

独裁政権、絶対政権、独裁国(州)(noun) dictatorship

独裁政権、絶対政権、独裁国(州)(noun) dictatorship

government by a dictator

独裁者 (noun) 独裁者、専制者、ワンマン

a ruler with total power overa country, typically one who has obtained control by force

This organization seems a dictatorship.

聞こえのよい (adjective) plausible, good-sounding

聞こえのよい (adjective) plausible, good-sounding

plausible (adjective) (主張・言い訳などが)妥当な、納得のいく、口先のうまい、もっともらしい、見かけは信頼できる

(adjective) (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable, (of a person) skilled at producing persuasive arguments, especially ones intended to deceive

His saying way is plausible, but almost are lies.

発言権、影響力 voice, floor, influence

発言権、影響力 voice, floor, influence

She has strong voice for this discussion.

government (noun) 政府、政権、統治機関

government (noun) 政府、政権、統治機関

(noun) the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state, a particular ministry in office.


become the ruling party
take (win) power, ex) The Democratic Party of Japan took power in 2009.
come to power

That party won power by the election.

忙しさ (noun) busyness

忙しさ (noun) busyness

His busyness is unusual.

Portable (adjective) 持ち運びできる、持ち運びに便利な、携帯用の、<データ・ソフトウェアが>他のシステムに移植可能な、<年金・保険などが>(異なる制度・職種間で)通算可能な(noun)携帯用機器、ポータブル

Portable (adjective) 持ち運びできる、持ち運びに便利な、携帯用の、<データ・ソフトウェアが>他のシステムに移植可能な、<年金・保険などが>(異なる制度・職種間で)通算可能な(noun)携帯用機器、ポータブル

(adjective) able to be easily carried or moved, especially because being of a lighter and smaller version than usual.
able to be transferred from one machine or system to another, capable of being transferred or adapted in altered circumstances

(noun) a small cersion of something, such as a television, that can be easily carried.

Portable CD player went out of style.

endurance (noun) 忍耐(力)、辛抱

endurance (noun) 忍耐(力)、辛抱

(noun) The ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.
The capacity or something to last or to withstand wear and tear.

To survive in Japanese company, especially in big company needs a lot of endurance.

revival (noun) 生き返らせること、生き返り、よみがえらせる事、復活、復興

revival (noun) 生き返らせること、生き返り、よみがえらせる事、復活、復興

(noun) an improvement in the condition, strength, or fortunes of someone or something, an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again

I have a revival plan.

culinary (adjective) [通常限定] 料理(用)の、台所の

culinary (adjective) [通常限定] 料理(用)の、台所の

(adjective) of or for cooking

Mirin is Japanese culnary liquor.

専門店 Specialty store

専門店 Specialty store

Specialty (noun) 名物、得意料理、高級専門店、専門、専攻、本職、得意、<法>捺印証書

(noun) a pursuit area of study, or skill to which someone has devoted much time and effort and in which they are expert

(noun) a contract under seal

There are a lot of Pasta speciality stores in Japan.
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