saturated (adjective) [通例叙述] しみ込んだ、びしょ濡れの、[通例限定]飽和した
holding as much water or moisture as can be absorbed, thoroughly soaked,
It is difficult to success in saturated market.
meticulous (adjective) [~に]細部にまで気を配った、慎重な、細心な[in]
meticulous (adjective) [~に]細部にまで気を配った、慎重な、細心な[in]
showing great attention to detail, very careful and precise
He is meticulous in the process.
showing great attention to detail, very careful and precise
He is meticulous in the process.
viable (adjective) 実行できる、実現可能な、成功しそうな
viable (adjective) 実行できる、実現可能な、成功しそうな
capable of working successfully; feasible,
It is important to confirm whether the plan is viable.
capable of working successfully; feasible,
It is important to confirm whether the plan is viable.
entice (他動詞) を誘惑する、SVO into doing, SVO to do, Oをそそのかして〜させる(persuade)
entice (他動詞) を誘惑する、SVO into doing, SVO to do, Oをそそのかして〜させる(persuade)
attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage,
enticing (adjective) 誘惑的な、魅力的な
enticingly (adverb) 気を引くように、
enticement (noun) 誘惑、魅力
He was enticed by her.
attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage,
enticing (adjective) 誘惑的な、魅力的な
enticingly (adverb) 気を引くように、
enticement (noun) 誘惑、魅力
He was enticed by her.
やっかいな troublesome, burdensome, difficult, awkward
やっかいな troublesome, burdensome, difficult, awkward
troublesome (adjective) causing difficulty or annoyance
shop clerk needs to deal with troublesome customers.
troublesome (adjective) causing difficulty or annoyance
shop clerk needs to deal with troublesome customers.
perk (noun) 特典
perk (noun) 特典
a benefit to which one is entitled because of one's job. An advantage or benefit arising from a particular situation
One perk of employee is a certain welfare.
a benefit to which one is entitled because of one's job. An advantage or benefit arising from a particular situation
One perk of employee is a certain welfare.
mortality (noun) 死ぬ運命、詩を免れない事、大量の死、死亡数、死亡率
mortality (noun) 死ぬ運命、詩を免れない事、大量の死、死亡数、死亡率
(noun) the state of being subject to death, death, especially on a large scale, the number of deaths in a given area or period, or from a particulart cause
The mortality of Covid-19 is 1,000 in that country.
(noun) the state of being subject to death, death, especially on a large scale, the number of deaths in a given area or period, or from a particulart cause
The mortality of Covid-19 is 1,000 in that country.
longevity (noun) 長生き、長命、寿命、長年勤務
longevity (noun) 長生き、長命、寿命、長年勤務
(noun) long life
Longevity of that animal is around 60 years.
(noun) long life
Longevity of that animal is around 60 years.
blur (noun) かすんだもの、ぼやけた状態、汚れ、しみ、汚点、(他動詞)をぼやけさせる、を鈍らせる
blur (noun) かすんだもの、ぼやけた状態、汚れ、しみ、汚点、(他動詞)をぼやけさせる、を鈍らせる
(noun) a thing that cannot be seen or heard clearly
(verb) make or become unclear or less distinct
my glasses become blur.
(noun) a thing that cannot be seen or heard clearly
(verb) make or become unclear or less distinct
my glasses become blur.