

好感度 likability

好感度 likability

the quality of being pleasant or easy to like

High likability is a kind of talent.

anecdote (noun) 逸話、秘話

anecdote (noun) 逸話、秘話

(noun) a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person

I have a lot of anecdota.

falter (自動詞) (~に)くじける、ゆらぐ(at), さびれる、衰える、口ごもる、ためらう、たじろぐ、しりごみする(hesitate) [at/in]

falter (自動詞) (~に)くじける、ゆらぐ(at), さびれる、衰える、口ごもる、ためらう、たじろぐ、しりごみする(hesitate) [at/in]

lose strength or momentum

When new evidence is unveiled, she faltered.

dampen (他動詞) を湿らす、をくじく、鈍らす、そぐ

dampen (他動詞) を湿らす、をくじく、鈍らす、そぐ

(verb) make slightly wet, make less strong or intense

His existence dampens the motivation.

abstract (adjective) 抽象的な(concrete) (noun) 抽象 (他動詞) を要約する、まとめる、抽象化する

abstract (adjective) 抽象的な(concrete) (noun) 抽象、 (他動詞) を要約する、まとめる、抽象化する

(adjective) existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
(verb) consider something theoretically or separately from (something else), extract or remove (something)
(noun) a summary of the contents of a book, article, or speech

He always talks abstract matters.

adversity (noun) 不運、不幸、苦労(trouble)、難儀

adversity (noun) 不運、不幸、苦労(trouble)、難儀

a difficult or unpleasant situation

I have experienced a lot of adversities.

setback (noun) 進歩のつまずき、[~の/~に対する]後退[in/for]、ぶり返し

setback (noun) 進歩のつまずき、[~の/~に対する]後退[in/for]、ぶり返し

(noun) reversal or check in progress

I would like to avoid the setback of forehead.

struggle (自動詞) もがく、(~と)戦う、(~に)取り組む(with, against)、SV to do ~しようと努力する(noun) もがき、あがき、苦闘、努力、戦闘

struggle (自動詞) もがく、(~と)戦う、(~に)取り組む(with, against)、SV to do ~しようと努力する(noun) もがき、あがき、苦闘、努力、戦闘

(verb) make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction
(noun) a forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist attack

I struggle to get out from this situation.

cautiously (adverb) 用心して、警戒して、慎重に

cautiously (adverb) 用心して、警戒して、慎重に

cautious (adjective) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers

I contacted him cautiously.

aspire (自動詞) 熱望する、求める (to)、~する事を切望する(aim) [to do]

aspire (自動詞) 熱望する、求める (to)、~する事を切望する(aim) [to do]

direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something

I aspire to master English.

harbor (noun) 港、避難所、隠れ場所 (他動詞) をかくまう、(悪意・希望など)を心に抱く、

harbor (noun) 港、避難所、隠れ場所 (他動詞) をかくまう、(悪意・希望など)を心に抱く、

(noun) a place on the coast where ships may moor in shelter, especially one protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures

(verb) keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly, give a home or shelter to

Japan harbored that Soviet mediates between Japan and United Nations.

resonate (自動詞) 鳴り響く、反響する、(~に)感銘を与える(with) (~と)共鳴(共振)する(with)

resonate (自動詞) 鳴り響く、反響する、(~に)感銘を与える(with) (~と)共鳴(共振)する(with)

produce or be filled with a deep full, reverberating sound, produce electrical or mechanical resonance.

My living way resonated with a lot of people.

grapple (自動詞) [人と/を求めて]つかみ合う(together) [with/for] [問題などに]取り組む[with] (noun) つかみ合い、格闘

grapple (自動詞) [人と/を求めて]つかみ合う(together) [with/for] [問題などに]取り組む[with] (noun) つかみ合い、格闘

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons, wresle, seize hold of (someone)
(grapple with) struggle to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge)

(noun) an act of grappling, an instrument for seizing hold of something, a grappling hook.

I grappled with the difficulty.

prolong (他動詞)~を延長する、を長くする、<母音など>を長く伸ばして発音する

prolong (他動詞)~を延長する、を長くする、<母音など>を長く伸ばして発音する

extend the duration of ~

I prolonged the lesson time.

bear (他動詞)を運ぶ、持っていく(carry)、を負担する、に耐える、に我慢する、を産む(give birth to)

bear (他動詞)を運ぶ、持っていく(carry)、を負担する、に耐える、に我慢する、を産む(give birth to)

(of a person) carry, (of a vehicle or boat) convey (passenger or cargo), support carry the weight of, endure (an ordeal or difficulty), give birth to (a child)

I bore the difficulty.

汚れ dirt, stain

汚れ dirt, stain

dirt (noun) 汚れ、汚物、ほこり(dust) 、ゴミ、垢、土

a substance, such as mud or dust, taht soils someone or something
information about someone's activities or private life that could prove damaging if revealed

stain (noun) 汚れ、シミ、染料、着色剤、汚点、きず (他動詞)~を[~で]汚す[with~]、~を[~で]着色する、染色する[with~]

I hate dist around the toilet bowl.

I would like to stain her face with my cooked dish.

便器 a toilet bowl (stool)

便器 a toilet bowl (stool)

stool (noun) (ひじ掛け・背のない1人用の)腰掛、スツール、親木、株

I do not need the latest model for a toilet bowl. I need the cleaness for a toilet bowl.

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