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近未来 ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ×オードリー・タン対談  2 Near future Yuval Noah Harari x Audrey Tan dialogue 2

タン 性別のチェックと同じような問題は、絵文字にも見ることができます、絵文字は、多くの人がコミュニケーションのために使用する、抽象的なシンボルです。非常に長い間、人の絵文字はすべて男性の図柄でした。女性の絵文字に切り替えるには、ジェンダーセレクターで設定しなおさなければなりませんでした。ちょうどここ1、2年の最近の出来事ですが、多国籍企業やコード作成者のための規格作りの団体であるUnicodeコンソーシアムが、一番よく使うような絵文字である「歓喜の笑い」「歓喜の涙」の顔は、デフォルトでジェンダーニュートラルに見える必要がある、と言い始めました。男の子に見えるようにしたい、女の子に見えるようにしたいのであれば、追加の作業をしなければならないし、男の子に見えるようにするのと、女の子に見えるようにするのとでは、同じくらいの作業量でなければならない、と主張し始めました。






ハラリ この問題は、繰り返しになりますが、私たちの生活を形作る自然法則と、私たちが考案したルールの違いは、歴史の主要なテーマの一つです。もちろんどの文化も、どの宗教も 、自分たちの法則は自然の法則であり、法を破る者は不自然なことをしていると主張します。



人間の場合、ゲイや黒人に対し 偏見を持っている人がいれば、「この人が偏見を持っています。この仕組みに偏見があります」と指摘できます。それに同意してくれる人もいるでしょう。でも、それだけで偏見を変えることはできません。偏見は意識的な知性よりも 、もっと深い潜在意識から来ているからです。

さてコンピュータには潜在意識がないと言ってもいいでしょう。コードのどこかに偏見が含まれていれば、それを変えればいいだけです。 コンピュータのコードを同性愛者に優しいものにしたり、LGBTに優しいものにすればいいのです。人間の持つ偏見を変えることよりもある意味ずっと簡単です。


司会者 これは興味深いポイントです。オードリー、あなたは先日の別の会話の中で、コロナ危機の際のピンクのマスクの話をしてくれました。市民テクノロジーのおかげで、ジェンダー主流派がピンクのマスクをサポートし、私たちの偏見を深く掘り下げて考えるという状況を実現できました。その例について少しお話いただけますか?

タン 確かにそうですね。台湾では、パンデミック対応システムに見られるような、私たちが言うところの社会イノベーションは、「速い」、「公平」、「楽しい」の三本柱で成り立っています。人々の知の集合体における「速い」の事例をお話ししましょう。














司会者 オードリー、あなたの見解はテクノロジーを利用して、私たちのためにコードを使うことのようですね。 ユヴァル、間違っていたら訂正してください。あなたはコードが、既存の偏見をルールとして確定させることを心配しているようですね。オードリー、あなたの解決策は、参加型のフレームワークと高速な反復を組み合わせたもののようですね。それがあなたの解決策の特徴ですか?

タン はい、間違いありません。もちろん、公平でなければならないし、楽しいものでなければならない。そのことについては後でお話ししましょう。はい、「速い」部分はその通り。不可欠です。


The same problem as checking gender can be seen in emojis, which are abstract symbols that many people use for communication. For a very long time, all human pictograms were male designs. To switch to a female emoji, I had to reset it in the gender selector. Just in the last couple of years, the Unicode Consortium, a standards-making organization for multinational corporations and code writers, uses the most commonly used emojis, "laughter of delight" and "delight of delight." The "tears" face began to say that it should look gender-neutral by default. If you want to look like a boy, you want to look like a girl, you have to do some extra work, and making it look like a boy is about the same as making it look like a girl. I started to insist that it should be a quantity.

I think this kind of thing has become commonplace. If programmers stick to their current wisdom, and if checkbox makers don't allow other options, they'll rely on civil hackers. Future citizen hackers will modify it as future social norms change.

By the way, in Taiwan, options other than men and women are added to the health confirmation form that you fill out at the airport when you enter the country. However, because Taiwan is the only jurisdiction in Asia where freedom of assembly and speech is fully protected, civil hackers will not be unfairly punished. Just as you can't have same-sex marriage elsewhere in Asia, this kind of civil hacking can get you into trouble (laughs).

In other words, is it possible to rewrite the algorithm code in the same way as the law code, as long as the proper procedure is followed? How positive is society to do so? I think it depends.

Pink mask that changed values

Harari: Again, the difference between the laws of nature that shape our lives and the rules we devised is one of the main themes of history. Of course, in every culture and every religion, their laws are the laws of nature, and those who break the law claim to be doing something unnatural.

This is clearly wrong. As you said, if the law really follows the laws of physics of nature, you can't break it. But when some religion comes and says, "It's unnatural for two men to love each other and two women to marry each other," the law follows the laws of nature. If so, same-sex marriage is a mistake.

The true law of nature, which cannot move faster than the speed of light, is never broken. But it is biologically and physically possible for two women to love and have sex with each other. Only human-made rules say, "No, it's wrong. That's not allowed." In a way, the good thing about computer code is that it's often easy to fix. Whether your computer code is written with some intent or with unintended prejudice, you can easily fix it.

In the case of humans, if anyone has a prejudice against gays or blacks, it can be pointed out that "this person has a prejudice. There is a prejudice in this mechanism." Some people will agree with it. But that alone cannot change the prejudice. Prejudice comes from the deeper subconscious than the conscious intellect.

Now it's safe to say that computers have no subconscious mind. If there is any prejudice somewhere in your code, you just have to change it. You just have to make your computer code gay-friendly or LGBT-friendly. In a way, it's a lot easier than changing human prejudice.

Moderator: This is an interesting point. Audrey, you talked about the pink mask during the Corona crisis in another conversation the other day. Citizen technology has enabled the situation where gender mainstreamers support pink masks and dig deeper into our prejudices. Can you tell us a little about that example?

Tan: That's true. In Taiwan, what we call social innovation, as seen in pandemic response systems, consists of three pillars: "fast," "fair," and "fun." Let's talk about the "fast" case of a collection of people's knowledge.

Anyone with a phone, whether on a smartphone or landline, can call the toll-free 1922. This is the telephone number of the Central Infectious Diseases Command Center (CECC).

One day in April, a boy called me. "In our district, we have medical masks distributed, but we can't choose the color of the masks." The masks distributed to him were all pink. "If you wear a pink mask, you may be bullied or laughed at by your classmates." That's why he says he's scared to go to school.

The next day, at the CECC's daily live stream press conference, all male and female medical officers wore pink medical masks.

This quickly gained national attention. Many celebrity avatars and famous web pages have turned pink. Pink suddenly became the coolest color. It was also a good opportunity to think about gender-related social conventions. In a sense, all the people have become transgender (laughs).

The point here is that if you have questions about a particular social convention, a single phone call can change things. Age doesn't matter. I don't think this boy has the right to vote.

By simply calling and explaining the situation, CECC worked. If some boys don't wear masks just because they're pink, it's a public health threat. Within 24 hours, CECC medical officers responded to this gender-related common wisdom so that everyone could be masked.

This fast iterative cycle, agile response, makes the private sector stronger and stronger.

Anyone can participate in rule making without waiting for a command from the command center.

Basically, wearing a mask is a kind of rule. What this rule means is that you protect yourself from your own hands. In Taiwan, it is a social rule to take care of your own health and wash your hands properly. Wearing a mask also reminds you and others of this rule.

Wearing a mask means wearing a mask to protect others, as well as respecting others, so it has a high value for reducing R-values ​​in infection models. I have. The pink medical mask also adds an element that it is cool to wear a mask.

When integrated, in addition to the infection model, the R value of information infection models (such as memes) may also improve. CECC plays a role in amplifying ideas that are positive for such a society. This is the "Citizen's Republic".

Moderator Audrey, your view seems to be to use technology and use code for us. Yuval, if you make a mistake, please correct it. You seem to be worried that your code will establish existing prejudices as rules. Audrey, your solution seems to be a combination of a participatory framework and fast iterations. Is that a feature of your solution?

Tan Yes, there is no doubt. Of course, it has to be fair and fun. I'll talk about that later. Yes, the "fast" part is right. It is indispensable.
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