correlate (他動詞) 〜を関連付ける、〜と相互関係を示す、(自動詞)[〜と]関連する[with]
have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another
The price of that vegitable correlates with sales number.
sluggish (adjective) 怠惰な、無精な、反応が遅い、機能が鈍い、のろい、緩やかな
sluggish (adjective) 怠惰な、無精な、反応が遅い、機能が鈍い、のろい、緩やかな
slow-moving or inactive, lacking energy or alertness, slow to respond or make progress
PC becomes sluggish when a large data was loaded.
slow-moving or inactive, lacking energy or alertness, slow to respond or make progress
PC becomes sluggish when a large data was loaded.