

airfare 航空運賃

airfare 航空運賃

The price to be paid by an aircraft passenger for a particulart journey.

Airfare will become reasonable in off season.

Polarize (他動詞) を分裂させる、~を二極化させる、(自動詞)二極化する

Polarize (他動詞) を分裂させる、~を二極化させる、(自動詞)二極化する

divide or cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs.

Iron curtain polarized the world.

inferior (adjective) [~より、~の点で]劣っている、劣等の[to, in]( superior)、平均以下の、粗悪な

inferior (adjective) [~より、~の点で]劣っている、劣等の[to, in]( superior)、平均以下の、粗悪な

(adjective) lower in rank, status, or quality, chirfly low or lower in position

(noun) a person lower than another in rank, status, or ability

This fruit is inferior to that fruit in the taste.

電車に乗る get on the train

電車に乗る get on the train

電車に乗っている be on the train

車に乗る get in the car

People on the train always use the smartphone.

mindfullness (noun) 注意深さ、留意

mindfullness (noun) 注意深さ、留意

mind (adjective) conscious or aware of something

Mindfullness is important for this job.

ongoing (adjective) 継続[進行]している、前進[発達、実施]中の

ongoing (adjective) 継続[進行]している、前進[発達、実施]中の

continuing, still in progress.

The project is ongoing.

rewarding (adjective) 価値のある、有益な、ためになる、謝礼としての

rewarding (adjective) 価値のある、有益な、ためになる、謝礼としての

providing satisfaction, gratifying

I think current my job is rewarding.

presumptuous (adjective) 生意気な、おこがましい

presumptuous (adjective) 生意気な、おこがましい

(of a person or their behaviour) falling to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate

There are several reaction for presumptuous actions. One is negative, such as being accepted as rude. Another is pretty. World is not fair.

impudent (adjective) (年上・上位の)人に対して[~するとは]ずうずうしい、厚かましい、生意気な[to, to do]

impudent (adjective) (年上・上位の)人に対して[~するとは]ずうずうしい、厚かましい、生意気な[to, to do]]

impudently (adverb) ずうずうしく、生意気にも

not showing due respect for another person impertinet,

If you do not want to make loss, you should not be impudent.

bold (adjective) 大胆な、勇気のある、度胸を必要とする、大胆さを要する、ずうずうしい、厚かましい

bold (adjective) 大胆な、勇気のある、度胸を必要とする、大胆さを要する、ずうずうしい、厚かましい

(adjective) showing a willingness to take risks, confident and courageous, so confident as to be impudent or presumptuous, having a strong, vivid, or clear appearance,

(noun) a typeface with thick strokes

We need to be prudent before we make bold action.

underscore ~の下に線を引く、協調する (underline)

underscore ~の下に線を引く、協調する (underline)

(noun) a line drawn under a word or phase for emphasis
(verb) underline (something)

Please underscore important words.
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