(adjective) existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. (verb) consider something theoretically or separately from (something else), extract or remove (something) (noun) a summary of the contents of a book, article, or speech
struggle (自動詞) もがく、(~と)戦う、(~に)取り組む(with, against)、SV to do ~しようと努力する(noun) もがき、あがき、苦闘、努力、戦闘
(verb) make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction (noun) a forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist attack
(noun) a place on the coast where ships may moor in shelter, especially one protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures
(verb) keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly, give a home or shelter to
Japan harbored that Soviet mediates between Japan and United Nations.
engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons, wresle, seize hold of (someone) (grapple with) struggle to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge)
(noun) an act of grappling, an instrument for seizing hold of something, a grappling hook.
(of a person) carry, (of a vehicle or boat) convey (passenger or cargo), support carry the weight of, endure (an ordeal or difficulty), give birth to (a child)
a substance, such as mud or dust, taht soils someone or something information about someone's activities or private life that could prove damaging if revealed