レンジで茶碗蒸し Traditional Japanese steamed egg custard in microwave
**レンジで茶碗蒸し Traditional Japanese steamed egg custard in microwave
1.卵:だし汁=1:3にして 一度超し 耐熱容器に 具と入れます。
2.ラップに 爪楊枝で10カ所ぐらい穴を開け ふんわりとかけます。
まず2分かけ 10秒づつ 様子を見ながら3回ぐらい かけます。
**なすの味噌田楽 Egg plant with miso paste
1.なすびを2cm厚さの輪切りにして 油を引いたフライパンで 両面焼きます。
2.赤味噌にさとう、みりんを入れて よく混ぜ レンジにかけます。
白味噌にもさとう、みりんを入れて よく混ぜ レンジにかけます。
3.なすびに2.を塗り 赤味噌の方に すりごまを振り 白味噌のほうには
**握り寿司 Hand-rolled sushi
** Traditional Japanese steamed egg custard in microwave
1. Mix egg and soup (1:3) and strain, Put with some ingredients in individual
heat-proof containers.
2. Prick about 10 holes in plastic film with a toothpick and cover the container with it.
First microwave for 2 mins. and then 10 secs. See how it works and then 10 secs.
and see how it works and then 10 secs.
Maybe do three times or more.
** Egg plant with miso paste
1. Cut egg plant into 2cm width slices Oil a frying pan and bake them on both sides.
2. Mix dark-brown miso with sugar and mirin (sweet rice wine) and microwave to cook.
Mix light-brown miso with sugar and mirin and then microwave to cook too.
3. Spread 2. on egg plants. Sprinkle grated sesame on dark miso and green laver on light colored miso.
** Hand-rolled sushi