Bartolomé Esteban Murillo painted historical and religious scenes, portraits, and still lifes in oil and fresco during
宗教的な 風景 肖像画 静物 フレスコ画
the golden era of Spanish art. Known for his dramatic lighting, radiant color palette, and versatility, Murillo
光り輝く 多彩
brought to life a wide range of subjects, from the grandeur of his Immaculate Conception to the casual grace of
命を吹き込む 雄大さ 汚れのない
Two Women at a Window.
Although his exact birthdate is unknown, he was baptized on New Year’s Day 1618 in Seville’s Church of St.
誕生日 洗礼する セビリア
Mary Magdalen and lived in Seville most of his life. Studying with the accomplished painter Juan del Castillo, a
成熟した フアン・デル・カスティーリョ
relative on his mother’s side of the family, Murillo would eventually surpass his master and be considered the
head of what became known as the “Sevillian School” of the Baroque era.
Renowned for his Independent spirit, Murillo cultivated his own style of painting, incorporating Flemish and
名高い 育てる 組み込む フレマンの
Venetian influences and evolving throughout his career. During two extended trips to Madrid, he was introduced
ベニスの 発達させる
to Diego Velázquez and exposed to works by Venetian and Flemish masters, which deeply influenced his own
work. In turn, Murillo’s paintings would go on to influence such future masters as Thomas Gainsborough and
今度は トマス・ゲインズバラ
Jean-Baptiste Greuze.
In honor of his 400th anniversary, a series of major exhibitions celebrating Murillo’s work is opening at Seville’s
Museum of Fine Arts, bringing home the artist’s work from renowned collections all over the world. Guided
tours, concerts, and other cultural activities combine to make this the “Year of Murillo.”
Happy Anniversary, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo!
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