

refugee (noun) 難民、避難民、亡命者

refugee (noun) 難民、避難民、亡命者

(noun) a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

There are a lot of lunch refugees in Tokyo.

disperse ~を四方に散らす、分散させる

disperse ~を四方に散らす、分散させる

distribute or spread over a wide area

Japan should disperse the function of the nation to local areas.

remark (他動詞) SVO, SV that ~という、述べる、~に気づく、注意する (noun) 初見、意見、感想

remark (他動詞) SVO, SV that ~という、述べる、~に気づく、注意する (noun) 初見、意見、感想

(verb) say something as a comment, mention

(noun) a written or spoken comment

The spokesperson remarked that it is ridiculous.

loath (adjective) (~するのに)(どうしても)気が進まない (reluctant)(to do)、を嫌う(that)

loath (adjective) (~するのに)(どうしても)気が進まない (reluctant)(to do)、を嫌う(that)

He is loath to eat Nattou.

disgust (noun) 嫌悪、反感、愛想づかし (他動詞) をむかつかせる

disgust (noun) 嫌悪、反感、愛想づかし (他動詞) をむかつかせる

be disgusted at (by, with) O, Oで嫌になる、愛想をつかす

His deed and existence always disgust me.

nausea (noun) 吐き気、むかつき、嫌悪感、嫌気

nausea (noun) 吐き気、むかつき、嫌悪感、嫌気

a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit, a feeling of loathing or disgust

I am easily feel nausea in a following day after drinking.

particular (adjective) (~について)好みがうるさい、気難しい、(about, over, as to, in)

particular (adjective) (~について)好みがうるさい、気難しい、(about, over, as to, in)

(adjective) insisting that something should be correct or suitable in every detail, fastidious.

He is particular about appearance of woman.

immersive (adjective) 没頭させるような、夢中にさせる、実体感のある

immersive (adjective) 没頭させるような、夢中にさせる、実体感のある

(adjective) seeming to surround the audience, player, etc., so that they feel completely involved

That game gadget provides us immersive experience, but did not become popular.

dissonance (noun) 不協和(音)、不調和(耳障り)な音、(言行の)不一致、不調和、不和(disagreement)

dissonance (noun) 不協和(音)、不調和(耳障り)な音、(言行の)不一致、不調和、不和(disagreement)

lack of harmony among musical notes, lack of agreement or harmony

I hate dissonance.

alleviate (他動詞) ~を軽減する、緩和する、楽にする (ease)

alleviate (他動詞) ~を軽減する、緩和する、楽にする (ease)

(verb) make (suffering deficiency, or a problem) less severe.

That medicine can alleviate the pain.

prone (adjective) ~の傾向がある(特に好ましくない事に用いる)うつぶせの、平伏した(supine)

prone (adjective) ~の傾向がある(特に好ましくない事に用いる)うつぶせの、平伏した(supine)

(prone to/ to do something) likely or liable to suffer from, do or experience something unpleasant or regrettable, lying flat, especially face downwards

Infants are prone to suffer from fever.

collapse (自動詞)崩壊する (名詞) 崩壊、挫折 

collapse (自動詞)崩壊する (名詞) 崩壊、挫折 

(verb) suddenly fall down or give way, fall down and become unconscious as a result of illness or injury.

(noun) an instance of a structure falling doen or giving way

If such person remain the leader, this group will collapse.

apprehensive (adjective) を恐れる、(~を)懸念する、気遣う (about, for ,that)

apprehensive (adjective) を恐れる、(~を)懸念する、気遣う (about, for ,that)

(adjective) anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen

Almost people are apprehensive about future matters.
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