

scale うろこ、かさぶた、はかり、規模

scale うろこ、かさぶた、はかり、規模

- each of the small, thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles, thypically overlapping one another.

- instrument for weighing, originally a simple balance but now usually a device with an electronic or other internal weighing.

- a graduated range of value forming a standard system for measuring or grading something.

- a thick dry flake of skin

The proverb "dropped a scale from eye" means very surprising.

prestigious 名声のある、一流な、有名な

prestigious 名声のある、一流な、有名な
inspiring respect and admiration having high status

You have prestirous atmosphere.

intimidating 威圧的な

intimidating 威圧的な

intimidate (verb) frighten or overawe (someone) especially in order to make them do.

His attitude was intimidating. I could not say anything.
The interview for admission to medical school is said to be intimidating.


強制 enforcement

強制 enforcement

enforce : (verb) compel observance of or compliance with

Marrige should be a kind of enforcement.


検事 prosecutor

検事 prosecutor
a person, especially a public official, who institutes legal proceedings against someone.

Kimutaku played the roll of prosecutor.

likeable 好感が持てる、魅力のある、好ましい

likable 好感が持てる、魅力のある、好ましい
pleasant, friendly, and easy to like

I want to be likable from other people.


係争中の disputed

係争中の disputed

to express disagreement over

The territory between Japan and Russia has been disputed.


魅力 attraction, attractiveness

魅力 attraction, attractiveness

Noun) the action or power of evoking interest in or linking for someone or something.

He has inherent attraction. Nobody can imitate such attraction.

inherent 固有の、本来備わっている

inherent 固有の、本来備わっている

existing in something as a permanent, essential or characteristic attribute.

My cleverness is inherent from my birth.

indigenous 現地の

indigenous 現地の

Adjective) originating or occurring naturally in a particular place, native

Indigenous people treat such fruit as usual food, even though this fruit is treated as high class food in capital city.
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