

longitudinal (adjective) 縦の

longitudinal (adjective) 縦の

running lengthwise rather than across,
relating to longitude, measured from east to west
involving information about an individual or group gathered over a long period of time

Fast longitudinal movement is important for football.

lateral (adjective) 横の、横に向かって、左右の

lateral (adjective) 横の、横に向かって、左右の

of, at, towards, or from the side or sides,

Lateral movement is important for boxing.

disturb (他動詞) を妨げる、~に迷惑をかける、を不安にする、~をかき乱す、混乱させる

disturb (他動詞) を妨げる、~に迷惑をかける、を不安にする、~をかき乱す、混乱させる

interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of, interrupt the sleep, relaxation, or privacy, make (someone) anxious

Please disturb her.

distract (他動詞) ~を[~から/~に]そらす、紛らす、散らす[from/ to]

distract (他動詞) ~を[~から/~に]そらす、紛らす、散らす[from/ to] ( attract)

prevent (someone) from concentrating on something, divert (attention) from something

(distract oneself) divert one's attentyion from sonething unpleasant by doing something different or more pleasurable.

He distracted himself by playing the game.

improper (adjective) ふさわしくない、不適切な、不作法な

improper (adjective) ふさわしくない、不適切な、不作法な

not in accordance with accepted standards, especially of morality or honesty

Such action in dinner time is improper.

deprevation (noun) 剥奪、欠乏、欠如

deprevation (noun) 剥奪、欠乏、欠如

The damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society

I would like to avoid deprevation of vitamin.

impulsive (adjective) 衝動的な、一時の感情による

impulsive (adjective) 衝動的な、一時の感情による

acting or done without forethought

I would like to avoid to make impulsive action.

内向的な (adjective) introverted

内向的な (adjective) introverted

introvert (noun) 内向的の人、() extrovert

a shy, reticent person, a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things.

Recently, introverts are increasing.

nasal (adjective) 鼻の、鼻に関する、鼻声の、鼻にかかった

nasal (adjective) 鼻の、鼻に関する、鼻声の、鼻にかかった

(adjective) relating to the nose, pronounced by the breath resonating in the nose, produced or characterized by resonation in the nose as well as the month.

(noun) nasal speech sound

My voice is nasal.

tiredness (noun) 疲労、倦怠

tiredness (noun) 疲労、倦怠

tired (adjective) in need of sleep or rest, weary, bored or impatient with, boring or uninteresting because over familiar

People suffer from tiredness.
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