Synergic metaphor viewed from “Snow Country” of Yasunari Kawabata - from “Nothingness and Creation” to “object achievement type cognitive development”7
Moreover, there is a model structure where the Balcan sentence and contrapositive Balcan sentence are not effective. Possible world α applies to the affirmation that an individual a is p, but no individual appears except a. Possible world β applies to the affirmation that an individual a is p.
But b also appears except a and it is not p, therefore it becomes that the possible world is different from α. That is, the Balcan sentence doesn’t become efficient by the transition of the possible world. Therefore, one considers the world consists of substance without creation-annihilation, and individuality with creation-annihilation; and divides an existing concept into two kinds: subsist and exist. Considering so, for example, a character is a subsist by himself and there is the world of an individual where one inserts themselves in an ideal type and processes and nurtures themselves.
When one moves from one area to another, the event of one area could not exist in another area. For example, the individual area is not only D, but also is divided into inner and outer area. And then it moves to multi-value logic and attempts to expand the semantic range of existential concept that existential quantum shows. That is, one recognizes not only actual, but also an existential person. (/∃y)(y=x) shows that x exists and (∃y)(y=x) shows that x is existing.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
But b also appears except a and it is not p, therefore it becomes that the possible world is different from α. That is, the Balcan sentence doesn’t become efficient by the transition of the possible world. Therefore, one considers the world consists of substance without creation-annihilation, and individuality with creation-annihilation; and divides an existing concept into two kinds: subsist and exist. Considering so, for example, a character is a subsist by himself and there is the world of an individual where one inserts themselves in an ideal type and processes and nurtures themselves.
When one moves from one area to another, the event of one area could not exist in another area. For example, the individual area is not only D, but also is divided into inner and outer area. And then it moves to multi-value logic and attempts to expand the semantic range of existential concept that existential quantum shows. That is, one recognizes not only actual, but also an existential person. (/∃y)(y=x) shows that x exists and (∃y)(y=x) shows that x is existing.
花村嘉英(2019)「川端康成の「雪国」から見えてくるシナジーのメタファーとは−『無と創造』から『目的達成型の認知発達』へ」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
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