

void (noun) 空虚感、むなしさ、喪失感、空間、宇宙空間

void (noun) 空虚感、むなしさ、喪失感、空間、宇宙空間
(adjective) (契約などが)無効の<「取り消し」とは区別される>

(noun) completely empty space

(adjective) not valid or legally binding, completely empty

I feel void in the next day of the day when I drank so much.

The contract lacks the one requirement, so the contract is void.

noble (adjective) 気高い、高潔な、高貴な

noble (adjective) 気高い、高潔な、高貴な

belonging by eank, title, or birth to the aristocracy.
having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.

my stmosphere is noble.

woe [通例 ~s] 苦痛(悩み)の種、災難

woe [通例 ~s] 苦痛(悩み)の種、災難

great sorrow or distress (often used hyperbolically)

Every person has woes.

deter (verb) ~に(するのを)思いとどまらせる、やめさせる (from doing)、〜を防ぐ

deter (verb) 思いとどまらせる、やめさせる、〜を防ぐ

discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.

Potential risk deters her to choice that way.

消毒する (verb) disinfect, sanitize, sterilize

消毒する (verb) disinfect, sanitize, sterilize

disinfect : clean (something) with a disinfectant in order to destroy bacteria

sanitize : make clean and hygienic

sterilize : free from bacteria or other living micro-organisms

She said that to sterilize her mouth, she drinks beer.


botanical (adjective) 植物の、植物学(上)の

botanical (adjective) 植物の、植物学(上)の

relating to botany

a substance obtained from a plant and used typically in medicinal or cosmetic products.

He is a botanical expert.

醸造所 brewery

醸造所 brewery

a place where beer is made commercially

There are a lot of wine breweries in France.

Self-conscious 自意識過剰の、人前を気にする、はにかむ、てれ屋の、(…を)意識しすぎて、自己を意識する、自覚をもった

Self-conscious 自意識過剰の、人前を気にする、はにかむ、てれ屋の、(…を)意識しすぎて、自己を意識する、自覚をもった

It is not good to be too self-conscious.

blush (verb) 顔を赤らめる、赤面する

blush (verb) 顔を赤らめる、赤面する

show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face.

When people feel nervous, people tend to blush.

superiority 優位性

superiority 優位性

The state of being superior
a supercilious manner or attitude

Please take advantage of your superiority.
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