

dose (noun) 服用量、一回分、一定量、(verb) ~を投薬する、服用させる

dose (noun) 服用量、一回分、一定量、(verb) ~を投薬する、服用させる

(noun) a quantity of a medicide or drug taken or recommended to be taken at a particular time.

(verb) [with obj] administer a dose to (a person or animal)

The doctober dosed him with Finasteride.

warrant ~を保証する

warrant ~を保証する

justify or necessitate (a course of action)
officially affirm or guarantee

Taht company warrants the debt payment of this company.

さっき、earlier, a moment ago, a little while ago,

さっき、earlier, a moment ago, a little while ago,

I ate breakfact a little while ago.


〜にこだわる be particular about, stick to

〜にこだわる be particular about, stick to

He is particular about fashion.

infamous (adjective) 不名誉な、忌まわしい、悪名高い

infamous (adjective) 不名誉な、忌まわしい、悪名高い

well known for some bad quality or deed

He is infamouns for committing a crime.

against all odds ほとんど勝ち目がないのに

against all odds ほとんど勝ち目がないのに

despite success being very unlikely

Why do you challenge me against all odds.

indigenous (adjective) 現地の、[ある土地・国に]固有の

indigenous (adjective) 現地の、[ある土地・国に]固有の

originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native

Kangaroo is indigenous creature in Australia.


frugal (adjective) つましい、倹約する、金のかからない、簡素な、貧弱な

frugal (adjective) つましい、倹約する、金のかからない、簡素な、貧弱な

sparing or econimical as regards money or food
simple and plain and consting little

I am frugal.

void (noun) 空虚感、むなしさ、喪失感、空間、宇宙空間

void (noun) 空虚感、むなしさ、喪失感、空間、宇宙空間
(adjective) (契約などが)無効の<「取り消し」とは区別される>

(noun) completely empty space

(adjective) not valid or legally binding, completely empty

I feel void in the next day of the day when I drank so much.

The contract lacks the one requirement, so the contract is void.

noble (adjective) 気高い、高潔な、高貴な

noble (adjective) 気高い、高潔な、高貴な

belonging by eank, title, or birth to the aristocracy.
having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.

my stmosphere is noble.
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