さわらの蒲焼き Boiled Spanish mackerel "Kabayaki"
さわらの蒲焼き Boiled Spanish mackerel "Kabayaki"
1.さわら180gぐらいを 適当な大きさに切り、塩、こしょうを振ります。
水分をふき取り 片栗粉をまぶします。
2.油を引いたフライパンで 1.を焼きます。お皿に取りだします。
とろみが出たら、2.のさわらを入れて 絡めます。
じゃがいもとアボカドのサラダ Potato and avocado salad
アボカド1/2個は 一口大に切ります。
ほうれん草としいたけのおひたし Boiled spinach and shiitake mushroom in Japanese broth
1.ほうれん草1/2把 を熱湯で茹で、水にとり、絞り、3cm長さに切ります。
しいたけ1個は 薄切りして、熱湯で茹でます。
2.だし汁50cc、薄口醤油大1/2、砂糖少々 に 1.を入れ混ぜて 浸します。
ピーマンとちりめんじゃこの炒め物 Fried green peppers and dried young sardines
みりんとだし醤油で味付けし、すりごまを加えて 炒めます。
** Boiled Spanish mackerel "Kabayaki"
1. Cut 180g Spanish mackerel into appropriately sized pieces. Salt and pepper.
Wipe off extra moisture and then cover with starch.
2. Oil a fry pan and cook 1. Take them out.
3. Wipe the fry pan then put 50cc rice wine, 1.5tbsp soy sauce, 1.5tbsp sweet rice wine
and 2tbs or less sugar and boil down to a proper consistency.
Add 2. and mix with the broth.
4. Garnish with grilled green pepper (Manganji Temple green pepper).
** Potato and avocado salad (for 2 people)
1. Peel 1 potote and then cut into bite size pieces. Microwave until cooked.
Cut 1/2 avocado into bite size pieces.
Cut pickled gherkins (proper quantity) into thin slices.
2. Mix 1. with mayonnaise.
** Boiled spinach and shiitake mushroom in Japanese broth (for 2 people)
1. Boil 1/2 spinach in hot water. Soak in water then squeeze. Cut into 3cm length.
Cut 1 shiitake mushroom into thin slices. Boil in hot water. Drain.
2. Mix 50cc Japanese soup, 1/2 tbsp thin soy sauce and a pinch of sugar.
Add 1. Mix and soak.
** Fried green peppers and dried young sardines
1. Cut green peppers into strips.
2. Sesame oil in a fry pan and stir fry green peppers and dried young sardines.
Season with sweet rice wine and seasoning soy sauce.
Add grated sesame and stir fry.
** Steamed rice with dried young sardines and ponzu