2 統計処理−バラツキ
2.1 データの抽出
◆場面1 鷺を打つ
とある広い沼のはるか向うに、鷺が一羽おりていた。銀色に光る水が一筋うねっている側の黒ずんだ土の上に、鷺は綿を一つまみ投げたように見えている。 A1B2C2D2
ふと小姓の一人が、あれが撃てるだろうかと言い出したが、衆議は所詮打てぬということにきまった。 A1B1C2D1
甚五郎は最初黙って聞いていたが、皆が撃てぬと言い切ったあとで、独語のように「なに撃てぬにも限らぬ」とつぶやいた。 A2B2C1D2
それを蜂谷という小姓(こしょう)が聞き咎めて、「おぬし一人がそう思うなら、撃ってみるがよい」と言った。 A1B1C1D2
「随分撃ってみてもよいが、何か賭けるか」と甚五郎が言うと、蜂谷が「今ここに持っている物をなんでも賭きょう」と言った。 A2B1C1D2
「よし、そんなら撃ってみる」と言って、甚五郎は信康の前に出て許しを請うた。 A2B1C2D2
信康は興ある事と思って、足軽に持たせていた鉄砲を取り寄せて甚五郎に渡した。 A1B1C2D2
「あたるもあたらぬも運じゃ。はずれたら笑うまいぞ」甚五郎はこう言っておいて、少しもためらわずに撃ち放した。 A2B1C2D1
上下こぞって息をつめて見ていた鷺は、羽を広げて飛び立ちそうに見えたが、そのまま黒ずんだ土の上に、綿一つまみほどの白い形をして残った。 A1B1C2D1
信康を始めとして、一同覚えず声をあげてほめた。田舟を借りて鷺を取りに行く足軽をあとに残して、一同は館へ帰った。 A1B1C2D1
2.1 データの抽出
◆場面1 鷺を打つ
とある広い沼のはるか向うに、鷺が一羽おりていた。銀色に光る水が一筋うねっている側の黒ずんだ土の上に、鷺は綿を一つまみ投げたように見えている。 A1B2C2D2
ふと小姓の一人が、あれが撃てるだろうかと言い出したが、衆議は所詮打てぬということにきまった。 A1B1C2D1
甚五郎は最初黙って聞いていたが、皆が撃てぬと言い切ったあとで、独語のように「なに撃てぬにも限らぬ」とつぶやいた。 A2B2C1D2
それを蜂谷という小姓(こしょう)が聞き咎めて、「おぬし一人がそう思うなら、撃ってみるがよい」と言った。 A1B1C1D2
「随分撃ってみてもよいが、何か賭けるか」と甚五郎が言うと、蜂谷が「今ここに持っている物をなんでも賭きょう」と言った。 A2B1C1D2
「よし、そんなら撃ってみる」と言って、甚五郎は信康の前に出て許しを請うた。 A2B1C2D2
信康は興ある事と思って、足軽に持たせていた鉄砲を取り寄せて甚五郎に渡した。 A1B1C2D2
「あたるもあたらぬも運じゃ。はずれたら笑うまいぞ」甚五郎はこう言っておいて、少しもためらわずに撃ち放した。 A2B1C2D1
上下こぞって息をつめて見ていた鷺は、羽を広げて飛び立ちそうに見えたが、そのまま黒ずんだ土の上に、綿一つまみほどの白い形をして残った。 A1B1C2D1
信康を始めとして、一同覚えず声をあげてほめた。田舟を借りて鷺を取りに行く足軽をあとに残して、一同は館へ帰った。 A1B1C2D1
no image
no image
no image
no image
no image
@ 佐橋甚五郎は、家康の嫡子信康に仕える小姓であった。どんな用事でも敏捷にこなし、武芸にも優れていた。また、遊芸も巧者で笛を上手に吹いた。ある時、信康の物詣の際に、通りすがりの沼に下りていた鷺を撃てるかどうかで小姓の蜂谷と口論になった。そこで何かを賭けることにした。鉄砲の銃弾は運良く鷺に命中した。甚五郎は、蜂谷に金熨斗付きの大小を求めた。しかし、蜂谷は拒んだ。翌日、蜂谷は傷もないのに死んでいた。甚五郎の行方がわからない。しかし、田舎に隠れていることが知れて、甚五郎の従兄佐橋源太夫がことの事情を家康に伝える。
A この短編には武士の意地が記されている。それを内から外への思考とすると、脳の活動としては創発が考えられる。甚五郎の欲求は蜂谷が拒絶したために満たされない。欲求の充足は阻止された。そこで怒りが生じ情動が生まれる。こうした創発は、人に攻撃的な行動を促す。
B 家康は事情を察してから源太夫に言い放つ。奉公として甚五郎に武田方の甘利四郎三郎を討たせることになった。甚五郎は、目の上の瘤であった小山の城で甘利を討ち、さらには北條氏に対陣を張って軍功を収めた。ところが甚五郎に賞美の言葉はなかった。その上、甘利に可愛がられていたとのことで、大阪へ遷った羽柴家への使いを見送られる。その後、源太夫の邸へも立ち寄らずに行方がわからなくなった。
C ここでも甚五郎は思いが満たされないため、不快感が生じて情動が現れている。二木(1999)によると、こうした適応行動が起こるには、外界から入ってきた刺激の生物学的意義(例えば、有害か否か)を評価する過程が働いているという。甚五郎にとってこの発現はどうやら有害だったようだ。24年の月日を経て朝鮮からの使いとして朝鮮人になりすまして甚五郎は家康の前に現れる。
D 情動ついては、大脳の内側にある大脳辺縁系が密接な関係にある。特にその中でも扁桃体が重要であり、扁桃体と線維連絡のある視床下部や視床下部と線維連絡のある中脳中心灰白質も、情動の表出に関与している。例えば、情動に伴う自律神経系の反応(心拍数、呼吸、血圧の変化)や行動面での反応(恐怖に対するすくみや逃避、怒りによる攻撃)の生起である。つまり、扁桃体─視床下部─中脳中心灰白質という1つの系が情動に関与する脳の部位になっている。
A この短編には武士の意地が記されている。それを内から外への思考とすると、脳の活動としては創発が考えられる。甚五郎の欲求は蜂谷が拒絶したために満たされない。欲求の充足は阻止された。そこで怒りが生じ情動が生まれる。こうした創発は、人に攻撃的な行動を促す。
B 家康は事情を察してから源太夫に言い放つ。奉公として甚五郎に武田方の甘利四郎三郎を討たせることになった。甚五郎は、目の上の瘤であった小山の城で甘利を討ち、さらには北條氏に対陣を張って軍功を収めた。ところが甚五郎に賞美の言葉はなかった。その上、甘利に可愛がられていたとのことで、大阪へ遷った羽柴家への使いを見送られる。その後、源太夫の邸へも立ち寄らずに行方がわからなくなった。
C ここでも甚五郎は思いが満たされないため、不快感が生じて情動が現れている。二木(1999)によると、こうした適応行動が起こるには、外界から入ってきた刺激の生物学的意義(例えば、有害か否か)を評価する過程が働いているという。甚五郎にとってこの発現はどうやら有害だったようだ。24年の月日を経て朝鮮からの使いとして朝鮮人になりすまして甚五郎は家康の前に現れる。
D 情動ついては、大脳の内側にある大脳辺縁系が密接な関係にある。特にその中でも扁桃体が重要であり、扁桃体と線維連絡のある視床下部や視床下部と線維連絡のある中脳中心灰白質も、情動の表出に関与している。例えば、情動に伴う自律神経系の反応(心拍数、呼吸、血圧の変化)や行動面での反応(恐怖に対するすくみや逃避、怒りによる攻撃)の生起である。つまり、扁桃体─視床下部─中脳中心灰白質という1つの系が情動に関与する脳の部位になっている。
1 はじめに
Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 13
Above is a visual representation of macro analysis. There is culture between arts and society, and counseling between arts and medicine. And when considering the combination of arts with informatics, there are corpus, parser, machine translation (memory), quantitative linguistics (reading brain) and the database of a novel (writing brain); while informatics combines with society and medicine and achieves a balance as a whole. Horizontal and vertical lines in the center of a figure play a role in brain science and issue an order to each group.
There are global nations and regions in the figure and a T-inverted ruler of cognitive science and a L-ruler of linguistics and informatics are included. The comprehensive and interdisciplinary research will become a common view of humane researcher as a signpost of life in the near future.
Yoshihisa Hanamura Synergic metaphor viewed from“Snow Country”of Yasunari Kawabata - from“Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 2019
There are global nations and regions in the figure and a T-inverted ruler of cognitive science and a L-ruler of linguistics and informatics are included. The comprehensive and interdisciplinary research will become a common view of humane researcher as a signpost of life in the near future.
Yoshihisa Hanamura Synergic metaphor viewed from“Snow Country”of Yasunari Kawabata - from“Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 2019
Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 12
6 About the future
I apply the Balcan principle in existential logic to adjust the output of the reading brain “nothingness and creation” and the goal of the writing brain “object achievement type cognitive development”. Assuming some logic, a balance between arts and science could be achieved, and it is critically useful in seeing the whole picture. Moreover, when using both brain activities to make synergic metaphors, I incorporate the facial expression and consider this method to enhance the analysis of the database. Because the facial expression also encompasses “nothingness and creation”.
I will make a statement about the future. I construct a network with database of authors and global magnitude and set the crisis management or the risk avoidance as the human condition to analyze the interdependence of relationship as the brain activity of a group, and I will sociologize my research. That is, I will conduct research of the risk avoidance of several authors, for example, Thomas Mann, Luxun, Ogai Mori, Nadine Gordimer and Yasushi Inoue (Hanamura 2019).
Furthermore, the research of synergic metaphors targets all countries in the world, therefore synergic metaphors can be applied to any language.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
I apply the Balcan principle in existential logic to adjust the output of the reading brain “nothingness and creation” and the goal of the writing brain “object achievement type cognitive development”. Assuming some logic, a balance between arts and science could be achieved, and it is critically useful in seeing the whole picture. Moreover, when using both brain activities to make synergic metaphors, I incorporate the facial expression and consider this method to enhance the analysis of the database. Because the facial expression also encompasses “nothingness and creation”.
I will make a statement about the future. I construct a network with database of authors and global magnitude and set the crisis management or the risk avoidance as the human condition to analyze the interdependence of relationship as the brain activity of a group, and I will sociologize my research. That is, I will conduct research of the risk avoidance of several authors, for example, Thomas Mann, Luxun, Ogai Mori, Nadine Gordimer and Yasushi Inoue (Hanamura 2019).
Furthermore, the research of synergic metaphors targets all countries in the world, therefore synergic metaphors can be applied to any language.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 11
Scene Analysis
A There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed(the column of nothingness and creation). The information of eyesight and hearing is grouped and the facial expression is neutralized, for example (five senses) informative cognition 1 and facial expression. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved (artificial feelings and cognitive development)
B There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is cheek movement. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved.
C There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is lips movement. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved.
D There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is flesh color. The feelings of AI is the character. But the aim isn’t achieved.
E There is no expression to intend to love and the character is formed. The information of eyesight and hearing is grouped and the facial expression is neutralized. The feelings of AI is the character and the aim is achieved.
As can be seen by formula(1)and the analysis of table 2, when each signal A, B, C, D and E flows from the reading brain to writing brain, the aim is achieved at the end, therefore the synergic metaphor “nothingness and cognitive development” comes into effect with some success.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
A There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed(the column of nothingness and creation). The information of eyesight and hearing is grouped and the facial expression is neutralized, for example (five senses) informative cognition 1 and facial expression. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved (artificial feelings and cognitive development)
B There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is cheek movement. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved.
C There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is lips movement. The feelings of AI become an affection. But the aim isn’t achieved.
D There is the expression to intend to love and the character is formed.
The information of eyesight is captured by base and profile and the facial expression is flesh color. The feelings of AI is the character. But the aim isn’t achieved.
E There is no expression to intend to love and the character is formed. The information of eyesight and hearing is grouped and the facial expression is neutralized. The feelings of AI is the character and the aim is achieved.
As can be seen by formula(1)and the analysis of table 2, when each signal A, B, C, D and E flows from the reading brain to writing brain, the aim is achieved at the end, therefore the synergic metaphor “nothingness and cognitive development” comes into effect with some success.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 10
Table 1 is the scene where Komako practices on the shamisen. Komako and Shimamura gave up in their minds while they reciprocate each other. If she would play three songs, her body remembers the usual practice and the listener could hear so. When she played “Urashima”, her aim was achieved.
The setting of the second column in the database has the effect of analyzing precisely. For example, the writing brain of an author can be understood by considering the facial expression gestures of characters with a focus on the column of the behavior (ostension and metaphor). Because this is related to the way to transfer signals of the brain. The features of the columns are outlined in Table 1.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
The setting of the second column in the database has the effect of analyzing precisely. For example, the writing brain of an author can be understood by considering the facial expression gestures of characters with a focus on the column of the behavior (ostension and metaphor). Because this is related to the way to transfer signals of the brain. The features of the columns are outlined in Table 1.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 9
Excerpt from database
Training of Shamisen
A When Komako started playing the third song “Miyakodori”, Shimamura had no goose bumps and saw her face warmly and peacefully because the song was very soft. Her feelings were deep and physical.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1+2) 2, 11
Artificial feelings & cognition development 1, 2
B Thin high nose seems to indicate some loneliness, but cheeks were vividly flushed, and seemed to be whispering as if I was here.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1) 1, 3
Artificial feelings & cognition development 1, 2
C Beautiful moist puckered lips move in the light and even if she opens her mouth, it shrinks the lily soon, therefore it seems similar to her bodily charm.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (2) 1, 4
Artificial feelings & cognition development 1, 2
D Bare skin that has no powder and is translucent by liquor trade and is dyed by mountain color and hides bulbs like lily or onion looks well up to her neck and seems very clean.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1) 1, 10
Artificial feelings & cognition development 2, 2
E She sat up and held herself ready, but looked unusually as a girl. At the end she played a new song “Urashima” in rehearsal from the music and Komako tucked string under the thread silently and broke her body.
Nothingness & creation 2, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1+2) 2, 11
Artificial feelings & cognition development
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
Training of Shamisen
A When Komako started playing the third song “Miyakodori”, Shimamura had no goose bumps and saw her face warmly and peacefully because the song was very soft. Her feelings were deep and physical.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1+2) 2, 11
Artificial feelings & cognition development 1, 2
B Thin high nose seems to indicate some loneliness, but cheeks were vividly flushed, and seemed to be whispering as if I was here.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1) 1, 3
Artificial feelings & cognition development 1, 2
C Beautiful moist puckered lips move in the light and even if she opens her mouth, it shrinks the lily soon, therefore it seems similar to her bodily charm.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (2) 1, 4
Artificial feelings & cognition development 1, 2
D Bare skin that has no powder and is translucent by liquor trade and is dyed by mountain color and hides bulbs like lily or onion looks well up to her neck and seems very clean.
Nothingness & creation 1, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1) 1, 10
Artificial feelings & cognition development 2, 2
E She sat up and held herself ready, but looked unusually as a girl. At the end she played a new song “Urashima” in rehearsal from the music and Komako tucked string under the thread silently and broke her body.
Nothingness & creation 2, 1
(five sens)infomatic cognition 1 & facial expression (1+2) 2, 11
Artificial feelings & cognition development
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development” 8
5 Creation and analysis of database
When creating the database for “Snow Country”, I arrange the relational columns as follows. The reading brain columns are arranged by syntax as; particle, tempus, voice and modus and as semantics delight, anger, sorrow and pleasure, five senses (1 eyesight, 2 hearing, 3 taste, 4 smell and 5 touch), behavior (ostension and metaphor), nothingness and creation (1 with, 2 without).
Next, I will create a figure as the second column of informative cognition 1 (1 base and profile, 2 grouping). For example, 1 move eyebrows, 2 move eyelids, 3 move cheeks, 4 move lips, 5 open mouth, 6 move jaw, 7 breath heavy, 8 move nose, 9 move eyes (squinted eye, half-closed eyes, wink, blink), 10 flesh color (blush, go pale, sunburn, makeup), 11 neutral. I will combine the figure of facial expression with the five senses and informative cognitive 1.
Moreover, Kawabata’s literature sees affection out of basic expression of feelings like astonishment, fear, anger and dislike as important. Therefore, the element of artificial feelings is 1 original point (nothingness + love → affection) and 2 creation (ideal type + processing → character). If love combines with nothingness to become affection or to make a character, synergic metaphor comes into effect by objective achievement of cognitive development.
(2)Signal flow of each scene in the database
syntax 1(particle)→ syntax 2(tempus, aspect)→ syntax 3(voice)→ syntax 4(modus)→ semantics 1(five senses)→ semantics 2(delight, anger, sorrow, pleasure)→ semantics 3(behavior)→ semantics 4(nothingness and creation)(the output of linguistic cognition is “nothingness and creation” and the input is informative cognition)→ medical information → informative cognition 1(the way to acquire the information)→ second column: facial expression → informative cognition 2(memory and learning)→ informative cognition 3(problem resolution)→ artificial feelings(1 affection 2 character)→ cognitive development(1 objective achievement 2 not so)→(the output of informative development).
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
When creating the database for “Snow Country”, I arrange the relational columns as follows. The reading brain columns are arranged by syntax as; particle, tempus, voice and modus and as semantics delight, anger, sorrow and pleasure, five senses (1 eyesight, 2 hearing, 3 taste, 4 smell and 5 touch), behavior (ostension and metaphor), nothingness and creation (1 with, 2 without).
Next, I will create a figure as the second column of informative cognition 1 (1 base and profile, 2 grouping). For example, 1 move eyebrows, 2 move eyelids, 3 move cheeks, 4 move lips, 5 open mouth, 6 move jaw, 7 breath heavy, 8 move nose, 9 move eyes (squinted eye, half-closed eyes, wink, blink), 10 flesh color (blush, go pale, sunburn, makeup), 11 neutral. I will combine the figure of facial expression with the five senses and informative cognitive 1.
Moreover, Kawabata’s literature sees affection out of basic expression of feelings like astonishment, fear, anger and dislike as important. Therefore, the element of artificial feelings is 1 original point (nothingness + love → affection) and 2 creation (ideal type + processing → character). If love combines with nothingness to become affection or to make a character, synergic metaphor comes into effect by objective achievement of cognitive development.
(2)Signal flow of each scene in the database
syntax 1(particle)→ syntax 2(tempus, aspect)→ syntax 3(voice)→ syntax 4(modus)→ semantics 1(five senses)→ semantics 2(delight, anger, sorrow, pleasure)→ semantics 3(behavior)→ semantics 4(nothingness and creation)(the output of linguistic cognition is “nothingness and creation” and the input is informative cognition)→ medical information → informative cognition 1(the way to acquire the information)→ second column: facial expression → informative cognition 2(memory and learning)→ informative cognition 3(problem resolution)→ artificial feelings(1 affection 2 character)→ cognitive development(1 objective achievement 2 not so)→(the output of informative development).
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development”7
Moreover, there is a model structure where the Balcan sentence and contrapositive Balcan sentence are not effective. Possible world α applies to the affirmation that an individual a is p, but no individual appears except a. Possible world β applies to the affirmation that an individual a is p.
But b also appears except a and it is not p, therefore it becomes that the possible world is different from α. That is, the Balcan sentence doesn’t become efficient by the transition of the possible world. Therefore, one considers the world consists of substance without creation-annihilation, and individuality with creation-annihilation; and divides an existing concept into two kinds: subsist and exist. Considering so, for example, a character is a subsist by himself and there is the world of an individual where one inserts themselves in an ideal type and processes and nurtures themselves.
When one moves from one area to another, the event of one area could not exist in another area. For example, the individual area is not only D, but also is divided into inner and outer area. And then it moves to multi-value logic and attempts to expand the semantic range of existential concept that existential quantum shows. That is, one recognizes not only actual, but also an existential person. (/∃y)(y=x) shows that x exists and (∃y)(y=x) shows that x is existing.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
But b also appears except a and it is not p, therefore it becomes that the possible world is different from α. That is, the Balcan sentence doesn’t become efficient by the transition of the possible world. Therefore, one considers the world consists of substance without creation-annihilation, and individuality with creation-annihilation; and divides an existing concept into two kinds: subsist and exist. Considering so, for example, a character is a subsist by himself and there is the world of an individual where one inserts themselves in an ideal type and processes and nurtures themselves.
When one moves from one area to another, the event of one area could not exist in another area. For example, the individual area is not only D, but also is divided into inner and outer area. And then it moves to multi-value logic and attempts to expand the semantic range of existential concept that existential quantum shows. That is, one recognizes not only actual, but also an existential person. (/∃y)(y=x) shows that x exists and (∃y)(y=x) shows that x is existing.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura