今回のご紹介はジャン・フレデリック・ジョリオ=キューリーですが、J-F・ジョリオ=キューリーはフランスパリに生まれ、亡くなるまでパリで暮らしました。そんな人の58年の人生のご紹介です。名前の綴りはJean Frédéric Joliot-Curieとなります。著名なキューリー夫妻の娘婿としてご紹介するとわかりやすいでしょうか。つまり、義理の父はピエール・キュリー、義理の母はマリー・キュリー。義理の妹はエーヴ・キュリーとなります。
Introducing this time is Jean Frederick Jorio-Curie, but JF Jorio-Curie was born in Paris, France and lived in Paris until his death. This is an introduction to such a person's 58-year life. His name is spelled Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie. Is it easy to introduce as the son-in-law of the famous Mr. and Mrs. Curie? That is, his father-in-law is Pierre Curie and his mother-in-law is Marie Curie. His sister-in-law will be Ave Curie.
In this introduction, I will introduce you to Frederick, who became an assistant to Marie Curie at the Radium Institute. He got to know Mali's daughter Irene at the institute and deepened his relationship. Soon the two got married. At that point he changed his surname to "Jorio-Curie". Jorio was the name of Frederick's lineage and Curie was the name of Irene's lineage. The two will later receive the Nobel Prize together.
The couple of Frederick and Irene studied the process of reaction to isotopes and created a new substance. Specifically, when aluminum was irradiated with alpha rays, the artificial radioisotope 30P (phosphorus 30) was generated. Frederick then joined the project to build France's first nuclear reactor in 1947 as Secretary of the French Atomic Energy Agency. There seems to be some debate about the peaceful use of nuclear energy and its impact on the environment, but he is one of the most influential people in France's current power mix.
As a political activity, Frederick participated in the resistance movement against Nazi Germany during World War II. And after the end of the war, he was also the president of the French National Center for Scientific Research and a professor at Collège de France, while working for the French Atomic Energy Agency mentioned above. He and others have worked extensively with the founding of the Pugwash Conference (an international conference calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons and war), the first chairman of the World Peace Council, and members of the French Communist Party.
As an educator, Frederick teaches physics to Toshiko Yuasa, Japan's first female physicist. I think that achievement is also fresh for us Japanese. It can be said that he really had a variety of charms.
A more surprising aspect is the relationship with judo. Frederick was the Honorary Chairman of the French Jiu-Jitsu Club. He was also in the position of Judo founder Jigoro Kano. You can see how Frederick was loved by the French people.
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