

randamize (自動詞、他動詞) 無作為に抽出する

randamize (自動詞、他動詞) 無作為に抽出する

make random in order or arrangement; employ random selection or sampling in (an experriment or procedure).

The auditor randamized the sample from the popupation.

spectrum (変動する)範囲、(活動などの)領域、電磁波

spectrum (変動する)範囲、(活動などの)領域、電磁波

a band of colours, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength.

used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme points.

There are wide range of spectrum for the ideas.

preditor (noun) 捕食動物、略奪者、(経済的・性的に)他人を食い物にする人

preditor (noun) 捕食動物、略奪者、(経済的・性的に)他人を食い物にする人

an animal that naturally preys on others, a person who ruthlessly exploits others.

Please be careful for a lot of preditoes in our society.

take the place of ~ : to replace someone or something

take the place of ~ : to replace someone or something

He took the place of his supervisor.

offspring (noun) 子、子孫、成果、結果、所産

offspring (noun) 子、子孫、成果、結果、所産

(集合的に、単数、複数扱い、an ~ とはしない)

a person's child or children, an animal's yound, the product or result of something

I would like to have offspring.

strain (他動詞) ~を張る、引っ張る、[~を得ようと]懸命に努力する[SV to do] (noun) 緊張、ストレス、過労、負担

strain (他動詞) ~を張る、引っ張る、[~を得ようと]懸命に努力する[SV to do] (noun) 緊張、ストレス、過労、負担

(verb) force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make an unusually great effort.
(noun) a force tending to pull or streatch something to an extreme or damaging degree, severe or excessive demand on the strength, resources, or abilities of someone or something.

It is not true that high inflation rate will be strain for economic growth.

outpace (他動詞) ~より(足が)速い、~を追い越す(outstrip)、~にまさる、~をしのぐ

outpace (他動詞) ~より(足が)速い、~を追い越す(outstrip)、~にまさる、~をしのぐ

go, rise, or improve faster than

Inflation rate outpaces wage increase.

追い抜く pass, overtake, get ahead, pull away from

追い抜く pass, overtake, get ahead, pull away from

chiefly catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction

This runner passed 2 runners.
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