

odor (noun) におい、香り、〜の気味、気配

odor (noun) におい、香り、〜の気味、気配

a distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one, a lingering quality or impression attaching to something

The room has odor of carry rice.

grime (noun) あか、汚れ、すす

grime (noun) あか、汚れ、すす

(noun) dirt ingrained on the surface of something,

(verb) blacken or make dirty with grime

If a person does not wash the face, the face accumulates grime.

deploy (自動詞、他動詞) 配置につく、配置につかせる、動員する

deploy (自動詞、他動詞) 配置につく、配置につかせる、動員する

(verb) move (troops) into position for military action, bring into effective action

That government deployed a lot of people to the military.

bump (noun) 打撃、衝突、こぶ、隆起、(自動詞) ドシンと当たる、(他動詞)〜とぶつかる

bump (noun) 打撃、衝突、こぶ、隆起、(自動詞) ドシンと当たる、(他動詞)〜とぶつかる

(noun) a light blow or a jolting collision, a protuberance on a level surface,

(verb) knock or run into someone or something with a jolt, meet by chance.

I do not prefer bump.

turbulence (noun) 大荒れ、荒れ狂い、動乱、騒乱、(大気の)乱れ、乱気流

turbulence (noun) 大荒れ、荒れ狂い、動乱、騒乱、(大気の)乱れ、乱気流

violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or of some other fluid, a state of conflict or confusion

That team faces turbulence now.

solitary (adjective) 孤独な、孤独好きの、一人だけの

solitary (adjective) 孤独な、孤独好きの、一人だけの

done or existing alone

I do not intend to be solitary, but actually I am solitary.

落ち着かない I feel restless, I feel uncomfortable, I feel antsy

落ち着かない I feel restless, I feel uncomfortable, I feel antsy

When I consume paid leave, I feel antst\y, because other people are working.
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