 盗み働く 罰当たり 公序良俗に 唾吐きかける
I don't want to think that this is the work of my fellow countrymen.
There are people who enter vacant houses evacuated to after the earthquake and steal money and goods. 589

震災を受けて避難している空き家に入って泥棒する輩がいる。 2024.01.11

狼が 牙を剥いたぞ 赤頭巾 周庭さんの 命を狙う
Hong Kong was returned from Britain and was plunged into darkness.
Britain should not have returned Hong Kong.
One country, two systems is the most obvious lie that reveals China's true nature. 588

一国二制度は中国の正体を見せる最も分かりやすい嘘。 2024.01.11

また一人 同じ世代の 人が逝く ハスキーヴォイスで 頂点極めた
Aki Yashiro passed away.
She is one year older than me.
I wasn't a fan of hers, but I heard her songs often.
I have mixed feelings. 587

複雑な思いがある。 2024.01.10

線香で 燃えて落ちたか 目白御殿 往時の威光も 灰に帰したか
Many Japanese people have watched the video of former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka proudly feeding Nishikigoi at his private residence.
The former prime minister's private residence was called Mejiro Palace.
In January 2024, the palace burned down in a fire. 586

その御殿が火事で燃えた。 2024.01.10

殉職の 五人の葬儀 敬礼で 仲間見送る 海保隊員
On January 8th, a funeral was held for five former Japan Coast Guard members who recently died in the Haneda accident.
As a citizen of Japan, I would like to express my gratitude to the five former members of the Japan Coast Guard. 585

国民の一人として5人の元海保隊員に感謝の意を表したい。 2024.01.09

航空機 燃え盛る絵を 見せられて 全員無事は アンビリーバブル
At first, flames were visible in the two rear windows of the aircraft.
After that, the fire spread and the aircraft was engulfed in flames.
I thought all the passengers and crew were dead.
However, all the crew and passengers had escaped through an exit that was not shown on TV.
The actions of the Japanese people were praised around the world during the Great East Japan Earthquake.
The story of the airliner involved in this accident will continue to be talked about throughout the world.
However, on the other hand, we must not forget that five members of the Japan Coast Guard lost their lives in this plane crash. 584

しかしその一方でこの飛行機事故で海上保安庁の職員の命が犠牲になったことを我々は忘れてはならない。 2024.01.09

ブリンケン 成果を出せぬ 是非も無し バイデンも亦 恥を知るべし
It is up to the Jews to believe in the promise of their God.
However, depriving people of other ethnic groups of their homes goes against the common values of humanity.
The only way to stop a war caused by the capture of another ethnic group's residential area is to return that other ethnic group's residential area.
That's what I think. 583

と、わたしは思う。 2024.01.08

七日目は 白一色の 能登半島 行く方知れずを 案じて止まず
The ``72-hour wall'' has long passed.
Yesterday, a 90-year-old woman was rescued from under a destroyed house.
As of today, January 7th, there are still many people missing.
Probably under a broken house. 582

多分壊れた家の下にいる。 2024.01.07

初競りの 鮪の値段の 阿保らしさ 否定はせぬが 秘密にすべし
There are many people in the world who have trouble getting food to eat every day.
What's more, there are days when even drinking water is not available on the Noto Peninsula.
I do not deny that it is a rich man's pleasure to buy a single tuna for more than 100 million yen, but I would like them to stop using the media to advertise it on a large scale.
I want you to do something like that secretly. 581

そのようなことは密かにやって貰いたい。 2024.01.06

犠牲者が 日々増えていく 能登地震 なんだかんだで 救助を阻む 
When I watch TV, everyone lists reasons why they can't rescue people.
Many people feel supportive.
Commanders, please focus more on this crisis. 580

指揮者はもっとこの危機に集中しなさい。 2024.01.06

次々と 被害の様を 映し出す 能登の地震の 救助は進まず
The damage caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake is shown on TV every day.
Due to the geographical conditions of the Noto Peninsula, the extent of the damage cannot be accurately determined.
Even if it turns out that there are people stranded inside the destroyed houses, they cannot be rescued.
There has been no comment from the Ishikawa Prefectural Governor yet.
The overall chain of command for disaster relief is also difficult to understand.
It's frustrating. 579

もどかしい。 2024.01.05

絶頂の マリリン讓さえ あの時は 野球選手を 夫に選んだ
Shohei Otani could very well end up with America's most popular woman as his bride.
Who is the most famous woman in America today?
However, despite Otani's flashy activities, his personal life is solid.
I think he would choose an ordinary Japanese woman as his wife. 578

ごく普通の日本人の女性を妻にすると私は思う。 2024.01.04

能登の國 なゐ震(ふる)襲う 元旦の 一夜明ければ 惨状露わ
Japan is an island nation located off the eastern coast of the Eurasian continent.
Four continental plates are constantly subducting beneath the island nation.
Continuous subduction of continental plates always causes earthquakes.
On New Year's Day, 2024, a large earthquake occurred off the coast of the Noto Peninsula.
The hardships faced by the local people are understandable. 577

地元の人々の艱難は察するに余りある。 2024.01.04

枯芝の 日の出の光に 照らされて 赤き彩り 冬の景色ぞ
The turf grass has withered and turned brown.
The turf grass is wet with morning dew.
The morning sun shines parallel to the ground there, giving the withered turf grass a red color that is difficult to describe.
This is a scenery that can only be seen in winter. 576

これは冬にしか見ることが出来ない景色だ。 2024.01.03

年明けて 住めば都の 安普請 酒を呑んだり テレビを観たり
It's a new year, but there's nothing that feels like a new year.
All I do is drink sake and watch TV in my cheap apartment. 575

安いアパートで日本酒を呑んだりテレビを観たりするだけである。 2024.01.03

この時も 地殻破れて 波起こす 覚悟の上の 日本の島ぞ
The Imperial Household Agency's website states, ``Due to the damage caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, we have decided to cancel the New Year's general visit scheduled for Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.'' a.
Meanwhile, the Hakone Ekiden is being held as scheduled.  574

一方で箱根駅伝は予定通り行われている。 2024.01.02

百均の マフラー巻いて 朝散歩 買って五年 コスパの極み
This tanka was written last year.
This 100 yen muffler of mine is now in its sixth year. 573

ということはこの百円のマフラーは六年目。 2024.01.01

老人は 食うも眠るも 儘ならず 誤魔化しながら 生きていくもの
Old people don't eat much.
Old people don't sleep for very long.
Old people usually have a disease somewhere in their body.
Old people live their lives while trying to trick themselves into such negative factors. 572

老人はそのようなネガティブな要素を自分に誤魔化しながら生きているものだ。 2024.01.01

振袖が 表彰式の 目を奪う 気の毒であり 誇りでもある
I have always believed that one day Japanese clothing would become the world's most luxurious dress.
The other day, there was an awards ceremony for the world championships for women's figure skating, the most glamorous of all sports.
The assistants at the award ceremony were Japanese women wearing Japanese clothes.
The female assistants in kimonos were definitely more beautiful than the women on the podium. 571

表彰台の女性達よりアシスタントの和服の女子達のほうが断然綺麗だった。 2023.12.31

ゴミ袋 咥えて飛んだ 与太ガラス 人の不始末 食い散らかして 
Crows live near human habitats, so they often eat food that humans throw away.
That's why humans have a bad impression of crows.
Crows eat food in garbage bags.
When a human approaches a crow, the crow sneaks away.
It's similar to a person running away from something bad. 570

笑い事をしている人間が逃げて行く姿に似ている。 2023.12.30

徒に 不安を煽る 天気屋さん ファクトだけを 唯云えばよい
I won't say who it is, but the regular weather forecaster on the morning information program speaks in a voice that seems to stir up anxiety.
Since it is a scientific weather forecast, the information should be conveyed to the viewers in a quiet manner.
When calling for evacuation after a tsunami warning has been issued, it makes sense to incorporate emotion into avoiding damage. 569

津波警報が出されたあとに避難を呼び掛ける時などには感情を入れて被害を避ける意味はある。 2023.12.29

今日も亦 奇跡の命 いただいて 令和五年は あと三日なり
Needless to say, being born into this world is the result of a miracle.
It is also difficult to survive safely.
That cannot be done by one's own will alone. 568

それは自分の意思だけではできないことである。 2023.12.29

山の端が 茜の色に 輝いて 今日一日の 始めを告げる
There are low mountains across the bay.
At this time of year, the sun rises over that mountain during a walk.
The morning sun marks the beginning of the day. 567

今日の始まりを朝日が告げる。 2023.12.28

意を決めて 朝も早よから 完稽古 洟水垂れて いざいざ往かん
Runny nose comes out of your nose when you eat warm soup or go out on a cold day.
When I was a child, I often had a runny nose in winter.
When I was in junior high school, I wore a school uniform.
I used to wipe my runny nose with the sleeve of my school uniform. 566

学生服の袖で洟水を拭ったものだ。 2023.12.28

世の中は このようにして 知らずして 戦に向かう 嘗てのように
Those who want war are those who profit from it, such as arms dealers.
Ordinary people probably feel like the war has started before they know it.
The media is stupid and powerless.
That's why we need politicians with high aspirations.
However, that cannot be expected of Japanese politicians who are busy making slush funds. 565

だから高い志をもった政治家が必要なのだ。 2023.12.27

パンパンと 柏手打って 礼拜す 神々しきは 天照す星
The Japanese are a people who have long worshiped the sun.
In particular, there is a custom of worshiping at sunrise called ``Goraiko.''
The longer we live as Japanese, the stronger these feelings become. 564

日本人として長く生きるとその感情はより強いものになる。 2023.12.26

太陽に 様付けて云う 大和人 その訳密かに 思い知る朝
I don't know when the Japanese started calling the sun ``Taiyo.''
However, Japanese people have traditionally worshiped the sun by adding the ``sama'' to it, such as ``Ohi-sama'' or ``Otendo-sama.''
However, Japanese people do not add ``sama'' to sun. 563

しかし日本人は「太陽」には「様」をつけない。 2023.12.25

天性は アフリカ人には 及ばない それでも励め 大和撫子
The National Girls' High School Ekiden Tournament is being broadcast on TV.
International students from Africa show off on a different level. 562

It's like a battle between adults and children.
まるで大人と子供の戦いだ。 2023.12.24

白い息 吐いて寒さを 確かめる 寒行散歩は 生ある証拠 
Even if you're not a child, you want to see your breath turning white on a cold day.
You want to see your breath turn white to see how cold it is. 561

寒さを確かめる為に息が白くなるのを見たがる。 2023.12.24

バリバリと 踏み鳴らし行く 霜柱 この感覚は 何年ぶりかな
The grass at the civic ground was covered in frost.
I walked on the frost pillars making a crunching sound.
I enjoyed the cold morning walk. 560

寒い朝の散歩を楽しんだ。 2023.12.24

娘から 仕事の時間に 便りある 雪一面の 黒白(こくびゃく)の世界
On December 21, 2023, I received an email photo from my daughter in Fukuoka.
A landscape covered in snow is a world of black and white. 559

一面雪の風景は黒と白の世界である。 2023.12.23

年とれば 何事につけ 弱くなる 生きる力も 我慢の程も
I have a habit of taking a shower every morning.
It was a cold morning on December 21st, so I abandoned my daily routine. 558

12月21日は寒い朝なので日課を断念した。 2023.12.22

ジャニーズも 裏金作りも 見逃した この国のメディア あっち向いてホイ
The media was unable to expose on its own the latest incident of slush funds being made using party tickets belonging to members of the Liberal Democratic Party's Abe faction. .
The general public became aware of Johnny Kitagawa's sexual assault issue when it was first picked up by overseas media.
Japan has fallen to second-class politics, media, and economics. 557

政治もメディアも経済も二流に落ちた。 2023.12.21

之よりは 平年よりも 寒い日々 天気の神は 年寄り虐め
If God sends down a cold day from heaven, the elderly will lose the will to live. 556

あまり寒い日を神が天から送り込むならば年寄りは生きる気力を失くしてしまう。 2023.12.21

年の瀬に 葉書値上げの ことを聞く 七円の唄は 今は懐かし
When the program first aired (apparently in 1976), postcards cost 7 yen.
Rokusuke Ei was doing something called ``Seven Yen Song'' (submitted by a member of the public) on his radio program.
At that time, postcards were already more expensive than 7 yen.
I wonder if the general public who posted about the program at that time remember the radio program at that time as much as I do.
The price of postcards has increased. 555

このときに番組の投稿した一般市民は私と同じようにあのときのラジオ番組を思い出しているだろうか。 2023.12.20

スマホ見て マイナス一度に 驚いて 家族にラインで 急ぎ報せる
Morning of December 18, 2023.
The temperature is below zero in Miyazaki, which is known for its warm weather.
It's logical that it's cold. 554

Warm the room using as many heating devices as possible.
可能な限りの暖房器具を使って部屋を暖める。 2023.12.19

かごんまの 熱血漢の 寺尾逝く 今も鮮やか 相撲魂
Terao, a former sumo wrestler, often appeared on television as a commentator after retiring.
Like his sumo, his explanations were easy to understand and I liked them.
On the morning of December 18, 2023, the news reported that he passed away. 553

令和5年12月18日の朝、彼がこの世を去ったとニュースが伝えた。 2023.12.18

上空の 冷たい疾風に 鳶がのる 忙しく羽根を 動かして飛ぶ
The wind speed in the weather forecast is the speed per second.
``Wind speed of 20 meters'' is equivalent to 72 km/hour when converted to a speed of 1 hour.
The kite is flying dashingly on the north wind.
The kite nimbly moves his wings to control his posture. 552

鳶は羽根を機敏に動かしながら自分の姿勢を制御する。 2023.12.18

どんな鳥 ピヨピヨピヨと 聞こえ来る この寒空の 風の間に間に
Today is Sunday, December 17, 2023.
When I go for a walk in the morning, I can hear the birds singing through the cold wind.
If the bird wants it, I want to let it into the house. 551

小鳥が臨むなら家の中に入れてやりたい。 2023.12.17

この冬は 最高気温が 乱高下 七十年の 経験の外
It has been a long time since the term abnormal weather has been established.
Abnormal weather conditions will become even more abnormal.
The Earth will become uninhabitable for humans. 550

人類が生息できない地球になっていく。 2023.12.17

力ずく 金を集めて 出世する 西村などは 下衆の極み
Many people gathered there who wanted to utilize the power of Shinzo Abe and utilize it for their own advancement.
Nishimura is one of them.
This person is famously unpopular.
It is well known that his goal in life is to become prime minister.
The purpose is not to decide what to do after becoming prime minister, but to become prime minister.
That's why Japanese politicians cannot be trusted. 549

だから日本の政治家は信用できない。 2023.12.17

橋本も 裏金つくって 五輪相 眉を顰める 醜聞もあった
A former speed skater became a member of the Diet.
And finally, she became the Minister in charge of the Olympics.
Shortly before that, there were reports that she sexually harassed a male figure skater.
She is currently one of the members of the Diet who is attracting attention for her ``slush funds''. 548

今は「裏金」で注目を集める議員の一人である。 2023.12.16

田崎さん メディアの危機より 政治危機 本末転倒 相も変わらず
It's true that the media may be flying, but the essence of this incident is political corruption.
You are still a pro-government journalist.
I don't see you as a journalist.
You're just an informant. 547

あなたはただの情報屋です。 2023.12.13

裏金を 上納をして 悪代官 今も昔も 亡者の業
All Abe-aligned ministers will be dismissed.
It cannot be helped that these ministers are thought to have bought their current posts with slush funds. 546

これらの閣僚は現在のポストを裏金で買ったと思われても仕方がない。 2023.12.13

見えて来た 金でポストを 買う安倍派 みんな更迭 議員は辞職
Those who have power always lose power.
We are now witnessing a line from the classic Japanese literature, ``The Story of the Heike.'' 545 

平家物語:祇園精舎の鐘の声、諸行無常の響きあり、沙羅双樹の花の色、盛者必衰の理(ことわり)をあらわす。 2023.12.12

連日の 大谷移籍 報道が やっと収まる 師走十二日
He has been transferred from the Angels to the Dodgers.
The media reports how large his contract bonus is.
Otani is a smart person.
Shut up the media. 544

メディアは黙れ。 2023.12.12

散歩して 自販機寄って コーラ買う 晩飯前の 腹はいっぱい
I thought I'd like to have a coke once in a while, so I bought one from a vending machine.
I was a little surprised that the amount was larger than I expected.
Since it's a liquid, it might leave my body quickly, but the coke made me feel full. 543

液体だからすぐに体外へ出てしまうかも知れないがコーラで満腹になった。 2023.12.11

芸能の フィギュアスケート 虚飾なり 違和感覚え 中継を切る
A medalist got divorced and TV reported it.
This sport is full of vanity.
Figure skating is a category of entertainment. 542

フィギュアスケートは芸能の範疇である。 2023.12.10

セーターの 毛玉をとって あと一年 袖を通して 寿命と決める
I'm an old-fashioned person, so I value things.
Even if there are no campaigns on TV, I live by the SDGs on a daily basis.
I use scissors to cut out every pill from my sweaters and wear them for years. 541

セーターの毛玉を一つひとつ鋏で切り取って何年も着用する。 2023.12.09

犯罪が 極悪になる 日本人 安全社会は 風前の灯
Crime prevention experts say it's a good idea to lock your door even when you go to throw away trash.
In the past, Japanese people used to sleep with the windows facing the garden open. 540

日本人は昔は庭に面する窓を開け放って寝たものだが。 2023.12.08

人間を 守るが爲の 防潮堤 風を殺して 景観を没す
This is called a desolate scene.
It's a desolate scene, but I guess they're making it because it's necessary. 539

殺風景なんだけど必要だから作っているのだろう。 2023.12.07

マラソンを 百三十二回の 凄い奴 今日は防府で 優勝ゴール
This person is an extraordinary Superman.
There has never been anyone like him in the marathon world, and there never will be. 538

マラソン界にこんな選手はこれまでいなかったし、この先もいない。 2023.12.04

格別な 谷村新司の 別れから 早も一月 功績を思う
Many Japanese people were influenced in no small part by the songs produced by this person.
I feel this when I come into contact with this person's work again. 537


年寄りを 突き放すよな 仕打ちかな 夏の暑さも 冬の寒さも
Old people often die in winter.
Your body will no longer be able to handle the heat or cold compared to when you were young.
This is also a law of nature. 536

これも自然の摂理である。 2023.12.03

刈られても また刈られても 生えてくる その性根を 君(僕)にあげたい
Weeds do not have any particular intention, but they always sprout even if they are stepped on or mowed down.
It is desirable for people to have a personality that allows them to take the next action even if they fail at something. 535

人間も何かに失敗しても次のアクションを起こすことができるような性格が望ましい。 2023.12.03

日陰から ひなたに出れば 暖かい お天道さまの こころを受けて
December 2, 2023.
The coldest morning this winter.
The moment the sunlight hit my back, I felt warm.
It is the warmth of the sun's heart. 534

それは正にお日様の心の暖かさである。 2023.12.02

イスラエル 独善的な 神のもと 長い年月 迫害受ける
America's support for Israel stands out.
America's support for Israel is not new, but America faces the same criticisms that Israel receives.
Jews will continue to be hated throughout the world. 533

この先もユダヤ人は世界中から嫌われることになる。 2023.12.02

寝てる間も あたまグルグル 働いて 仕事の事を 往ったり来たり
When I sent my tanka to my daughter, she said, ``It's the same as me.''
Because we are parent and child. 532

親子だから。 2023.12.02

アイノロイ 若い女に こんな歌 歌わせる奴 わたしは嫌い
A young woman sings a song titled Love and Curse.
We must not allow the mentality that she can do anything as long as it makes money.
It is on an NHK song program. 531

NHKの歌の番組でのこと。 2023.12.02

これほどに 人気なければ わたしなら 政権投げ出し 田舎に下る
The prime minister of our country is wearing tax increase glasses.
The cabinet's approval rating continues to decline and is already in the danger zone.
However, this person continues to serve as Prime Minister.
Politicians are an extremely brazen breed. 530

政治家とは極めて図々しい人種である。 2023.12.02

気が付けば サプリメントを 飲むことに 此処に至れば 致し方なし
I have tried not to take supplements as much as possible.
However, now that I am old enough, I can no longer eat much.
If that's the case, I can now take supplements to get the nutrients I need to move my body from sources other than food. 529

であるなら、もうサプリメントで体を動かすために必要な栄養素は食事以外からも摂取していい。 2023.11.30

大学で 大麻を吸って 逮捕され 親の心を 察して悲し
Nihon University has been hit hard, including by its graduates.
My true opinion is that I have not recognized Nihon University as a university for a long time. 528

私の本音言えば、日本大学のことはずっと昔から大学とは認めていない。 2023.11.29

目が覚めて 今日も地道に お勉強 たまに無意識 English
How much should I study to master English?
I'm still not trying hard enough.
Even so, sometimes English sentences come out of my mouth without thinking. 527

それでもたまに何気なく英語のセンテンスが口から出ることがある。 2023.11.28

NHK フィギュアスケート 世界戦 欲にかられた 功名が辻
Maybe I'm biased against figure skating.
If that's the case, the reason is the man who won the Olympics twice in a row. 526

そうであるならばその原因は五輪二連覇のあの人である。 2023.11.28

色仕掛け ホストクラブが 誘いこむ 出るに出られぬ 女の地獄
In Japan, there is a bad sex shop called host club.
When it first came out, I thought it was a place where rich women paid a lot of money to hang out with young, beautiful men.
This host club has been in a very bad state recently.
A young woman is being brutalized.
This host club endangers Japanese society.
Host clubs are not necessary in Japan. 525

ホストクラブは日本には不要だ。 5023.11.27

張本の 妹の美和 どうかして パリの五輪に 行く道ないか
This table tennis player is still a junior high school student.
But her ability is the best in Japan.
There are rules regarding the selection of Olympic athletes.
She improved so quickly that under the Olympic athlete selection rules, she would not be selected to represent the Olympic team. 524

彼女があまりに急速に実力をつけたからその選考ルールでは代表に選ばれないのである。 2023.11.27

中朝に 贖罪のこころ 持っていた 次第次第に 嫌悪になった
Satellite TV shows many Korean movies.
I don't watch Korean movies like that.
I don't even listen to K-pop.
When I was young, I had a feeling of atoning for Japan's past sins, but that feeling has disappeared now. 523

若い時は日本が侵した罪を贖罪する気持ちがあったが今はなくなった。 2023.11.26

何となく 落ち着きのない 日曜日 頭の奥に 仕事の運び
I am working as a contract worker.
The salary is not large.
I don't think my responsibilities are too heavy, but I'm always worried about work. 522

責任も重くないはずだが仕事の不安がいつも頭にある。 2023.11.26

バイデンは もうお爺さん アメリカの 大統領は 国益を逸す
I'm an old man, but US President Biden is even older.
It is common knowledge that people's abilities decline as they get older.
Obama was also incompetent, but this president is not only incompetent but also old.
However, after the recent U.S.-China summit meeting, he made a fine play.
As he left the press conference, a reporter asked him, ``Do you think Xi Jinping is dictatorial?''
He said "Yes".
Good job! 521

グッドジョブ! 2023.11.26

より早く 上達したい 英会話 否いや待てよ 死ぬまででいい 
For example, pianists spend a lot of time a day taking lessons to become top-notch pianists.
My English conversation skills probably won't improve unless I spend just as much time on them.
With my current efforts, I won't be able to master English by studying until I die. 520

私の今の努力では死ぬまで勉強して英語はマスターできない。 2023.11.26

心臓が 凍てつくような 寒い朝 特急列車が 頑張ってはしる
It's midwinter cold this morning.
I walk slowly so as not to put stress on my heart.
The express train went down.
Just as I was thinking that, the upbound express train left.
Despite the cold, the express trains are busy. 519

寒いのに特急列車は忙しい。 2023.11.26

六四で 霧島の勝ち 予想する 熱海富士には まだ早過ぎる
The results were as expected.
I look forward to the future of Atami Fuji. 518

熱海富士の将来を楽しみにしている。 2023.11.25

もののふが 裸一貫 勝負する 九州場所は 明日千秋楽
A figure skating competition is being held at the same time.
I would definitely choose sumo wrestling. 517

わたしは断然大相撲を選ぶ。 2023.11.25

アン・シャーリー 君ならどうする この場面 休みの日にも 仕事を案じる
Even if it's not a real person, it might be a good idea for me to talk to someone I trust, imagining as if she were there. 516

それが実在しない人であっても、あたかもそこにいるかのように想像して、その信頼できる人に相談することはいい考えかも知れない。 2023.11.25

今年叉 卵の値段 上がるよな シーズン初の 養鶏インフル
If avian influenza is confirmed, all chickens raised there will be culled.
This is proof that it is a very dangerous infectious disease.
Experts fear that bird flu could become a contagious disease that can be transmitted to humans. 515

鳥インフルエンザが人間に感染する感染症になることを専門家は恐れている。 2023.11.25

良俗が 失われ行く この頃に 見聞きすること 往時に照らす
At first it was television.
A large number of American songs and movies entered Japan.
Nowadays, various media such as the Internet bring in various values.
People began to fly to this country in large numbers. 514

人も空を飛んでこの国に大勢やってくるようになった。 2023.11.25

此の儘に 此処で死んでも 悔いは無し よくぞ此処まで 生き存えた
I lived 30 years longer than I even vaguely expected.
I'm just an old man with no status or wealth. 513

地位も財産もないただの老人だ。 2023.11.25

大麻グミ 次の一手と 嘯いて 規制のあとも 悪魔の所業
Laws have meaning.
We do not create meaningless laws.
It's definitely going to be the worst life ever. 512 

最悪の人生になることは間違いない。 2023.11.25

荘厳な 宇宙の景色を 今日も亦 ぐるり見上げて 深く息する
Arabs living in Palestine look up at Israeli fighter jets every day.
This is the result of the establishment of the state of Israel on the land of Palestine.
Since then, Arabs living in Palestine have suffered. 511

それ以来パレスチナに住むアラブ人が被害を受けている。 2023.11.24

大栄翔 そんな相撲が とれるのか 小兵力士を じっと見て立つ 
This person's sumo is a type of sumo in which he pushes his opponent straight.
On the twelfth day of the Kyushu tournament, where he had a number of losses, he looked at his opponent and calmly wrestled. 510

少し負けの数が多い九州場所の十二日目は相手をじっと見て落ち着いて相撲をとった。 2023.11.23

日の出して 烏姦し 冬の海 土木の船は エンジン起こす
The scenery where you can hear crows cawing at sunrise is an extremely peaceful scene.
Arabs living in Palestine are attacked by Israel every day.
-0The founding of Israel should be reexamined. 509

イスラエルの建国をもう一度検証すべきである。 2023.11.23

暖かい 勤労感謝の 一日は お天道さまの 優しい恵み
Today is a warm morning that looks like it will be a nice early spring day.
Today is the day to thank people for their work.
Labor Thanksgiving Day has become more meaningful than when the holiday was created. 508

勤労感謝の日は、この祝日が出来た当時より意味が深くなった。 2023.11.23

ご先祖を 抱いて引っ越す 七拾弐 生まれてずっと この人達と
The last time I moved, I stayed at my new address for a day, leaving my Buddhist altar dedicated to my ancestors at my old address.
That night, I felt a sense of sadness that is hard to express. 507

私はその日の夜に何か表現しにくい心細い思いを感じた。 2023.11.22

この頃は AIがニュース 読み上げる 生身の人の 声で聞きたい
The Japanese government appears to be active in utilizing AI.
Although the negative effects of AI are gradually becoming clearer, the use of AI continues to advance despite this.
I don't like listening to AI read news manuscripts. 506

わたしはAIがニュース原稿を読むのを聞くのは好きではない。 2023.11.22

豊昇龍 大関の地位 早過ぎた 心技体とも いまだに未熟
I have always felt uncomfortable with the sumo wrestling of this man's uncle, Yokozuna.
The success of this man's uncle, Yokozuna, subsequently encouraged young Mongolians to come to Japan who wanted to be as successful as Yokozuna.
As an extension of that, another yokozuna, who I consider to be the least like a yokozuna, will be born.
I am looking again at a scene I once saw. 505

わたしはいつか見た光景を再び見ている。 2023.11.21

大栄翔 中日三敗 伸び悩み 己が相撲道 迷わず進め
This person's sumo wrestling is one in which he pushes his opponent in a straight line.
I feel like this person's heart is also stretching in a straight line.
That's why his straight-line sumo wrestling sometimes puts him in difficult situations. 504

だからこそ彼の一直線の相撲が自らを苦しい状況にすることもある。 2023.11.21

土々呂にも 霧島山が 一つある ずっと昔は 波打つ岬 
The place name Kirishima is a name given to an island in the sea that is often covered in fog, and is probably found throughout Japan.
Especially famous is Kirishima, the main peak of the Kirishima mountain range located on the border between Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures.
Kirishima is a high and beautiful mountain that I saw every day when I was young.
Kirishima in Totoro is an ordinary place, but I believe that long ago it was a cape that jutted out into the sea. 503

土々呂の霧島は平凡だがずっと昔は海に突き出た岬であったと私は思っています。 2023.11.20

あのときの 千鳥じゃないか 傍にくる 冬の装い モコモコの羽根
n Japan, there is a folk tale about Urashima Taro.
Urashima Taro went to Ryugu Castle under the guidance of the turtle he had once saved.
Maybe I'm unconsciously hoping for that.  502

私は無意識にそれを求めているのかも知れない。 2023.11.20

図らずも 反イスラエル 反ユダヤ 八十年を経て ドイツに起きる 
It is difficult for Japanese people to understand the sense of discrimination against Jews in Europe.
The founding of Israel was brought about not only by Germany, but by the whole of Europe's sense of redemption.
However, Israel has now become a nuclear military power and a threat to neighboring countries.
And Israel has been massacring Arabs living in Palestine since before the establishment of Israel.
If the people of Israel were to lose their country next time, they would wander the world forever. 501

次にイスラエルの人々が国を失うことがあれば永遠に世界を彷徨うことになる。 2023.11.19

✧  終活の短歌集 第三章 第六節 ✧
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